During the first months of doing this blog,
the idea of the Right to Not be Judged was considered.
But differentiation is part of human nature, as in,
the ability to distinguish between different stimuli,
the ability to discern,
to recognize and understand differences,
as an observation,
even possibly as strategy of survival/protection,
(as opposed to discriminatory biases towards living beings)
so I put aside the idea.
Recently, it resurfaced with the idea by a blog commenter of a Right to Remain...
and in that moment, the Right to Be was born.
I declare the Right to Be.
This means that one may be who they are
and/or who they wish to be,
regardless of social norms and rules.
Thus, one may be silly or overweight or wrinkled
or homeless or unemployed or bad hair day or whatever,
if one desires to be that way.
This is the Right to Be.
Others may judge, but one has the Right to Be.
This is a power shift, from the judger to the one being judged.
Empowering the individual to Be is liberating.
This is the Right to Be.
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Do not judge me by your illusions of me. I am not a pair of ripped cut-off jeans. |
Thanks to blog commenter: MARIII
We are part of a society where the way you look or the money you have is what makes you who you are. I agree with this blog, people shouldn't judge others by those things. Each person has a different way of seeing things, we should all learn to accept and appreciate each person by who they are, no matter what.
Social rules exist and can be respected to live in society. In other hand; it is important everybody have a right of free expression of their own idea. This is the right to be. MCC
Everyone should feel comfortable enough to be themselves in public. I wish there was a way to completely destroy was is socially acceptable, because the idea of that is so silly. Everyone is different, and they should be able to express themselves however they want.BG
We have a right to be, which should not be limited nor ridiculed by others. How we choose to be today is left up to our imagination, but should never be torn down by limitations placed by others. mjd
The Right to Be is a great reassurance for those people who believe they must fit into social norms. We are all different. Whether it be our hair color, body size, or style we are all unique in our own ways. It is time we start showing our true selves. AVJ
To take this subject seriously, profound self-reflection is required. The Right to Be can be exercised fairly easily, you merely require to be self-aware. That is to say, I believe if you are a human being, you are exercising this right, whether you realize it or not. But to exercise this right to its full potential, take a step back from “yourself”. You must examine the ego. Question the very reason you do whatever it is that you do in any given situation. A person may be outgoing, or on the other hand, not very. This does not mean that either one is being untrue to themselves, but there is definitely something driving one to share in experiences with others, and the other one not to. My point is, one is already being themselves just by being, by existing. If you want to find out what exactly that means, take the time to examine your own thoughts, and behaviors. This is no simple task considering there are unconscious motives driving some actions, and sometimes, less than conscious thoughts helping to regulate or counter those unconscious drives. One way to examine yourself on the truest level would be to experience something called Ego Death( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ego_death ). I had the pleasure of experiencing Ego Death. During my experience, I found myself dissecting actions, and the thoughts behind the actions. I told myself I would continue to do this for the rest of my life, and though since that day, I have not been able to do it to the same extent nor in real time. It helped me realize that I am not always being in the sense the author refers to in the blog post, and so I attempt to reflect back on my actions and decisions.
An example of self-reflection:
Why did I post this comment?
Was it because I am required to read this blog and leave a comment?
Was it because I felt this would help some of you who are spending the time reading the comment?
Do I care about those reading the comments?
Is the information I am sharing with the reader true?
I had fun with this one, I hope my writing reflects that.
I like this "Right" ! Often we have to think twice about how we look before we leave or house, or we have to think twice about what we say in public. There are always going to be people who criticize and judge others. So i think "The Right To Be" is a good way to remind everyone not to be fake with yourselves and just show everyone who you really are!
Despite judgement from others, all we need is the "right to be." Be who you are because at least your sure of that. Some people may never know who they really are, and instead they become followers of societies trend. Be who you are because it is admirable and promising, despite what anyone says. -SA
"The Right to Be" -SA
Hamlet: be, or not, is the question!. The declaration of rights stated "That all men are by nature equally free and independent and have certain inherent rights".And be what one decides the freedom provided that being is for good purposes.DAM
Humans have the right to be or the right to create the reality they want to develop, but our ideal reality cannot be detached from creating common good. It is important to achieve our goals without affecting others.
We have the right to be anything or anyone we want to be. Sometime we find ourselves trying to be different things that we are not, and in other cases we are scared of being the person we want to be.
The Right to Be to me means to accept and embrace who you are, regardless of what anyone else might think. As long as you are happy with yourself that is all that matters. Please find below a poem that was brought to mind when reading The Right to Be. JPA
The Man in the Glass
When you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day,
Just go to a mirror and look at yourself,
And see what that man has to say.
For it isn't your father or mother or wife,
Who judgment upon you must pass;
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one starring back from the glass.
He's the fellow to please, never mind all the rest.
For he's with you clear up to the end,
And you've passed the most dangerous, difficult test
If the man in the glass is your friend.
You may be like Jack Horner and "chisel" a plum,
And think you're a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you're only a bum
If you can't look him straight in the eye.
You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years.
And get pats on the back as you pass,
But your final reward will be the heartaches and tears
If you've cheated the man in the glass.
Dale Wimbrow (c) 1934
When I spoke of this right and assisted in it's creation it was in reference to being able to stand against the status quo and not be persecuted for it. I may not agree with gay marriage, abortion, and other such matters were my opinion's go against the majority. I should have the right to keep theses with out being persecuted made an outcast by media, elected officials or special interest groups. They who persecute me call me a biggot and try to bully me into submission in order to get there way. I do not persecute those in opposition to my beliefs why then have they any right to do so to me. I claim the Right to BE as I am to think as I choose to and believe in what ever god or philosophic ideals I so choose.
Our imperfections make us unique and different each in our own way. If everyone looked the same, the world we live in would seem dull and characterless. Therefore, we should not carry weight on acceptance and be proud of our own skin. AD
I like the comments above,being yourself is the right path to happiness,of course you will never be able to please everyone,but do your best and move on.LC
Just be yourself! This right is everyone's right to be free and create your own person. No man has the authority to judge with this protecting right. LO
The right to be, it sounds like a very powerful phrase. Unfortunately we do live in a society where looks, economic status, etc. define who we are to the world. It is great to remember that we still have a choice. A choice to be who we want to be, the silly, the romantic, the big girl (guy), the skinny one. It does not matter who you chose to be, as long as it is your choice, do not let anyone tell you what you need to be.
What you are doing is the right thing, whatever that is. Who you want to be and what you want to do is always right. Forget about judgments, people that judge are always in a worse situation than you.
Live according to your beliefs, whatever they may be, and be happy. We all have the right to be and people have the right to judge, even if it is not right at all. RKS
There is a saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” but in all honesty if the book’s cover does not look appealing we tend to think twice about reading it. There is no second chance for first impressions. People will always judge, whether they intend to or not, it’s like a reflex. It is also their rights to expression.
The Right to Be is probably the most important right to have. Unfortunately, it is also the most difficult to accomplish. Society will always judge, it's human nature. Either way I could care less go ahead and judge I'm having more fun than you.
The Right to Be is probably the most important right to have. Unfortunately, it is also the most difficult to accomplish. Society will always judge, it's human nature. Either way I could care less go ahead and judge I'm having more fun than you. CMH
Many people use the phrase “I don’t care what others think of me”. However, we make decisions everyday based on who others perceived us. We are born with the need to be accepted, be it by our parents, by our friends, or by people we want to become close with. It is not until we detach ourselves from that necessity to have someone’s approval, that we can really be free to act who we desire.
The right to be is an important one. Especially when I'm at home, devouring Cheetos in my stretchy pants, and watching X Factor. In a professional world the right to be is restricted with uniforms and rules but at home is where I can express my right to be to the fullest. BB
I believe parents have a great influence with the "Right to be." Parents from day one tell their children to be themselves, but as time goes by they correct and shape their child into the person they want you to become. Some parents are more open-minded and allow children to be who they are, and yet are responsible.
Like everything in life it has to be moderate, like if u wanna be a smoker that's fine but that its your choice don't give me your second hand smoke, because I have chosen to be a nonsmoker. Another perfect example its this link, back in 2007 a woman was "Thrown off plane for outfit deemed too skimpy"
You will be the judge I have seen worst!!!!
The right to be is a freedom we have. It is our way to project how we want society to see us. DDL
As a child, my parents always told me to "Be myself and ignore what others had to say about me". The right "to be" is a wonderful thing. Being different is what makes each of us unique individuals. Do not ever judge others, because of appearance, religion, culture. We are all the same inside and that is what really matters. Word to the wise: Love yourself, be yourself and who gives a damn what other think about you!!
It is ironic how people do not want to be judged, yet they themselves judge without regret. Everyone does have the right to be. In my opinion, we have to let go of our insecurities, then we would not care what others think! I am a victim of trying to create a perfect ME, so I get the least amount of judgment past on me. I don’t know if I will ever allow myself to just BE. HL
As with any right, everyone has a right to Be. Whatever makes a person comfortable or truly happy is a right. J.A.
Discrimination will exists,as long as ignorance is around us. LC
I say be who you are don't ever let someone judgments stop you from being who you are. Who we are its what separates us from others.GAU0924
Don’t judge me because I am beautiful. How you portray yourself is most important. Disregard discriminating opinions as they are irrelevant to whom you really are. ANC
I believe in this write but if what that person doesn’t infringe on another persons right and if that can’t happen then that won't work. If a person decides to be homeless but now wants to live in your backyard then am I still allowed to give that person their right because now they are breaking my right to privacy? What about if they want to be unemployed but now I'm having more taxes taking out of my pay to support them when I worked hard for it, now the are messing with my right to be a provider for my family and now they implementing the right that i have to take care of them. This right will only work with limitations.
Each individual should have and want to have the freedom of rights. Having these rights is what makes everyone unique and to express themselves. SM
Be who you are and say what you feel. That is what makes a person so unique. CPO.
So many places in the USA are enforcing the idea of conformity. For example, grade schools and places of employment with uniforms. Individuality is being overrun, especially by our government. The right to be can and should be considered with the right to live.
This right should be shouted aloud. Don't judge a person by what they wear, but judge them on their actions.This picture is a good example on this right:
We all have the right to be, and we should express ourselves however we want. We should not disguise who we really are, instead we should celebrate it. ECZ
Unfortunately, one cannot choose certain things in life like personality, physical appearance, or health. Is not feasible that a person be how they want, without any consequences or being judged. The Right to Be involves much more than just choosing to be fat, skinny, or bad hair day; is not that simple. Life comes in many forms being hard or not, but the essence of who you are lies within yourself. Humanity is far from perfection, where anyone may have their will regardless of what could happen according to their actions. However, because you choose a different lifestyle doesn't mean you have the right to be that way, like being a criminal for example. There is always going to be social pressure, but norms are necessary to keep life balanced and be able to coexist. COCO.
Our society has established rules and guidelines, which we as human beings need to abide by to have a civilized existence in this world. It is all right to be different; however, we should be cautious not to cross the line, by offending others with our actions. EL
The "right to be" to me is one of those "so what" kind of rights because it's there, it's obvious, and because of that it hardly has meaning if any at all. If someone feels so pressured by society that they change who they are to be accepted then they do not deserve the right to be, beacause they can't handle being judged.
^ - ID
I agree with the Right to Be. Everyone has the free will to be what ever to wish to be even if others don’t accept it. In our society there are people that think they are better than others so they look down on them. There are people with low self esteem so they feel that they cant be who they really wish to be because they are afraid of getting judged. I think most people can agree that we are always aware of what people think about us even if we say we don’t care. No one likes to be looked down upon so we try to shape our looks and way of thinking to be socially accepted.
This world is filled with mal-conceptions of each individual. This world is so subtle, that people don't give a chance to understand each other. We should all pay more attention to the important things, like world peace
We live in a society today where the way you look, dress, smell, etc. tells people a lot about you. The perception you get of a person should not be from what you see on the outside but from what's on the inside. "Never judge a book by its cover" yet people still do just this. Every human being is entitled to look, dress, smell, etc., the way that they want. Who are we to judge?
"Do not a judge book by its cover", that's what we always say, but ironically we still do it because that's just how humans are. However, everybody has the right to be and to do whatever they want. To do what makes them happy without thinking what others might think or say. At the end, everyone is going to judge you, so just be yourself.
This is a right that I exercise daily, and every one else should. Do not stress about pleasing every one, other wise you will go be a very unhappy person.
No matter where one is from, everyone has the Right to Be. Especially in a country as diverse as the U.S., no one should feel the need to hide who they truly are. If you want to wear socks with sandals, go ahead. If you wish to spend an outrageous amount of money on a car, go ahead. If someone wants to dye their hair purple, who's to say they can't? Those who judge do just that. We must remember everyone is entitled to their own opinion the same as everyone is entitled with the Right to Be.
Everyone has to right to be who they are and who they would want to be. Without the fear of another being judging them. -VC-
"Society killed the teenager " It's like we become "property" of society. No one is ever satisfied and it's never ending. Honestly but sadly I don't it's ever going to change. People are to scared but the ones that actually accept who they are and accept who other are tend to be the most beautiful people and happy as well.
We live in a generation today were many things are accepted and where although we have come a long way from old times people are judged for who they are. Each and every person is a unique individual which has every right to be nobody but the person who they want to be. Regardless of religion, race, gender or personal preferences everyone is entitled to the freedom of their own decisions. -SG
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