Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Right to Expression... Right to Write

Like most forms of the Right to Expression,
writing has been around since the cave people used tools
to make signs on cave walls.
Writing can mean a single word or a book of words strung together in sentences and
organized into paragraphs and sections.

The power of this expression, writing, has been under-appreciated.
Because writing has inspired religions and revolutions.
 In the18th century, Thomas Paine's Common Sense
and the U.S. Declaration of Independence 
both led to the U.S. revolution and the formation of America.

In the 21st century, Twitter writers participate in a huge writing network
that helps lead advocacy and change for a better world,
while communicating the daily global news.

As readers, we value other people's writing.
What writing are you thankful for?

Even one or two words have the power to create strong emotion.


Anonymous said...

The power of the write is it has been and will be a instruments more powerful of comunication between society and is something that has no age.It is a right with which you were born, but in some countries of the third world, there are people who die for expressing their free ideas.DAM

Anonymous said...

How many writings have been created to describe our history? How can this blog change the perspective of one’s opinion? Writings illustrate our lives and enrich our culture. The right to write promotes personal effectiveness and express our deeper believes. HA

Anonymous said...

We value other people's writing because they are the courageous ones to write. By expressing themselves through emotion this gives the readers a way to relate. - SA

Anonymous said...

Writing is a very powerful tool for expression. Nowadays, most things must be in writing, if they are not in writing it is as if they do not exist. I am thankful for inspirational and informational writtings.

Anonymous said...

Writing is a very powerful tool for expression. Nowadays, most things must be in writing, if they are not in writing it is as if they do not exist. I am thankful for inspirational and informational writtings.JPA

Anonymous said...

I believe writing is the most powerful way to express your feelings and thoughts. When you express yourself through writing all of your emotions and experiences come together and reflect on others as well as ourselves. For example, you might have a favorite song that you can truly relate to especially because of the way the words express the situation you personally have been through. Ad

Anonymous said...

Writing is so expressive, even if unreadable and unintelligible, one can almost tell what they could have been going through. It's impossible to completely appreciate today's ways we can write and reach people with our words. LO

Anonymous said...

Writing, it is indeed a very powerful way of expression. I love writing, (spanish poetry) it helps me express the unspoken word. I admire many writers, but one of the most powerful writings to me is "The Declaration of Independence." In this document we find expressions i never thought existed. The meaning of making part of one of the greatest country in the world, its vision, and goals. Too bad we forgotten the what our founding fathers fought for, and now we live in a society who only looks after one's own interest.


Anonymous said...

Successful writing is all about trust and authority. Be unique and unpredictable. Write with passion to express your most profound feelings. Describe a picture in your writing to make people understand your message. Keep it simple, and write what you know…or what you want to know. Write to impress. Remember that writing is an art and one of the most influential ways to express who you are in words.

Anonymous said...

Writing is clearing my mind of all the things that I dare not say throughout the day. The paper I write on is like the friend I wish I had. To her I spill my heart out, unedited. RKS

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for poetry It gave me an outlet during some of the darker times of my life. IT allowed me to say the things I could not speak and still allow my voice to be heard Mar III

Anonymous said...

Writing allows you to give someone a piece of your mind.


Anonymous said...

I honestly beleive that " The pen is mightier then the sword" is a perfect quote for this particular blog. How you write and what you write about can impact many or a few, for good or for bad.

Anonymous said...

In this new day and age writing has grown so much that anyone with a connection to the internet can post and share whatever is on there mind.-RJA

Anonymous said...

Writing is freedom, with a pen and paper you are able to explain your deepest thoughts, express your strongest feelings, and create your own world with just words.


Anonymous said...

Writing is the best way to voice your opinion. Writing has no face. When someone is giving a speech people tend to judge that person first just by their appearance. If they are just given the speech in writing with an anonymous author, then they actually take in the material first before judge. Writing is the most powerful tool a person can have. CMH

Anonymous said...

Most of us write without giving much thought to who will be reading our words. We take in consideration what we intend to communicate, what we feel, or what we have the need to say, but if we take the time to analyze who our readers will be, our point could be interpreted much better.


Anonymous said...

There are many ways to express your feelings. Writing is one of then. I believe writing is a very powerful thing that can have great meaning to it. It is very true that even one or two words can hold such great meaning. AVJ

Anonymous said...

Probably one of our most important rights of expressions is the right to write. Civilizations across time have been known to be inspired and influenced by works of writing. I am grateful for The Diary of a Young Girl, which depicted the true terror a young girl experienced as she hid in a basement for two years from the German Nazis. The right to write will help protect our society's future from making the same mistakes.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Without the "Right to Expression" and "Right to write," we wouldn't have music. Music is the best way to express the passion you hold inside. Three words can turn a person's world upside down. An example would be "I love you" and the other three words would be "I hate you."


Anonymous said...

Writing its a necessity. From the creation of the 1st bible that gave us religion to our U.S Constitution that gave us our most basic and important rights, which are also my favorites: Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness. Writing its a very powerful tool that also in some cases be censored due to its content. I agree with GPC and Edward Bulwer-Lytton "The pen its mightier than the sword"

Anonymous said...

Writing is a gift. DDL

Anonymous said...

Writing is a wonderful thing because it lets us express ourselves. BG

Anonymous said...

I write music. Its helps me a lot when I want to get a certain point across. Emotional writing is what I call it.


Anonymous said...

As individuals we all have the right to express ourselves in the oldest form of art, which is writing. To me writing is a way to express my point of view, emotions and explain a specific thought. What worries me as a parent is the thought of the right to write to vanish with all the technology that surrounds us now days. I found this interesting article that I like to share with you.

Anonymous said...

I love everything about writing. It allows me to express myself in ways that I can’t with my mouth. I have always been inspired by poetry. I vividly remember the first poem I fell in love with. It was Phenomenal Woman, by Maya Angelou. I could feel her confidence and grace. I wanted to be that women! HL

Anonymous said...

I value the right to self expression, in any form the best are the meaningful and powerful.

Anonymous said...

Whithout writting there would be no history to study,so as a student I am thankful everyday for all the writtings that history provides as a tool for understanding the past.LC

Anonymous said...

We as human sometimes have a lot of things build up inside and we feel as there is no way of expressing them. When writing we put on that piece of paper all our feelings and that's a form on how people get to know what we are feeling and who we are.GAU 0924

Anonymous said...

Write away your thoughts. Many people find it easier to express themselves in paper rather than in words. ANC

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't think the power of writing is under-appreciated. It's the quality of it has. People still appreciate it when some one writes them a letter or an e-mail or even a text, which is a form of writing. Writing is also documentation, almost like a finger print, leaving your mark on what you say and feel. So always remember to be careful what you write and where you write it, because in these days and time it can reach around the world in a blink of an eye.

Anonymous said...

I honestly don't think the power of writing is under-appreciated. It's the quality of it has. People still appreciate it when some one writes them a letter or an e-mail or even a text, which is a form of writing. Writing is also documentation, almost like a finger print, leaving your mark on what you say and feel. So always remember to be careful what you write and where you write it, because in these days and time it can reach around the world in a blink of an eye.


Anonymous said...

Gratitude means thankfulness, counting your blessings, noticing simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive. SM

Anonymous said...

Writing is a way of personal freedom. We can write what we feel; sometimes things that can not be said with words. CPO.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the right to write should be held only in context of written word. To me the greatest form of expression in the case of writing is the right to write on your body. My body is a canvas and the words that I write on it and the pictures displayed on it are my masterpiece. Creativity and expression does not have to be limited to pen and paper.


Anonymous said...

Writing is expression of the feeling; the right of the free writing has to be respected because it is like a respect to breathing. MCC

AGoddess said...

You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you've got something to say. -F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Everyone, who write, always has something to say. They never write just because they want too.

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for the ability to write anonymously. It allows us to say things we would not normally say, but without suffering any consequences. We can change the world through writing. Even writing with your own name can have significance. ECZ

Anonymous said...

Expressing one’s self is greatly important for the individual’s personal insight and well-being. Self-expression values are part of a core value dimension in the modernization process; weather through art or verbally. Self-expression is a cluster of values that includes social toleration, life satisfaction, public expression and an aspiration to liberty. Writing has always been a powerful tool for communication. It contributes to allowing individuals formulate opinions and develop the ability to clearly express them. Writing is a way of preserving information in time and is a method of keeping historical or informational records. All though writing has changed, people continue to communicate and express their original thoughts, feelings, and ideas through this form or artistic outlet. COCO.

Anonymous said...

The right to expresses has about the same power as the right to speak. The only difference is that the writing (if is a publish document) is there forever, while words (depending on content) may be forgotten or dismissed right away. EL

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for any writer that is able to bring out a new idea or thought and can express it clearly for all to understand. - ID

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for the writing of music, music is written as well and I am so thankful for it. I'm thankful for great american poets like Jim Morrison incorporating amazing and well thought lyrics with his band's beautifully thought out songs.

Anonymous said...

The Right to Expression has always been very important. Expression comes in many different ways and it basically gives us the freedom to speak out mind. Today, what people write on the Internet affects many aspects of our lives. So many people on the Internet believe what they rude and spread this sometimes false information which then causes problems. People get harassed on the Internet, embarrassed, and even bullied by what people say. The right to write is very important but its not always used with good intention.


Anonymous said...

I value the right to self expression, in any form the best are the meaningful and powerful. JA

Anonymous said...

The ability to write our thoughts, feelings and ideas is truly a great gift. Writing is the way we make our words echo through the ages and the way we become immortal. LMI

Anonymous said...

Writing is an elegant dance between words and their meanings. - BRD

Anonymous said...

Writing is a powerful tool that has shaped our society and the way we think. Writing from the right person can righteously change the world for the better.

Anonymous said...

Writing is a big deal to me because it lets you express yourself. I often write my feelings and what I am going through because I have nobody I can really trust to share my feelings with. I am thankful for non fiction writing because I love to hear about things that have really happened in life since that is what I am always writing about. ADT

Anonymous said...

Writing is one of the best ways of communication. We're able to intercommunicate our ideas, believes, and opinions through writing.In our country, is all about human rights and we definitely have the right to express our feelings and emotions, through writing.I love to share inspirational testimonies of my troubles through writing. If there is someone out there that is going through what I had already gone through,so they know that they're not alone. A M V

Anonymous said...

The right to expression and to write is one of the most powerful ways to communicate, as seen by this blog site. The writing that I'm most thankful for is the constitution of the US. Why? Because it not only set an example for other nations around the globe, but it also settle rights to express and fight for what we believe in. Without it, we all wouldn't be able to blog about something, or even dare to comment on something controversial that is public for a government to look at. This is what I'm thankful for because its important.


Anonymous said...

Writing is more than an expression. It's a feeling. Think about now a days. We text what most of the time we are afraid or scared to say face to face. However, we have to be careful with our words, sometimes they can be very hurtful.

Anonymous said...

The right to write is a very important right that many people take for granted. Several countries are deprived of this right, for several reasons such as poverty or self-centered dictators.


Anonymous said...

Writing is one of the most influential tools for expression. Some people can state things with few words and still say so much. For example, a favorite quote of mine is "love the life you live, live the life you love." Everyone has a story and a mind of their own and through writing many feelings and ideas can be expressed.

Anonymous said...

Writing is a very powerful tool. Though it's being forgotten , it's as if it's becoming non-existent everything is texting ;regular words are used as often people can't have conversations anymore everything is technology. Writing is another form of art; writing was used for freeing the slaves, for our Declaration of Independence, it gave women our rights , and it;s used in books that get us entertained .Writing can make you or break you.