Sky of Stars is a blog where almost 100 rights have been declared.
I know it is unique because it does not fall into any of the typical blog categories.
Now, my current blog posts take each right, previously declared, to the next level,
discussing aspects of the already declared right
or examining a specific right's interaction with another right.
The original post for Right to Declare Rights was titled "invent rights."
But rights are never invented, because all rights already exist,
they just need to be declared, thus the word change.
Sky of Stars is a site for deep thought and discussion, with a specific group of readers who mostly have an interest in change, politics, or human rights topics.With respect for that goal, I have been consistent in keeping a lot of flashing, moving ads off my blog. A clutter of badges, links, and ad boxes,
found on many blogs, create visual confusion.
I know it is unique because it does not fall into any of the typical blog categories.
Now, my current blog posts take each right, previously declared, to the next level,
discussing aspects of the already declared right
or examining a specific right's interaction with another right.
The original post for Right to Declare Rights was titled "invent rights."
But rights are never invented, because all rights already exist,
they just need to be declared, thus the word change.
Sky of Stars is a site for deep thought and discussion, with a specific group of readers who mostly have an interest in change, politics, or human rights topics.With respect for that goal, I have been consistent in keeping a lot of flashing, moving ads off my blog. A clutter of badges, links, and ad boxes,
found on many blogs, create visual confusion.
Words about rights and humanity need space for the mind to contemplate.
My question here is, What do you, dear reader,
think about declaring rights in a blog?
My question here is, What do you, dear reader,
think about declaring rights in a blog?
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Map of the Internet |
Other blogs, mostly on lighter subjects than rights, have grown over the last five years into huge, thriving businesses.
Here's a very brief list of the main categories and some top blog links:
environment/green (once a blog, now a green directory)
personal life blogger
Have fun spending more time on-line!
Note: I am not promoting any of these blogs.
They are simply random picks of popular blogs.
There are many other blogs not included here.
For blogs related to rights I recommend, see my Blog Roll-->.
environment/green (once a blog, now a green directory)
personal life blogger
Have fun spending more time on-line!
Note: I am not promoting any of these blogs.
They are simply random picks of popular blogs.
There are many other blogs not included here.
For blogs related to rights I recommend, see my Blog Roll-->.
I deeply enjoyed this past semester bloging about rights. Right blogging requires a person to exercise there ability in meditation and reason about a variety of subjects that affect all humanity. Perhaps some of the subjects are not a common concern for some or a worry,however,that does not mean that it shouldn't be.-YEM
Blogging has become so much more that just blogging since it's spike in popularity. It has become a way for people to relate to each other and share life experiences and useful tips. I think that's what I like most about it and the way that people use it; it makes the world feel a bit more connected.
It just goes to show blogs or vlogs (video blogs) can become a great medium for people to get information about things they like from like-minded people. Some fashion blogs have very loyal followers who hang on the bloggers every word because they find the blogger has similar tastes or is stylish. If your passionate about something why not try blogging the sky's the limit. dg4321
This is my first time blogging, but I must say is interesting. I feel that my opinion is being heard and counts. By giving my opinion in a subject, I can influence someone perspective; or by reading a blog, I may change my belief towards a topic. Blogging has become a way to express yourself without being judged.-G.S.
Blogging is an effective way of voicing one's opinion. However, I feel blogging is a security blanket for individual opinion. Blogging takes away from face to face interactions and arguments. Face to face interaction is real world necessity in voicing opinion’s. A blogger has the option to read, analyze thought, and respond when ready. In face to face conversation, thoughts, feelings, and motives are directly answered; a in the moment response. In life there is no "when ready" response; face to face interaction is a dominate part of our culture and I feel blogging does not exercise that critical tool. -JLH
Blogging has become more, and more popular over the years. It has provided a worldwide communication for humanity. A blog is a permit to our freedom of conveying our confidential diaries, as well as our thoughts. Rising up its population, as of 16 February 2011, there were over 156 million public blogs in existence.
Blogging is a way to voice an opinion that might not otherwise be heard. For most people it is hard to find someone in the public with the same interests as them. By blogging they can read and discuss topics of their choosing. -JH
Blogging is a great way to show the world the two sides of a specific topic or to show which side of the story people tend to lean towards the most. The blogging world has definitely grown in the past decade and will keep growing for years to come. In my opinion I had rather read a blog than a news column, newspaper or book just because I get to post my feedback on the topics. YB.
Blogging has become extremely popular all over the world in the last couple of years. There are sites that show you how to fix things, everyday life experiences, even on the best vacation spots. When it comes to blogging on rights however, I believe it will be all out war. Everyone has their own opinions on certain rights and will fight to show you they are right. Rights are a huge but very interesting discussion which will help you see other’s views on rights. -JLS
It is wonderful to have the right to blog. Their are people in this world who would love to have the right to express their thoughts and feelings. I am proud to be an American, in this wonderful country, and in having the right to declare my rights. AF
I agree with everyone else, being able to blog its a great tool to express your opinion on a subject. This is only my second time doing it and I already feel like I'm talking to a big crowd.RG
As the world evolves, so does the matter that people interact. The beauty of blogging has grown deep into our hearts. Blogging takes open discussions on any subject and makes it relatable to anyone. Form the simplest topics like “How to fix...” to “First time mothers...” blogging has it covered all. RR
I agree with R.G and R.R, this is also my second time blogging, and yes blogging has every topic you can think of, is useful info to those who are looking for answers.
I never use to blog. Not because I wasn't interested, I guess it was more of a fear of what others would think of my opinion. Blogging, like stated before is a way to be heard and a way to influence others on your thought processing. It's a way to speak up what's on your mind and it is a way to explore someone else's way of thinking.
Blogging is one of the most useful tools for discussions, a place where people can share their experiences, and learn about what people think on a certain topic. I believe blogging is just another way to communicate with other people, not just friends but others around the globe. IC
Blogging is a great way for people to stay in touch with the world and express personal opinions while receiving feedback from the public. It's also beneficial because we can learn from one another's opinions. Individuals that won't speak out in person may feel more comfortable to voice their opinions out in a more anonymous setting. ~vm
Declaring rights on blog is an effective way to inform others and be informed about different subject. The blog works as a platform of discution and exchange of information and opinion. However, in places where rights are not respected and colonized by political regimes, the use of this media to declare the rights can be a dangerous and at the same time an effective tool to disseminate the rights and fight againts those who oppress it. AL
Blogging is great and is definitely a right that should be declared. It allows you to express yourself through commenting on different topics and just be yourself, which a lot of people are afraid to do.-MB
I have actually never blogged before. Even on facebook or twitter, I have always felt like I couldn't express myself or had an opinion on something because others take it to the next level or as a joke. Blogging is great for expressing yourself and even letting out emotions or feelings that have been bottled up inside. The right to declare rights and freedom of speech are two great feelings. -VK
Blogging is a new form of interaction, it has become extremely popular amongst many people. It is an easy way of stating one's opinion whether its on a blog just like this one, twitter or Facebook. Blogging is an essential tool for open discussions with different people.
pictures. words. people. blogging. KBA
I love blogs! Blogs are a great way of expressing yourself in your own specific words about your own specific topic, or other's topics. It is a great way to obtain random opinions which are so often needed because we might be looking for an outside view sometimes. Also,we can remain annonymous while writting blogs and still benefit from other's opinions. C.M.C.
Rights are rights are rights,
rivers dry, rain falls, suns rise,
Blights are blights are blights.
The action of declaring a right on a blog had never occurred to me. But, now that have thought about it thoroughly, I have to say that blogging would be an effective way of communicating the rights you believe should apply to everyone. Now that the internet has grown in ways that no one could have imagined 30 years ago, it has become a huge part of our society. It is a powerful tool for anyone who wants to express their opinion on any subject; and at the same time, receive feed back and discuss the topic with people who might or might not agree with you. It is truly an extension, and probably makes it more powerful, of the first amendment. Personally, I don’t do any blogging or follow any blogs, but now, I might reconsider that.
This is the very first time that I am blogging and I have to honest I love it.It makes me heard.I can express myself freely and intereact with other people's comments.Blogging is a way of declaring your rights and letting your voice be heard.I think its great and I love it.
Genuine interaction is lost. Democracy falls at the wayside and society, at risk and roboticized. Academic work is never writen now, and talking to loved one's is officially digital.
Blogging swallows the bowl(the issue), burps the perception, the real juice for talk.
Blogs are the digital breath of our truest feelings and genuine interaction, at the tips of our keyboard fingers, void of sound waves.
What do you value?
I once tried to blog. i enjoy writing and writing things down but my downfall is, im barely ever on my computer. and in order to blog you must satisfy the audience with a blog atleaste once a month and usually once a week. i cant find the time to express myself through blogs.
Rights much like freedom is difficult to define and ultimately maintain. An important way to expand or discover rights is through communication. The internet has revolutionized the way the world communicates and blogs are one of the many means people use to express themselves and their opinions. - JB
Amendment one declares freedom of speech. Blogging is an example of this amendment. Blogging is a new form of speech, and communication. I believe blogging can be controversial because of the freedom to write what you feel. Also, most posts are personal opinions, and should be treated as so. Nevertheless, it is everyone right to blog after all we live in the United States. *KPG*
The right to expression is done so in vast arenas. Blogging has fast become one of the most widely used forms of expression. I am a novice at blogging. This is actually my third attempt and I feel that it delivers a source of freedom. I feel free to voice my thoughts free of having to be intimidated that I might offend or have someone disagree and if they do, I am so far from removed from the actual potential hostile environment that it’s liberating. I arrive, I share and I am done. What freedom would this give to those in communistic societies? Democracy in its best form, blogging delivers freedom of speech. However, it does lack human contact. Who are we as free beings, if we don’t feel passion shared in the presence of each other? Once we have released our fears of being accepted while voicing our opinion is that not the thrill of human interaction? MMSEAWOLF
Blogs are an important part of the world of communications, media and journalism. People declare all types of things in a blog. There are places in the world where revolutions were started and changes were made to social and political system because someone spoke their mind in a blog. Blogs are a way out of oppression and a light that shines for freedom of speech in places where these rights are only but a dream. Having a blog to declare rights is a brilliant idea that lights up the brain and gets one going into a thinking process. It is a workout for the brain! NDF
When the word blog comes to mind, I associate it with people’s thoughts being openly discussed. Not only though are you free to express yourself, but you get to contemplate the ideas posted, in new ways that you never thought of them before. With unlimited time without the frustration of your peer’s pressuring you to lean in a certain direction. -B.A
Blogging is a new form of expression. We now have a way to make people feel connected to eachother, by words and thoughts. Blogging has given us the freedom to let our thoughts be herd. - CA
The internet. The World Wide Web.
An invention that changed us
To a form that will ruin us
Our social life will ebb
As the digital world grows
Social interactions replaced
by bad grammar and "lol's"
Filled to the brim with trolls
Respect and dignity erased
In this world of ones and zeroes
People created this for good
But people use it to bring pain
With messages of great disdain
While they hide behind a hood
Like a coward in the shadows
times changing/ history repeating, world crazy/ must blog
We live in the generation of over-information. 7 billion little philosophers on keyboards and cell phones. What do you teach someone who knows it all? -DJH
the sound of my fingers on the keys
looks like the kardashians are at it again ~LRC
Cheers to the internet! no we can kick and whine through its blogosphere and pretend were truly trying to make a difference.
Are rights intrinsic parts of the Universe?
When this cosmos young, hot and gaseous.
When the clouds condensed and became aglow.
When worlds began to form around the stars.
When that collection of molecules began to replicate.
Did rights exists?
Or only when man first put his foot on the ground.
When civilizations arose around the Euphrates, the Nile, the Indus.
When empires rose and fell and buried under time.
When humanity began discovering the world around them and the world inside them.
Only when we fought and defended for what we created, for what we made, for what we invented.
We have the right,
the right to write,
write about rights,
in spite of the fight,
the fight we sometimes make
to express our own rights.
This poem is quite trite.
I need a Sprite
Its there for life.
Once it's there
it can't be escaped.
How times change,
now no one is safe.
It's inspiring to see what's in the hearts of others through blogging and media communication. I feel its a way of opening up your world of thoughts, and letting everyone around the world view them. Some blogs I may agree with and some I may not. But it still opens up your mind to appreciate the thoughts of others. So I definately agree with the right to blogging.
It's inspiring to see what's in the hearts of others through blogging and media communication. I feel its a way of opening up your world of thoughts, and letting everyone around the world view them. Some blogs I may agree with and some I may not. But it still opens up your mind to appreciate the thoughts of others. So I definately agree with the right to blogging.
I have not done any research about if someone has declared the Right to the Internet. The internet has become so important to our lives that Today, we cannot live without it. Internet access should be free, like the sky, or the air. New generations should be born with the ability to connect to the internet in the same way we breathe, or we look at the sky.
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