Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Right to Purpose

I declare the Right to Purpose.

When a person discovers what they should do in their life---
their life mission--- they have found their purpose in life, and they find a certain inner tranquillity with this knowledge. They can now focus their actions towards that specific goal, which involves the use of their own special gifts or talents.

When your unique talent, born or acquired, collides with a need that the world has,
your life mission is found.
your special talents + a world need = your life purpose

"We see that we are in the world and cannot be otherwise than in it, until we die. The question, then, is... how to validate our relationship, give it a fully honest and human significance, and make it truly productive and worthwhile for our world."
...words by Thomas Merton in "Notes on Art and Worship"


Anonymous said...

I found my purpose in my 30’s. I am no longer searching to belong or figuring out my mission in life. My purpose is to love my husband, cherish the home we have built, raise two honest and righteous men, and live MY LIFE to the fullest without regrets. I carry around a quote from Steve Jobs, it keeps me focused and on my path. “…Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life…Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary….” People take years to find their purpose and some sadly never do, I am blessed to have found mine. TL

Anonymous said...

Wow… this is very deep. I don’t know if everyone has a specific purpose in life or not. What I do know is that we only have one life to live, so why not make the best of it. Whether it’s family, love, education or service, do… what makes you happy. BRM

Anonymous said...

To have true purpose in life is to have a reason for living, a clear objective, and a focal point for our efforts. The question remains, can humans really have such a purpose? The fact that we are endowed with intelligence, conscience, and the ability to reason implies, we can find and fulfill our true purpose only by living in harmony with our goals and aim in life.-YEM

Anonymous said...

I believe that purpose gives a person the drive to keep moving forward. Also that a persons life can have multiple purposes as well. This is important because as I said before it keeps a person focused. For example when a person passes away some people find it that its their job to keep that person living thru their life stories. But i do believe that in each stage of life we serve a different purpose. -JPG

Anonymous said...

The career, or the path chosen, should be a mixture of what you love to do and what you are good at (whether you developed talent, or it was innate). However, I believe that my purpose in life is to have a family. More specifically, to be a wonderful mother. I am not yet one, but since my upbringing was everything but normal, I have always dreamed about having the opportunity to have a wonderful family. For me, my life purpose is motherhood and it will for sure be enhanced with the gratitude of teaching, as I have chosen to become a teacher.
"The purpose of our lives is to be happy."
Dalai Lama
I know I will be!

Anonymous said...

Purpose is what you make it. BRM has the right idea.
Don’t waste time waiting for purpose to hit you on your head. Make your own purpose. Be exactly what you need yourself to be. CTK

Anonymous said...

Everyone has a purpose on this earth. We strive to get things done in life. What we do to make ourselves happy, help us guide us to our purpose driven life. Our purpose in life starts off withh us growing up as a child to an adult and to reproduce.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the right to purpose. I have heard people say things like "life sucks and then you die." However, to when I say it I also add "it's what you do in between that counts." I also find that life should be lived through with humor. And my purpose for life is my family, so long as I have them I can fight through anything life shots at me.

RCW said...

We can spend life searching or spend life enjoying. I wish to realize my true purpose throughout the journey of life that i enjoy. Its not the path that we take but the journey that we have gone through.

Fidela said...

The right to purpose is to achieve willingly the goals you impose to yourself in life. These accomplishments are reached by loving God,family,friends, and mankind. Love is the major inner spiritual force that gives us hope, strength, and endurance to succeed. Love gives us happiness! "Love is our destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone-we find it with another." Thomas Merton
The picture in this blog is one of the seventh wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal-the symbol of eternal love. Fidela

Anonymous said...

Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher, Said: "To forget one's purpose is the commonest form of stupidity." There is a purpose for everything we do in life, is like the law of relativity, every action demands a reaction. life without purpose should not be called life. life itself demands propose. there is a purpose for everything we do in life.

Anonymous said...

A purpose in life, is what everyone is looking for. Those who find their purpose, find out that a lot of the other things he, or she thought were important, become nothing more than an average part of life. To find ones purpose might cause the person to become enlightened. A purpose separates what is truly important, from what is not. Unfortunately, one's purpose can be misguided into the wrong direction.

Anonymous said...

Purpose is where my future is driving to. It's an endless road in which requires my ability to strive for my better days. In order to arrive there I need to believe in my purpose for doing it.

Anonymous said...

My purpose in life wakes me each day with a smile and says "get down mommy, lets go." I never imagined my life would revolve around another so deeply. My daughters arrival brought an amazing feeling of calmness over me, and it seemed so clear that I was meant to be a parent. I may have multiple purposes during my lifetime, but at this moment, this one is on the top of my list.

Bruna said...

Influential psychiatrist Victor Frankl wrote “A man who becomes conscious of the responsibility he bears toward a human being who affectionately waits for him, or to an unfinished work, will never be able to throw away his life. He knows the "why" for his existence, and will be able to bear almost any how". Victor Frankl was a vivid example of someone who learned his meaning in life by living through extreme conditions. He survived the Holocaust. Each person has a different purpose in life as every person is different. One’s purpose can change through different stages of life. The most essential element of life is to figure out where one is going and learn to enjoy yourself along the way.

Anonymous said...

Purpose is what helps me bear to live. It is my hero.In every breath I take purpose gives me force to desire the dream any distance away.Oh Life can feel so cold and empty! I can almost see my will slipping away.The thought that soon I'll be a counselor and help people everyday gives me strength. Purpose creates the ability to say some day ,some day! LINA.A

Anonymous said...

Everybody has a purpose in life. Many people know at an early age other never find out there purpose but everyone has one. If your purpose in life is to be the President of your country, you will be the president of your country. You can do anything if your put your mind to it. I feel we can make our purpose. We make our lives the way we want them to be so it's only right that we make the purpose of it as well. SKT

Mr.Drama said...

I dont necessarily know what my purpose in life is, But i feel as if my attributes can serve as a purpose. I believe this is my reason for continuing my life. This is what distinguishes myself from everybody else, I am in pursuit of my talents becase this is the only thing that makes me feel alive.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has a purpose in life, whether its big or small. Some may never find out what their purpose is because they have already completed their purpose without even noticing.

Anonymous said...

It is human nature to need to understand life’s true purpose, life’s meaning or our significance in this world; very much so that some may spend their entire life pursuing this myth. Maybe it is time to consider that our purpose is to live, to love, to like and dislike, to succeed and to fail, and to value life itself. Only those who appreciate the little things will find their true purpose in life.


Anonymous said...

From the time were children we know what our strengths and weaknesses are, it is up to us to decide if we use it for the greater good or let it go for waste. The strengths that come natural to us can be anything from music to inspirational speaking, and we decide if our lives feel satisfied and fulfilled with that.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the right to a purpose. Life in general is about finding our real purpose in life. I am not taking about a dreaming job or a perfect relationship; I am talking about the reason why we are here, the reason why we exist. Purpose is what gives life a meaning.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has a purpose in life and I believe it is important to find that purpose. Many are serving their purpose without even knowing. It is a need to live your life with setting goals resulting in accomplishments. I have found my purpose which is to consult people when they are in need of advice. This purpose makes me feel and see life in another way.-S.S.

Anonymous said...

I know my purpose in life. It is simply to be the best person that God has made me to be. My purpose is to help others however I can. I believe this is everyone's purpose honestly. If you can just be the best human being you can be then you have led a good life. Christ preached selflessness in many of his teachings. As a Catholic, I take these teachings very seriously and make it a point to do at least one good deed a day. MBS