Solitude is separation
from other humans.
It may be intentional or not, and
it may be just physical or just emotional or both of these.
Solitude is a positive state
when it is not the painful state of loneliness,
but rather a chosen state of being.
A haiku poem by Basho,
the 17th c. Edo-period Japanese haiku poet,
depicts solitude as pleasurable:
Solitary now —
Standing amidst the blossoms
Is a cypress tree.
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A solitary cypress tree portrays a metaphor for a human in solitude. |
Solitude allows distractions to be eliminated,
opening a person to their capabilities of
thinking, reflection, concentration, and meditation.
In fact, it is in a state of solitude that
many rights may be experienced, such as
the Right to Think, the Right to Dream, and the Right to the Magical.
Thus, I declare the Right to Solitude.
This right is supported by the Right to Privacy.
The right to solitude is one of those rights where one can learn a lot about himself/herself. The time away from people or familiar surroundings normally allows one to reflect on their past and most importantly the present. Solitude teaches you how to be independent and just as easy teaches you to appreciate your current circumstances if you are not independent at the time.
Solitude is important for concentration and gathering thoughts, sometimes is needed other times it becomes a habit and the person becomes solitary which most times develops into a very weird personality. Solitude like everything in life is to be used with caution and not excess is important but not necessary.
Carlos G.
Solitude should only be used in moderation, when one needs to be alone to ponder and weigh out certain options. Humans are social creatures, if one is in solitude for too long, one can become mentally deranged.
-Alli Brecht
Solitude is sometimes needed in order to be able to unwind and just take a breather from everyday stress. Our daily lives are constantly on a fast pace and we usually lose ourselves. There is nothing like dedicating sometime to yourself and making sure that your wants and needs are fulfilled. The right of solitude allows you to think of endless possibilities and dream beyond ones means without having to share it with anyone.
It has been said that "no man is an island" (John Donne). But, like a ship buffeted by stormy seas, seeking the refuge of a safe harbor, so can one turn to solitude in times of uncertainty. Solitude can provide a respite from the daily distractions of life, allowing one to be alone with only their thoughts and emotions.
Dan M.
Solitude is a good thing. It lets you get away from society and think about things that matter most to you.
A. Lazo
I believe in the right to solitude. While solitary, one may be more observative about the world around them and may learn new things about themselves. Etel
Revised: When we are were born into this world we were born alone and by ourselves. In this state of being alone we were pure, at peace with God, and one with nature. Upon death these conditions are duplicated; therefore our life and the time in between can best be appreciated by our solitude. LJBR
People need time of solitude because it’s the only time we get away from our addictions to noise, words, and people. We are so distracted in our busy lives that we don’t separate any time to truly let ourselves think without others opinion. Solitude is a time that can be used for reflection, inner searching, or growth.
Solitude is either chosen or a purpose of isolation from others. An escape even. However, solitude also comes from the root of strength and bravery. Sometimes we are scared to be by ourselves because innately we were meant to interact. However, with the right to privacy it allows us to detach from emotion. Here at last,the right to solitary peace is then qualified.
In our world today of constant access to millions of people, it's easy to be with people 24/7. Because of these constant ties to other people, it's very difficult to actually be alone with your thoughts. When I'm alone with my thoughts, I have time to reflect on who I am and where I want to be. I think we should be free to do this without people calling us antisocial or a 'loner'.
Solitude is towards fortitude, seperation for gain all essential in growth.
I embrace the right to solitude. I have actually found it euphoric to be alone with my thoughts, and enjoy the peaceful aspect of silence. It also makes me appreciate people more. They don't seem to bother me as much once I've had some time to myself.
Sheeda M.
Even though human beings are characterized by being a sociable specie, it is very important for us to find our own space where we can think and retreat to find balance and peace. The right to solitude is a right that we all need, now more than ever, since we spend the majority of our live in such a busy and loud world. D.C.R.
“I restore myself when I'm alone.”-Marilyn Monroe Is a quote that ties very well with this blog. Only when you're alone is it that you can find out things you never thought you could before. It's nice to be alone once in a while, you're able to get away from this fast paced society.
Solitude expresses the glory of being alone. When the superficials of life wearies me, I take refuge in solitude to regain my strength, direction and purpose.
-Ana DM
Solitude is a state we all need from time to time. Even though we are social creatures as commented in previous post moments of solitude are a necessity to reconnect with ourselves and put our thoughts in order.A.L.
Solitude is a great way of stopping and fixing things. By personal experiences, We tend to think more and clearly when we are alone with no distractions.
Solitude is a must in life. It happens almost everyday for all of us. Whether it's chosen or it just so happens that you might be laying down in bed reflecting on life. Solitude is a great way of getting rid of stress and anxiety. We need a break from all the talking once in a while! Robert S.
I believe in the right to solitude. I think at least once in our life time we are going to need a little while to get away from all the stress, distractions, and complications in our life and just relax and get our mind off of things. This is not a bad thing, as some people are scared of. But, we have to look on the bright and positive side and see it as a way of getting rid of the negative things in life for a bit.
-Krystal Garcia
I agree on the right to solitude. There are just some people who need a brake from life, people and work. I've heard that your never alone unless your not happy with yourself. Being in a solitude state can be very fulfilling to some, they can find themselves and what they are meant to do with their lives. Solitude isn't a bad thing it just means you need time off to think or get things in the right direction. G.A.
Solitude is just a counter-balance of life. Life is about connecting with people, so when we spend time by ourselves, we can appreciate the beauty of being surrounded by others, be it our friends, family, or loved ones.
Javier H.
The right to solitude is very important to all humans as individuals. Allowing ourselves to be alone for some time is important to gather ourselves, learn about our needs and release stress from the every day routine.
COL said it very well and I agree with what he said. With Solitude you can help center yourself and clear your mind. It is an important right to help maintain your clarity.
Sarah M
I definitely agree with the Right to Solitude. Everyone needs their own space, to be with themselves and think about their own life. I enjoy being isolated sometimes, just go to the beach at night by myself and sit in there, looking at all the starts and hearing the waves. In those moments I usually think about my life, what am I doing with it and how can I solve the little problems that I have. Therefore, the Right to Solitude is something that everyone should be able to have.
With today’s technology including, cellphones, facebook, emails, it is becoming increasingly difficult to be truly “alone”. Solitude is sometimes mistakenly associated with being in the wilderness, when really it can be achieved by doing something as simple as turning off our phones. This type of solitude allows us to forget about social interactions or expectations, therefore not worrying about how we are perceived, and further reducing our daily stress.
Everyone needs their alone time to relieve stress and think for themselves. It is nice to get away from the world for a while.—Lauren Franco
As humans we all need alone time every once in awhile. As the years pass by it's becoming harder to really have peace and tranquility with all this technology distracting us. Although, once solitude is found many great things come from it. C.M.A.
The right to solitude is important. It gives us the opportunity to get away from the world and focus on our own thoughts. Sometimes I even turn off my phone when I am alone so I can just get away from everyone and think about the things that make me happy. Everyone needs time for themselves once in a while.
The right to solitude may be benificial in short amounts of time in order for people to reevaluate themselves.
Stefan H.
Solitude is being alone with no other human contact. If someone commits a horrible crime, their punishment would be solitary confinement. Having no human contact can affect the mind physically and mentally. We were meant to be social butterflies. I like my alone time because it helps me think about my life and goals without any distractions. I feel that in a relationship, there should be some alone time because it will make you appreciate your significant other greatly.
Angel M.
We all need time by ourselves to think, to reflect, to meditate. However, we have to be cautious not to isolate yourself from the rest of the world. I live alone and I can say that I have a lot of time to myself and I have seen myself enjoying this very much but like I said this cant always bee a good thing. Nevertheless, I agree to the right to solitude but like with everything there should be a balance. (LCL)
I agree with the right to solitude. It is a time of reflection and relaxation. A moment in which we are one with nature and the thoughts that consume our daily lives.
Alexis Herrero
I concur with the right to solitude. Solitude is a right to recluse from everything troublesome. A chance to revitalize oneself from life's daily struggles. A chance to calmly reflect on the days that passed and try to change anything we didn't like. I believe that a time to reach an equal balance in one's life can be achieved with the given right to solitude.-D.E.C.
I agree with the right to solitude. This right helps people calm themselves or distract themselves from something that is bad or not good for them, it also helps us think so that we can achieve whatever it is that we want to complete or gain in life.
Chelsea M.
Yes! For sure we shall declare such a right. Solitude should always be a choice, sometimes many people are forced by so many reasons to fall into a state of solitude, but seriously this kind of state could always and will always turn out in two ways one being good and two being bad. Why temper with ones solitude? When solitude is needed solitude should be achieved by any person, solitude is how every person finds themselves again once they've lost themselves in whatever situation. Therefore solitude is needed to survive. -J.J.V.
Today's living is very rushed and fast paced, it is so easy to get caught up in schedules and deadlines that you may alose yourself in all the hustle and bustle of life. Sometimes people need to get away from all the people and stress and just be alone. Connecting with oneself in a quiet place away from all distractions is something that I feel everyone should do when life seems to be going by too fast. SJB
Solitude gives you the time to reminisce on past events. It makes you realize how blessed you are with all the benefits you have received during the span of your life. It also gives you the time to think about the person you are and the person you want to become. I support the right to solitude.
This type of right, allows us to reflect about what we did or what we are going to do in the future. It can also bring inner peace to a human being and it helps us to appreciate family, friends and the many blessings that we have by meditating on them without the distractions that companionship can bring. Unfortunately, if we abuse of this right there can be awful consequences. O.V.
Solitude gives us the opportunity to have time to ourselves and find ourselves. Solitude helps us appreciate who we are and relieve our stresses. Having time to ourselves it helps us think about our needs and appreciate the world that is out there. We also have the time to think about things outside of the “box.” -ABL
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