At some point in life,
we will all be confronted with the choice
of being cut and sewn or injected with needles,
not due to illness,
but out of desire to look more beautiful and younger.
The billion dollar fashion-cosmetic/surgery-fitness industries
unrelentlessly tell us that we look more beautiful when we look younger.
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Signs of a life lived to the fullest. Shall he nip and tuck or fill up with botox? |
Will older people eventually be divided
into the haves and have nots of cosmetic surgery--
into the haves and have nots of cosmetic surgery--
those who have done it and those who have not?
Neither will look young.
Old looks old, cut and sewn or injected and molded.
There is no magic here.
The real magic will come when research now and in the future
uncovers genetic modification of the aging process: transhumanism.
But by that time, is it possible that we will have realized that getting old is natural?
Will we choose to refuse unnatural wounds and punctures,
and therefore refuse the unnatural gene tweaking offered by science?
Will we ever find a moment in future human history where
we cherish sags and wrinkles,
we cherish sags and wrinkles,
as signs of a life lived to the fullest?
Why is our identity so attached and connected to only one phase of life--youth?
And why are there practically no objecting voices?
Or, shall we cherish the wounds of the surgeon as a full life lived?
I declare the Right to Age... to Look Old.
I think the grey hair and the wrinkles not only show your age but that you are wise, you should be proud of your signs of age, it says you have a story to tell......although i'm only 26 and have not obtained these features yet I hope i will be able to take my own advice when that time comes.MB
Age is a societal misconception. Our society views old age as a burden to the day to day progression of mankind. That is an incorrect assumption. The older individual shelters a wider variety of knowledge. Experience, is what separates the aged from the youth. To look old is to be respected; to show the world the wounds of a real world survivalist.-JLH
Age should be comforting. To look at The mirror and see yourself as someone who has gone through youth. To have learned your mistakes, and to show others how to fix them. To look old is to look beautiful. So show your wrinkles of knowledge. Your grey hair of experience , and be proud of looking old. - CA
To age should be a joy because you have lived your life to the fullest.You should be proud of your lfe the you have lived and embrace your old age.It's a time to reflect on the past memories of your life and give hope to a new hereafter.S.A.
Why is it so hard to understand that getting old is part of the life cycle that we are part of? I look at an old person and all I can think of is wow I wonder how many interesting stories he or she might have. Wisdom is an extremely rare commodity, yet seems to only come with aging and nothing else. I totally agree with no surgeries to try to hide your age. I think you should feel glad and happy that you made it through all these years, and in all honesty most people that get some kind of artificial work done, wow, ridiculous. I say embrace the years and life. LEG
Everyone should feel comfortable with their age. All these new cosmetic surgeries are only making things more complicated.Now a days people in this society want to avoid the aging process and turn to all these alternative procedures just to be able to fit in with younger crowds. I believe the right to age comes with feeling comftorable in your own skin. AT
I doubt that the old look will ever be appreciated. Subconsciously and to some I suppose consciously, appearing old is a constant reminder of their own mortality. Plastic surgery is just the latest way to circumvent the process. JB
I believe that every person has the right of what they decide to do with their body, (I prefer to us the term vessel) although I don’t agree with the practice of plastic surgery. Yes people can do it, and yes they do it all the time. Would I ever get plastic surgery? No. I am fascinated how in American society there are so many that are fearful of getting older and dying (beginning a new journey). --IMF--
The idea that becoming older makes someone wiser applies to a percentage of people, but not to everybody. This is one more cliché created for “deniers” to highlight the positive side of aging when the truth is that the passage of time is unavoidable and aging should be seen just as it is: a natural process of life. Part of being alive is going thought different stages, and wrinkles are all inclusive. Aging can make a person as beautiful as her/ his feelings are within her/himself. Having the right to look one’s age without feeling the need for cosmetic intervention should be a right; yet, for somebody to be comfortable in her/his own skin -at any age- requires a healthy level of self-esteem and an overall personal satisfaction with her/ his own personal history in life.
When I read this post the phrase “age appropriate” came to mind. If we allow ourselves to believe that aging is a sign of detraction than we as humans will altogether get rid of it. I myself find aging to be a beautiful part of life. R.R
When you speak of age it’s just a number correct? I believe that aging and knowledge has nothing to do with grey hairs and wrinkles. I believe that you obtain wisdom and experience through life itself; I don’t think you need a trophy (metaphorically speaking in this case wrinkles and grey hair) to prove anything. If you want to look young why not? I honestly think the choice is up to the person. -B.A
To me ageing has much more meaning to it then just looks. When I'm dealing with life challenges I go talk to my grandmother or someone much older than me for advice. I feel that behind those wrinkles, and grey hair is a person filled with wisdom and knowledge through a fulfilled life. So I don't agree with older people getting botox, and things of that sort to hide what experience they have in this thing we call life. Instead of looking at it as a bad thing just give God thanks for blessing you to see another day.
Now a days people focus more on the physical attraction than anything else. As humans we first try to capture with looks and then with personality. We divide ourselves in groups of different ages and the way we do that is by how old or young we may look to one another. When do you see a teenager partying with a 65 year old? It is just the rule of life. No one wants to age and its mostly because we do not see the beauty in it. We fail to acknowlegde the fact that aging and becoming wrinkled is just a symbol of living life and making it to where you are at that age. But most of all it symbolizes all the struggles and gains throughout ones life.
I believe the reason for all the surgeries and facelifts is due to the lack of true happiness. Surgeries are done to attract others and boost ones self-esteem, if someone is happy they wouldn’t change a thing. Growing old is natural there is nothing you can do to stop that! You just have to accept that fact. JLS
I think everyone should have the right to do with their body what they choose. I can't personally see myself getting plastic surgery, but I'm all for science and the advancement of genetics. I'm happy to live in a time were the leading cause of death isn't tooth related. People should embrace old age as an achievement.
With age comes wisdom and beauty. People should be comfortable in their skin, wrinkled and grey. I also think that you have every right to change or "fix" yourself with surgery. If someone is happier with surgery than let them be happy. Truth is, if your happy than that's all that matters. To each his own. - S.C.
Getting old is part of the human evolution. We go from being a toddler to a teenager to an adult and finally we become elders. No one should be ashamed of been part of any of this stages of life. Unfortunately many people feel that becoming an elder with wrinkles is not right and they decide to go through surgery to eliminate those wrinkles and look younger. I believe everyone should natural and not be ashamed of it. IC
I think aging is a natural process in life, people try to stop this process through the use of cosmetic surgery, but over time this process must continue. I've always admired people who proudly carry their gray hair and wrinkles. For me, the wrinkles show the many experiences that we have lived in life.-G.S.
Wrinkles and sags most of the time are not the desire to these procedures, rather than the lack of personal self-esteems and metal problem. Aging is a blessing, and it is one of the many things that we take for granted in life.
The elusive fountain of youth since the days of Juan Ponce de León in the early 1500’s is somehow within reach, for a good penny of course. Some of us like Ponce de León are looking for the waters that will cure our aging. We want to control just about everything, even how we age during our length of existence! The sacrifice we are willing to take to feel and look young is of course a freedom of choice. However, let it be known that wisdom is being able to age with self-acceptance. MMSEAWOLF
There's absolutely nothing wrong with white hair and wrinkles. It is part of living and the collection of experiences and becoming wiser. May be that some people are terrified of getting old but we should welcome it and plan for it so that we do not have to go through horrible experiences when we get there. If we get there....who knows? NDF
There once was a time when people looked forward to looking older because it showed that you acquired wisdom. Cosmetic surgery will help a person look younger but for how long will this last before you need another surgery and/or what about the side effects. Is it now more important to care about your appearance more than your health? ~vm
I honestly believe that today's society makes us believe that looking old is such a horrible thing, when it's really not. Primarily I believe when a person starts to age each wrinkle tells a beautiful story of living a long life. In my opinion there's nothing wrong with looking old. In all honesty everyone should appreciate life, especially with aging. C.M.
Wrinkles and an aged look, for most people is THE reminder of mortality.It shows that one's body is not in its twenties anymore and from now on slowly starts decreasing vitality. Indeed, that is scary for many people, since it gives the feeling of running out of time to live. Plastic Surgery gives the illusinous power to beat nature and time with "eternal youth". Even though not long lasting, I respect that option.It gives people who choose that path of aging , a more comfortable feeling in their bodies, and in some sense the illusion of going back in time. However, one shouldn't be ashamed of marks they have obtained during their lifetime and should show them with pride.SZ
Anyone who is not aging must be dead. Even after people have plastic surgery they still age afterwards. In another words, it does not make sense to me to try to look younger when we are only going to coninue to age naturally. I believe that there is nothing wrong with looking old.
Why can't people just be satisfied with the way they look? I believe that Botox and plastic surgery is just vanity. Trying to look younger is not only useless, but wastes time, money, and energy. What is wrong with looking aged? Slade
I believe that every wrinkle on your face tells a little bit about your personality. I think that their very location tells whether you smile alot or frown alot. I believe that aging is just a natural process of life and anyone who trys to alter it drastically through surgery is just trying to play God. Slade
Alot of people in our society believe that aged people look experienced and even look wise and I agree with that. However, just because some people may have white hair and wrinkles does not necessarily make them wise. They may look wise but not all aged people are wise. Some of them lack common sense. On the other hand I agree that aged people can look old. They do not have to compromise their natural looks just to please the public eye. If anything aged people should be happy that they look aged. Not everyone on our planet lives so long to age. Slade
Imagine that there are some people out there who squander their finances on Botox just to live up to some of society's definition of beauty. Maybe some aged people do that just to, in some way, relive the days of their youth.I believe that we are to be good stewards of our money and time. Being and looking old is a time of joy, knowing that you have passed the youth phase of your life. I for one wish that I could live up to the age of 86 or beyond. Slade
I agree with Slade, just because one has wrinkles does not make them wise. If older people wish to alter there body, then it will make it easier to tell the wise from the not so wise. Let people do as they wish, if they need to alter there body to feel comfortable then its up to them to decide. Who are we to pass judgment on what others do to there own body. -bonzi
As a child, I remember wanting to be older, so I could have a right to live my life. Next thing I know it's my twenty-first birthday. From there the years just keep flying by. "The Right to Look Old" is a privilege, one that not all people will accomplish. I feel that if you look at life as a gift, everyday is special. Nip and tuck, that's your decision, must we be so vain? What about the humanity of our older generation, do their wrinkles make them less worthy? I think not, through those wrinkles and lines are wisdom and experience, that one must acquire through life. We aren't born with all the knowledge, we must obtain it. Since the organization of technology and science continues to flourish, who knows what transhumanism, will be able to accomplish. We should hope for life that could be free of disease and suffering. But to what extent? If only the answers were there for our questions of what's right and wrong. In life there is beauty, from the newborn, to the elderly and frail. This is what life is about, growing, learning and discovering the humanity in your personal self, just remember you have only one life, live it to the fullest...AF
As a child, I remember wanting to be older, so I could have a right to live my life. Next thing I know it's my twenty-first birthday. From there the years just keep flying by. "The Right to Look Old" is a privilege, one that not all people will accomplish. I feel that if you look at life as a gift, everyday is special. Nip and tuck, that's your decision, must we be so vain? What about the humanity of our older generation, do their wrinkles make them less worthy? I think not, through those wrinkles and lines are wisdom and experience, that one must acquire through life. We aren't born with all the knowledge, we must obtain it. Since the organization of technology and science continues to flourish, who knows what transhumanism, will be able to accomplish. We should hope for life that could be free of disease and suffering. But to what extent? If only the answers were there for our questions of what's right and wrong. In life there is beauty, from the newborn, to the elderly and frail. This is what life is about, growing, learning and discovering the humanity in your personal self, just remember you have only one life, live it to the fullest...AF
In 2011 there was a total of 9,194,510 surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures reported in the United States. This is three percent of our total population within the United States. It might seam like a minimal percentage but I find this to be alarming. As the years progress my fear is that everyone will be influenced by the peer pressure to look younger. Everyone should respect the right to age and not take it for granted. Our younger generations should be aware of this trend and not follow. It is our right to age gracefully. *KPG*
I agree with the comments stating that what you do with your body is your personal choice. Personally, I think grey hair and wrinkles are a privilege and would wear them proudly. Being that I am in my late twenties I cant exactly say that I know what it feels like to be comfortable with aging, but I would hope that I would remain content with it. EHER
To me, looking exactly the way god made us is the way to go. I don't think we need to do fix anything or do extra in our bodies just to make us believe that we are better know. I think it all comes down to self-esteem. RG
Anonymous said….
Aging is a natural process and people have the right to experience it. Many people (those who have the funds for it, or access) have also the right to have plastic surgery. However, those who choose that path are living a lie. They wake up every day to an exterior modified by mankind instead of nature. Furthermore, they fail to understand that we humans are part of the cycle of life and as such are born to age. Personally, aging is not something I look forward to but when that time comes for me I will, accept for what it is, life. -SMR
The battle of Age versus Beauty forever torments our generation. The true victor, however, is neither of them. Acceptance and self-love take the crown, for if people learned to enjoy the older stages in life they wouldn't succumb to pesky injections. Cherish each day- it's a blessing(wrinkles and all). -MMB
Just like scars tell stories, so do wrinkles. So many people do not get the opportunity to grow old and experience life to the fullest and that's a shame. I want to see how everything in the world and the people around me change. I want to see my children's children, and their children. Growing old is what will make this possible for me. I even plan on never dying my hair and wearing my grey hair with pride.
I have the right to do what I want with my body. The most important thing is that I feel good with myself. Many young people don't feel comfortable with their appearance, and ar an early age they do surgeries. I don't want to get frustrated about my age. I feel that aging is the sign that I am alive. Don't get frustrated if we are aging, we are going to get older some day.I don't have nothing against plastic surgeries, if you have money to do it just do it. LS2206
The aging process is natural. Like death, it is something human beings have absolutely no control over. This is not about appearances, or whether one looks WISE, or not when they show signs of aging. After all, those are assumptions one makes of another. If aging is a sign of wisdom, then I suppose George Bush is wise, and Charles Manson, or even Anthony Hopkins. Unless we personally know, or have spoken to an aged person we cannot really tell if they are "wise" or not. I think generations to come will give in to science, as propaganda and advertisement will only feed to this need to look younger always. There has been an obsession with looking young since the begging of contemporary society; I do not see it changing in the future as it still hasn't in our present day.
-Patrick Bateman
Aging is natural, it's almost certain that you will grow old. Trying to make yourself look younger is pointless because as every year goes by your still one year older. It's how happy you are with yourself as you get older that really matters.
I believe it stems from poor self esteem and being weak-willed that people want to change themselves after living for so long. They care what others think about them. When old people get a pass on how they look and act, because they're old. Embrace it love it, it's who you are. dgon4321
Aging is natural, everybody should be comfotable with that. It's part of life, your born,you live, and then you die. Spending money on cosmetic surgeries trying to look young doesnt mean anything when your time comes. People should just be grateful and appreciate the life they are given.- UF
When it comes to age, I think age is beautiful. Everyone thinks that being old is a bad thing. In my opinion, being old is a privilege. It very hard to make it to the age that older folks is. I personally think that modifying yourself to look younger is a problem, because in a way, the kids of this generation are starting to loose respect for there elders.
Aging is a part of our lives. Nowadays, we live in a society most of the times controlled and manipulated by the media. Everyone wants to look younger, starting from the wealthiest artists and icons down to regular low class people. I believe we shouldn’t have to undergo cosmetic surgery to change our looks; we should accept life as it is and just become old. After all, there is nothing wrong with aging it is a process in which you have gained experience and it just shows that you have lived through life. YB
I think that looking old has nothing to do with being wise. I believe you become wise after the experiences you have gone thru in life. Not everybody has the right solution. And some people choose not to look old yes because of their self-esteem but also to look good in other people eyes. It depends on the person.
One may try to look younger through cosmetic/surgical procedures but truth of the matter is that time is uncontrollable. Life stages are inevitable and no matter what is done to physical body, you will be old. Attempting to appear younger does not change the reality that you aren’t anymore. You still have the right to do as you please with your body but nature will take its course whether it has your approval or not.
It's a shame that in society now a days people just just want to look young. Age in other countries is a sign of wisdom and respect. Like the saying goes "respect your elders", it's a shame it's not that way as much anymore. No matter on appearances, always look at someone from the inside out before judging their wrinkles. -RCT
In China, if you ask a person who is 20 years old (Western age), how old he or she is, the answer will be 21 years. They start counting the number of years from the 9 months spent inside the womb. They revere the elderly; they do not look at the outward appearance but rather the inner, which is wisdom gained through experience. I admire them for this.
We in the Western world are preoccupied with how one looks on the outside. We spend billions on plastic surgery and our inner beings are so lacking. If you happen to watch reality shows such as Housewives of New Jersey, The Kardashians, etc. you will see so much plastic faces and bodies. They may look good on the outside, but they are all mean to each other and think only of themselves. This is what we in the Western world seem to revere. It is appalling. SAM
For thousands of year people have been looking for the Fountain Youth, and so far they have not found it yet. I am not sure if they have given up, or not, but they still look for ways to have a good appearance. It would be nice to have the experience, and still look young. Myself, I think that youth is a status of the mind. If you eat healthy, get exercises, listen to good music, connect with the good art, accept the young generation and share your knowledge with them, then, you can consider you are forever young MCC
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