Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Right to Water

This is a precedent to the right to food.
WHO (world health organization) states a position on 
This refers to 
the United Nations Committee on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 
This covenant was signed by 145 countries, 
included the obligation to provide its citizens water.

"In 2010, the UN General Assembly 
explicityly recognized the human right to water and sanitation.
Everyone has the right to sufficient, continuois, safe, acceptable, 
physically accessible, and affordable water for personal and domestic use."


Espy said...

Everyone has a right to live, without water, you can not live!

cd884 said...

Water is something needed for everyday life.

TrustMeImADoctor said...

I am thirsty now thank God for Water

Unknown said...

Water is the element of life. Try and tell me I can't drink some.

Anonymous said...

The right to water access is a right that should be respected as it is well known that we need
water to survive in this time.

Anonymous said...

In order survive everyone should have the right to access water

Unknown said...

how are we suppose to live without water

Unknown said...

It does not make sense that any human beings is being deprived of clean water in the world today. Why can't we spend money on providing clean water to countries that do not have it, instead of making weapons of mass destruction.

Anonymous said...

Water is essential to everyday life...

Janet Almonte said...

It is insane for anyone to believe that having water would not be a human right to begin with. Everyone in our planet should have access to clean water. In order to survive we need have clean drinking water, water to bath with,and water to clean with. In order to keep alive, have hygiene,and maintain a planet from contamination.

Gaby F. Baybeh said...

We have it real good in the United States, we really take things for granted.

Unknown said...

h20 is great :)

Anonymous said...

Water is the element that is needed for life. Water is pure and a natural necesity that everyone should have access to. There are countries where the people are suffering. They yearn for a glass of clean water. Everything should have the right to fresh, clean water.

Anonymous said...

When we are surrounded by the best everyday, we take things for granted. Here in the U.S., we have water daily, to do with as we please. We often forget about the people in Africa that get there water from holes when it rains. If we were to look at the little things in life that are crucial to our living, we would be more appreciative to human life.

Unknown said...

We all should have the right to water... but unfortunately that is not the case. Some work hard to find fresh water. Appreciate what you have. We often take drinking a glass of water for granted.

Anonymous said...

Water...we take it for granted everyday of our lives. We have to appreciate the things we are given on a daily basis before we loose it.

Gary norris said...

In my country in the 1950s hundreds people died because poor drinking water. My father was hospitalized because of this also; but no one in my family including myself saw clean water as right. It was just a way of life.

Mirror said...

our planet has a bigger percent of water than solid land. how can be possible that there are people suffering for not have a minimun amount of water?

Unknown said...

Water is life's mater and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water

Lisa said...

There can be no life without water.

Anonymous said...

Water is necessary to live and for our daily hygiene.

Anonymous said...

A human being can survive an average of 3-5 days without; I say we take care of it as much as we can.
-D. Diaz

Pedro Leon said...

In countries that do not provide enough water people become sick or die. The right to water gives all governments on the planet a means to distribute water before shortages.P.L

Anonymous said...

Water is essential for everyday life.It covers about 70.9 percent of earth's surface, with the other 30 percent being land.

Jenny said...

I believe that everyone should have the right to water. We can go on without food for weeks or months, but a few days without water, our body begins to shutdown.


Luisa Isla said...

Healthy water should be available to everyone. It is not only essential to life, but for farmers that use it to grow crops and vegetables. In the picture of the African women, they travel several miles just to collect a few gallons of water. Living in the U.S.we can just head into our local supermarkets to buy bottled water.

Fernanda A said...

Water is an essential thing in everyone's life. You need it for survival and no one should be denied that right.

Esmeralda said...

Water is a necessity in life. However, in many countries water is hard to get. Many walk miles to get buckets of water. Water is needed for survival and it should be right for everyone.EA

RV said...

Human bodies contain from 55% to 78% of water. It is impossible to live without it, so it is most definitely a born right to have it.

Anonymous said...

From before we even come to out of our mothers stomachs we are moving around in water and taking that away from a human being is like taking life away form them.-AN

Patricia Delgado said...

Water is essential for life, for health, for dignity, empowerment and prosperity.
Patricia Delgado

Miglaude said...

A safe amount of water should be available in every country to prevent death from dehydration.

Kevin M said...

Water should be available for everyone but sometimes is cannot be controlled a lot of effort needs to be done to bring water to certain places, there is a necessity for water in too many places at the same time which makes it hard to supply it.

Anonymous said...

Because clean water is essential to life, people should do all they can to ensure the right to it and to conserve and protect water from pollution.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion water, all water comes from the same place, but differs in each country. Besides the taste, it has different effects on the body system. In the end, whether salt, river, purified, pumped out the ground or any other type will always remain… water and based on the images however shown will always reflect the same. Meaning, water covers ¾ of the earth and we yet come to have dry spots like in China. Water is a belonging of nature, not to be controlled and transformed into ’rights’ by humans. – D.T

Anonymous said...

Water is the bases of all life on earth in some form or another. E.S.

Anonymous said...

Humans survive far less without water than food. This is a necessity and provides health, it should be available to every single person. -GP

Unknown said...

It's disturbing to think of life without water. Water heals as well as cleans the body. Water provides shelter, food, and protection to many animals.This is one right I hope mankind never tries to take away.

Anonymous said...

Our bodies are made up at least 60% of water; it is a necessity for its function. A person can die of dehydration. When I look at all those pictures like in China and Africa it’s so sad to see people swimming in polluted water. We are very fortunate to be in the USA.
We have an abundance of clean, disease free water.

Ann Marie

Anonymous said...

Water is another element needed for survival. Looking at the pictures posted, one can't help but to feel blessed to have all the resources we have. Often times, we forget "how good" the U.S. has it. People all over the world are constantly enduring hardships, but we never feel it directly. Water is a resource which we often misuse and waste. We must become more cognizant of this trend for it will lead to our demise.


kevin0121 said...

Water is neccassary for us to live. Without water human race will cease to exsist.

Ingrid J. said...

It is plain and simple, without water we will cease to exist, and to think there are people in this world that are suffering for this necessity. Water is not a right it is a need.

ear said...

water is not a right by no means, its a necessity.

aquintana said...

Water is an essential part of our bodies so it is definitely something we all should be able to obtain naturally or in any humanly possible way.