No human being shall be denied the right to choose
which textile or adornment
which textile or adornment
they place upon their own physical body.
Guys in purple and flowers.
Woman in France wearing full-face veil burqa, 2010.
France passed a law in September, 2010, taking effect in spring 2011,
which will ban this full-face covering. Women will be fined 150 Euros.
French President Sarkozy assumes the veil is not a choice
but instead imposed clothing--- he stated,
"In our country, we can't accept women prisoners behind a screen,
cut off from all social life, deprived of all identity.
That's not our idea of freedom."
But, what if it is the woman's choice?
Some choose to wear haute couture hats .
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D&G, Spring 2011 collection |
Woman in France wearing full-face veil burqa, 2010.
France passed a law in September, 2010, taking effect in spring 2011,
which will ban this full-face covering. Women will be fined 150 Euros.
French President Sarkozy assumes the veil is not a choice
but instead imposed clothing--- he stated,
"In our country, we can't accept women prisoners behind a screen,
cut off from all social life, deprived of all identity.
That's not our idea of freedom."
But, what if it is the woman's choice?
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hats, designer Philip Traecy |
I believe this all goes back to the right of beauty and the right of ugly. Fashion is a persons personal choice. Some times we may not understand not agree with what a person is wearing but who are we to judge. As far as the issue with women wearing full face coverings, I personally do not have a view on that issue. I just believe in the fact of wearing what makes you feel confident, if that means jeans and a shirt, or a hat or purple hair, then please embrace your creative style and make it your own.
about the woman in the burqa, this is all about ethics and morality. we can say that like socrates first stated, when living in a society or under a certain religion we are bound to a contract with it. if they chose or comply with the religion/society in which they live, wearing something that is obligated is not an issue. If they are forced to, then yes they have a right to oppose it but they must also acknowledge that there is something greater connected to it than simply fashion.
Hats can be beautiful but let's be realistic when they are extreme like the ones in the picture, where can you really go wearing one of these. I mean one has a right to cover their head if they choose to do so, but I also have a right to protest if I am sitting at the back of an individual adorning one of these monstrosities.
The right to apparel is a personal choice. Big hats small hats, flowered shirts who cares. I recently saw a tv documentary on women who chose to wear full face vails. There choice was rooted in the commitment to their religion and their husband. Now you have the President of France stating it is against the law to wear a full vail over ones face b/c it does not represent freedom, didn't he just take away her freedom to practice her religion? very interesting
Ann Marie
...interesting post. Glad I found your blog.
People has the right to wear whatever they chose; I agree that we have to respect people’s religion and culture but we live in a dangerous world. When in Rome, you do as the Romans do. It is not acceptable for anyone to cover his or her face completely. Can any of you go to the bank and make a withdrawal without showing your face? Gary Norris
Inspiring post. I think what you wear is a personal choice, for whatever reasons, it shouldn't be defined by the government. Thankyou for your comment on my blog!
People have different cultures as well as taste in clothing; forcing someone to wear what’s “normal” to society is not something that should be overlooked. If we have the freedom to choose what we eat without being judged then why can’t we wear whatever we desire, even though it might seem ridiculous to others?
-D. Diaz
In this century it really does not matter how you dress. We live in a place where there are so many cultures and everyone is able to express themselves in the way they dress. Not everyone will accept it but that is freedom of expression.
What people wear has to do with their own personal identity. How they view themselves however culture and society does influence how we see ourselves.
Marcia P
Freedom to wear what you choose. Dont judge but have opinions. I think society now-a-days expects people to dress a certain way. With or without religion involved, I believe its a freedom. You shouldnt be judged by what you wear. It should be your choice.
I believe that a person should have the right to wear what is to their likeing and religion. If everyone was the same, this would be one boring world. Every one is different, unique in their own way. They should express it as they like. This is how we tell each other apart.
I think everybody should have the right to wear what ever they want, but one thing is to dress a certain way, and another thing is to cover your entire face with a veil.Everyone should be able to identify you. Especially in banks or in airports. The last thing we would want in our country would be an unidentified criminal.
-Jeiner P
Everyone has the right to choose what they put on their bodies. I do not agree with the French President Sarkozy's decision. Everyone has the freedom to choose whether they want to cover their face or not. Each of us come from different cultures and religions, and some of us are devoted to what we practice. Why should he ban that freedom from certain people? Each of us have different styles and personalities that we like to show through our apparel. Lady gaga is a perfect example to strange clothing. She's just like every other person the only thing that divides her from us is her style in what she wears. Why should we hide how we present ourselves to our likings?
People should have the right to wear the clothing they choose. It is YOUR own body. I don't think the law in France is fair to women who cover their faces. This may not be a matter of "cuting off from all social life" but rather a practice of a religion. Just like the men in the first picture can wear purple flowers, a women can cover her face, or anyone can wear an exotic hat. Clothing is a form of expression and personal taste. - v.p
I also think that any person has the right to wear what ever they like. Putting religion aside, covering your entirely face with a veil, that’s just plain ridicules. E.S.
Everyone should have the right to apparel choice. As long as the choice of apparel is not like walking around in your underwear all day, then it is fine. Our apparel gives us a chance to express ourselves, our individuality. A great example of this is Lady GaGa. Gaga wears the most outrageous clothing. Her unique choice of apparel is one of the reasons why she is so famous.
I'm definetely not one of those people who assume that every women who wears a headscarf or something like that must be oppressed and is doing so against her will. But I thought in this case the reason behind this law was security. People were forbidden to cover their face completely because this would make it impossible to recognize them.
Btw. your blog is amazing!
great choices of photos...<3
Love, L
You should be able to wear what you want. It is a form of expression and choice. Regarding covering of the face due to religion, again the women have made a choice to follow said religion. As for being fined because your face is covered, I can only assume that it would be because of security. I love the hats though, they are fun.
Fashion moves at the speed of light, it changes every season, and it's promoted by media for marketing. Different cultures are identified and unfortunately stereotyped because of their apparel. In my opinion, everyone should be judge by their actions and not by the way they look, but in the case of women who wear a full-face veil burqa due to their religion and live in countries that were they have certain rules about what they can and cannot wear. Then they need to follow them, because specially in some Muslim countries even western women have to cover they hair with a burqa and they have to follow their rules. GIL RO
RW - Both men and women should have the right to dress in whatever fashion makes them feel comfortable. I do not agree that women should be forced to cover their face. I wonder if the men in their country make them cover their face when they are in bed?
The choice to wear any type of headwear should be left up to the person. The government should not impose themselves unto the basic freedom to wear what you wish. D.B.
Choice of clothing is a way to express freedom of choice. The ability to make choices whether they are right or wrong is what makes us human. D.E.
The right of apparel choice gives individuals the opportunity to dress unlike others and have a quality of uniqueness. This also allows an individual to conform with parts of society and dress like others. This right would guarantee that just because we look different on the outside we are treated equally
The fashion mode should be in accordance to the gender and the shape of the physical body.
choice to apparel is exactly that, a choice. Creating laws that forbid the wearing of a burqa wouldn't be any different than banning yarmulkas in public. Wear is the line drawn?
Fashion is a form of art. i see bodies like they're a canvas and when we dress we create something beautiful. no one has the right to say that the clothing you have on is not beautiful or appropriate to wear. i say, wear what you desire and block everyone else out. be original because immitation kills. -Michelle Morfa
I believe you should be allowed to wear whatever you what as long as its not offense to others. It if came to down to it, would you allow someone to wear a KKK outfit as freedom of speech if they "choose" to wear it?
Art produces ugly things which frequently become more beautiful with time. Fashion, on the other hand, produces beautiful things which always become ugly with time.
Those people that create fashion are signaling mens clothing as a robust fashion statement. Women are wearing hats in a combining manner. President Sarkozy is giving rights for those who do not have a choice.P.L
Everyone has the right to choose what style they wish to convey in their clothing of choice. When someone chooses to wear a particular piece whether it is jewelry, head gear or clothes it speaks of the individuals personality, their interests, their beliefs and their passions. It is a right to express oneself freely. In addition, it is the art of demonstrating it on ones' body.
Janet Almonte
The way we dress expresses our personality and feelings. If you are glum you will most likely dress in a dull color, if you are thrilled you will dress in bright beautiful colors. You can be spontaneous and show off your clothes. It isn't fair to fine a woman just because she is covering her face. Laura R.
Everyone has the right to wear whatever they feel comfortable in, whether if its for fashion, culturalism or just be because....... personal choice. EA
Everyone has a unique way of dressing and teaches you about that person some one who is loud and spunky will be looking their best any where they go. Some one who is calm and down to earth may wear comfertable clothes and doesnt care what people think. We as humans as people have the right to pick and choose what to wear and what clothes we feel comfertable in.
The fact that this is an issue in 2011 is sad. In a world where we pride ourselves from advancing so much in the past few hundred years, this argument contradicts it all. People should be allowed to wear what they want, like the woman in the burqa. Apparel choice doesn't only pertain to fashion, but also religion. That woman chose that religion and would like to abide by its rules and customs. There is nothing wrong with that.
--Rosa F.
I don't think there should be a law banning these face covering veils. What if a woman chooses to cover her face because of her religion? She might not be thinking about this as an obligation. I think it is her choice, not her husband's or about a law. Zulima Alvarez
I believe everyone should be able to wear whatever their heart desires. As long as it doesn't infringe on another person's rights.
Everyone should be allowed to wear what they like as long as it's appropriate and someone will not find it offensive. It's unlikely that someone won't be "offended" though.
Eddie M.
I love this post!!! Everybody should have the right to apparel choice, but some people can't have it for a certain amount of time because of their religion, for example: in my religion we have to dress all white during a year and I can just use skirts or dresses, And most people when I go out give me that wear look. That's why people should respect the right to apparel choice every person have.
As fashion changes, people should be able to decide what they feel comfortable in, even if it is not fashion forward. It is also absurd for the women in France to be fined for wanting to wear a veil. In the end, it is their own personal choice that people should respect.
We should wear what pleases us. Ask Lady GAGA.
The right of choice of apparel is also a way of expression. Many can be said of a person by the way they dress, some want to be the center of attention, others want to hide from the world, some dress to be able to fit in a certain group, and some dress be different from everyone else. Which ever is the reason it is part of our personality and it should be respected. We can wear or not wear anything we want. GS
One should wear what they want, because it is consider as way of expression even though most people judge by the way some one dresses. -AN
I careless about what others wear, as long as It does not affect me directly, is fine.
If I see guys with Colored Flower Jacket, Ladies covering their faces, and other exhibiting their extravagant Hats, still fine with me.
Ps: I am very behind when it comes about fashion, and I just found out that "Men" are marketing Colored Flower Clothing?
Patricia Delgado
Westerners are used to having choices and freedoms that are not allowed in other parts of the world. Particularly for women in certain religions/cultures, clothing choices are not an option - women are mandated to adhere to strict guidelines or face harsh penalties. However, if a person is truly able to choose, then the person should be allowed as long as the choice does not pose a danger to the wearer or others.
My opinion on this situation is simple, I believe that people have the right to dress in whatever makes them feel like themselves and at peace. No one should be forced to wear clothing that makes them feel uncomfortable simply because society views that as normal.
-Ukeme Akpan
Nobody should be tell what to wear, and should not be imposed. It should be completely freedom to wear any apparel desired. Plus it is a form of expression of personal identity.
There is no universal rule stating what everyone should wear. The way a person dresses should only be defined and decided by the person wearing it.
I think everybody has the right to wear how they feel more comfortable, governments should not impose a law prohibiting the way a woman dresses like mentioned above, if they like it and feel comfortable that way let them be themselves.
I think the French President should read your blog about the right to question. He needs to ask those women if that's what they want. How is it 'freedom' if he is imposing a law restricting what they should wear? Then they are not 'free' to choose. -- KB
We all should be able to wear whatever we want to wear. I understand that we have specific clothing for specific places. That is a individual choice, because no one person should be able to dictate to the masses on clothing.
Of course that women choose to use that veil. She is an adult and she belongs to a religion. That means that she is expressing her life style through her apparel. She has the right to use any kind of clothes. In the same way, each country have the right to choose whom they will allow inside their country.
Claudia B.
We choose what to wear but in certain religions women are made to cover their faces. I think to each it's own as long as no one is being hurt why not?
Gaby R.
Wearing what u desire is your own persoanl choice. There should never be a restriction on this except if your outfit is revealing and there are children around or if you are in a place where it isn't proper, i.e. wearing a g-string bikini to a Ruths Chris Steakhouse.
It’s true, individuals can decide their style and shouldn’t be stereotyped by social norms since it’s a form of expression. Take Lady Gaga for instance, but we also need to take into consideration the traditions of cultures and laws implied by each country. – D.T
I identify who I am by wearing what I think is cool and comfortable. Although, I might think guys in skinny jeans are tacky, you might think it's cool.
Everyone has the right to choose what clothes they want wear,but there's a limit on what you can wear. Yes, its a free country but freedom has its limits. Wearing almost nothing and walking around on the side walk is inappropiate.
We critic others by their clothes because clothing is the most important item to make one seems gorgeous. The manner we wear our clothes and the type of clothes we wear imply our personal sense of reserve occasionally. I can say this is an offensive tendency from the society.
fashion comes and goes because not everyone has the same taste. Everyone should have the right to wear anything they are comfortable in.
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