Fashion is about relationship.
It is a reaction-interaction
between the one who appears
between the one who appears
and those who view.
Expression is communicated in this relationship.
Expression is communicated in this relationship.
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photos courtesy: Marie Claire Italia (March 2011) |
The larger the 'appearer-viewer' number of people involved,
Examples of these sites are
fashion magazines,
fashion blogs,
fashion magazines,
fashion blogs,
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Bottega Veneta, runway (Fall 2011 coll.) |
red carpets,
where people are seen
by large numbers of people who view.
I declare the Right to Fashion,
as one of the many kinds of Right to Expression.
What are you expressing through fashion?
Do not confuse this 'relationship' with the
Right to Apparel Choice.
where people are seen
by large numbers of people who view.
I declare the Right to Fashion,
as one of the many kinds of Right to Expression.
What are you expressing through fashion?
Do not confuse this 'relationship' with the
Right to Apparel Choice.
i think everyone has the right to fashion, because fashion is something that is world wide and should be seen! people use fashion to express themselves, it shouldnt be taken away from them.
The right to Fashion is a right everyone should have. People should be able to wear whatever they want and what makes them feel good, comfortable and beautiful.
Fashion: 'To express one’s self, to please yourself'. You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. A stranger decides what kind of person you are usually within the first 60 seconds of meeting you. Dressing well shows you are proud of yourself, shows your social status, your degree of success. We all have different views and opinions and what fashion could mean to me could be something else to another person.
The Right to fashion to me, means that you are entitled to wear, to show, to decorate as you might liked. In the sense, that you have the right to be in today's fashion, and no one could suppress anyone for it. Perhaps, not been in today's fashion but you might like the 60's style, or perhaps 80's like me, and anyone could not force you to pursue it.
Patricia Delgado.
We need fashion ,it is a part of our lives no matter who we are. We wear what makes us feel good and what makes us comfortable, and that is all fashion; whether it be shorts, jeans, gowns or tailored suits. Our world has always been a fashion world all throughout the centuries, so whether it be on the runway or in magazines fashion should automatically be a right.
The right to Fashion gives us the opportunity to stay current with new trends. The right to fashion not only gives us the right to the clothes, but also the right to study them and embrace the true meaning of each style.
-Nicole Chaplin-
I can remember this discussion in class. What helped me to separate the two was the word "communication". Fashion allows conversation to happen without interruptions. It is an opportunity to tell a story or paint a vivid picture for an audience(large or small).
Fashion is a way for an individual to make a statement and show their creativity. Fashion is unique to their owners. E.S.
Everyone has a different style of fashion. I have my owne way of dressing and my own style of fashion for clothes, shoes and hair. What looks good to me may not look good to others. But I have the right to my own style of fashion.
I believe fashion is very important. The right to fashion is critical in that we all follow the same trend but some people don't. They stand out making their own fashion. People express certain likes through what they wear. You can always tell how the person is just by what they are wearing.
I consider that fashion is for each one. We do not need to have a particular body style to be fashionable. The right to fashion helps us to express who we are, and what make us joyful. It is a figure of art that gives us the confidence we need and the look we love.
Very interesting post! For me fashion is not only about relationships with others but also about the relationship I have with myself. To some extent I try to express/ find/ create myself with what I wear. I feel better when I wear an outfit that I think is "me".
We all have the right to fashion. It is the way we express our creativity and who we are.
Gaby R.
Fashion is a trend that has being going on for decades. Fashion was invented by we the people who liked what someone else wore and followed. We created fashion and as well we can end it. Fashion is another form of art for those who created the look. We all have the right to fashion; to wear it, look at it, and create it. Fashion helps us keep up to date of whats going on. Lets just say it's another form of a newspaper for some. Without it, the relationship is gone.
- Shivani
The Bottega Veneta dress is amazing. Fashion is a form of expression. You can often tell how someone is feeling or what their moral views are by the way they dress. lp
Fashion is a form of expression no matter how avant-garde or causal it is. Fashion should only serve to boost your confidence without any input of others affecting you. There is a whole other world dedicated to criticizing and purchasing these works of arts. In some cases fashion can be used for awareness. Lady Gaga sported a meat dress to spread awareness of the Don’t Ask Not Tell policy discharging soldiers because of their sexually orientation. Fashion stirs up conversations and that’s why it should be a right to preserve fashion.
I agree that people has the right to fashion because it is a form of expression. In contrast, if a person decides to wear something that is outrageous, then they should not be surprise when comments are made; positive or negative. Furthermore, fashion is always changing and it takes time for most of us to catch up with the current trend. So whenever we make negative comments, we just ignorant to the time we are living in. Gary Norris
I think some people do not really know what the meaning of fashion is. FASHION: The prevailing style or custom, as in dress or behavior. Meaning is not your style is just the way most people agree on, so I really do not agree with fashion in the sense of letting others tell you that you look good or bad just because of the current trend. I have to disagree on this one.
I think we all want to appeal to the desire of the world through fashion.
Appearance accounts a lot in society and wearing clothes out of
style will quickly lower one’s social standing. That last statement I made takes fashion to a non-productive level. I feel when you are younger it is
very important but as you age it is important but not as important.
Ann Marie
Fashion is a way of expression, we human have, I believe that women are the best to shown this
beauty of manifestation of a right.
Ismael DelValle
Fashion is a form of expression. If you see a girl with plain clothes, you think, "plain Jane." If we see a guy with baggy pants and a shirt that looks like it should be a dress we think "he is ghetto." Then, there is the type of fashion that makes a statement. I love fashion! For some fashion is life.
I think eccentric fasion is a form creativity that can push past the boundries of dull, run of the mill clothing.
Fashion is based upon how many individuals are wearing a certain piece of clothing; so in this case the more the better. If you see someone walking on the street with parachute pants you are most likely going to look at them as if they were insane, due to the fact that people don’t wear that anymore. Society has engraved into everyone’s head that we should all follow the crown instead of being an individual.
-D. Diaz
To have the Right to Fashion is by all means a system of how fashion works. Fashion companies invest into the wardrobe to reach a larger audience. This means that the Right to Fashion is also an analysis of clothing value and the number of viewers. P.L
Fashion I believe is a form of Art. People in the fashion business are very creative people but at the same time are very brave. When they come up with ideas, it may seem crazy at the time, but then people become infatuated with it. They will find satisfaction with their work and also will satisfy the people who wear their original fashion idea.
The right to fashion is the right to make a statement, a method of design communication that reflects society and the designer's imaginative interpretation of it. Fashion is historically and culturally significant as it provides insight into the way people think, behave, what they value, and how all that changes over time.
Everyone should have the right to fashion. I believe that fashion is a relationship between themselves and the viewers because people who love fashion love to express to the public their unique style. EA
Fashion is expressing oneself. It's what makes us unique and demonstrates who we are. Everyone should have this right of self-expression. --Rosa F.
Fashion is the outside part of our soul.
Aimara Ors
Fashion is about personal taste and allowing yourself to be expressive and getting difference reactions from different people. We all see ourselves differently and thus different things fit us. This is definitely a right we own and not the same as the ability to wear a certain thing.
That is right, fashion is a reaction- interaction. That is why we should respect the taste of each person and the right of self-expression.
Claudia B.
The right to fashion is something we all have. It is the way we communicate with each other in the form of clothing. We all have this right since we all communicate day to day with words expressions actions and clothing which is a way some of us didn’t know we communicate by.
fashion shows our sheepishness, which i suppose is as much a human trait as any other.
I view fashion as a form of individuality. We all can dress the way we want. It's like a form of expression. How boring would it be if we all had to wear uniforms?
Eddie M.
Our world of fashion will become determined by designers, media, and celebrities. We look up to them to guide us in the next upcoming trend. Coco Chanel the first designer to create comfort combined with sophistication in women’s clothing and apparel once said, "Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." Furthermore, fashion is the way we view the world and carry ourselves because of this view.
Fashion has become a very wealthy business. It can be either a positive or a negative influence. Not everybody should wear what it is dictated by the media just because it is trendy. We should wear what suit us and represent our personalities. GS
Fashion is an industry. You have to wear clothes no matter what, so why not make it your own? Don't let media and the opinion of others dictate what your fashion is. --KB
The Right to Fashion is a way of expression. I dress up with something I feel comfortable with and knowing that others will form an impression of me by what I'm wearing. Laura R.
Fashion is used to express one self. This is something that everyone should have the right too. Fashion is a prevailing style. Everyone one way or another uses fashion. Everyone dresses according to their likes and the occasion they are going to.
We all have the right to fashion. As mentioned above the relationship between the one who appears and the one who views determined the trend. The more people like what they see, the more they will purchase and follow a similar fashion style. But within these trends, we tend to wear something that expresses our own personal style and interests. -v.p.
Even though the right to fashion can be seen as a form of communication, I still believe that fashion is a form of expression; how a person thinks and how that person wants others to view him/her.
The fashion one chooses says much about both, the designer and person wearing it. I also agree it’s an interaction between the one who appears and those who view. It narrows to fashion having a time and occasion for everything like the red carpet or runway which in the end comes down to the publicity given to the fashion. – D.T
Fashion is a statement, it tell those that observe my style what I intend for them to see. If I intend to be seen in a tux I usually have a reason to, maybe it’s to attend a ball or a funeral, but whatever I intended it for is my freedom to express the way I want to be seen. Unfortunately in our society our taste of fashion is influenced by media, models, and peers. This causes a reevaluation of the term fashion, I feel the way we choose to present ourselves to others is deeply influenced by the expectations of what others will think of us.
People deserve the right to fashion because it is one of the simplest ways to express your personality and outer beauty. Fashion allows you to display what you represent, whether it's a football sweater or a sophisticated tux.
-Ukeme Akpan
Fashion to me is how one identify themselves, fashion is a way to express how you feel and how you feel most of the time is how you look.
I believe that the right to fashion is a form of expression. The way I dress depends strongly in the mood I wake up to in the morning. I also believe it shows our individuality.
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