The Right to Life for Humans.... part 2... re-posting.
Do we really need to give reasons why all human life has value?
Needs no explanation?
Oh, but it does.
It does because us humans are a predator species.
We are at the top of the predator chain.
And, as predators, some of us prey on those of our own kind.
Much more awareness of this aspect of our nature is needed.
The value of every single human life has to be upheld in order to defend it.
So in my former posting of The Right to Life for Humans.... part 1,
I turned to sacred scripture for declarations of human life having value.
But these don't seem to be enough.
They don't satisfy or convince, and thus, they have not always worked.
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If, ironically, we can list the benefits of the
Right to Life for Animals and Right to Life for Plants
so easily, why can't we list the benefits of humans on the planet?
We multiply like gremlins and we create war and destruction
for ourselves and other species.
So, tell me the benefits of humans on Earth,
readers and commenters...
Help me uphold the Right to Life for Humans, as I declare it.
Human life has value because we each contribute ideas toward a better world, even if others do not believe so. There is no justification in killing another human being. Each human life is sacred and it should not be taken away by force, like in genocides, wars, or homicides. When lives are taken away, it is because of an ideology that the world will be better without the victims. However, people should learn to coexist and learn from each other, to be able to see that no matter what race, ethnicity, or beliefs, everyone is important in this world. GIM
We all have the right to live and if you have the right to live why doesn’t another? Nothing in this world gives you the right to take away the life of another human being for your own convenience. I agree with GIM we all should be able to coexist and be able to get along with all in the world since if you really think about it we are all sharing a home called earth. Cd884
Human life is precious. Each person contributes something unique to the world. It could be president of a country who may touch many lives, or a great mother to a child who may touch one life. The contribution towards mankind is still valuable. Every person should have the Right to Live. We as humans should celebrate life and appreciate our loved ones. No one’s life should be taken away at any one else’s will.
The benefits of humans on earth are great if you are human. The benefit of humans as seen by all other species is questionable. Certain species have proliferated because of mankind, but can we claim any particular benefit to the planet as long as our existence is the primary end goal? It is well documented that nature will take back what we have changed quickly once we are gone, recycling what it can and covering up the rest. “Life After People” on the History Channel documented what might happen if we disappeared. Hashima Island in Japan after 35 years is crumbling nicely. It looks good for the planet. Are we a “keystone predator” or just a predator? I would argue the latter. The world can live and be balanced without us meddling. We need to create the benefits we represent with tangible sacrifices and effort to preserve and harmonize with what is left of our world. Only then can we uphold the true “right to life” for ourselves.
I've literally sat here for 15 minutes attempting to list the benefits of human life on the Earth, planet, and animals but have not been able to come up with more than one thing and that is: IF life before us was actually destroyed by something such as a meteor, the only thing on this planet that could potentially save all life from being destroyed are Humans. We're the only animals with advanced technologies to possibly destroy this if we were faced with an "end of the world" scenario. Cbereng
Human life is limited. If we were smart humans we would not over populate, create weapons for wars, kill one another and ruin our planet. With all that we Humans destroyed today we all should be extinct. We don't deserve to even breathe or even be considered to have rights with our ignorance and our childish destructive behavior. But Life is beautiful, It is a shame to even discuss Humans as a right with how much we have learned and evolved, but for us... ignorance is bliss.
Chuck F.
I don’t care what anybody says to validate wars and poverty. The end does not always justify the means. What are we doing? Should we see humans going and killing one another and slaughtering to try to defeat terrorists without bringing shame upon ourselves?. Who is accountable for the death of innocent people on behalf of peace? Who speaks out for those who died as “a collateral damage”? Do we have the right to watch idly as millions of children starve to death in the world, when a minority has enough to eliminate this evil from the face of the earth? It would be much better if we try to resolve conflicts without revenge. It is time to take genuine actions to preserve the right to life for all humans’ beings.ML
It should be MORE than just a right, it should be about RESPECT to life for humans. It is granted that if we are put on this earth we therefore have the RIGHT to live, it is up to every single human to RESPECT that. After we learn what the word respect imposes THEN we will see the benefits this simple action can bring. Starting by a small community, where everyone looks after one another and protects and defends everyone selflessly. A community where kids won't grow up surrounded by gangs, violence and bullying. When we take it upon ourselves that WE are the change we want to see in this world THEN we will see the benefits that living and letting everyone do the same could bring.
At the end of the day, as intelligent as we are. We are simply animals trying to survive. We seem to have "won the lottery" by having advanced thinking, but how do we know that we are the most intelligent, or the actual end recipient of earth stewardship. Once we are gone, if that is destined to happen, the world will still survive. We are empowered to think we are more than a blip of the radar. But so did Neanderthals. Chuck F., Ignorance IS Bliss. LOL
Each living and breathing being deserves a chance to live. Whether a plant, or an animal, or a human, it deserves a chance to see everything that goes on around us through out life. Nobody should get to decide who stays and who goes or who lives and who dies just because they believe they are of a higher society. Let's not forget that the millions of people killed during WWI and WWII is a very regrettable and sad event, and under no circumstance should that ever happen again. Each person and individual should get to live and enjoy their chance given at life.
I support the right of life for humans, but can this be possible? The population in the world sort themselves into different classes of people. This is where the trouble begins, because these different groups of people think that they should be superior to each other and would stop at nothing at proving it, even if that means taking innocent human lives. For instance, there are people that may shape and misinterpret their religions so as to even kill innocent people. How can this be possible? Who has the right to take a life? In order for this right to actually work, it has to be the right for every single human being and recognize that we are all only one group, Homo sapiens. Unfortunately, I do not see this happening any way in the future. RR.
All humans have a right to live their life's no matter if they lived a good one or a bad one. I think that even prisoners have a purpose in life. We has humans have no rights over anyone. Who are we to determine who gets to live or not.
Human Life is important. We are irreplaceable. Every person has the right to live. We are social beings and need each other. Everyone contributes to society in some way, good or bad. Throughout history we have discovered better ways to improve our world for ourselves and others. We need each other to offer solutions to these problems since we all have different skills, talents, and interests. We possess the power to problem solve but sometimes we neglect using it. We ought to acknowledge our differences and abilities and put an end to destroying one another. DS
Every human has something to offer this world weather it be physical or intellectual power. Teamwork is something we all take for granted and some of us rather never do. If we can all join together we can make this world a better place for not only us but the other living things that share this planet with us. We have a responsibility as top predators to keep the world in check but also to coexist in peace.
Oh wow, I can write for days on this topic, there diffidently should be a right to human, If it wasn’t for us how can the planet maintain it self? We are the one’s that take care of everything. Like teach our kids, grow crops for food, invent new technology, I mean is there will a need to continue, with out the right to human earth would just be another planet with no life. AFF
I sure support The Right to Life, every human life is priceless and must always be respected from it's very beginning to it's end, (natural). No one, for no reason has the right to take a life away. Life is a special miracle, a special creation of God, and because of that we should proclaim our rarity, have self esteem and esteem for others.
The only benefit of human beings on this planet is saving other humans. Our struggle is to struggle with the rest of those who struggle (humanity) against those who struggle against us. I truly can’t find another purpose for us.
R.A.T. Jr
If you analyze wild animals they also kill their own for either food or control. We have the right to life and we do not have the right to take life away from others, but unfortunately we do. It can be for good and bad when we do such a thing like taking someones life. I rather just try to make the world and myself as happy as possible and know that my life is in my control for the most part. I can only make a difference in the present/ future and learn from the past. NOBRA
Each life is sacred, as said before. As we continue to rape and pillage the land and its once bountiful resources, one can't help but think we may be abusing our power. Can the unspoken will of the majority knock loose the greedy and the unquenchable thirst for power that seems to control the fates, popular opinion be damned? I do not know. I can tell you, regardless of how much we kick and scream, that unless we offer a solution, we will never have resolve in our favor. Take a look at the Wall Street protests for a prime example. Eventually, the planet will rid itself of us too. js
I find it funny how human kind over-think everything. How this one post has become so abstract, and how I foresee this topic having a part 3 just because humans aren't ever satisfied till there is a perfect, world agreeing answer.
I find it funny how human kind over-think everything. How this one post has become so abstract, and how I foresee this topic having a part 3 just because humans aren't ever satisfied till there is a perfect, world agreeing answer.
(forgot to write my initials)
The right to life for humans is a universal right that all beings ought to have. Nobody chooses to live; individuals just come to world and live. When God said: "Live and multiply and populate the earth," that is what people have been doing since then. It is important to understand this precept, follow this thought, and respect the right to life. Everybody should rejoice life and respect each other like you like to be respected, it is called empathy.
We all have the right to live and let others be. I don't think any one person has the right to take the life of another, no matter what mistakes or what flaws that person carries. It is sad to see the human race destroy its own kind when it should be doing the exact opposite. We should be able to coexist and help one another.
Nowadays, people have lost respect for one another. Human life is no longer valued. We harm each other, and ourselves. We are blind to the fact that all this abuse is wrong. Why? "Survival of the Fittest." Everyone is looking to surpass the other and achieve greatness, when they should be looking to come together in peace and harmony.
Humans have the right to live. In my opinion every living creature on this earth has the right. I believe that we don’t contribute to this word. Before our time millions and millions of creatures lived on this earth without our help. If you ask me we destroy more then we help. In the wild animals kill other animals for their survival to eat. Instead of using animals as an example, we kill each other over an argument. We humans have advance so much with technology. Technology that we cant live without but for what if it seems to me animals will live longer then we will. Animals adapt and use their resources from the earth unlike us.
Everyone should value their own life as well as the lives of others. It seems like the world is becoming a more violent place as the years pass and we are only doing it to ourselves. I think that the human race does not realize that when humans are no longer on this planet, the world will adapt and continue to exist.-KKP
The right to life for humans is a universal right that all beings ought to have. Nobody chooses to live; individuals just come to world and live. When God said: "Live and multiply and populate the earth," that is what people have been doing since then. It is important to understand this precept, follow this thought, and respect the right to life. Everybody should rejoice life and respect each other like you like to be respected, it is called empathy.GLT
I believe everyone has the right to live and no one has the right to take anothers life. Human life is valuable and we all contribute in one way or another.
Humans are an important part of this world and how it is changing. Humans bring plenty of positive things to this Earth. We each bring our ideas and wisdom to Earth and most with good intentions. This energy keeps the world evolving. On the other hand, Humans also bring negative and harmful things to this earth. With the help of Humans, this Earth is getting warmer each day, supplying less and less resources everyday. But I do believe that the Humans will come together and figure out a way to remain worthy of living on this planet. And so all Humans have the absolute right to live. JENS
We are special beings. At birth, we are given the right to life. Unfortunately, because of the way this world is, it can be taken away from you lawfully and unlawfully. Lawfully if you misuse your right to life by taking another person's life or by a fatal accident. Unlawfully if you are a victim of a crime that takes your life. RhW
Everyone has the right to Human Life. We as humans have the right to life, but never the right to take a life. There is no excuse for taken someones life. Every time we hear about someone taken a life, there is always some stupid excuse to why they did it. Everytime someone is killed there is a long list of family members that should not be going through the sorrow and grief.
Robert M. Pino
Corliss Lamont,a socialist philosopher said: "Human nature can be drastically reconditioned and reshaped. What the scientific study of human motives shows is that human nature is neither essentially bad nor essentially good. . . . But human nature is essentially flexible and educable". I believe the right to life for humans should be protected because we humans, unlike animals, have the ability to reason and adapt to different situations. Not all of us humans are bad, not all of us kill and destroy, then why should all of us pay for other's actions.Human life is a gift, what you do with that gift is what matters.
The reason it is easier to list the right to life for plants and animals, but not humans is because it is taboo, but the taking away of another’s life happens regularly with war and violence. This needs to change and everyone needs to follow the right to human life. CP
Every person deserves the right to live. No one should kill for their own vendetta. Human life should be respected,except to protect the innocent,for self defense and in some cases of war. We should learn to coexist and get along for the better of our society. We can make our planet a great place to live.cjj
Although, in my opinion, it is difficult to find a real reason why we are beneficial, the only thing that comes to mind is that we are like the dinosaurs. According to many scientists the world is going to end in 2012 whipping out most of our species. If there is another species that evolves after us they might be able to learn from us just like we did with the dinosaurs. They may learn by our mistakes in order to contribute better ways of living and ideas based by our generations we are currently living. Other than that, we do not really contribute much to the planet as other species do.-NR
If the question is "What are the benefits of humans on Earth" then the answer is the same for humans, goats, ants, and any other living thing; none at all. At least, nothing more than keeping our part of the web of life running smoothly by being predator and prey as needed.
So what's our great sin? It can't be war, because ant colonies fight wars too. We at least try to keep it down. Maybe it's that we broke out of the web of predator/prey, but that seems far too unfair for any species.
To be perfectly frank, the only way to come up with a satifying answer to this is to compare ourselves to a species who also shares our problem, but we don't have any. We are completely alone on this issue, despite all the creatures on the Earth. When and if we ever meet another sentient species to serve as our foil, there's going to be some major realizations about the nature of humanity and I hope the answer to this question is one of them.
“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.”-Chief Seattle.
Humankind is extremely rare. In my opinion it is difficult to find a real reason why we are beneficial. We were created to reproduce not to be the monster we have become. I believe we will be the reason why this world will end some day. Every time they create a new bomb and try it out they make an implausible harm to the ozone layer and to the environment, we destroy more then we help. When it comes to the right to live I believe we as humans have the right to life, but never the right to take a life.
Human have a way to communicate, whether being in good or bad terms, we are able to teach both other humans and animals, those who are scientist find out ways to cure certain diseases and there are those who improve technology, just to name a few. So I do say humans should have the right to life. VA
What are the benefits of humans on earth? There is no doubt humans are destructive to earth and to other humans. Without human presence I cannot imagine what earth would be like. I do not know if humans have become or always been destructive to one another or is this learned behavior. The right to life for humans needs to exist but at who’s cost if it doesn’t and who would gain to destroy all forms of human life? DH63
Each and every species has value. Each has a purpose and the removal of one affects the other. Yes, humans as top predators do have the advantage and we have been known to have a negative influence on the environment. Out of ignorance, we have turned fertile soil into wasteland and may have contributed to the extinction or near extinction of other species. On the surface it would seem that there is no positive argument in favor of our existence. Negative news tends to capture our attention. Why? In my opinion, this is due to the fact that as a whole, we are a caring species. It is in our nature to go out of our way to do good works, therefore, it is part of our daily life and taken for granted. We go out of our way to help a stranger. In the wake of disasters we band together. We also learn by our mistakes. In Israel what was once desert is now fertile soil and there is a worldwide effort to stop deforestation. Can we completely reverse all our past mistakes? Perhaps not, but I believe we are on the right track and developing a renewed respect for our habitat. vmr
Every Human has the right to live. We should all have the right to be equal.No one should be treated differently.No one should be killed we all have a right to live our lives and no one should have the power to take that away from us.JP
I agree with the right to life for humans. I feel no one has the right to take anothers life just simply to gain power;because you do not like someone, or for selfish reasons. The losing of a human life should be as natural as can be,whether it is through a natural disaster, animal attack, or medical condition. If only we all could practice the Golden Rule, this right would not be abused so much.
It is true that we create a lot of death and destruction from our actions as human beings. But just because some of the population of the human race creates these things doesn’t mean that we do not have the right to life. I know that there will always be wars and destruction and evil in the world but that isn’t the point. The point is that you must always look and try to find the good in people and the good in the human race, because in there lies the real reason to human life, that we has a species always has some ounce of good in them.
It is true that we create a lot of death and destruction from our actions as human beings. But just because some of the population of the human race creates these things doesn’t mean that we do not have the right to life. I know that there will always be wars and destruction and evil in the world but that isn’t the point. The point is that you must always look and try to find the good in people and the good in the human race, because in there lies the real reason to human life, that we has a species always has some ounce of good in them.
Life is limitless. Humans have developed this concept of killing each other in the recent years. We have been given the possibility to think outside the box and act on our wildest dreams. No other creature has ever developed the way we have, we need to use our gifts for the right treasons instead of just for self benefit. Regardless of difference’s, human life should be respected as a whole. We need to remember that we are all equal, regardless of our personal and cultural beliefs.
The right to life for humans is very important without it we end up killing each other like savages. Life is important and it seems that this day in age it is becoming less and less important for most people around the world. Many people day everyday in wars,crimes, etc. You see it in the news everyday that taking a life has become a way of life, violence is glorified in most movies to what end.
We, humans are the most skilled predators in the ecosystem. We can kill in ways no other animal can. We have weapons of mass destruction like the atomic bomb. We also have biological weapons like anthrax and small pox. We can kill through surgery like in abortion. But, we also have something else no other animals have. We have a conscience. A conscience that tells us that killing is wrong. A conscience that tells us that life is a precious gift from God and that we need to use all our resources in preserving life instead of destroying it.
All life is precious, we are all here to make a difference and serve some good to our world, but that good can vanish through the passing of time. If everyone respected each other as a valuable member of our society, this world could make some great improvements.
I completely support this right, but I do believe that it is almost impossible to maintain it. Like animals and plants we have the right to live, but in the end we destroy it all, even the ones from our own kind. I would say our benefits on Earth include that as us being the top predator have the power over other species including plants. But, this should not allow us to destroy others; it should be used to make this world a better place. ME
I believe in the right to life for humans. As centuries pass we progress intellectually. Even though we have not reached what I consider the best human society that we could be. We have become more knowledgeable of what our actions do to our community and earth. Centuries ago we were killed for our beliefs and enslaved for the color of our skin. I believe we have emerged to become a better human being. The benefit to have us on earth is not simply for procreation, but for expansion of our minds. Scientifically it has been proven that each generation is smarter than the last. Lets continue with this process until we reach the perfect human society. YYD
Everyone has the right live. The right to live is what makes us go through our days as human beings. We as people should never have the right to take another person life away. In life everyone has there on belief in a god and that is the only person that has the power to take a life.
Robert M. Pino
I agree to the right for human life. However, that does not mean that human beings are on the top on the predatoral chain. We have a greater mental capacity then any other animal. Because of this, most of the things we do as humans, which has been seen throughout human history, isn't done by our predatoral instinct, but by our greed and anger towards others (seven deadly sins). I believe that human beings are to prideful and that, is out downfall.
I strongly agree with the right of Human Life.I believe that every human being needs to remember to be thankfull for being alive, and stop worrying about the little things in life.
No one has the right to take life away from anybody; at the end everything is paid in this world.
I think that as humans living on the face of Earth we should not fight one another. If we find a way to coexist with each other, spread the wealth around, adopt a similar language, and learn how to respect one another we wouldn't be discussing the right to life for humans. A utopia is seemingly impossible in today's society, but I think that ignorance is the ultimate consequence of culture. We should learn to accept one another and respect the life of every individual the same way we protect our family.
The taking of human life has been strongly condemned by most world religions and philosophies over the centuries. International human rights law has in turn sought to uphold this most sacrosanct of rights in a number of treaties. The life of an individual is clearly protected from being arbitrarily taken by the state.
The right to life is not, however, as inviolable as it might seem at first sight. There are a number of situations where states may deprive individuals of life itself and to which international human rights law does not raise an objection. The use of the death penalty is one such example. Human rights law does not prohibit the use of the death penalty as a punishment for crimes but does encourage its abolition and seek to limit its use. The use of violence in self-defence lies at the base of other justifications for the taking of human life. Killing is permitted at times of war save for the murder of civilians and prisoners of war. Human rights law thus tries to respond to the myriad of ethical dilemmas raised by the right to life by establishing a range of prohibitions and exhortations.
I once again agree with "The Right to Life for Humans." Life is a gift from God, that we should thank him for each and every day. I think somehow this right, ties in with Roe vs. Wade and the abortion "epidemic". Everyday more and more humans are taking the value of life away, by aborting innocent human beings before their even born.-J.D.
Human life has no benefit. We destroy the planet and destroy things that help out world. For example, everyone knows that trees are helpgul to the environment and us, yet we cut them down for construction!-NR
Life is a given right at birth and should not be in any human’s hands to have a saying in whether another person should enjoy this blessing or not.
M.A. ( Muaath Alheji )
To me, the right to life for humans encompasses many aspects. Unfortunately, everyday I see how this right is violated in many different extremes. At one extreme, the right to life for humans is violated everyday through war, genocides or massacres. The Holocaust is one example that another human being's right to life has been wrongfully violated. This right is also violated in less obvious examples. I personally consider any type of bullying a violation of this right. When someone torments and spitefully hurts another human being, he or she is impeding on their right to enjoy and live life to the fullest.
We as humans like to be at the top of the food chain because it makes us feel like we are unstoppable, we create wars to show that we can take on anything and we destroy life just to let everyone know that we can take some one's life away from them as well as we can give life. We have many benefits that make out lives so much easier in this planet and yet we are throwing them to waist. We want to go to war and send kids to defend our country by taking over another country and telling them how to live their lives just because they are different from us and they have different believes. The point is that we have taken what's in front of us by granted and no one has sat down to think that in reality there is something higher than us on the food chain and that is Mother Nature. If everyone sits down and look at the Natural Disasters that happen on a daily basis then maybe we will stop thinking about humans being at the top of the food chain and do something to save our lives before we destroy the world we live in ultimately killing ourselves. CMP
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