Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Right to Expression... RIght to Kindness

Kindness is one of the most beautiful forms of the 
Right to Expression.

Kindness is going out of one's way for someone,
trying to help them, 
even attempting to understand them,
and taking simple actions to accommodate them
or to help alleviate a difficult moment for them.

Still, kindness is so rare, that when performed, 
the receiver of kindness is often unappreciative, 
maybe even unaware of whatever kind action is carried out.

Service, of any kind, helps people grow,
by learning from the humility of kindness.

There is no dark side to kindness,
when done with correct intention.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, people these days are just too busy for kindness. Acts of kindness are usually done with the person who’s doing them best interest in mind when it should be the other way around.


Anonymous said...

Acts of kindness are indeed rare, and when you experience it from either end, its quite a marvelous feeling. I appreciate the fact that humans are self-centered egotistical beings, because with that, kindness plays a bigger role. BB

Anonymous said...

Kindness is the maximum expression of giving without interest received, it can only be perceived by someone that need it, unfortunately in our days people sometimes do not can appreciate it because this society embodied persons who comes to believe that if someone gives something it is because he wants something in return.DAM

Anonymous said...

In the world that we live in, people take kindness for weakness. Those type people make it very hard for other people to experience kindness.

Anonymous said...

Kindness is something we need to teach the younger generation. Unfortunately we live in a world full of selfishness. Everyone nowadays is more concern and focus on themselves. We lack compassion, and compassion walks hand by hand with kindness. Kindness needs not only to be spoken of but practice everyday. the success of our future generation depends on it.


Anonymous said...

Kindness does not cost anything. A simple gesture of helping others means that we are considerate and nice. We do not need a reason to being kind, simply because it’s the right way to treat other people. Be a good example of a behavior that most people are missing today.

Anonymous said...

There is no limit to kindness or generosity. To be kind to others simply comes from the heart without expecting anything in return. There may come a day in your life when the last person whom you expect might be there to give you a helping hand in a time of need, just because you once showed them kindness. AD

Anonymous said...

The art of kindness speaks from the heart. This cannot be forced or made-up. In my opinion, the most valuable type of kindness is the generosity of your time and knowledge. LO

Anonymous said...

Life has taught many people to be carefull of others, to watch your back and protect yourself.
This has helped to build walls up and has made it harder to be kind to others. J.A.

Anonymous said...

What kind of act of true kindness can be made without the right intentions? True kindness in itself, is an act that can only be done when one is only acting on the behalf of anything or anyone that is not himself. Sincere acts of true kindness is a trait that is learned not genetic, which a large amount of people need to be re-taught.


Anonymous said...

I think that these days, you have to be cautious. No matter how kind you want to be. I still try to do kind gestures but always keeping my guard up. When someone offers to help me, I usually turn them down. I feel like most people ARE kind, but I would rather not take that chance. HL

Anonymous said...

Most people just go about there day and only worry about them selves. Kindness ha practically faded from today because of this. That does not mean it does not exist though. Some people,rare as is maybe, do preform acts of kindness on a daily basis


Anonymous said...

Today's society is so selfish that when someone does an act of kindness for someone els, they don't appreciate it because they just expect it to happen, if everyone would do atleast one act of kindness a day the world would be a better place.- GPC

Anonymous said...

Since we were kids we used to see cartoons where superheroes do cool stuffs. Probably our ‘’ideal’’ self is telling us to become heroes, but we can become heroes if we make other person’s life as comfortable as it could be. People have the right to receive kindness, and every action counts. It is not necessary to make great deeds to receive compliments from others. HA

Anonymous said...

Kindness shows its self when there is tragedy involved. For example after a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, floods ext., people do go out of their way to help one another.

Anonymous said...

We live in a world full of selfish people who barely appreciate good actions or in this case the kindness of someone. It is true that kindness will only help you be a better person if you do it for the right intentions.


Anonymous said...

When you express kindness you express respect, generosity and compaction, so you never forget “kindness” because it is beautiful way to respect yourself and others. MCC

Anonymous said...

People nowadays don’t know what kindness means because we are a fill of selfishness. People you understand that when kindness is render it’s not because something is expected just that there s generosity and a pure heart. GAU0924

Anonymous said...

Kindness truly comes from the heart and no where else. I believe kindness is the salvation of this humanity which is being teared apart by selfishness. If people would have some sympathy for others this world wouldn't be as bad.

Anonymous said...

Although the act of kindness is in fact rare these days, there are a few people out there who are kind. I can honestly say it feels great to be both the giver and receiver of kindness. Showing kindness comes from the heart and shows a genuine personality. AVJ

Anonymous said...

Indeed, KINDNESS has been long forgotten and rarely practiced anymore. But, the feeling of have showed kindness to someone in need or just because out of humanity is incredible. Words cannot describe the power of actions. Therefore, choose your path well and how you treat others. Do not expect to receive something in return. I still believe there are kind good hearted people out there. COCO

Anonymous said...

i feel as though people should be more in the look out for signs of kindness. For example, if someone does a kind act then i think they should at least be told thank you in some way to feel appreciated, or do an act of kindness in return. It really isn't the best feeling in the world, when you do something nice for someone and it goes unnoticed.


Anonymous said...

Kindness is one of the most important human characteristics. In my opinion, it is not hard to demonstrate kindness; it is actually very simple. We should be kind whether people realize it or not. We should do it for the simple fact of doing good to others, and because seeing someone smile makes us feel so good that a thank you doesn't really matter. CPO.

Anonymous said...

Kindness is a known term, but yet hard for others to display at times. You should always treat others with kindness as you would want the same done to you. One should never change who they are because of the way another person is. Kindness will come back in some kind of form when it is least expected. -SA

Anonymous said...

Kindness is a two way street. By committing an act of kindness toward someone else consciously or not, one gets a feeling of accomplishment and in return is happier with oneself. JPA

Anonymous said...

Kindness should not be a right but a life style, however it is one that has to be willingly learned by every individual person. It can not be forced or demanded it has to a choice willingly made of a righteous heart.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

For some people its hard to be kind when the world been so cruel to them. I sincerely try each day to be kind to others and I understand that some days you just want to take it out on every one and any one. However, that never get's you any where and eventually you began to regret those horrible actions. So why live with regret? I much rather look back on my life and know I did the right thing. CMH

Anonymous said...

We have become so detached from kindness, that when we experience it we ask ourselves “what does he/she want”. We are so involved in our own lives that we fail to recall simply courtesy norms. Life would be so much more pleasant if we try to do a random act of kindness, at least, once per day.


Anonymous said...

I agree with everybody that in this world people now days don't appreciate kindness, however to preform an act of kindness its to do something good for someone without expecting anything in return including their gratitude.
“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.”
― Mother Teresa

Anonymous said...

I believe kindness should be a selfless act. People nowadays don't appreciate the act itself, but from experience, I can say that even if a person doesn't give anything in return to another for being kind, it can still give enough satisfaction to be happy with oneself. People are too absorbed in their own lives to really take notice of a simple act. Wake up, and REALLY take a look around you for once. SVV

Anonymous said...

What does the right to" Kindness" means to me. Being able to help someone who is in need at the time. Doing a favor without waiting for something in return. Kindness comes from the heart, whether it is by listening to someones troubles, caring for them when sick, providing for them during hard times. Many of say "we are here for you", but those don't mean anything until you actually do an act of kindness for that person. Let's be real to each other and make this world a better place.

Anonymous said...

Kindness these days is hard to find. Its not so much that people are too busy for it or too mean, I think its that people don’t know how to. Being nice and being kind are different things. There are nice people everywhere but not many that are kind. People that know kindness put others before themselves and they do random acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. They don’t wait till they are asked for favors; they go out and find people that are in need or simply teach others to be kind.


Anonymous said...

Kindness is an act that shows compassion, consideration, and caring for others; unfortunately, this is a rare commodity in today’s society. People tend to expect something in return when a so called favor is done for others, this makes our society flawed and selfish. EL

Anonymous said...

Change our world with kindness. If everyone practiced kindness and we all helped one another unselfishly, our world would be happier place to live. ANC

Anonymous said...

Everyone should be kind to one another but sometimes kindness can have a dark side. I believe everyone should do what they can to help out their fellow man and if you’re going to do it do it with-out expecting anything in return do it because it’s the thing to do.


Anonymous said...

Kindness is a self rewarding inner feeling that we get as individuals. When we do something good, we feel good.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Expressing kindness is very easy to do,on a daily basis.With a simple smile or by caring for someone else you can express kindness.I personally always try to be kind to others,knowing that in return I may not get the same demonstration from the other person,but I know that if I continue to be kind in the right moment I will be rewarded by God. The best at showing kindness no matter if it stays unappreciated by us is the Lord. A M V

AGoddess said...

Reading this blog, after Black Friday, makes me think about to that day. I was at Best Buy, waiting in line to get an iPod when from behind me, I heard a man getting upset with a worker. The worker was answering his questions with a blank yes. The man didn't like the way the worker said yes. To me, the man was being rude and was a complete jerk.

Anonymous said...

It seems that people are starting to stray away from social interaction with strangers nowadays. That being said, people are less likely to go out of their way to be kind to someone else, not knowing the other person in need. ECZ

Anonymous said...

To say acts of kindness are uncommon is completely wrong. If we say that people are unappreciative however that is more true. People now have expectations when it comes to civility kindness is something expected of people so it goes without notice but saying that it no longer exists is just ignorant. -ID

Anonymous said...

Kindness is a very rare expression. In this world we live in today people are really selfish and only look out for themselves. Usually when their is an act of kindness people tend to be very unappreciative. Acts of kindness is something that should be done on a daily basis.


Anonymous said...

Kindness should be considered a super power, it is a rare act and it seems to be difficult, to be kind for most people. Why is that people do not exercise this right? Instead of being rude all the time.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't take much to be kind. It's putting someone's feeling before yours, even in the smallest form. For example, when u give another car the wave, signaling them to go ahead of you is an act of kindness. Noticing someone dropped money out of their pocket and you go back to give it to them is also kindness being shared. Kindness can be just for one's personal satisfaction not just an expected appreciation. Kindness can also motivate someone else to pay it forward. Regardless of the outcome, kindness is something that should be practiced daily.