The Right to Cleanliness is of two kinds:
community-based and individual-based.
The cleaning of streets and homes.
The cleaning of the body.
It is about removing things from surfaces.
Cleanliness promotes good health
(see the Right to Care of the Physical Body)
and is aesthetically pleasing to the senses
Everyone and everything has the right to be clean. Humans, Animals, Plants, Organisms, Streets, Buildings etc... Personal and environmental hygiene is important for your health and mental well being. No one wants to feel dirty and no one can be happy living within filth. Respect yourself and the earth. LP
This should not be a right, this should be an obligation. The mess you have in your house/room reflects the mess you have inside. Please be clean, for your sake and for others. Do I really have to say please? --KB
I do not think that people should be obligated to be clean. Some may not have the proper things to keep clean. To be clear by this I mean the homeless, those who have neither bathroom shower soap shampoo nor conditioner in order to be clean. Also some people no matter how hard they try are unorganized and with that come uncleanliness. We all have the right to choose how clean we are. I personally am a person that I have to have everything neat and tidy but I do not criticize those who are not as clean like me.
Everyone should be able to be clean, but not everyone has the possibility ...unfortunately
everyone has the right to be clean. I know that there are some people who do not have this, because they are homeless or what not. my advice to them is to find the nearest ocean, or lake, and clean up. nobody likes being smelly.
true that
follow if u like what u see?
I believe on the cleanness of your body, and everything related to human, animals, and the environment in order to be safe and secure on our
Ismael Delvalle
I think that people should have the right to cleanliness. I love the fact that im such a clean freak. I mean who wouldn't want to live in a place where everything is put away and the trash is picked up. I can't imagine how our community would be if we didn't cleanliness. Would you want to live in a community where there is trash all over the floor and people looking dirty and wearing raggedy clothes? I know I wouldn't.
Francisco A.
Being neat and clean decreases stress in ones life. A person is calmer and more productive in a neat and organized surrounding.
I also feel it is a persons obligation to present themselves in a clean and presentable manner.
Ann Marie
We all have the right to cleanliness whether it is of the body or in our surroundings. However, I think cleaning your room is not necessarily a right but rather something one should do for their own good. I also agree with the fact that cleaning promotes good health. I can not begin to study if I have clutter on my working desk. -v.p.
I completely agree with this right! Being clean or keeping something clean can a be a form of respect for others and it can also provoke good impressions. Most people do not like the when something is not clean and disorganized.Therefore maintain something clean should be definitely a must.
I have been to a couple third world countries in the past few years. When you go to places like that, it makes you appreciate the country we live in. We pay a lot of taxes but it's nice to see that it goes to quality of living for all of us. Having people pick up your garbage everyday and making sure the streets are clean is a right that has been given to us in the USA. Place likes Venezuela are always dirty with garbage laying everywhere and potholes all over the streets.
My survival is based on cleanliness, shall one be infected, will lead to death.
Cleanliness prevents many illnesses and hardships. If we all kept our streets and bodies clean the world would be a better place.
The right to cleanliness should be enforced and respected. The way we keep clean our bodies is the same way we should keep our environment. We need to stop polluting and destroying the land we live on. The earth is too beautiful to see destroyed. As for beings, we should always be clean. Being clean shows the type of person we are. We should be clean for our health and in order to look good. Everyone has the right to cleanliness, although some of us do not have this right for certain reasons, we should appreciate we have water and soap every day.
Cleaniness is a matter of choice. Some people do not take cleaniness as serious as they should. Cleaniness can stop a lot of diseases and skin problems in your home, especially for small children. Everytime I see a little child with rashes and ring worms, the first thing comes to mind is that there home is not clean. We should take pride in our body, homes and environment and practice cleaniness.
Cleaniness is something that everyone should practice. We are taught that we should never litter in the street. We should also keep our home and most important our body clean. Cleaniess makes all look beautiful which in turn makes us happy.
I don’t think there is anybody who doesn’t like to be clean or one who likes to have a dirty country. If it happened, is due to unfortunate personal circumstances, and corrupt governments who don’t care about the wellbeing of their people. We all have the same basic human needs, and cleanliness is one of them. Hopefully one day, all people can make use of their right to a clean and healthy body and to a clean place to leave in. GS
I agree with some of the posts. Its should be a right. It should be mandatory. Everyone needs to be be clean whether its inside the body or out. Having a clean house or environment, counteracts upon having a clean bod. This means no diseases. This right should be the most important one.
Cleanliness refers not only to the way we tend to our hygiene, but also to the care we take to maintain and cherish all aspects of our environments (inner and outer) within our control
In order to prevent diseases there has to be cleanliness. Personal hygiene prevents illness. However all areas of our world has to be clean in order to be health. Our homes, work place and environment. This is a right which not every person in the world has. Some people do not have the privilege of taking a simple shower. They suffer in proverty and our deprived of the most basic necessities.
Marcia P
We all have the right to be clean and to take as much care as we can of our body and environment, but sometimes there are insufficient resources that do not allow us to do so. Take for example Africa, that in some remote areas it is very hard to obtain any water. Being clean and being around a clean environment might be something simple, but can cause an individual to feel a sense of well being that reflects in their health.
-D. Diaz
Cleanliness is a paramount of importance for each individual, for the self-being and the environment we live in. The right to be hygienic involves different topics like; the right for a clean air, the right to beauty, and others. We should all promote this right in our everyday living. In my opinion, It takes one person to make it happen.
Patricia Delgado.
Cleanliness purifies the body and mind. It protects us from diseases and helps us stay healthy. But some necessary resources to be clean and stay clean might not be available to everyone. Water, soap, or house hold cleaners are a quick drive away, but how can people from third-world countries get their hands on these items? Many children die from diarrhea, a curable illness, because of unsanitary water. So just like the right to water or any other right that impacts our health, cleaning ourselves and our environment is a must.
The right to cleanliness makes this world a better place, whether if it is in the air, in the community, inside someone's home or hospital. We all need to protect ourselves from disease's that can spread. EA
It is said, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”I cannot imagine anyone disagreeing with this right, when I am in a clean environment I feel good; it is almost as if I take on the world. In contrast, I get really annoyed when thing are not clean. Gary Norris
We should definitely have the right to cleanliness. Without it, our lives would be an absolute mess. It increases organization and promotes good hygiene.
-Ukeme Akpan
I think that this right should be practiced to the fullest due to health benefits for the person and the comfort of others.
I think there is another kind of Right to Cleanliness, the cleaning of the spirit. Many things need to be removed from our environment in order to have a clean spirit, like rude expressions, hatred, and curses. Love is the best soap to clean the spirit.
Aimara Ors
Everyone should have the right to be clean, governments should care about having the streets free of garbage and educate people about the importance of it, we have to stop polluting the air. Is unbelievable how in the 21st century still exist people that live in the streets and don't have access to take a shower. I also agree with Aimara that to keep our spirits free of hatred is a way to be clean too. But we also need germs to create antibodies to be able to fight diseases.
Laura R.
There should be a right to cleanliness, after all it should be an important part of our daily lives and will help us to remain healthy.
This should be a law. The benefits severely outweigh the negatives for both the physical and earthly aspects. There is always time to freshen up.
Eddie M.
It seems that the Right to Cleanliness is about keeping both the figure and design of society clean. I think all individuals and communities need whatever is possible to make them stay clean. Money is probably the biggest asset that drives humans and public places to establish cleanliness.P.L
I love things being clean. For me, it promotes order, sanity and happiness. Places which are dirty invoke negative feelings and no one wants to be sitting next to someone who, lets be honest, just isn't clean.
A necessary right.
The right to cleanliness is the ability to take care of yourself and the environment. Cleanliness in out environment will not only produce physically pleasing results but life response results as well.
-Nicole Chaplin-
Cleanliness depends on the individual. It definitely is your right to exercise at any given time. I don't think it builds up or destroys specific individuals. I have met people who function excellent in the clutter.
The right to cleanliness is rooted in the right to respect because keeping yourself clean shows that you are worth caring about and for. The same goes for the community and environment. Without the right (and ability/resources) to cleanliness, quality of life can suffer dramatically.
The right to cleanliness is a right that citizens more than anyone should protect. We should strive and protect our environment ourselves without needing a right to fight for that, we are our own worst enemy when it comes to cleanliness.
I feel it is important to impress cleanliness in our areas. Paying attention to the issue of cleanliness it is like keeping our ground, the street clean. As our home is the window of our character. If our home is disordered with things strewn all over or scents terrible because it is not clean, it shows a lack of interest. In contrast, an orderly and well-kept house or street makes obvious personal care and neatness. Remaining away trash in our environment will take a long way to have a total progress.
The right to cleanliness is a right that we should uphold for ourselves and others. To be able to clean ourselves and the items that we have is something that everyone should be able to do since water is everywhere in one form or the other meaning that we have oceans, lakes, rivers etc. In many third world countries where the population does not have access to water in their homes, they travel to local rivers from waterfalls to bathe and to wash their clothes. They even transport additional water to their homes in containers to cook and clean their homes. To say that not everyone has access to cleanliness is not a fact rather an opinion of how water access is convenient or not. However, we can say that it is factual that our water supplies are becoming limited due to overpopulation and the way humanity is treating its water sources with pollution. This is when we need to figure out solutions so that everyone can continue to have the right to cleanliness.
Janet Almonte
Cleanliness is a right that we as human beings should take very serious. Like Janet stated, not everyone has access to cleanliness.
This is an important right that every human being should have. I agree 100 percent with this post. Personally, I think that is difficult to live and be happy without Cleanliness.
Claudia B.
The right to cleanliness regarding the community shouldn’t be an option it should be an obligation. Since we do live in this world, we should help it not destroy it. Regarding our individual self, everyone should have this right, including the homeless or those in poverty but sadly not everyone does. – D.T
I think this should be one of our very basic rights. If we can't take care of ourselves or the world we live in, how can we expect to demand rights of other things? --Rosa F.
The right to cleanliness is important for our society and for our ourselves. Though we still need to be a little dirty. For example, germs, without them we would die. We need germs to live.
Everyone has the right to cleanliness, not only your body but the environment also. Imagine if no one had this right. The world would be a filthy place to live, and full of diseases. E.S.
I agree with the post, everyone should have the right to not only a clean environment, but to ones physical self. If we did not have street sweepers and waste management, our streets would be covered in trash and filth. As for our bodies, we need to remain clean! If not, we would have all sorts of infection and diseases roaming around.
Cleaner bodies and environment = Healthier lives.
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