Friday, January 7, 2011

The Right to Expression....Ugliness

We have to change our visual perspective to have this right.

I will repeat, modified, some of what I wrote
 on The Right to Beauty in my previous post:
Ugliness is an opinion.
But it comes from a consensus of the majority in a particular society
that find a disturbing unsatisfaction in some thing.


cd884 said...

I think people are able to look the way they want too. Even if to others its not the right look. As long as you think you are beautiful its all good.

TrustMeImADoctor said...

eww, takes a while to get used to

Unknown said...

We are all ugly in our own little way. Rather it's your attitude or facial features.

Unknown said...

Not everyone in the world thinks your ugly.

Espy said...

I love how the guy isn't afraid to rock the unibrow. He obviously could just shave,wax, or laser it off, but he is comfortable with what god has given him.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone is beautiful, so it is okay to be ugly

Unknown said...

True beauty lies within.

Gaby F. Baybeh said...

As long as you don't act ugly and are good to people it might be over seen :)

Unknown said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, they say the greatest treasure are those invisible to the eye but found in the heart. We create our own beauty and then embrace it.

Unknown said...

i would rather look different, than look like every other person in this world.

shiv said...

No one is born ugly. God creates everything beautiful in his own way. The way you interpret beauty is a different story. Beauty should not be measured on how a person looks but how they are as a person.

Anonymous said...

Beauty is not your outer shell but what you are inside. Knowing how to express yourself and not the physical appearance.

Janet Almonte said...


Anonymous said...

There is beauty in everything, but not everyone can see it. It's in the eye of the beholder.

Gary norris said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, it does not matter what you look like on the outside. We should be more concern with what we are on the inside.

Anonymous said...

Beauty is subjective and changes through the ages. the Mona Lisa for example was held as beautiful back in the sixteenth century, but now shes is just a pale, chubby white chick with secret codes in her forehead. to people two hundred years from now( if humanity has not been exterminated by god or aliens or our own imagination and creativity) Angelina Jolie will be viewed as unattractive, or at least not as pretty as the aliens or mixed raced human monkeys of the future.

Anonymous said...

You are born with certain facial features that might be viewed as ugly or beautiful.In some cases people are born with physical normalities which develops a heavy burden on the affected person and their families. Appearance should not be taken into account to determine if someone is more worthy than another.It is only what makes us unique. As author John Green said,"That's always seemed so ridiculous to me, that people want to be around someone because they're pretty, it's like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste."

Lisa said...

Have you ever heard a mother talk about her new baby? Isn't he beautiful!!! You take a look and your like, Woooow. She thinks he is beautiful and you don't want to break the bad news to her. It is perception!!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone is unique whether or not you think they are ugly or beautiful. It is up to us to find the beauty in everyone and everything that surrounds us, regardless of how we perceive them. D.B.

Unknown said...

Creativity is what causes the word ugly to surface. If you or it are not socially accepted, then ugly is tagged.

Anonymous said...

Beauty is special and is presents in all different ways in life. Yes we do have certain ideas of what beauty but I am really having a hard time swallowing the lady with all the ink, that is not beauty at all! On the bright side I am sure she has beautiful qualities inside.
Ann Marie A

Anonymous said...

when we first see someone we judge them by the way they look regardless of whether we want to or not; but there comes a point when you get to know this individual or thing, and you end up feeling guilty for “judging the book by its cover”.
-D. Diaz

Pedro Leon said...

I believe people are not as ugly as they seem take actors for an instance they spend hours on their acting and stand around all day till those moments of beauty come out of them.P.L

Anonymous said...

Sometimes its society that its what makes someone look strange or different ,rather than ugly in my opinion. to me, its all a huge bussiness as people are constantly buying fancy prducts to improve their image.some of us get blown away by what we see on television.
-Jeiner P

Jenny said...

I believe that society is extremely vicious to people who, in their eyes, fall out of the "Norm". According to them, you have to look a certain way to fit it. It is absurd!


Miglaude said...

The fear of ugliness can cause by an intense negative experience from your past,but is not impossible to change this negative thought to a positive one.

Esmeralda said...

For someone to be considered ugly, first of all, define what is ugly? To say that someone is Ugly or something is pretty is an opinion. Whether someone is ugly or not they should be respected for who they are. EA

Anonymous said...

I don't think anything is ugly it just depends who is looking. - AN

kevin0121 said...

I agree, that beauty lies within.In my opinion, their is no right to this subject. society itself as sunk so low that they determine whats beautiful and whats not. All the magazines you see are women that are supposedly perfect, but their is no such thing. It's all photoshop.

Patricia Delgado said...

The Right of Ugliness or Awfulness is more than a right. In my opinion, I believe there are Beautiful and Ugly people,things, creatures, etc, but that does not necessarily mean, that we have to adopt certain behaviors toward each of them. We are what we are because we naturally been created that way.
No one can opt for to be beautiful or ugly, but you have both rights in this life.

Kevin M said...

Ugly should not be a word in our dictionary and it should be defined as different perspectives and points of views or non-common behavior or perspectives.

Anonymous said...

This is a funny topic. Most people stereotype others by their look, but in all reality we should respect others because what might be ugly to you may be beautiful to others. I my opinion people should be judged by their actions not their looks. GIL RO

Anonymous said...

"Don't judge a book by its cover." Cause you don't know what lies within its pages. E.S.

Anonymous said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... that's something that ugly people say. -GP

Anonymous said...

Everybody must have the right to be ugly if they want to. We have to respect and not judge them because truly ugliness came from our inside not from the outside.

Claudia B.

Ingrid J. said...

Ugliness is what a person does not what they look like.

jonathan g. said...

I think that people typically find beauty in something that was worked on. You could say, though, that ugliness is due to neglection as well as nature. However, ugliness to me is more empowering that beauty. If you embrace your ugliness, it means you are comfortable with yourself and not easily discouraged by people who don't approve. Ugliness is a right and ugliness is strength.