The previous post on the Right to Remain Human is
only one choice of the Right to Transhumanism Choice.
Opposite to this choice are those who desire to morph their bodies, the transhumanists.
These people who will seek morphological freedom
Opposite to this choice are those who desire to morph their bodies, the transhumanists.
These people who will seek morphological freedom
to become posthuman,
choosing freedom of form, freedom to mutate,
to modify one's body.
This modification would be done with
DNA coding that already exists somewhere in nature.
This modification would be done with
DNA coding that already exists somewhere in nature.
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This is also termed human enhancement...
I would like wings to fly,
eyes that see in the dark,
and a neck that can rotate around like an owl.
How would you choose to modify your body?
Have fun here...
Some people may find genetic imperfections with their body. Others may think their bodies are fine but would like to "enhance" their body for other reasons. Maybe cultural, maybe for trend, maybe to make a statement. Regardless the reason, its their body and I believe their right.
The right to Transhumanism, is definitely a unique topic. If I had to transform into anything it would have to be, being able to see threw things. There is something so mysterious about certain people. I would love to be able to see right threw them and understand them on a whole new level with out them knowing. I would be able to turn your mystery into my secret.
-Nicole Chaplin-
This is an interesting topic since it can have many opinions. Transhumanism is something that many do not accept for certain reasons but many like it for others. I personally would like to see but not have done transhumanism. Transhumanism can create wonders yet it is playing with the role of nature.
Transhumanism is definitely an interesting topic. If I can have the opportunity to become anything and have some super human power, I would choose to see right through people. I know that human behavior is learned but sometimes, it is very hard to understand someone and see where it is that they are coming from. If I had the power to see right through them I could have a better understanding of the situation and communicate better.
I would not modify my body in any way to be something that I was not created to be. How about all the problems that humanity holds due to what they can do already? Why would I want to add to this despair? An example of human anguish is that seeing through people already exists in humanity and it is a talent that everyone holds but not everyone can access easily. To have this talent developed may be believed by some that it is priceless; however, for those who hold it, it can be misery. Why would anyone want to have any additions to their lives that can produce more problems such as hearing what we are not suppose to hear, seeing what we are not suppose to see and doing overall what we are not suppose to do? Why fly when dreaming of flying is more satisfying? Living with unawareness and curiosity is pure bliss with its many fantasies of what can be. This is my world.
I wish I could fly to avoid the traffic jam in the morning or to get a few more minutes to rest.But in reality, I think that we have enough we all the bizarre things happening in the world, to become with people flying around like airplanes.
Laura R.
To start, I am totally against human enhancement, post human, and transhumanism. I stand firm behind my religious beliefs and I refuse to believe that human transformation is ethical.
I would not change anything about body. I believe we are born with alot of powers that we do not even know about. Natural has created humans with all they need.
Marcia P
I disapprove of transhumanism or anything that mutilates or modifies the human body in any form or fashion. We are becoming regular Dr. Jekylls.
People should not have this right. The right to transhumanism can cause absolute craziness. Giving people this right can be taken advantage of for the worst.
The right to transhumanism is something i'm against as well. It's actually completely insane for us to replace human body parts with animal parts. How will this benefit the human species. If this were to actually come about this world will be filled with complete insanity.
I do not believe of changing any natural and original look, therefore, it should be barred.
Ismael DelValle
I saw a woman on the news this morning with some form of rare skin disease. It looked aweful and very painful. Only under circumstances such as this do I think someone should consider changing their body. I am against transhumanism. I like being human and do not have post human thoughts. Although, one should have the right to do as they please with their bodies.
This topic reminds me of the man who wanted to become a lizard. He covered himself in green scale tattoo's, grew his nails, surgically split his tongue, and was in the process of attaching a tail. It's not for me, but who am I to judge? To each his own.
Since I play baseball, I would like to enhance all my "tools" that I use in the sport. For example, I would like to run faster, throw harder, and have more power. All these things would help me tremendously. In conclusion, as long as I'm not taking steroids, then I'm in the clear.
i would be something classic like a Centaur- with wings, and gills... and who can breathe fire also.
If I could modify my body I would like to fly without wings, jump as high as a cricket, and scream loud enough to break a window. Oh yea, and ofcoarse make money come out of the palm of my hand.
Gaby R.
This right reminds me of Spiderman or the TV program Stan Lee's Super Humans, about regular people who have discovered they possess unnatural abilities in one sense or another. While I would choose to remain as I am, if I had to choose something to modify it would probably be to be able to see in the dark.
seriously though, i think genetic body modification would be more complicated law wise than stem cell research, the majority of people would not go for it, and it would remain illegal for as long as this is a democracy. the technology will probably be made though, and there will be some guy with wings locked up in some underground lab somewhere.
I would not like to modify my body. I think that we should not be using DNA to mutate or get any extra powers.
This whole "reading people" topic reminds me of Edward Cullen.
If I could choose anything to modify it would probably be to see into the future. I would like to see myself in ten years and see where I am at. Am I a Cat lady? Do I have everything I dreamed i would have? Or did I finally give in and get married?
Everyone asks themselves these questions, and I would be the one to know.
I think the human body has its limits and without technology or maybe imagination, some of these “transhumanism” features cannot be reached. I do not think that there are genes in our bodies that haven’t been discovered. In which case I would disagree with Janet. Although I think it might be fascinating to be able to fly, hold my breath underwater for hours, or somehow move things without physically touching them, I do not think the human species was created to have such powers. I believe that we evolve to our needs and such attributes are not necessarily a need to survive. For example, a species like a bird has the ability to fly in order to catch its food. -.v.p
Although I do not see the point in modifying our bodies to be a superhuman, "transhumanism" or body modification can have its benefits. But this right should be limited, reckless people might take advantage of this new posthuman freedom. In only certain circumstances, for example to save someone’s life, should this right be available. I would choose to remain the same, but just for a day I would not mind having a pair of wings.
Luisa Isla
I am against transhumanism. Everybody and everything is created in a perfect way. We have to be thankful that we are unique; we should not try to be like other creatures.
Aimara Ors
This topic reminds me of the X-men movie where the mutants fight for their right to stay the way they are. So, by using my right to imagination, I’ll like to be able to make magic just by moving my nose, to become invisible by clicking my fingers, and also like one of the comments from my classmates: to be able to make money out of the palms of my hands. =) GS
I do not support this right even though the image in the post is pretty neat. People have a tendency of not knowing when to stop; first it’s something simple, then they wants more and more modifications, the end result a planet full of freaks. Gary Norris
I think part of having a right to freedom, includes doing whatever you want with your body. Personally, I'm not too crazy about transhumanism. I wouldn't choose to modify my body at all, but if other people are into it then they should go for it. --Rosa F.
Although I find this topic very intriguing, I think that if this was possible the world would be in serious trouble. Sure most of us would use this "transformation" to be able to fly, become invisible, etc., but imagine what the "criminal" population would be able to do.
Eddie M.
In the same way I disagreed with the right to remain human, I have to disagree with this right too. Once again, I believe this is not a right but it is a choice. If people want to be different let them be, it is not of other people's business to opine about this topic and yet the same goes to remain human, nobody can interfere with that decision expect the person itself.
Humans have been transforming their bodies for many years because of many reasons. Whether it’s cultural, religious, or a trend, I believe one can do whatever they want with their body as long as it doesn’t affect me directly. I prefer to see a natural body, but if there are serious imperfections in one’s body I agree in transforming it as long as it makes one comfortable.
Humans have been transforming their bodies for many years because of many reasons. Whether it’s cultural, religious, or a trend, I believe one can do whatever they want with their body as long as it doesn’t affect me directly. I prefer to see a natural body, but if there are serious imperfections in one’s body I agree in transforming it as long as it makes one comfortable. GIL RO.
Well, I believe that one should not modify their body, although we all should respect everyone's choice. I don't think I would modify my body if I had the chance to do so. I believe we were made a certain way and we should respect that. EA
Body modification seems permissible when the procedure is used in the context of it being post human. In a post human era I would like my strength, vision, and hearing to be enhanced. P.L
If they could actually pull these modifications off, then again, to each it's own. I think people that consider this, lack purpose. If they knew their purpose on this earth and would live to fulfill it then they would be satisfied knowing that they will die of old age and go to heaven or hell. But again, since we live in a world where we have the right to choose, then they have every right to choose as they want.--KB
I find this to be a very unique topic that I really have not researched. Two ways transhumansim can be used is to enhance human intelligence and physical appearance. I feel theses types of technologies are of an ethical matter. Transhumanism has been labeled as the worlds most dangerous idea and I can see why.
Ann Marie
The human body evolves with time over the years whether we want it to or not; having the ability to use DNA that already exist to evolve our bodies, in my opinion, is only helping that evolution. Having other animals’ abilities could only help us in the long run.
-D. Diaz
Transhumanism has its advantages. It would be pretty cool if we could have transhumanism in the future. To have the ability to have eyes that see in the dark or wings to fly would make a new kind of humanity. There is nothing new to find out in the human body. DNA has been the same for years. I do not agree with messing with our DNA in order to create different coding.We were made as humans with no higher power or anything of the sort. We should not create a species superior than humans because it could bite us in the behind in the future. I will not deny I would love to be invisible, that is an incredible ability. But if I had the choice, I would not take the chance. We should be grateful with how things were made and created. Therefore, transhumanism should not be allowed.
Transhumanism is a very broad topic, involves other topics, like; religion, humanism and posthuman.
In my opinion, If we continue developing our human body, we will not be part of the humanization, and a new race will began.
Patricia Delgado
I think that anything is possible in today fast pace evolving world. I respect everyone's decision either for transhumanism or not. We are going to find a way, sooner or later.E.S.
We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones.We should have the right to do whatever with our bodies.
I suppose if its possible then we have a right to it because we are full of choices. But part of that choice is whether this would be good for the world, or society. In that case, I don't think we should have this right. It could lead to things far worse than the crimes occuring in the world now.
This topic is amazing to me. How technology has become so advanced, we can change who we are. To me it's fascinating but I don't believe it should be done. People are born one way, why change it? We should live according to how God created us, and not alter every aspect of ourselves.
Today people can change any aspect of themselves, their clothing, hair, teeth, face, and body. Most of these changes are met with a level of acceptance; some are more socially expected than others do. If I have a chance to modify my body, I would like to have several eyes over my head that can let me see everything.
I'm completely happy with who I am. Thank you Jesus for my health an strength.
Wow, this post is terrific. I definitively agree that we should have this right.
Claudia B.
Like Michelle quoted, this too reminds me of Edward and the Cullens. Being a fan of the ‘X-men movies,’ if I could choose to modify my body I wouldn’t change anything I’d add being able to heal myself like that of Wolverine. If we have freedom to express and tattoo ourselves, as long as it’s for good and not harm I don’t see why not. Whether human or mutant, no one should be judged. – D.T
I would not want to change my body in any way, shape or form. But just for the sake of imagination, I would like to enjoy the ability to fly, that way I can avoid paying for high gas prices and also take a journey around the world! :)
I wouldn't change anything about me but it would be nice to fly once in a while with super strengh.
I think for some people to modify their body can be helpful for them in a good way like a cop getting supper strength to have better performance or the military would get camouflage to better protect their soldiers,so in some ways this could help humans in better survival.----AN
It is a personal choice if we want to modify our bodies, but
personally I do not think it would be a good idea.
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