No animal species whose natural-born habitat is the wild
shall be kept under human ownership.
shall be kept under human ownership.
No domestic animal species shall be kept encaged.

Photos of animals in cages
---as pets, in zoos, in research facilites, in factories---
are omitted due to highly disturbing images,
---as pets, in zoos, in research facilites, in factories---
are omitted due to highly disturbing images,
with all due respect to blog viewers.
It is hard to grasp the concept of wild animals being legal prisoners. By mandating all wild animals be kept under human ownership, that is exactly what we are promoting and allowing. Animals are just like humans, there is no safer place them our own home. We shouldn’t be allowed to take that from them.
-Nicole Chaplin-
The right to liberate all those Zoo animals, shall
be the first priority to commit our self of doing
this action. The animals deserve to live free of
cages to full-filled theirs need of freedom.
Ismael DelValle
I agree with the other two bloggers. It is not right to have them locked up in cages or having test run on them. They should be left alone and able to live in their natural habitat.
Gaby R.
I think its irrational to keep pets or any animal imprisoned in a cage. If you're not in a cage, why should animals be? Its not right and I believe animals should be able to live just as freely as human beings.
Keeping a helpless animal locked up in a cage should be sin. Animals need to be free, they're meant to be free. I have a cat and if I don't let her out everyday she starts jumping off the walls. Put yourself in the animal's position. Why do you think they made jail for? Not for pleasure.
Animals should not be locked in a cage, its wrong in so many levels. picture yourself in a small, smelly cage..would you adapt to it? i think NOT. i believe animals are not meant to be tamed, animals should be able to run free. and as for animal testing, try testing chemicals out on yourself and see how much you like it.
people forget that the wild is the home for animals why take them away from that. why hold them in our power, why not let them roam free. how would we feel if we were in their place. i know i wouldn't feel safe.
As much as I love seeing animals at the zoo or aquarium, I'd rather see them in their natural habitat being what they are designed to be. Free.
Animal liberation is a right that has been fought for especially in the past 15 to 20 years. The interest of animals should be considered because of their ability to feel suffering. Animals are worthy of equal consideration when it comes to pain and suffering. I love my animals and could never imagine harming them for personal gain.
Ann Marie
Wild animal are just that WILD, but I understand certain circumstances that don't allow animals to return to the wild. Bald eagles that have been permanently injured are better kept alive in zoo's than left to die in the wild.
Animals too have the right to be free and do as they please. Animals should not be kept inside cages, they should be roaming out in the wild. They are not our property to keep; animals have the ability to think for themselves and make their own decisions without the restriction of humans.
-D. Diaz
As the population grows worldwide, the destinies of these animals seems to push them to be in zoos or in cages. In a perfect world, if we can control population, we can help animals stay in their natural habitat. But sadly, that's not the case.
When I was a child I was always asking my father why he had birds in cages when God gave them wings to fly? and he never had an answer; and he even had the nerve to take them for a walk. I thought it cruel but he claimed to love them. I believe that there are two types of animals those that are domesticated and those that belong in the wild and we must differentiate. Just as we make ourselves comfortable in our own surroundings, let us allow the animals to feel liberated in theirs.
Animals should never been held captive and should be free to roam the earth.E.S.
Domestic animals are bred for money and often end up in shelters, caged and waiting to die. Exotic animals should not be allowed to be kept as pets, but freeing an animal who has spent its life in a cage is not responsible and can be dangerous to the animal, environment, and native species. Animals and their natural habitats should be treated with compassion and respect. Animal liberation is a complex issue that can easily cloud reason with emotion.
I believe that an endangered species should be encaged because they may hurt someone or another animal. However, i don't agree with encaging an animal that is not dangerous. Let animals be free!EA
It is common to visit a zoo and watch the tigers and the hear calls of the parrots. But I believe it is inhumane to cage in these creatures. These animals did not choice to be caged in for the entertainment of humans. Wild animals belong in their nature habitat without an interruptions of humans depriving them of this right.
Luisa Isla
Animal rights is the belief that animals have an essential value separate from any value they have to humans, and are worthy of moral consideration.
They have a right to be free of oppression, confinement, use and abuse by humans.
Patricia Delgado.
I'm sort of in-between when it comes to this topic. People are quick to say "Animals in cages? Never! That's outrageous!", yet they go to the zoo every other weekend. I obviously don't think animals should be abused, but I'm not entirely sure where I stand when it comes to keeping them in a zoo. --Rosa F.
No animal should be deprived of their right to roam the earth freely. I also believe they should not be used for experiments. I believe we should treat animals as we treat any other human being. Humans do not put people in cages.(not including prison)
Do not do what you do not want others to do to you. That is the rule we need to follow and stop encaging animals.
Aimara Ors
I totally agree that wild animals should not be in cages. Gary Norris
I also agree that animals should not be encaged. It is like a torture for them. And if we have any kind of domestic animals, they should be treated with love and taken care of the right way. A pet is like a part of the family. GS
Sometimes keeping an animal in a cage is for the benefit of others. Some animals are harmful and its most important to think of the greater species to protects. Im not saying lock 'em all up. But there is a higher species to each and it has naturally evolved that way for centuries.
I agree with this articule because animals have the right to live in their natural habitat. Nature has provided an ecosystem for everything. If we encaged an animal we are going agains nature.
Claudia B.
This right has many controversies since animals that are held captive in scientific labs are there for many reasons, some like make-up factories using rabbits to try their new make-up for allergic reactions and see if it acceptable to sell. Yet some animals are held captive for our personal entertainment like the zoo. In which not many people see it as wrong but if you truly think about it using animals for our own entertainment is wrong in many ways. Animals do have the right to live in their own natural habitat.
I find it funny how many people say that animals shouldn't be caged. I'd like to hear waht they'd have to say if one morning they were on their way out to work or the store and "wild" buffalo, bears, lions, etc. were roaming the streets. I'm willing to bet that a majority of these people have visited the zoo, the Seaquarium, Busch Gardens or Animal Kingdom.
Eddie M.
All animals have a specific function in this circle of life. Those that were born wild, should remain free. Those that were born and brought up in a domestic environment, should be utilized as such. Cages and collars are not always a horrible thing. These devices are used for protection in most cases.
I'm against wild animals in zoos. Being kept in a zoo is like a perfectly sane person being kept in a high security mental institution. Imagine being locked away for life for no apparent reason at all.
The right to animal liberation is a touchy subject because of human interest. How would we now live in a world where we would have no zoos, no pets, and no animals for science advancement? Would humanity ever become able to change its views on animals and their rights? A professor of philosophy and author of “Animal Liberation” Peter Singer could not express it any better way, “It may be objected that comparisons of sufferings of different species are impossible to make, and that for this reason when the interests of animals and human beings clash the principle of equality gives no guidance. It is probably true that comparisons of suffering between members of different species cannot be made precisely, but precision is not essential. Even if we were to prevent the infliction of suffering on animals only when it is quite certain that the interests of human beings will not be affected, we would be forced to make radical changes in our treatment of animals that would involve our diet, the farming methods we use, experimental procedures in many fields of science, our approach to wildlife and to hunting, trapping and the wearing of furs, and areas of entertainment like circuses, rodeos, and zoos. As a result a vast amount of suffering would be avoided.”
Unfortunately, Humans encage animals in extremely depleted conditions using domestic cages, animal shelters, zoos, and even in portable cages. What society needs is a new method to confront animal proprietorship. Animal Liberation is the designation to free all Life forms on the planet. We as humans have the occasion for letting these creatures to roam free from the coop.P.L
All animals should be liberated from being kept in cages. animal shelters, zoos, etc. They all should be able to roam free. Scientists also need to find a new way to research or may be they can research on their selves instead. Laura R.
we are long into a human superiority tradition( Western thinking wise at least) and it is very far fetched to say that animals will ever be liberated. Blacks weren't liberated until many years of protest and fighting, so if a cow ever starts carrying picket signs, we're on our way.
it would have to be like in "Animal Farm", if you take the story literally.
To my opinion no animal should be kept encaged, it’s cruel. None of us would like to be locked up in a cage right? so why do it to animals. They have the right to be free and to be protected by humans.
I totally agree with alot of the bloggers opinion. I believe animals should not be kept in cages. I believe that they should be left free to do what they please.
I completely agree with animal liberation. No wild animal should be kept caged. They should be allowed to run free and do as they please. I think it is cruel to have an animal caged for one’s self-purpose. We would not want to be locked up. I don’t think that animals should be either. What is the point of having an animal if you are going to have them caged at all times? All animals should be let free.
All animals have the right towards liberation. I personally love going to the zoo to see all the different animals. But, I do not think they should be kept their captive for other peoples enjoyment. It's sad seeing them in a little piece of land, separated from their family, and having to live under the conditions of entertaining others. Humans have the right for liberation, I think animals have the same right as us. Another point, testing on animals is a horrible thing anyone can do. Just for another persons benefit we must make poor animals suffer? No, the cruelty of animals has gone too far and it should be stopped. As for their habitats, they should be left alone. We should not destroy their homes and build anything among their territory. There has been so damage humans have done to animals and it is not fair. Animals should be free from harm and live the way it should be, peacefully.
- Shivani
No animal species born in the wild should be held captive in a closed cage without the ability to escape. As humans migrate and move freely so should animals. Animals kept in cages for research purposes and factories should be considered animal cruelty. If animal cruelty consists of harming an animal, I am sure if it could speak it would feel that it is being harmed and constrained. -v.p.
Animals should be free but in some cases they are taken away from their habitats to save the specie.Also a lot of medicines have been found in animals. I just do not agree with unnecessary caging or harming.
Keeping animals in cages is unreasonable. We do it because animals are defenseless to confront us. Animals are supposed to be left free in their habitats and have much freedom as possible. We have no right to capture animals.
One major flaw humans have is believing they’re powerful and superior to untamed animals. Many say they ‘own a house pet.’ Domesticated animals shouldn’t be ‘pets,’ rather part of your pack, the family as they are not as you’d want them trained to be. Whether encaging or domesticating for human satisfaction of entertainment or education, including the most wild and dangerous animals like lions, whales, sharks or bulls shouldn’t be a right. A much talked about case is that of Tokitae, known as ‘Lolita’ the killer whale at Miami Seaquarium captured in 1970 and now captive for 41 years. – D.T
I agree with the other comments which say that no animals (wild or domesticated) should be kept in cages. In order for nature to have a natural balance, wild animals must be free and live the way they are suppose to live without human interference. Moreover, domesticated animals depends on humans for survival, however only dedication,love and food should be given to them; not cages and lack of minimum freedom.
In most cases this is true. Some animals get along great with humans and that is simply because some humans obtain an incredible for animals or one animal in particular. So, as long as the animal is being cared for and loved I see no problem -- KB
Some wild animals are kept in zoos in order to help repopulate their species and hopefully be returned to the wild when their numbers are greater. Other creatures have been living in zoos for such a long time their instincts have worn off because of being accustomed to being nurtured and played with, and by sending them back to nature would surely mean death. Animals should not be kept in cages, that is cruel and immoral treatment. If they are to be taken possession of we have the responsibilities to be fair, kind, and to take care of them.
Not all animals should be free to roam around. Some animals are simply too dangerous to be set free. And others are caged in order to be protected from predators...but only in those two cases do i believe caging animals is necessary.
-Ukeme Akpan
I believe that animals that have been under human care since birth, should continue to be because if we were to set them loose, they will not have the adequate survival skills; as oppose to an animal that has been wondering around the wild all of their lives.
I don't agree with this right, I love taking my kids to the zoo and lion country safari and the animals look great.
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