Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Right to Expression....Beauty

Beauty is an opinion.
But it comes from a consensus of the majority in a particular society
that find an inspiring satisfaction in some thing.
Most often it relates to our primary sense--vision--
but it could relate to any of our senses.
The philosopher Kant is the main guy on the subject of taste and aesthetics.
Keep in mind:  Kant was gendered male, German nationality, white ethnicity, and of the 18th century.
Rights need to expand out from time and body, in the future.


cd884 said...

I think that everything is beautiful in their own unique way.

Unknown said...

Marilyn Monroe is not Beautiful, she is HOT.

TrustMeImADoctor said...

Without beauty we would probably not exist, Survival of the fittest....

Espy said...

Staring isn't very respectful, but I can stare at Marilyn all day long. I'm sure she loves being drooled over too.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has something beautiful about them that eventualy makes them unique

Unknown said...

I am BeAuTiFuL...

Unknown said...

Beauty is not a choice. People do not ask to be born or get to choose how they will look. However, with today's technology, it is easy to change your appearance.

Anonymous said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder....

Anonymous said...

Beauty is according to who ever believe that
ladies represent this expression as gift from

Anonymous said...

Everyone is beautiful in their own way. There are people have physical beauty. Other people have inner beauty. Some have both.

Unknown said...

everything has beauty, but not everyone can see it.

shiv said...

Any one can be beautiful on the outside. Anyone can put on a pair of jeans and some mascara to hide their interior. But can anyone truly be beautiful on the inside?

Anonymous said...

Beauty should not only be measured by how you look on the outside but how you are in the inside.

Unknown said...

What is beauty? What may be beautiful to one person may seem ugly to another.

Unknown said...

Beauty has a different meaning to everyone. Some think beauty is the way you dress, wear your hair, or how your make up looks. To me beauty is the way you carry yourself and love yourself. Beauty is questionable.

Janet Almonte said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Anonymous said...

What is Beauty? Who was the first to say what was beautiful? what was that person looking at? beauty will not be the same to each person. What to me is beautiful to the next person is Ugly.

Gary norris said...

As human beings, we sometimes find beauty in nature’s flaws. The only time we run into problems is when we use our expectations to judge others. There is an old expression, ‘one man meat is another man’s poison’. What you like, I might despise.

Unknown said...

The greatest treasures are those invisible to the eye but found by the heart

Miglaude said...

For me things that are beautiful to me are things that make me happy,as a job well done, a bright color, success and more...

Fernanda Alves said...

As humans we are all beautiful in our own way. You dont have to be a size 0 and have beautiful blue eyes and a fit body. You are beautiful just the way you are. I truly believe that.

Lisa said...

Everyones opinion of beauty is different. I think being beautiful is being unique.

Pedro Leon said...

I think beauty is socially cognitive when it comes to men and women. Back in kants time he would adhere to relish in beauty and taste that he preferred. Naturaly we tend to use them together. P.L

Anonymous said...

what michelle said. ^

zulima alvarez said...

Serious eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia are now more frequent... I believe that girls these days worry too much about being beautiful and accepted to the point where it becomes dangerous.

Anonymous said...

Everything in this world is beautiful in its own way, you just have to open your eyes wide to see it.
-D. Diaz

Anonymous said...

The people that lived 200 years ago did not have the same opinion about beauty like us. What is beautiful is influenced by the place or country you are at, the society and what is going on in the world.

Jenny said...

I believe that everyone is beautiful but unfortunately, society has their own expectation. I must agree with the comment above, depending on where you live, beauty is defined differently.


Luisa Isla said...

The notion of what is beauty or what is attractive varies throughout cultures. Geisha would cover their face and neck with a white substance to appear more youthful, and women in the 1800's century would wear corsets to accentuate their waistline. These notions, mainly centered around women, were societies way to express what they believed to be beautiful.

Esmeralda said...

Beauty has many meanings. To me something may be beautiful and to others it may not. Beauty is a personal opinion which should be respected. EA

RV said...

We all look different and have different qualities that is what makes us unique and special.

Anonymous said...

Beauty is nothing but an opinion of the person that is looking at something meaning that everyone and anything is pretty just depends who is looking and their judgment. -AN

Anonymous said...

For me beauty is not what we see on the outside but the inside of a person. That makes you who you really are. I think is what really matters. GS.

Patricia Delgado said...
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Patricia Delgado said...

In my opinion, you don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her. Any human living creature is beautiful is in their own manner.
Patricia Delgado

Anonymous said...

Beauty is more than a thing. Beauty is a way of perceiving. Grace and gratitude are beautiful to behold, and to experience. Beauty can transcend the physical and touch the soul.

Kevin M said...

Beauty is just a majority perspective on something that looks pleasant to our eyes that does not decide what is beautiful or not on everybody's perspective.

Anonymous said...

Beauty can also be deceiving. E.S.

Anonymous said...

Beauty is unique because it means something different to each person. To me the best form of beauty is the one that comes from within. -GP

Unknown said...

There is beauty in everything and in everyone. Most are shallow at viewing true beauty. Others are bias when it comes to beauty. A large percentage of humans allow the media to convince them on beauty.

Anonymous said...

Beauty, I feel, comes in many ways. A person could have a beautiful face, mind, and personality. I really think beauty is skin deep because loose our looks and then what does a person have, nada. Beauty is a subjective experience; therefore beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Ann Marie

Anonymous said...

The right to beauty is an opinion. To me, there is more to beauty than by just vision, but society has made it to be something of popularity. Some should consider seeing the beauty all around and not only the beauty in people. - D.T

Anonymous said...

Beauty is really a subjective topic because it can be appriciated or dismissed by any depending on the perspective that person may have. Everything around us has beauty to it. For example, the dew found in the morning on the patch of grass, that both makes my front yard aesthetically pleasing as well as relieving for my dog...

A mother singing a song to her child, a rainbow after the storm, a thank you note for a deed you considered to go un-noticed, and such. There is beauty in everything but you have to be perceptive to notice it.

People are often scarred by the expectations/definition of beauty placed by society. So much so, that they are blinded to true beauty. Grey hair, wrinkles, broken glasses, all tell you about the passage of time. The beauty lies in the history each of those strands of hair endred. Beauty lies in knowing how each wrinkle was many countless moments did this person laugh or cry to create those expressions of beauty, forever marked on your face...


kevin0121 said...

In our society today, they see beauty on the ouside of a person and many people live their way getting what they want, because society says that their beautiful. Know beauty on the outside can only last so long, but beauty on the inside can last forever. Everyone is beautiful and handsome, its just that everyone has their own vision of whats beautiful.

Ingrid J. said...

Beauty is not only on the outside, it is also on the inside, but we have to admit some things and some people are extremely pleasant to look at, and deserve a second look.

jonathan g. said...

Beauty is determined by different factors in many cultures, so there are many different perspectives. Beauty can be found in ourselves, other people, places or things. However, it is not a right in the sense that you can impose your taste on others. I believe we have the right to pursue beauty, but not impose it or enforce our own views.

ear said...

beauty can be both internal and external and its as necessary as water to a plant. however ones beauty should be original and not something generic......

aquintana said...

As is often said first impressions are important, but is because we see first then use the rest of our senses. Beauty is the same way it depends on which sense you use to form you own opinion.