All animals shall have the Right to Life.
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Groundhog in Canada |
No animals shall be intentionally harmed or killed,
except for food necessary for the survival of predator species
or in cases of defense of life, that is, for survival.
or in cases of defense of life, that is, for survival.
I believe the only animals that should not have the right of life are ones that harm our species.
Gaby R.
Every animal has the right to life. This may sound very hypocritical since I eat meat, but, I do not think taking the life of an animal for our survival should continue. Animals have the same right as we do to live a life. Animals are endangered everyday because humans harm them way too much. Animals are creatures created by the same thing that created us. We have no right to take life that away from them. Animals should have a chance of survival for the future. No more endangered species, animal life shall move forward.
Destroying animals for team game, for satisfaction, for exploration, and for furs are an observable fact which is at once terrible. We should take compassion on animals in the same way as we do on humans. Love is for the earth and the animals also. It is cruel to deny animals of their rights or for humans to exploit them to provide their own desires and concerns.
The case that eating meat is like the case for other traditions in the world It is completly natural and necessary. I do not believe there is anything wrong with it. However I do believe that sometimes we are wrong in believing we are the only creature with feelings and ability to communicate. Killing animals as a supplement for meals can be gruesome however it has been common practive for survival for many centuries now and will continue being that way regardless of your view.E.S.
Animals have feelings just like humans. Letting them be harmed or killed is still abuse no matter if it is a different species. It is sickening to see animals that have been treated on for cosmetic purposes. In some cases, rabbits that were used to test eye irritancy were left blind. I have always loved animals ,and I will never tolerate anyone harming them.
I totally agree; killing an innocent animal for sport or any other purpose than food is wrong. Animals know fear; they know when their lives are in danger. If they can understand fear, they have the right to life. Gary Norris
Animals are living creatures who are subjects of a life, they feel pleasure and pain, experience emotions, remember, anticipate, learn, and what happens to them is important for them, unlike what happens to a rock or a stone. So, if we argue that humans deserve rights, it is rational that animals also deserve rights.
Patricia Delgado.
My opinion is that animals no matter where ever they are should have the right to live. They have feelings too. A groundhog that lives in Canada or any other animal anywhere should not be killed just randomly for no good reason!
Laura R.
Every living creature has an important role in the balance of nature, even the ones that seem to harm us. So an unnecessary abuse of any specie would just mess with this balance, ultimately hurting ourselves.
Every single animal has the right to live, the born right to be respected.
I do not think people realize the impact of harmful actions have on animals.
Animals have an inherited worth just like humans. I feel every creature with a will to live has a right to live.
Ann Marie
I think the right to life for animals is an important one. They deserve a chance to live just like you and I. I am 100% against animal cruelty. There is no reason why animals should be tortured, there life is just as precious as ours and should be treated with the same compassion.
-Nicole Chaplin-
It is amazing that we are speaking about this theme in the 21st century. We shall know that no
body has the right to kill any animal for any reason at all.
Ismael DelValle
Animals should have the right to life. Although I personally do not like certain animals. It does not give me the right to kill them or harm them in any way. The same rights that are given to human being.
i'm not a really big fan of animals- the sight of a dog gives me a panic attack, and most animals smell.. & i go hunting with my father to hunt deer.. but i've never had the heart to shoot one.. and seeing my dad skin Bambi is not a pretty sight.. SO, i think animals should have the right to live, but its the circle of life.
We ourselves are animals. We must take care of our animals and not kill them. We do not know what we have until it is gone
just like we have the right to life, equally, so do animals. who are we to take the life of animals for no reason. cruelty is a big part of society,but that can change. we need to have more compassion for these animals since we have control over the environment.
As somebody who enjoys fishing, I believe in preservation of species and following the rules set to protect all animals as to keep them around for good. Animals should not be killed for fun or material items whatsoever.
The killing of animals has changed over the course of our species. The hunter gatherers used every part of there kill including the bones. Now we kill for trophies and slaughter in the masses (chickens and cows).
This is a tough call for me. I love eating meat and chicken and I am not sure what else I would eat if we weren't allowed to kill animals for our food. But I do believe that animals should not be killed for fun(sport;hunting), like hunters do. I know some hunters kill to eat the animal meat, but most do it for the hunt only.
I don't believe that it is wrong to kill animals for our food, or even the cow for its leather to make handbags and shoes if the rest of its carcass is used up for food and other things, but I do oppose to killing animals for sport like the elephant just for his tusks, or the moose to put his head on the wall of someone's den. It would be hypocritical of me though to say that all animals have a right to life. They do in some sense if they are in the wild, but if I see a snake in my backyard, it would not stand a chance.
Man is the only creature that consumes without producing. The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for white, or women created for men.
As part of the food chain, animals kill other animals for survival - not just for food, but for territory, mating, protecting young, and other reasons. We are animals and we do the same, but we like to think we are above other creatures on the planet. If the right to life for animals is approached with the same humility, understanding, and gratitude with which we approach our own right to life then it may put things in perspective. The life of all creatures on the planet matters.
No animal should be killed intentionally! Every animal has the right to live as much as humans deserve that right. I do believe that in cases for survival one may have to kill an animal because they have no other option but otherwise no animal should be killed. EA
I totally agree with this right. Human beings are just another species on this planet. Although we should be able to hunt for our food (such as the predator/prey relationship between animals), we have no right to intentionally kill animals for recreation. --Rosa F.
I agree with my peers, animals should not be killed for sport or for experiments. They were placed on earth for a reason just like we were. So we have no right to take any animals life away.
We are all part of the biosystem, and if we contribute to the extinction of any animal sooner or later we are going to be extinct too.
I believe that animals should NOT be used for experiments or recreational sports. Each animal plays an important role in the circle of life and deserve to live and reproduce themselves so that our future generation may enjoy all of the beautiful species.
Animals, even insects, do have the right to life BUT humans and larger animals are more powerful and dominant. If a small creature is killed by a larger one for food its natural and part of life. If a guinea pig is put into a lab and injected with hormones, that is certainly not natural.
it is important to remember that we define rights as something we are born with. Animals aren't born being chemically altered.
I agree. Killing animals is a way to survive in this world. But killing animals for other reazons should be punished. Animals belong to our ecosystem. If we kill them for sport or for money, we are killing our world too.
Claudia B.
I completely agree killing animals for unnecessary reasons is unacceptable. They have their own families to rise as well as their own lives to live. Now, killing animals for necessary reason like being able to live in my opinion is acceptable. As we kill these poor helpless animals for our unnecessary necessities we are killing the amazing world we live on.
I think that killing an animal for the purpose of nurishment is ok. I don't agree with the killing of animals for reasons of sport.
Eddie M.
Animals should only be killed in a moment of necessity. When someone or some animal needs food. I also agree in defending from an attacking animal. But never intentionally harming or killing the animal for alternative reasons that do not consist of basic principles.
I believe that this topic is "touchy' for some people, but it shows the truth about life and survival. Animals will be eaten by other animals. It is true that animals have the right to life, but they also have the right to death.
What are animal rights? Why do animals need rights after so many centuries of humanity believing that we are their rightful owners? This is what famous philosopher on animal rights Tom Reagan thinks, “All of us engaged in the struggle for animal rights have a tendency to forget who we once were. Most of us once ate meat, for example, or unblinkingly dissected nonhuman animals in the lab during high school or college biology courses. Probably we went to a zoo or an aquarium and had a good time. Some of us hunted or fished and enjoyed that, too. The plain fact is, it is not just society that needs changing. The struggle for animal rights is also a struggle with self. What we are trying to do is transform the moral zombie society would like us to be into the morally advanced being we are capable of becoming. All liberation movements have this common theme. That's only one of the ways our Movement resembles other rights movements of the past.” Can human beings transform their ideas towards animals after established thinking and behavior has been installed for many generations? I think we can. Hey, maybe we just need a little therapy? Science demonstrates this through the theories of two combined therapies: Cognitive therapy which is a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the important role of thinking in how we feel and what we do. Behavioral therapy, which is a psychological technique based on the premise that specific, observable, maladaptive, badly adjusted, or self-destructing behaviors can be modified by learning new, more appropriate behaviors to replace them. Through the use of both models we can create a human race with more sympathy, change the outlook of how we feel towards ourselves and change these negative behaviors and redevelop our established thinking patterns to now feel concern towards animal’s rights.
life should be respected no matter how it is embodied
and lets give deer shotguns to make it fair
Most wild animals live in an ecosystem that’s balanced, some are prays and some the predators, I believe the effort that humans make to preserve an ecosystem in danger is right. All animals have the right to live, some are more precious than others and I think the law should be really strong with those individuals who kill innocent animals or commit them to incarceration for no reason.
I have mixed feelings about this topic. I believe that animals should have the right to live to a certant extent. I think animals should be killed for survival purposes. Take us for instance, we neeed to kill cows for meat. I also believe that we shouldn't kill for fun.
Love the animals who love you back, your pets. Leave alone the ones who leave you alone. Eat to survive, only. Anything outside those lines is wrong. --KB
The right to animal is a complicated topic for me. I believe that animals should not be killed intentionally especially for fun. I do have a problem with people that go hunting and kill innocent animals for no reason. These animals are waxed and hung as decoration; I must say this bothers me. I believe that animals were put on this earth for us to enjoy but not to harm them. I am a carnivore and obviously, I eat animals but I don’t think that we should kill them for pleasure.
I think all animals have the right to live. None should be killed unless necessary for the survival of predator species. For example in a sport or hobby like hunting. -v.p.
Just like humans, animals also should have the right to live. Every type of life is essential to earth and shall not be destroyed by others just for fun or for any other reason that is not survival.
No one creature is superior to another. Animals, like plants and humans should have this right. I agree, with the exception of survival or defense no creature should be harmed by another species for personal pleasure, entertainment or for the sake of ‘just because.’ – D.T
All animal species should have the right to live on. As humans we have a responsibility to those animals we take possession of, we also have to be fair, just and kind to all other living things. Animals we consume have been placed on this earth to help sustain our lives, we must see to it that they are not killed in an immoral manner and to ensure their slaughtering is as painless as possible. Often times some humans are placed in a position of life and death at this point I am sure our instincts kick in and the appropriate action will be taken.
I believe that killing animals for sport is cruel and unnecessary, although if an animal is killed as a source for food, it is simply a natural cause. Unless you are defending yourself from a wild timberwolf or a life-threatening animal, just leave it alone.
-Ukeme Akpan
Animals are like humans in my eyes, every animal has the right to life and we should never allow anyone to take this right away. I still love to eat chicken though.
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