On to a lighter note in the vast subject of new rights.
One of the many Rights to Expression is the Right to Fashion.
Fashion is a form of expressing oneself just like speech.
Thus, as all expressions, fashion is important for human lives.
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Mismatched shoes makes a statement of non-conformism. |
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Design and colors have emotional and cultural meanings. (photo: Angela Brandys) |
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Low-cut back design and adornment like shiny hand beading evoke symbolic social meanings. |
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Glam heels speak loudly for their wearers. |
Let me be clear. With this post, I am not advocating any particular style of dress.
Nor am I suggesting that certain clothes be worn or not worn in certain environments.
This post is what it is: this is about the Right to Expression.
Avoid mis-reading this post by only seeing the photos.
The photo captions emphasize the point.
I love fashion! I also want to add "the right to tattoos," as fashion. Not only should people not judge a person by how they dress, but also for their body tattoos shown to the public.
Fashion is an art that lives though all of us. Representing who we are and what we think of ourselves. It's a beautiful way of expression.
I disagree that people can not be judged by the wy they are dressed, after all that is why it's a form of expression. By the shoes you choice to wear, the way you do your hair and the style of clothes you express yourself through; I think this all speaks volumes about who you are. So why shouldnt you be judged by what you choose to reveal about yourself?
I agree that fashion is a definite means of expressing yourself just like speech. What you wear tells other people what kind of person you are. For example, I stick to American brands and keep it classy yet not too flashy. This shows that I am conservative and loyal to my country. Someone that wears bright colors might show that they are a complex, unpredictable individual. The possiblities are endless. MBS.
Fashion is how we show who we are. This is an art that represents us and how we want people to see us as. Fashion shows society the kind of personality you have and speaks to people through what you wear. I do agree that tattoos is another way of fashion, it is a body art that represents us. The type of art we have on our bodies describes what we believe in and the person that you have become. -ABL
People like to express themselves in a unique and individual way. Many people like to dress how they feel, or vice versa. What a person wears can express what they like, what they don’t like. Fashion is a representation of who one is, without the use of words. It gives a person an idea of what type of person another individual is.
Fashion is an outlet for creative expression. It reveals a variety of human emotions through style, color, and cut. It expresses a person's culture, belief, and artistic personality. I believe in the right to fashion because for all mankind because it enables everyone to speak freely through artistic garments.-YEM
I definitely think that the way we dress is a form of expression. The right of fashion is an essential right weather or not people can afford expensive cloth. Everybody has the right to dress or use the clothing styles they want.
Many cultures value the colors of fabrics and the patterns in shoes. It allows us to express individuality within the confines of society. Everyone expresses themselves in some way. Clothes and shoes are my passion.
The way we dress is the way we are. Fashion allows us to express our selves visually, to express our emotions and to project our thoughts physically. Sometimes we dress according to our feelings, if we feel sad or sexy, happy or lonely. Fashion helps us express all of that and more.
I have to agree with "The Right to Expression....Fashion". I remember when I was about 5 years old my mom wouldnt let me dress the way i wanted to and my grandmother explained to her, that its just my way of expressing myself. Too this day I still have this photo of me when I dressed myself (I have no idea what I was thinking about back than, but I can tell I really loved Barney. I wanted the world to know, I was decked out n his apparel expressing my love for my favorite character.-J.D.
Everyone has a right to fashion and/or expression. Some
Of them just need to stay indoors though. If you go out on the street scaring people, you aren't making a statement your looking for trouble period. Live life but just don't abuse your right!
love the dress ! the back is stunning!
Dlight from Paris
La Rue A Du Style
Can't wait to see/read more... signed up for future posts and... (gulp) set up a Twitter account... really!... and signed up to follow you there. Might take me a while to figure all that out, but I'm game to try. So glad to be connecting... Thank you, Sherie!
Warmly, Gin
The right of expression is greatly shown thru fashion. What we wear shows others who we are and what we like. It even goes as far as to express how one feels on a particular day. JLS
The right of fashion how about the right to not have a job dressed like that.Come on mismatched shoes, there are not really many places you could get away with that look. So i guess if you are young and don't mind cooking fries for a living more power to you, power to the people, dress like one first or you wont be taken seriously.
Fashion is used as a judgement tool very often by society. If one chooses to go out in public with two different color socks clearly showing, most people will be quick to judge that the person wearing the two diffenret color socks is obviously poor,havent done laundry or knows nothing about fashion. Instead of seeing it as something unique and contribute to the trend, people find every little detail to point out the wrong in someone elses definiton of fashion.
There is nothing better than feeling great in what I'm wearing and knowing that I'm showing the world a little piece of myself without showing it all. Even though I believe this, there is some risk in fashion and dressing the way you want. As bad as it sounds, we do live in a very judgmental world and people DO judge you by what you're wearing. That's why I like to keep it cool in my own way but still classy.
Among the world, there's people who tend to question how others dress. It may seem different and maybe a little awkward, but it's interesting how those individuals find their own style despite what other people think.
The image we create designates all that could be possible to us, since your confidence will be perceptible more on the eye of others. The clandestine is to always have in mind that you are in control of your way of expression, and nobody should EVER retract that away from you.
The way we dress says much about us; it may describe character, self-esteem, mood, etc. Dressing is just a way of expressing our self. However, the most important is dressing for the occasion (do not confuse the places you go). -G.S.
Color is primordial; its power hits the human brain even before words or smells, ergo it produces instant changes in our perceptions and defines our opinions and actions. Since expressing one’ self through fashion is done according to custom, mocking other people’s cultural customs can be perceived as offensive.Dowel.
The right to expression is important right on letting the world know who we are. Fashion, - probably the more popular form of expression - I believe is highly influenced by celebrity figures. They set the standard for what’s new, what is “hip”, and how it's "in" to be different. What happened to the 1950's style when a man in his suit, suspenders, and a comb over haircut was considered handsome? Fashion expression has evolved into skunk haircuts and the need to be different; a so called "swag". Do not misinterpret what I am trying to say here; the question I ask is, whatever happened to the mystery of who we are? Clearly we know we are all in some way different .Why is it so necessary all of the sudden to let everyone know how different? -JLH
Fashion is among us everywhere we go; we are constantly being reminded of that with magazines, news, and the media. Fashion is a great way to express your individuality and uniqueness. Some people best form of expression comes through what type of clothing they wear. How and what you chose to wear is another way of people exerting their independence.~vw
The way people dress tell a lot about their personality and character .Some people choose to wear comfortably clothes over elegant one. That tells you that these people don't care much about what other people think or that they probably have a high self-stem. RG
You can tell a lot about someone by the way they dress. Such as what scene they may be into, if they’re wealthy or not, and if they care about conforming. Fashion does not represent the person inside, but is only a form of expression and an indication of who the person may be. - JH
We all have many rights including the right to expression through fashion. Depending on how we dress others might get a hint or clue about our personality or lifestyle. For example we can judge someone and say they like skateboarding just because they might be wearing skateboarding shoes. We might not be correct all the time but there is a high chance that we might be judging them correctly through their fashion. YB.
Fashion is a general term and applies to any way of dressing, behaving, writing, or performing that is favored at any one time or place. The right is adopted by the individual's own taste, attitude, or position. Setting an example of one's own inner self. AF
Right to expression is something that should never be judged. After all, everyone expresses themselves in different ways. So maybe mismatched shoes is out of the ordinary for you, but maybe a suit and tie is out of the ordinary for them. SC
Fashion is a way of expressing your feelings. When you dress for an occasion, you not only putting something on but you are dressing to impress someone.
Fashion and the way we dress up are not there just to make us look good but also to let others know how we feel, to identify a certain culture or event. I think that fashion as a mean of expression is very important in our lives because many times people judge you by the way you dress and if you want to give a good first impression your style must be accurate for the occasion. IC
I defenitely agree that fashion makes a statement. I believe that our individual fashion plays a big role in who we are and what we beleive in. I admire those who express themselves through their fashion, and totally support and contribute to this performance.-C.M.C.
She wears those Prada's
to feel good about herself.
Many people are big on expressing themselves through fashion. However fashion is different to everyone, one persons idea of a beautiful dress can be another persons idea of discuss.I believe there isn't a wrong or right way to do it, fashion is just a way of showing yourself off physically.
Fashion is another way of expressing yourself, but from the outside view. What you wear doesn't require a verbal explanation or feeling. It is just your style and what you like. Every culture or social group has a particular fashion they like to follow, but it shouldn't be worn just because that is what everyone else is wearing. Fashion also shows a lot about your character and personality. For example, some girls go out in barely anything to night clubs. In my opinion, that shows that those girls do not have a lot of self-respect.
Above comment -VK
There is no doubt that fashion is a form of expression. Its true, unfortunately, that you will be judge on how you dress. But I believe that we should not be judging each other in any way. The style one chooses is an expression of themselves, without this individuality we would live in a world that I would not want to be a part of. -IMF-
Declaring expression in the form of fashion, without question, exist and begins to reveal itself early in one’s life. Just ask a homosexual who felt uncomfortable in the clothes society deemed were appropriate for them or how perhaps they knew they felt they were in the wrong body. It is in fashion that society marks its people. We relish when musical icons express their image through their music and even more so when we feel coveted by their fashion sense. As many feel they have a spokesman in mega musical trailblazers like the celebrated Lady Gaga. Fashion expresses our culture background, our level of self-confidence, day to day emotions, where we are situated in the corporate ladder and it even expresses how we have evolved as humans. The level of equality between man and women is reflected through the centuries from beach wear to equestrian wear. Fashion is utilized to express the self in all forms; rebellion, equality, individuality, sexuality, social order, power and wealth. MMSEAWOLF
fashion, goes in and out of style. who makes style? it's all for the money. KBA
Fashion is another form of artistic expression, and while we have the ability to dress however we so choose, we cannot do so without consequences. Wearing a hoody makes you look like a "thug". Wearing anything but a tux or a suit to many places will get you kicked out, or you won't even be allowed to step inside. Your clothes do say a hell of a lot about who you are. Politicians and public authoritarian figures are very particular about every single of their clothes, as the whole country is judging them. However, for most people, it's just what catches their eye and makes them feel good wearing.
Fashion has a different meaning to all of us. Although some people over do it, i believe we all have the right to express ourselves through fashion. The great thing about fashion is that there's no right or wrong way to do it. We shouldn't judge people by what they wear but sometimes it's just too much. I believe that if you're comfortable with what you're wearing it's all that matters, as long as you're not offending anything or anyone.
Anonymous said.....
Firstly,I will like to say that fashion do express who you are but it can also distinguish you from the crowd.Everyone likes to look good,I know I do but it also can make people judge you wrong. According to some to some cultural and religious backgrounds,its disrespectful to wear revealing clothing but everyone has their own unique style and i believe we all should be leaders,not followers,if you know what I mean.
Fashion is in my opinion the greatest form of expression. Humans use the right to fashion on a daily basis to express individuality, and inner emotions. For example, the color you wear can express your current mood. However, it can also be your favorite color. Therefore, you are what you wear, and it is your right to express yourself through fashion! * KPG*
Fashion is a way of expressing yourself as being a unique individual. Whether it's wearing your favorite brown and black Michael Kors bag or those gold glittery heels. Everyone has the right to expressing what makes them look and feel beautiful. AA
louboutins... Christian Dior... Louis Viton.. Gucci.. Seven Jeans..
What does it all mean?
Click Clank.
Sparkle twinkle sparkle.
Blink blink think pink.
Pronounced S's.
Big B'z.
Plastic OoOo's.
And collagen ppppllease!
Girls idealized dreeeeaams.
Preety Ugly. Ugly. Preety. No middle ground. Good, bad, black, white.
Too big, too small, too fat, too tall, too skinny?-Rare.
Extremism for attention?
All we want is love.
Preety is the new love.
Fashion, the new acceptance, the new group, the new thing, the old thing, the things we do for love.
Fashion, Passion to look?
Like what?
What makes you? Want to look the way you want to look? Why do you want to look that way? Why will looking that way make you feel good? What message does your look say to others?
Why does our look say something?
Do clothes really speak? Some do, yes there are clothes for everyone!
Whatever floats your boat, or whatever boat floats.
Why do we look?
Why do we judge?
Why don't we eat fudge?
Why the look to look to look???
Fashion's historical and cultural significance is immense. So much can be said from one's clothing. An article of clothing can hold a story and an ensemble can define the wearer. - JB
I have to agreed with most of my fellow students, fashion represents most of our personalities, is a way of showing the rest of society some part of who we are, yet like many things in this world people will always judge you regardless of what you wear, so in my humble opinion wear what makes you happy and enjoy it, we are here for a short period of time on this earth. LEG
Fashion is a loud and clear statement that tells the world who you are. Music lovers express their love for the type of music they listen to by wearing certain colors or jewelry. Bikers dress in a certain way to tell people that they belong together in a group. I dress in a certain way when I go to a rock concert and when I go to a motorcycle clubhouse. When I go to work I dress in conservative clothes to show respect for my job and co-workers. Sometimes fashion is used to send signals or signs to other people. In this case it is usually used as a mating technique almost as a bird dance to attack a mate. In all, fashion is a wonderful way to introduce yourself and make a statement. NDF
Fashion… seen by some as a colorful piece of cloth worn around your body , for me it’s seen in a whole new aspect. I love the opportunities that come with clothes. You can express your emotions through a garment without having to be verbal. Soft delicate pieces promote your shy, simple personality; whereas glamorous, sparkly pieces invoke your outgoing and bubbly individuality. Seen to some as a safe haven and to others as a moment to stand out. -B.A
Fashion!! What better way to express yourself. It is an art. From sweat pants to sparkly dresses everyone has an option to choose how they want to represent themselves. I personally am a mix of bohemian and vintage. We all have a style. Now whats yours? - CA
Let's talk mainstream fashion:
For Girls:
First, get the smallest pair of shorts you can manage to squeeze into. Second, wear the most revealing shirt you have in your Wal-Mart sized closet. Third, put on as much make-up as you can and spend 4 hours designing your hair style. Fourth, grab some back-breaking high-heels to make yourself stand out. Congratulations, you are now ready to hit the club and watch the boys drool over you.
For Boys:
First, grab some shirt you like. Second, grab some jeans you like. Third, gel your hair to resemble a porcupine. Congratulations, you are now fashionable enough to impress all the ladies at the club.
Fashion is a cycle that evolves, the same styles come back, change, then come back again. We are currently in the year 1985.
“How do I look?
Do I look like the girl in the magazine?
Or how about that book?
This one…. I have to have this one.
Ugh?!! Look at the price, but who cares
This is the one I need to have fun.
Ohh that looks cute, I like it in blue.
It looks amazing on her,
And OMG they have it in red too.
Wait!!! Those heels look…… Wow.
And her legs look awesome in them.
I need to start exercising, I can’t get them now.
I don’t like that one… Ill!
I can’t believe people would actually buy that.
I kooks like she’s about to go hiking uphill.
How about that dress, it looks adorable…
I wish I was rich. I would buy everything here;
Nothing on this page is affordable.”
-Squirrels like peanut butter
The dress must fit,
the shoes must hit that soft spot in my crush's heart
The skirt must get shorter
the heels have to be longer
trying to dress to impress
but who cares anyway?
I want to look different. yet,we all look the same
conforming to fit in
conforming to impress the boy
who treats me like a toy
and like yesterday's garbage, the trend gets thorwn in the trash bin
You can put lipstick on a pig and call it fashion. -DJH
expression? or social etiquette?
is this the real me?
don't we dress like such hipsters?
would you say i'm a hipster?
this person listens to so and so
that person likes to go clubbing
this person is a prude
that person is queer
we're in clubs we want to be
that require uniform
no, i want to dress in that
surreal costume
from that art film you showed me
one drunken evening
the lady with the veil and headdress
let's dress up and dance
outside every time
in the sunshine
this is the real me
Am i to skinny for this ?
Am i to thick for this?
Am i the right girl for this?
Am i someone he'll want in this?
Am i someone who would actually buy this?
Am i able to afford this?
This is the sign i saw in front of Saks I look over to my friend as ask
"are these people crazy or just wack?"
anyways time to shop because all these styles are no back
fashion is important for human lives?
Fashion of self~world of views~ identity revealed
There once was a lady from France.
Whose designs set all in a trance.
But she went to far,
dressed in feather and tar.
Now no one will give her a chance.
Tattoo sleeves,
filled with ease.
Piercings on necks,
people fret.
I respect
People who have the courage
to make a mark on their body
blue jeans and tshirts
vans or converse
my fashion- comfort.
beautifullll. xyz
I am sure that the right to expression exists. However, many people are not aware of the right. Therefore, perhaps they do not express themselves in the way that they really want. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Ice cream
Fashion is art
Fashion is expression
Fashion can be a masterpiece!
People have the right to dress the way they want. There is something called “First Impression”. One of the things evaluated at first sight is the way you dress. If you want to cause a good impression that can last forever, then, dress accordingly at all times.
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