Every human being shall have the Right to Life.
Our most common belief systems support the importance of human life.
In the Bible, Genesis 1:27: “God created humankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.” This concept, equating one’s own life as a reflection of God’s, declares the sanctity of human life.
In Islam, protecting human life is the 2nd of 5 basic necessities after protection of religion (1st).
Islam’s sacred book Koran quotes the God Allah: “And whosoever saves a life it is as though he had saved the lives of all mankind” (5:32).
Islam’s sacred book Koran quotes the God Allah: “And whosoever saves a life it is as though he had saved the lives of all mankind” (5:32).
Hindus believe all life is sacred because all creatures are manifestations of the Supreme Being. This is connected to a belief in reincarnation: the repeated embodiment of souls in different species of life,
all souls evolving and progressing towards union with God.
all souls evolving and progressing towards union with God.
Buddhist teachings which lead to ending suffering, include the Noble Eightfold Path, and #4 is “Right Action: Not to destroy any life…”
The Jewish religion supports the preservation of life with the concept of pikuach nefesh -- a person must do everything in their power to save the life of another -- surpassing other commandments of the Jewish sacred book Torah. Each life is an individual and unique life and all equally share in a right to life. In the Bible: Genesis 4:10: “And whoever saves a single life, the Bible considers it as if he saved an entire world.”
Atheists find the support of right to life in philosophy of morality, reason, and science.

I believe that we should have the right to life for humans."In the Bible, Genesis 1:27: “God created humankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.” This concept, equating one’s own life as a reflection of God’s, declares the sanctity of human life". I like this quote from the Bible. I was raised catholic. I believe that we need to protect human life. If we didn't care about protecting human life than the balance of human nature would be off.
Francisco A.
I believe everyone does havee the right to life. we were given a life to live and to explore. alot of people are alive, but not alot people actually live it. we take advantage of the life that was given to us, and people think they are immortal, but they're not. were only promised today, who knows where we will be tomorrow.
This is actually kind of interesting and different in the same token. It opens my eyes to other religions and the belief system that they follow. It seems that we all view life to be very precious and worth saving. When it is all said and done, no matter what your belief is, we love to love life.
Going against of human life has been strongly condemned by most world religions over the centuries. International human rights law has in circle required to uphold this most untouchable of rights in a quantity of agreements. The life of an individual is not clearly protected from time to time it seems. Right to life for humans should refer to respect your own and to respect the life of other human beings. Killing someone, it is simply a violation of the right to live. It is the crucial form of brutality, heartless, or degrading punishment. I think Human right to life must be value anytime.
I believe that the life of each individual should be valued and respected. Constant violence can numb us to this, but if everyone truly believed that human life should be valued and respected violence would cease.
It is true what most comenters wrote. We must protect the human race if not there will be a unbalance in nature (even though we cause most of it). Human life should be protected against all odds since we are the ones that have evolutionized so well and quickly. We all have the right to life for humans but it is up to us to take care of it.
The Right to Life is something most of us take for granted. God gave us life and only he has the right to take it away from us. The right to life of human is extremely. We need to cherish and protect this life because it is the only one we have and only God knows how long we are going to have it for. Live your life to fullest because tomorrow is not promised. Our lives need to be lived and if we weren’t going to be here tomorrow; leaving little footprints of our lives in someone’s heart and leaving a path full of love and change for everyone to notice. The Right to Human Life is the greatest gift that God has given us and it should be treated with the outmost respect.
Everyone has the right to life. We are naturally born with this right. We should not take anyone elses life and we should preserve ours. It is important that we do our best to live life to the fullest. Just because you live does not mean you are alive. We need to take care of ourselves and all of mankind.
We were given the right to life but not given the right to take it away. Every person has right to be here and live life to the fullist.
I believe life is a miraculous blessing. I am all for this right; to Live life, Love lots and Laugh forever. From the moment we are created in our mothers womb, it is an absolutely amazing journey. We only have one life, and it should not be taken for granted.
All religions condemn taking a persons life. The Jewish religion encourages to save gentiles lives, and the Islam religion also states saving a persons life will save all of mankind. I think all humans lives should be respected and individuals must learn to live together in peace. The Right to Life for Humans promotes civil liberties on the basis of the most fundamental attributes of life. The bible quotes it wanted for its followers to understand that all men and women were created in the image of god. Thus, the bible proliferated the idea that Catholics are nonviolent. P.L
Life to me is precious. Every moment i get to spent time with my family is priceless. I believe life should not be taken for granted. We all have a purpose in life and that is live learn and love. EA
The right to life is the right to give us the belief that a human being has an essential right to live and be happy. To me the true meaning of the right to life means the right to explore new things, experience the good and the bad and to cherish the moments of yesterday.
-Nicole Chaplin-
Every human being should have the right to life. It doesn’t matter whether you are Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist or Hindus, all come down to the same idea that life is precious and saving a life is just as wonderful. I don’t think that you can put a price on being alive and well. As others have already mentioned, when someone kills another I do not think they truly value life. -v.p.
Life is something sacred. No one has the right to take your life other than God himself. When it is your time to go then you shall go. But if you are living, might as well enjoy it and do what you were meant to do on this earth. It is clear than in every religion, life is viewed as something that should be kept safe. Harming anyone's life is just sinful. And saving one’s life gives anyone that unexplainable feeling of happiness. What is said in the bible is true, Genesis 4:10: “And whoever saves a single life, the Bible considers it as if he saved an entire world. “One person may not seem like anything, but in reality one person signifies a part of the world. Who knows if that one person can change the world or even save it? We should enjoy life as much as we can, and be thankful that we were given it. Thus, everyone has the right to life for humans.
Right to life is everyone's right. If you truly feel life is precious, your decisions will be sound decisions. For instance, when you have been drinking and you decide to not drive, you are not only saving your life, you are also saving someone else'.
The humans right to life is the meaning to our exists due to the fact that without the right we shouldn't exist.
“Right to life is a phrase that describes the belief that a human being has an essential right to live, particularly that a human being has the right not to be killed by another human being.”Life is a journey from birth to death, where each and every moment gives us valuable and unforgettable experiences. Everyone has a purpose in life. Life is a key to open the lock and find whom we are and what our capabilities are.
Everyone has the right to life even though sometimes people try to take it away from others. Life is something sacred, something that you can’t put a price on. To be alive is the greatest gift one receives when we wake up; it lets you know that you are here and that you get one more day to take on the world.
Right to life is one of the most valuable rights we have. Nobody should take anybody's life away, not even their own. If God gave us life, he is the only one who decides when it ends.
Laura R
I agree with this right mostly because I am a human; maybe if I was another creature my views would be different. I have a firm belief in the afterlife. So therefore, I am not overly concern with this life. Gary Norris
The right to life for humans goes beyond the simple concept of being alive. Life means interact with the environmental, life means evolution. Some time is hard to have the right to be alive, but is harder to have a right to life.
Aimara Ors
Every life should be saved or rescued from any dangers he or she might face. Having the right to life includes every human shall have rights that protect and allow them to life a complete live. I believe there is a purpose for every life, and reading all these beliefs just certifies it for me. Taking away a life is not valuing the sacredness of life.
Luisa Isla
Everyone has a right to live. We are all created equal. The Creator is the only one who should be able to take this right away for he was the one responsible for our existence. --Rosa F.
Everyone has the right to life regardless of the type of person you are or your personal beliefs. The only exception is if you take anothers life.
There are so many religious points to back up this right. I feel it goes both ways however. We have a right to life that no one should take away but we are also capable of making our own choices.
The right to human life should be held for those who hold it themselves. According to the Human Rights Education Association, “The taking of human life has been strongly condemned by most world religions and philosophies over the centuries. International human rights law has in turn sought to uphold this most sacrosanct of rights in a number of treaties. The life of an individual is clearly protected from being arbitrarily taken by the state.” This association believes in human rights so dearly that they oppose the right to the death penalty. Since most prisoners who are convicted and sentenced to this penalty are murders themselves, I wonder what this association feels towards those who were possibly tortured and died in the arms of these monsters as well as their forever grieving families. Should our society provide these people with free shelter, food, medicine and education for life? What gives these prisoners the right to uphold these rights once they have taken the life of another? I think the right to human life should have conditions.
I believe that the right of life is an innate right. No human has created life. Therefore, no human has the right to take it away.
Claudia B.
The right to life is the most important right because without life what do we need rights for
I absolutely agree with this right, but I do not have a convincing reason to defend the right to human life. The only thing I can affirm is that human life is necessary for the natural cycle of life of many other species that depends of human to survive, and most of human lives might have a specific purpose on earth even though those purposes are unknown at the moment; at least to me.
I believe we all have the right to life. If we do something to violate this right for another person, we thus give up our right to life as well.
Eddie M.
In the bible it says that you ought to love your neighbor as yourself and it does not necessarily mean your next door neighbor only, it refers to any other human being. In other words if I love myself and want to live, then I have to love others and also want them to live. I am so surprised that in Islam, religion is first, then what is religion without life?
Everyone is born with the right to life. Life attempts to teach you how to be selfless and unselfish and to be of service to others. Once you have mastered that, you are free. LP
I believe that every human has the right to life but no one has the right to take that away from you not even God. E.S.
There is no doubt that we human have the right to life. We have the right and the opportunity to live once. If Animals and Plants have the right, then I support that every human on earth has the right and the chance to live.
Patricia Delgado
We stumble upon life without a choice. The right to human life is not so much the existence of human (cause we don't get to pick), but more the right to enjoy it and live it. God created earth and everything in it, we need to stop complaining about our bills and go swim in the ocean, realize how small you really are, take a deep breath, dig your feet in the sand. Regardless of the circumstances life brings, you have the right to LIFE, live it. --KB
Is very interesting to find out that people we think are different from us because they have other religions, have the same basic belief to respect and protect life than us. Any kind of life should be respected, but unfortunately, some women think they have the right to play God and decide over their unborn children. Life is a precious gift from God and it should be sacred. Everyone has the right to life. GS
Humans do not have the right to take another life, that is why I believe we all have the right to live. The only way we should die is from nature be it of old age or surival of the fittest. I think everytime an abortion occurs a murder is commited and since we have the right to life a punishment should be a consequence.
Although, I am not sure why. I feel every human should have the right to life. Life is a gift from God. Although, we have laws that can take that life, and people that kill in our world. Should a serial killer have the right to life? This is a tough one.
This right is needed so that history like the Holocaust or the Rwandan Genocide does not occur again but what is said and considered then about the death penalty? If no one human or you have the right to end a life/your life, should the government be exempt from the right to Life for Humans? – D.T
Life is a gift, we should enjoy life as god intended us to do.
I believe that we should have the right to life for humans.Everyone is born with the right to life.The only thing I can affirm is that human life is necessary for the natural cycle of life of many other species that depends of human to survive.
ive never been endowed such divine insight over how precious life can be or already is now the next time i see a water bug crawling about ill think twice before accelerating its demise. if only i would have read this forum sooner i would of had a grandeur artillerary to my defense.
The right to life is supported by all the religions in the world and by the atheist’s community. I also believe that all humans (black, white, yellow) are equal and they have the right to live peacefully and be happy. Anyone who is taking this right away should be measured by his own actions. I don’t believe in wars or that anyone has the right to go kill people, especially for a profit. I always live my life the way I want others to live. I don’t hurt people so that they don’t come back to hurt me. I make friends so that I have more friends and no enemies. Live and let other live is what the governments in the world should strive for. Living is a basic right and a minimal standard that should be respected by everyone and every nation in the world. By: L.J.B.R.
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