So many women still don't have the Right to Equality.
Marital abuse by husbands and in-laws exists worldwide.
Here is one case from India.
A woman accused of unfaithfulness
was set on fire by her husband.
![]() |
Burned woman, before and after. |
Another famous case is Aisha, an Afghanistan 18 yr old,
abused by her husband and in-laws.
After attempting to flee, a Taliban commander ordered her nose cut off
by her husband as punishment.
She is now in exile in the U.S. about to begin
several years of painful reconstructive surgery.
abused by her husband and in-laws.
After attempting to flee, a Taliban commander ordered her nose cut off
by her husband as punishment.
She is now in exile in the U.S. about to begin
several years of painful reconstructive surgery.
Humans perpetrating humans must end.
As commenter W.J. writes, "These acts aren't crimes against women, they are crimes against humanity," and "to solve a crime against humanity, it takes all of humanity."
And commenter MMSEAWOLF writes similarly, "Women in such countries need the voices of those who can fight on their behalf."
As commenter W.J. writes, "These acts aren't crimes against women, they are crimes against humanity," and "to solve a crime against humanity, it takes all of humanity."
And commenter MMSEAWOLF writes similarly, "Women in such countries need the voices of those who can fight on their behalf."
A global women’s rights treaty was ratified by the majority of the world’s nations a few decades ago. Despite many successful ways in empowering women, many issues still arise in all areas of life, ranging from the cultural, and political and religious. Many people think its over, but after reading articles on the discrimination its appalling. Most women work more than men and yet still get paid less because they're women. My hearts go out to women abused and discriminated and we as women just stand up for ourselves. -SC
When I think of women’s rights and equality the first thing that comes to mind is the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848. Those brave women asking for equality and justice through a declaration which they titled Declaration of Sentiments. It’s 1848 and women are beginning to notice differences. Today it’s 2012 and with the passage of the 19th amendment we think we have equality. 164 years later and look at what’s happening today. Have we won the war, or have we won small battles? -B.A
The oppressor knows no other remedy - the victim knows both sides
Without Women, who men?
* I do it because you make me do it
** If you would've just listened, this wouldn't happen
*** I didn't mean to hurt you, but you just make me so angry sometimes
**** go clean yourself up
***** I love you to death
****** If you ever try to leave me again,I'll kill you...and I mean that
Who would of imagine that coming to this world as a woman would mean you would carry a burden on your shoulders ? For such a mind set to change, both women and men need to change their ways.
Who would of Imagined that coming into this world as a woman would mean you would carry a burden on your shoulders? For a mind set to change both, men and women, need to change their ways. R.R
A numerous amount of women worldwide are affected by abuse and legal discrimination. Reasons such as, religion, tradition, or just the fact that they are females entitles them to be mistreated. Indian women are considered inferior to men, marriage is pre-chosen for many women. In India, daughters are considered a burden and an economic impossibility; therefore, baby girls are killed by her own parents when they are born in a family of an already existing female. In Pakistan, if a woman is raped she will be condemned of committing fornication. In Togo, Baby girls are circumcised for tradition, to prevent them from fornication and sexual pleasure. Unfortunately in many of these countries, women lack the right to be respected, heard and loved. Who gives these people the right to make others suffer?
Source: Movie: “Shackled Women”
Women equality is most respected as a majority here in the U.S. I have first hand been to Afghanistan where the women are all equally treated horribly. The story of this women who had her nose cut off is not a shocking story to hear comming out of some hostile areas in Afghanistan. The women were hidden from the troops and it was no mystery of their mistreatment. Women's level of equality is strongly influenced by culture and religous views. Teaching socities of lessons such as what morals are and the respect for humanity will be the only positive impact in resolving the current issues with woman equality.-JLH
It is a shame and very heart breaking to see stories like this in places such as Afghanistan. My heart goes out to all the women suffering from this kind of abuse. There is absolutely no respect for women in countries like these. It is a horrible thought, I can only imagine the pain the women went through. Men need to realize that women are not their possessions or property, we share our time with each other and there needs to be more respect.
Truth is there will never be complete equality just like there will never be complete peace.
You say I'm the same, but I'm always to blame.
Is it my curls that captures their eyes
Or my smile that never lies.
Why do you insist in lowering my value
Is it because at times I was quick to deny you.
I jus want to be treated like you so why do you do the things you do.
Equality is what I want it to be
Something hard when I'm being me.
As a woman I could not imagine living without this right. I am grateful to live in a country where I am treated as an equal. I believe the women that endure this treatment everyday are brave. Like the woman with her nose cut off, she still managed to break free. I believe every woman tries at some point to get away, I commend all of them that try. Never the less, this is a difficult right to achieve there are too many factors that affect the right to equality for woman. But at least every woman should try. *KPG*
In some areas of Korea, dogs are beaten to death for consumption and it is the belief of those that consume the meat of a dog who has suffered such fate, that with the consumption they will gain virility. This is a practice that has existed for several years. It is this same lack of respect, empathy and psychopath traditional practice that exist in many countries where women have no equality. They are viewed no different than the dog born in the unfortunate countries where they have no rights and equality. In order for this inequality to end, others having such equality in other fortunate countries must offer their assistance in the plight of equality. As with animals who don’t have a voice, the women in such countries need the voices of those who can fight on their behalf. MMSEAWOLF
I'm your shelter...
I'm your life...
I'm your love...
I'm your slave...
With out me (women)
you would be...
freedom is something we dont have
freedom is something that i want
freedom I yearn for and i cry for
freedom something that i will never have
freedom is beyond my world
freedom is what i wished for when i was alive
freedom is what i needed
freedom for women in my world that was a funny thought
freedom i want to live again and be free.-LRC
Domestic violence is not exclusive against women; it happens to men also, and it has little to do with “equality”. Violence is related to lack of love and self-respect from both parts: victim and aggressor. A person with low self-esteem is prone to choose partners who treat her or him according to her or his own perception of one self. Violence represents a vicious circle where the one who was a victim in the past, now becomes the aggressor.
burns, cuts, pain.
dark eyes,
water filled eyes,
heart breaking,
promise of love gone,
burn, cuts, pain.
Who would think that after so many years in some part of the world womens still have no rights. Without a female figure where will the male figure be? My prayers goes out to all those women who are still going through abuse and discrimantion and cannot get out. Let's hope one day sense will come to those who abused and discriminate womens.
How can we help? What is this world coming to? if you read the daily news you would know... It looks more as if the men in our own country are implementing that unhuman culture that exsists in other parts of the world. Though we speak of rights to migrate, to what extend is it safe for current citizens?
Women who live in the United States should be extremely grateful.We need to speak out and help girls, and women like the ones we read in the article.Women are no slaves and should have the same rights as men. They need respect and power like the men do in their country. We need to be heard!-C.A
This is one ordeal that will never be overcome, the same as war and crime, it is something that will always be present. While humanity as a whole is changing to diminish and rectify these acts of inhumanity, the capability to do these acts will always be within us. JB
There is no reason for a person to go through such terrible acts of violence.In these countries women are taken advantage of and this has stop.There are so many human rights movements out there,why can they help these people.It's so sad to see these women living under these conditions.
Things like this, is what makes this world such a disturbing world, to think that a fellow human being can do this to another person is insane, but yet this still happen in some many other parts of this world. Why is it so hard to comprehended the we all come from a woman, life in this earth as a human comes from a woman. Very sad article disturbing to me to a certain extend wonder, can't help to only wonder how many other woman go through this ordeal still in another parts of this world, sad very sad. LEG
I really think that it is not right for these women to have to go through this. Most of the time these problem are in other countries. I do not like the fact that the men in these countries abuse these women for the same thing they are doing. The sad part about this, is that it also happens here in America.
All human beings have rights to be respected. Unfortunately, there are places in the world such as India, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia where woman are abused and ignored. The religion and culture in these regions permit this bad treatment of woman. In my opinion, the religion and culture in these countries have old ideas that should be abolished.-DP
Many here in America think of women’s liberation and activism as thing of the past. Well to women in areas like the Middle East and Africa women’s rights are a bleak and distant hope. There must be some kind of international pressure and intervention to stop these atrocities to women.
I completely agree with this post because women are not treated correctly in certain parts of the world. Many of them end up getting beat by their husband just because the food is not ready or by any other miniscule reason. Some women can’t recover from a physical encounter with another man and they are left with scars that last a lifetime. Not just scars on their faces but scars deep in their hearts. IC
These crimes against women are happening all over even here In the United States. It is inhumane acts like this that make us realize what actually goes on. Both women and men all over the world need to step up and fight to protect those that are vulnerable. This is another type of bullying that must be stopped. My heart goes out to all of those that are suffering. JLS
Remember this the next time you drive your car, go to school, or go out with your friends:
Someone somewhere gave their life for your rights, while others wait for their saviors still.
I hope for my daughter's, that their lives as young women doesn't go unnoticed in this grand illusion of equal rights, between males and females. That their right's to equality, does continue to move forward. The right to education, health care and job security is held as a normality rather than a consequence of failed humanity. Since when does religion and society have the right to bestow what is right for our bodies, minds and souls across the span of our lives. In many countries, women still cannot own property, nor do they have a say in whom they will marry. They are told what, where and how they're lives will be carried out. When these rules are abolished across the board, then we will truly be bestowed with equal right's, and not a minute before. AF
he said he loved me
he said he would stop
he said I deserved it
he said I'm worthless
he said till death do us part
he said death is my only savior
he said...
he said...
I say he doesn't know love
I say he's not even human
I say I deserve better
I say I will not wait for death
I say I AM DONE.
By looking at this picture,as a woman I feel insulted and frustrated by the fact that no one would fight for women's rights. Many women in third world countries unfortunately suffer abuse. However, we cannot exclude developed countries from this behavior because ignorance exists there also. Education is a possible way to begin fixing these problems.- butterfly
As a woman, the right to equality is very important and men should not mistreat their love ones. No matter how big or small the situation is, nobody is perfect.
To be honest, I don't think women's rights should exist. I'm totally and entirely against them, and quite frankly, I'm disgusted that they exist. There should just be Human rights, set in place to stop any kind of prejudice, sexism, racism, etc..
Stacks of late bills on the counter.
He wishes he had never sent her to hell.
He is lost without her.
* A woman was created to be a man's helper. They need help!
* Men stop being stupid and prideful and cutting yourself short of help!
In other countries, they do not value women the way that they do here in the United States. I have heard stories of women being stoned to death just because they show their ankles or say no to a man. Women can try to put the change into their own hands, but I don't know if that would do any good. I bet that the man who is in charge of the country isn't trying to do anything to change what is done to women.
Domestic violence is a huge problem in all type of societies and countries. It is important to help the women that suffered from these sick-minded people; they know that in this countries they will not get punish for these types of acts. The Law or may the Religion protects them. G.S.
Sometimes the abusers live with us, raise us, writes the laws, gives birth, participates in charity events, hold lucrative jobs, enforces the law, cures others in a hospital, leads a church, wins a prize, etc...They are everywhere! fight back....LOUD AND CLEAR EVEN IF IT MEANS DEATH!!! NDF
I have come to the realization that no matter where you go in this world there is never going to be an equal amount of respect for everyone. Every person, culture, gender,and race has their own perspective and beliefs on things. And history will continue to repeat itself. ~vm
Equal is what many demand
to be seen through all eyes.
But in a world where ignorance,
hate, and two minds exists,
there can be no such thing as
No matter who the people are
and no matter how much they beg
to be seen as equal by all,
behind the veil of truth
there is no such thing as
Bills and laws can be passed
to make us believe we are equal.
But as long as there exists
two minds on one planet,
there is never a thing as
I took a trip to Dubai with my wife last summer. Unaware of the rule that you cannot show any public display of affection, I held my wifes hand, and she was sent to jail. They make woman look and feel inferior. Equality is only a dream in the middle east.
It's hurtful and devestating to hear that now in the 21st Century women are still not equal to men. Women are suppose to be treated with respect and loved unconditionally at all times. However, there are men that wouldn't agree with what I just stated. I want to leave you with this, in our society I feel that their will never be equality. AA
Speak to your mothers' about rights and they will tell you my mother did not have the right to vote. We are lucky to be in this country which only recently, gave women most equal rights. The goal is to continue to advance these rights through education. As john milton said "No man ... can be so stupid as to deny that all men naturally were born free." What was he smoking? Once born, in most cases we are told our religion, our beliefs and how to act. Women have drawn the short straw. "It is a distance to travel from a woman's mouth to a man's ears."-spartacus Sometimes women have to accept their fate and try to make it better for the generations to come. Free speech can't depend on who owns he microphone or any freedom for that matter.Take back the mic -dgon 4321
It’s a tragedy that men would abuse women. Don’t they know we are all here because of women. On top of that they are beautiful creatures. I agree with the comment that this is not a crime against women but a crime to humanity. -IMF-
Until we all believe that women are equal to men, women will continue to suffer abuse. This is a battle that women have had to face for centuries. Although women have gained rights in some countries, they still are not treated as equals even in the US. Women all over the world suffer physical and mental abuse. We are able to see those who are scarred physically, and we are horrified. What of those women with inner scars not visible to the eyes? Women who are paid far less because of their gender even though they are doing far more than their men counterparts? Women must stand and fight together and speak with one voice, “No more”.SAM
I am so proud to live in a country where I as a woman have rights and can be heard although my pride is bitter sweet because of unfortunate events that continue to take part in other parts of the world. The only reason why those women are getting burned and mutilated is because they know nothing else.
Abuse is a sad word. It should be deleted from the dictionary, but before doing that, the action of abuse needs to be suppressed first. "Imagine", by John Lennon.
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