A person who has to migrate for survival
risks their life on the journey.
Survivors of a journey from North Africa, who never made their destination of Italy,
tell of their ordeals at sea.
tell of their ordeals at sea.
This is the story of three Ethiopians who faced high seas between Libya and Italy.
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Tunisians who survived the journey
on the shores of the Sicilian island of Lampedusa, Italy,
All humans need the Right to Migrate across Earth.
At the moment, thousands of people of Northern Mali are migrating
to their neighbor countries of Mauritania, Burkina Faso, and Niger.
The United Nations launched an emergency operation
providing food and shelter.
All humans should have the right to migrate across the Earth. We are born in a location chosen by our parents, not us. As individuals we have different likes and prefer different styles of living, so we should definitly have the right to migrate where we desire...
Seat belts clank
Doors above me slam
Inhale, exhale
Grip tight
Engines boom
Full throttle
Wheels screech
High speed
Butterflies fly
Muscles relax
My new home waits
Justice, freedom, happiness waits
My family, my love waits
I can’t wait
-Squirrels like peanut butter
they killed my family
they killed my sanity,
and killed my dreams.
Yet they didnt kill me physically.
I'm running with no place to go,
no place to hide,
no sense of direction.
with the ounce of optimism I have left,
I will survive
the evil eyes are lurking but I'm not looking back
Beware poor, tired, and huddled masses. Though the grass may be green, it is not what it seems. -DJH
a journey not as beautiful as the destination
embarking on this journey or not embarking on it: which is a worse hell?
awful thoughts keep invading my head and
i want to purge my mind of it all i want peace even if it means death
death is peace, sort of
Anyone and everyone should have the right to migrate to survive, but is the journey worth it sometimes? I would personally say that it is worth it because your potentially going where the grass is greener. Anyone would die for freedom and life, so a dangerous journey to that is well worth it. -SC
i hear my friend cry out trying to get me to row faster and faster
the pain in my arms i am unable to take
but i can see it in the distance as i look up
the sun burning my eyes but i can see it
i can see my new home
i can see my freedom
i can see the opportunity that awaits me
A sigh of relief exhales from my body i can feel every bit of pain as i breath out
But im happy because i am home -LRC
Right to Migrate = Right to Freedom
Are we really free?
-Just the word 'migrate' implies the existence of a dominant and subordinate group.
By skyscrape, by jet, by plane, by anythang. By boat, by float, by tire, on the back of a liar. By train, by wagon, by horse, by hope
by foot, by boot, in a bag of flutes. By wire or through gun fire.
~Such extremes one must endure to travel? Inhumane and Unjust; Far from Free...
a long voyage ahead//feel the dirt beneath our feet//the journey is endless
The right to migrate isn't always a right. For someone to just leave a country and enter another through illegal forms of transportation is a crime. But if one is seeking asylum from a government oppressed state, then asylum should be given and the right to migrate should be allowed. VAC
He sees a light
Between darkness
He dreams of life
Hope on the horizon
He prepare his heart
Journeys are never easy
He prays to his god
Freedom is worth it all
All humans should have the right to migrate across earth. No one will choose to leave behind everything they have, including families, friends, language, culture and the sense of pertinence, without a strong need for it. Parting to the uncertainty and becoming a less than always-welcomed immigrant is one of the hardest options someone can have, and sometimes, is the only one.
It is heartbreaking to hear these horrible stories. The danger that many immigrants face during their journey to migration is unimaginable to many of us. Countless of these cases are present here in Miami. Cubans often spend days at sea migrating to other countries, in seek of their freedom.
On a raft
With my 10 brothers
4 sisters
5 uncles
and 10 aunts.
Cuban life is so overrated
The right to have a floaty on:
Good blog, great post.
Nice focus...the right to...
and good lengths.
Great blog actually!
Everyone should have the right to migrate. People who think otherwise, probably don't know the cruel things that immigrants go through. A person would not want to leave their family, and home behind unless the conditions where dreadful. Freedom is a gift that all U.S.A citizens have. You will be shocked to see how many people will want to switch places with us.
Leaving a country to some seems normal. To others you’re leaving behind a home, memories, and loved ones; and yet they come to this country and others looking for freedom, for their rights that they have earned, and for protection. They go through a journey that leaves them discouraged, weary, and unable to trust new faces. Through all this what keeps them on their feet and allows them to continue this journey is the prospect of one day finding a place that they can truly feel free. Finding a new place to call home. -B.A
The right to migration is often present here on the east coast. During winter time many homless people often have to travel further south to escape the harsh winter. It is their rights to survival that brings them to the southern states. Thee homeless, I feel, have a critical understanding of what the right to migrate means. -JLH
The right to migrate from danger is a very important right. One said maybe the trip is not worth it. If you do not take the risk you will die anyways. If you don’t fight for something as survival how do you plan to be successful in your own life? The key to survival and success is migration. JLS
Anyone is free to pick up themselves and belongings to relocate, especially in the case of mistreatment. But are we really free to do this; besides immigration laws, some people can only migrate by smuggling and living illegally. ~vm
The right to migrate should be implied all around the world. Anyone and everyone should be allowed to pick up and go whenever and wherever they choose no matter their color, size, weight, etc.
As a imigrant, I have to thank for having the opportunity to imigrate to the United States. Unfortunately, not everybody has the same opportunities. On a daily basis, many people risk their lives by crossing borders, sinking in the ocean or being stuck in a society where they feel rejected or harassed. Everyone should have the right to migrate in order to search a better future. AL
I believe that when we decide to migrate from a certain country to another we do it because we are looking to improve our situation or lifestyle. Many people have the resources to move on, but others gamble with their life when migrating. There is too much danger when it comes to migrate for people with little or no resources, such as the distance from a place to another, food and water, etc. and many lose their life along the way. IC
Could you imagine, walking through explicable situations. No water, no food, no safe haven for your self, nor your children. This great country, was built upon "A New World". One which too many of us take for granted, the "The Right to Migrate" has such an empathetic tone, and is forever tried to improve the quality of life, for many to come. Clearly, can't you see ? We're all one under the skin, one heart, one soul, just striving to be free.AF
The right to migrate from danger sounds a bit complicated. What if you are being a danger to yourself, what then? How do you migrate from yourself. A perfect example would be a drug addict. An even more mutual situation when we are with someone dangerous, meaning they are abusive. When in love or scared some of us will want to leave that dangerous environment but are too weak too leave.
Many of us take for granted how lucky we’re to be born in a peaceful country. War and dehumanizing atrocities are not something we deal with on our doorsteps every day. Being born in a third world country is not a choice. The right to migrate should be a choice we all have.
No one should be kept from seeking out what they believe they deserve. So many people dream of leaving their countries, full of dirt and famine. Even if it means struggling in the U.S. or any other country, it is better than struggling somewhere where you may never make it anywhere in life. People migrate to other countries just so that their families can have a better quality of life and I don't look down on them for that. I admire them for going through the dangerous journey and fighting to get what they desire.
The motives that someone might have behind choosing to migrate are very important. We are blessed to live in a country with unlimited resources. However, others are not as fortunate to have water or food. This can lead to people risking their lives to migrate to another region with more resources. This right can determine life or death for many. *KPG*
People didn't like it when Europeans decided to "Immigrate" to their lands. Tough luck Whities.
Close your eyes and imagine if you would, what it would be like to know that the life you live is not your own. That all you believe in will not be allowed for you to practice and represent who you are freely. That every day’s worth of hard sweat and sacrifice is not yours to keep. To live in emotional and physical oppression is not to live at all. No one should be kept in an environment that is not conducive to their own happiness. No one! MMSEAWOLF
Just like a bird,
soaring through the sky,
"attention, please buckle your seat belts, we're having some turbulence."
Fear, scared, alone.
Just like a bird,
soaring through the sky.
Sadly, the world is not a peaceful place. If humans could not migrate we probably wouldn't be here today and the world would be nothing like the world we know today. JB
Everyone should have the right to migrate whether what creed, race or culture.If we didnt have the right to migrate we would be in a world with so many countries.Some people like to experience different ways of life.S.A.
I can't think of anybody that has not migrated to a better place, whether it be looking for freedom, or the right to live a decent life as a human being, we are all part of this giant place call earth, we all come from the same place, like one of my fellow blogger posted we sometimes don't have a choice were we are born, yet the right to migrated for a better life or freedom is part of our instinct as humans. LEG
Every country, state, whateverthefuck has it's messed up laws, unique type of people...
Like CMC said, we don't choose where we are born.
So why should we be confined to an area?
And be given the right to leave our houses, and find our homes.
To go where we see the grass greener.
If someone lives where they want to live, wouldn't they be more happy?
And in turn do more productive things and accomplish more in life?
Here in the US we have the perfect example of migration many people, including my family, come to this country looking for a better lifestyle and opportunities. “If the universal visa runs the day we are born, and expires in death, why this people are persecuted; if the consul of the heavens gave them permission?” G.S.
One heaven. One Earth. No boundaries.
Equality for all, one planet for all!
Migration is a necessity. Some of us stay in the same place for life and others migrate. I do not think that we creature of one place. The division of countries has made it impossible for those who live in extreme conditions to get a chance to leave and better their lives. Some die trying and other suffer immensely among the way. It is not fair, everyone should have the right to food, shelter, and work. We don't really need luxuries to live a descent life, if we were to get rid of all these nonsense luxurious stuff, then there would be enough for others.
This reminds me of a quote from russian author Gary Shteyngart "Look it’s a heroic act to leave your country. In a way, it’s even more brave when you do it not because you’re a refugee, but because you simply demand a better life."
How many of us can say this is where my grandparents were raised? very few. we are constantly migrating whether escaping danger or not.Hopefully we find the safety or better life that we are so desperately searching for. dgon4321
Dark clouds in my head
my mind goes insane.
Waiting everyday,
praying every night.
I dream of freedom.
I dream of life.
I wish for a sign.
I can almost see it,
I can almost feel it.
My soul full of joy,
tears stream my face.
The clouds have cleared,
my mind is here.
I can finally see it,
I can finally feel it.
Sweet freedom.
Everyone should have the right to migrate wherever their hearts desire. Common people decide to relocate for various reasons. Some citizens travel to another place because of living conditions, mistreatment, or even to better their education. Like I've stated before everyone should have the right to migrate wherever they please, and no one should take that away from them. AA
I am an immigrant and am grateful to this country for allowing me to pursue my dreams. These are dreams which I would not have been successful in fulfilling in my country. My grandfather migrated to Panama and helped to build the Panama canal. Many countries have been built by immigrants.SAM
A wise man immigrated to Cuba from Spain with his two brothers. He built a big family, and immigrated to the United States in a big boat. Days before he died, he asked his daughter to prepare a dinner with the tree different meals, from Spain, from Cuba and from United States. He was a happy man!
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