Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Right to Think

Photo: V&A Museum 18th c. armchair, London

Bring back the joy of thinking.
Give yourself time and space.
Have a seat, get comfortable, think.


cd884 said...

Thinking is something needed in life. You need it to talk, write, and well everything... even if it is unconciously.

Unknown said...

Try not to think, it does not work.

Anonymous said...

Thinking leads you to success.

Unknown said...

Without thoughts would we be able to make the best decisions?

Unknown said...

Thinking is a key to success without thinking we give up on ourselves. Only the greatest get to where they are going by thinking.

Gary norris said...

Thinking is good but doing is great. Not all thinkers are doers but all doers are thinkers.

armandoq said...

thinking is the key to solving problems, becoming a better person and understanding the people that surround us. EVERYONE should have the right and the need to think for themselves.

Miguel F. said...

Thinking is what sets us apart from one another. Everyone has different ways of thinking about everything. Sure, there may be some parallels here and there but no two people share the same track of mind. We think to set us free from the confines of the world around us.

Pedro Leon said...

Thinking is important because it can create all the objects that a person wants. Thinking if you are comfortable can make things happen.P.L

Anonymous said...

Often times we are so caught up with the world around us that we don’t take the time to just sit and think, but rather we are more concentrated on the tomorrow. Thinking brings peace to the mind.
-D. Diaz

Jenny said...

I believe that thinking things through is a great way to get your priorities in tact. Not when your driving in the car, but actually sitting in your room and plan your schedule out accordingly.


Luisa Isla said...

The act of thinking is a useful tool; it helps in problematic situations, and in future pursuits. Going into a project without a strategy or thinking about available options might lead you into a bundle of mess.

Ingrid J. said...

Some thinkers build castles in the air, some build on the ground, think about it.

Anonymous said...

I believe thinking is always a good thing. Even negative thinking in some ways, dpending on the circumstances, can be positve as well.

Fernanda A said...

To think is to have knowledge. Not necessarily to be smart, but to have some sort of insight on whats going on. Some people are optimist and some pessimist. Whether you are thinking positive or negative, you should always be thinking. It builds ideas and ideas build great wonderful things we have in this world.

RV said...

we need to think before we act if we want a better outcome.

Anonymous said...

To think is to let your mind go crazy with ideas that will combine to come to a conclusion.-AN

Anonymous said...

Thinking is more interesting than knowing, but less interesting than looking.
I have learned this, if we think our thoughts before we speak, we will always be successful in any aspects in our lives.
Patricia Delgado-B47693040

Miglaude said...

We are free to think first of the ones we love.

Kevin M said...

Thinking is a pleasant right and we can do it anytime, anywhere. What is regulated by our society is the expression of those thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Thinking is an important right to have and protect. People are sometimes told what to think, say, and do. They are brainwashed and their ability to think critically is crippled. I appreciate the freedom to think on my own, and try to carefully consider my thoughts before they become words and actions.

Anonymous said...

It is important for one to take its time to think anything. Think before you act, analyze your thoughts and time and space should be respected to think. patients is a virtue that many need now days. GIL RO

Anonymous said...

Great thinking leads to great actions and few mistakes.

Anonymous said...

It is always important everyday to think of what lies ahead, and where you want to go because sometimes you lose focus. E.S.

jonathan g. said...

Thinking is critical to problem solving. Problems are boundless and always present. If we couldn't think freely, the smallest issues would drown us. We wouldn't be capable of achieving anything. We wouldn’t be able to make friends or chase our dreams. If we couldn’t think, we could never truly be happy.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, everyone from child to adult deserves the right to think. Thinking helps you grow and become independent. It makes each of us unique and keeps us sane. Without the right to think there’d be no progress. – D.T

Anonymous said...

Everybody thinks. In my opinion thinking is a good thing that a lot of people take for granted. -GP

Unknown said...

I really believe thinking is time saving. When I take the time to think of an approach, it seems to save me from folly. I love to sit back and explore new options mentally. I have always known the power of the mind. Now I try to live in this power.

Anonymous said...

Freedom of thought and thinking is necessary in life. We have the right to think what we want and when we want. Thinking through a situation usually has good outcomes instead of making a rash decision. When in doubt stop and think about the situation usually it is not as bad as it may seem before you thought through thoroughly the issue at hand.

Ann Marie

ear said...

thinking is a right of our consciousness. because without being able to think there is no existence.

JE said...

thinking before acting, prevents regrettable outcomes.