Genetic modification research progresses.
In the future,
transhumanism is a possible choice,
and some humans will choose to modify their bodies.
But another choice,
the Right to Remain Human,
shall be hereby declared.
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human with wings |
humans should NOT put animal parts on their bodies, its strange, obviously not human, and if you dont want people to stare at you from every angle on the streets, then dont do it. i've seen people put fangs on their teeth, cut their tounges in the middle so they can look like they have a snakes tounge..what does that do for you? nothing, its just gross. keep the wings, horns, and what not in the video games people. if you were meant to be a dragon, fish, lizard, or a snake, then you would be.
I really do not understand why people would modify their bodies. Everyone has the right to remain human. Being human is what we were created as. We should not play with mother nature and become something different. Research may be progressing, but we have the final word on the matter. We are what we are, and we should accept it and acknowledge it as a blessing. Humans, animals, and plants were created. And, it should be kept that way.
We definitely have the Right to Remain Human. Unless it is for a medical need, I do not see why anyone would want to change who they are by modifying their bodies. -v.p.
This is the first time I hear this specific topic. I have seen men changing their bodies to woman and vs. Nevertheless, never heard or read about genetically change our human body.
Going online and researching about this subject, I came across this organization:
Patricia Delgado
Although the topic does sound a little far fetched, I think it'd be a sight to see if someone actually went through with this process and was able to have certain functions of an animal.
Eddie M.
We don't have to change if we don't want to. Unless its evolution and we adapt to the changing world. So maybe sometime in the future we wont have the choice to look back and say "no, they didn't have three arms...I don't want it either." (in the case that something in our world drastically changed and as a result we needed to evolve to having three arms to compensate) I guess I'm saying that if the choice is there, we always have the right to say no. But an animal which has adapted in some way now cant look back hundreds of years and demand it be the one to not change.
Just saying. :)
Just my opinion, but why would anyone want to look like an animal? I can understand the genetic modification so you can live a healthy life but having horse legs is far fetched. I'm perfectly content being a human.
Wow, is she going to fly, too? Why would any human want to resemble an animal. I think we are taking things a little too far. If the creator wanted humans to look like animals, he could have done that originally. Nethertheless, it is an individual's right to do want they please with their bodies.
We are made the way we are for a specific purpose and reason. I personally think we should not alter this natural occurrence since we are part of nature and the planet we live on. Performing Transhumanism we are altering nature without even really thinking about it. To some it may sound cool to have an animal part but to others is completely weird, but to me it’s just altering Mother Nature and can affect us in a dangerous way in a long run.
I think if a person came to a decision to modify in a strong way, before the process they have to let him see a psychologist to be certain that the person is normal and he is confident about his choice. Sometimes people are looking for a way to be fully exceptional, but they don’t feel they don’t have to appear like an animal.
I cant think of a reason why anybody would want to take this right away from someone. You have the right to stay the way you were created. As for me I think that aging and dying in the same body that I originally started with would give some type of peace of mind.
The right to remain human is like the right to remain alive. We NEED to embrace the bodies and lives we have. Trouble starts when we begin to change things. Why alter or change something if it’s not broken. I believe that you are born with a path, in this case it was a path of being human not a path of “USE” to being a human. We are who we are and we shouldn’t change.
-Nicole Chaplin-
I believe that all people should remain human and not try to imitate an animal. We were made a certain way, and we should accept the way that we were brought into this world. I have to admit that I find it peculiar that people would try to associate themselves with an animal and lower themselves to certain levels to look like them. But we are unique human’s beings and we should express ourselves but when we have to become something that is not physically possible, I see a problem with that. We should be happy and content with the way that we were created.
This is also my first time hearing about something like this. Are we running out of ideas that we have to resort to something so bizarre? We already eat the animals do we have to become them?
To claim the right to remain human against modifying ones body interferes with the right to choose freely what we seek in our own lives. What we should aspire to is the right to remain with the body we have or to create a new one if the old one displeases us. In today’s society it is already done through the many plastic surgery procedures, hair processes, makeup, tattoos and piercings. The right to choose the path that we wish to fulfill happily in our lives without disturbing others should let us decide if we want a new nose, bigger or smaller breasts, tighter skin or even wings. This is the right to be what we want to be.
Everybody should have the right to remain human if they want to, or become an animal if what they wish. That is why we can make our way trough life, we have free will. In my personal opinion I won't do it unless is like a life or death decision. Laura R
Are people satisfied with the body that they were given at birth? Why would someone want to change what his or her parents worked so hard at creating? Is it a slap in the face of our creator when these human enhancement groups persuade people into making body changes? I am not here to take away any rights. I only pray that all avenues are viewed before major decisions are made.
We are made with everything we need to be able to function as human beings. I love animals but I would not like to look like one. I don't understand why anyone would want either. I don't think it is a good idea to mess up what was given to us by nature.
Marcia P
The parts that we are born with is what makes us human. Humans are beautiful. Genetically modifying ourselves is just not normal. We need to remain as humans, the way we are born.
The right to remain human, is the right stop the progression of transhumanism.
no one is going to MAKE you become trans-human, thats absurd. Theres always a choice, i don't think anybody is going to force flippers on a somebody else.
The right to be human is something we are very lucky to have. I also believe that we should have a choice to change what we do not like about ourselves and that is why we have plastic surgery.
Gaby R.
The closer you are to nature, the closer your are to God.
Ismael DelValle
I saw a news program about people who modify their bodies, and one guy modified himself to look like a tiger (whole body tattoos, fangs, nails, even his eyes) because he said he felt like he should have been born a tiger. Strange as that seems, it is his choice as it should be another person's choice not to modify their body.
I believe we all have the right not to modify our bodies. It should be respected as we respect the rights of those that do tattoo themself or pierce their bodies.
It is a bit novel to believe that in the future we might be able to transform our bodies. But If people choice to modify themselves then they should be guaranteed this right, if it is safe. This also applies to individuals who choice to remain human. We are born with one body and whatever we choice to add or keep should rely on the individual.
Luisa Isla
I agree with the right to stay human. People shouldn't try to change themselves, they should just be content with who they are.
Aimara Ors
I don’t think anybody can take away our right to stay humans. We can only change our body if we want to. GS
If genetic modification research is capable of transhumanism which means to alter the human body into different animal parts. My best, and only hope is the Right to Remain Human [anti-transhumanism]. This right protects the human race from eccentric body modifications that can be obscene. P.L
I totally support this right; in a society filled genetic modified people, humans who are normal will be the minority and they could be forced to be genetically modified. Gary Norris
I think we should have the right to remain human as well as the right to transhumanism, depending on the person and their wants/needs. We should remember, however, that the only difference between humans and animals is that humans have the ability to make educated decisions. Let's put our only difference to use and think about the consequences of transhumanism before becoming beasts ourselves. --Rosa F.
I disagree with this right. In my point of view this is too futuristic for now and somehow impossible. Even if it wasn't no one can force someone else to change their body in such a way that would became abnormal.I believe that this is not a right but a choice.
I believe that we should not modify ourselves because this is how we were brought to this world. We need to accept who we are and how we look. EA
I prefer to be natural myself, but I respect others opinions and specially if they desire to morph their bodies. Everyone should be able to decide what they do with their body as long as it doesn't personally affect others.
We are born human. If our Creator intended for us to have other 'parts' then we would come out that way. We are the way we are for a purpose. If you needed a horses nose, you would have a horses nose, but you have a human nose because that's the nose you need. Simple. Since we live in a world where we fight for freedom of having our own rights and choices then to each it's own if that's what they choose. But personally, if the right to being human becomes a question, I hope I'm not here to answer. -- KB
We all have the right to do as we please with our bodies; if we want to change something then let us. We already modify our bodies by going under the knife for other things (ex. breast augmentations) this is just simply taking it to another level. I believe that this is an individual’s decision, and that transhumanism should be a personal choice.
-D. Diaz
We are created as human and should remain human. We are beautiful the way we were created. I am shocked to read others comments about people altering their bodies like the person who cut their tongue down the middle to portray a snake. Anyone who wants to alter theirselves in that manner has a much deeper issue inside.
Ann Marie
My belief is that we should have the right to transhumanism and the right to remain human. It’s ultimately up to the person, whether he wants It or not. E.S.
I do not believe in immortality of the individual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern with no superhuman authority behind it.
After reading this blog, I have been lost for words over the that past few minutes. I believe that it is pure insanity that humans would even have the slight thought of disfiguring their human body and adding animal parts. Our bodies were created a certain way and should remain that way!
I agree with Jenny. Its crazy how now technology has the power to modify human beings. We were created one way so why change it? Its unethical. I just think people want to be so perfect, they look for every way not to age or have imperfections. We as human beings age and change every year.That's how we were created. We all have flaws but that's what makes us humans.
This is a right we were born with and nobody can take this right away. I will always be a Human Being.
I agree. We need this right because in the future the hospitals or some health entities may demand some modifications in our bodies in order to be accepted in some insurances companies. We never know.
Claudia B.
Whatever someone decides to do with their body is their choice, although the right to remain human should always be an option that shouldn’t be taken away for all others. – D.T
Everyone has the right to choose what they want to do with their body. But the right to stay 100% human should never be taken away from us.
A person is born with one body and what this person decides to do with it's body shall be it's right. Your body is your own property and is where u have full authority over everything that goes on with it.----AN
I personally think that humans should stay a hundred percent humans, and even if it gets to the point where is possible, no one can force you to change if you do not agree with it.
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