No woman shall be denied natural childbirth, if such is desired,
if this does not endanger the life of mother or baby.
In vitro, test tube, or other technological birth modalities
as options besides natural birth
shall not be forced upon the birth mother against her desire.
if this does not endanger the life of mother or baby.
In vitro, test tube, or other technological birth modalities
as options besides natural birth
shall not be forced upon the birth mother against her desire.
This is a right for the future.
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3D ultrasound photo of baby in the womb |
With advances in technologies,
will "to womb or not to womb" become a choice?
It is very common now a day, for the OBGYN to suggest having a C-section instead of natural birth. I believe this is going on because it is a lot faster for the doctor. The surgery takes 30 minutes and in many occasions it is said that the baby suffers less risk. I don't particularly think this is true. A woman should be able to choose how she would like to deliver her baby. If there are some potential risks, for example, the baby hasn't turned, they do a sonogram and the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck, I understand; but overall the mother should be able to have this right. After all, it is her body.
While it can be painful, natural birthing is the best option for having a healthy delivery simply because it eliminates the potential negative effects of medications on both mom and her baby.
I think women should have the right to give birth the way they want to because after all, it is their baby.
Although I have never had a child, I think there is something so special about having a baby natural. As soon as the baby is delivered you can hold your precious little person. I am not fully against medications because I have heard the pain is just too much sometimes. I believe the right to have a natural child birth should be in the hands of the mother. They would never put there child in harms way.
-Nicole Chaplin
it depends whats best for the baby.When he needs a c-section and the mother want child birth because she "has the right", then i'd have to disagree.
I believe that the mother should have the right to decided whether or not she would like to have the baby natural. If complications were to arise, then she would have to make a decision from that point on.
If natural childbirth does not cause a threat to the baby or mother then the option should definetly be left to the mom. However there are times when c-section is absolutely necessary.
Marcia P
I believe that mothers reserve the right to natural childbirth. But at the end of the day, under certain circumstances, a c-section is absolutely necessary. In my opinion, natural is the way to go...barring complications and restrictions.
-Ukeme Akpan
Every woman, should have the right to have her baby, the way she desires, nobody should push her to give birth in a way she does not agree with it. Laura R.
I believe moms do not want in vitro fertilization or a test tube baby because they can have a baby without those steps doctors take. Natural birth of course is safer for their child. These steps are only put in service by women that have to by a doctors order. P.L
Childbirth is the most amazing and beautiful process that only a woman can understand. It is a natural born instinct that most woman feel to be able to carry and deliver a child into this world. Our modern technologies offer women many options to help them go through labor and give birth in a less painful and safer way for the mother and the child when needed. However, it should never be denied that a healthy woman and child be forced to have a cesarean birth in place of natural child birth. To deny this of a mother when unnecessary is to add future emotional wounds to her of the sense of less of an accomplishment when in fact this could of been prevented.
Janet Almonte
Every child has the right to be born either naturally or by c-section. But most of all, the child has the right to be born. If a pregnancy is terminated before the baby can be born, then it will be a violation of the child’s right to live. E.S.
I think a woman has the right to decide if she wants vaginal birth or a c-section, and doctors should respect that right as long as the health of the baby is not compromised. Zulima alvarez
natural child birth looks VERY painful, and although i have never had a child, i think women have the right to decide what kind of child birth they want because they are the ones that will be going through the pain.-Michelle Morfa
I have never had a child but as for many in my family who are mothers they had the chance to choose how they wanted to have their child in which i think it is correct. Mothers should have the right to choose how their child will be and how it will be brought to this world.
I believe it depends on the situation of both parties involved. If having a baby by in vitro fertilization will prevent disease in the child's life or save the mother, then by all means, go ahead. There is also the argument of a couple not being able to get pregnant. If using our technology is the only solution, I believe that women should be able to use it to their advantage. I don't believe, however, that they should be forced to have children by these means.
--Rosa F.
We are getting a little too advanced in our thinking, and sooner or later we will exhaust ourselves.Some say God,some say Nature but whichever it is, the intentions were to carry a child naturally, and this should always be a woman's right.
The right to child birth should not be denied to any mother or child. There may be many advances for child birth but those should only be used as last resources. The mothers should always be the one to decide natural birth, unless child may be in danger. C-sections should not be forced because of making life easier for doctors.
When it comes to the birthing process, I've always firmly believed that everything it should be up to the mother.
It’s a scary thought to imagine a time in the future where a woman is denied the right to natural birth. We all have to remember that science is not perfect. Denying this right may destroy the human race. A woman should always have the right to choose. Gary Norris
I believe the mother has the right to choice which way she wants to give birth. As long as the baby is not affected health wise
In my opinion, there isn't a more nurturing and beautiful time than when you carry your child in the womb. But with the advances in medicine and technology, "to womb or not to womb" can indeed become a choice. Some women today are faced with challenges and can not physically have a baby. They need to rely on surrogates, adoption, and face the fear that at the end, they may not be given the baby they so desire. D.B.
Circumstances may arise in a woman's process to conceive where having to choose the scientific technological way is the only way she'd be capable to have a baby. Under ideal circumstances, she should have the right to choose between the natural or scietific way.
Eddie M.
In my point of view we always have the right ton decide which way we want to give birth, but it is important to know that who has the last decision is the doctor because he will determine the best way to do it without causing any problems to the baby.
I have not had this experience, but I sure think that natural birth is a beautiful thing. As a male, I will never know what a woman goes through when she is giving birth I assume that it is a very painful thing, but I highly encourage natural birth to all women. I believe that a C-section should also be performed if the child is too big or if it is breached so the mother and child can both experience healthy labor, thus not risking any of their lives.
Having a child naturally or with the help of technology is the choice of the mother. Technology will keep on advancing, but accepting these new advances might not be welcomed by all. In the case of natural childbirth, the only concern should be the health of the mother and child.
I believe it is a right. You choose whether or not to have a natural childbirth. The woman has the right to go through pain or not go through pain. She has carried that baby for 9 months and even though natural childbirth is a beautiful and "natural" thing, it is the mothers choice to opt for a natural or technological procedure.
The natural process of birth, which includes the time we spend in our mother's womb, could never be replace by an insensible machine.
Having a natural is birth is considered the "right way" of having children, however, some people are unfortunately can't have children so their next option would be in vitro.
Although, test tube babies are very controversial and this procedure may not be safe, I believe that what ever works for these couples, is the right choice for them. This is a personal choice.
Child birth is a natural right. A woman should never be denied experiencing life inside of her.
Marcia P
I think that natural child birth should not be denied to a woman because having the baby in her creates a special connection between the mom and the child. -AN
Humans create machines to help humans. At no point should humans be at the mercy of machines against their will. This is especially important in consideration of the first bond between mother and child. A mother should have the right to a natural pregnancy - to nurture and bond with her child from the point of conception.
Well, is pretty scary just the though of it.
I personally went trough a C-section, and I know this is not just the case of this blog, however; its part of a Non natural birth. If I would have known that I was going to be in so much pain for so long after that surgery, I would have done as much as I could to give natural birth. Today, with all this advances we do not know the side effects that could cause in the future.
Patricia Delgado
It should be a right to decide rather they want to have natural birth or not is their body anyways and nobody should decide rather than herself.
The natural birth of a child is a unique moment for both the mother and the child, no one should take this right away from a mother.
The right to natural child birth is definitely a choice a mother should always have. Now, let's suppose it would be dangerous for the mother and/or baby, I would choose the safest way to give birth.
No one should be forced into doing anything they do not want to do. The woman should have the choice of how they would like to give birth. Natural birth should be the first option in delivering a baby.
No one has the right to decide what a person does with his or her body. Every woman has the right to choose which method of childbirth they prefer. It scary to imagine a time in the future where a woman is deny this basic right. Science is not perfect, and it will never be. Gary Norris
To womb or not to womb. Well, I can only speak for myself and thank God we have a right to choice. I choose not to have natural child birth. Why should I, we are not living in the old days, when you did not have a choice. You had to have natural child birth, they did not know of any other way.
The right to natural birth should never be taken away from a woman; it is a magnificent act of nature that is better left untouched. The human body is perfect.
My mother used to tell me that remember you came out of a woman. Therefore, I believe it is very important for both parties concerned that all
should be a close as nature as possible.
As technology is advancing, they have come up with different ways to help women feel "comfortable" with their choices in child birth. Such alternatives give any women the right to natural birth. Although some women unfortunately have those rights taken away. Options such as test tube babies, surrogacy, and etc, give some women hope. I believe women should always have the right to womb or not to womb. To carry a baby is something special every women should have a chance to experience. I've been told the happiest time of a womans life is during their pregnancy. But, there are those that prefer not to go through childbirth. To give someone another life should be that persons decision, no one should force or deny that right.
If a natural childbirth does not endanger the mother or the child then I do think it is the mother's choice and no one else's. I think technological advances should just be other options for the mother but in the end it is up to the mother to decide. Therefore, "to womb or not to womb" should be a choice. -v.p.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) gives couples what they have been hoping for. It allows couples to capture the dream of parenthood without the gamble of invasive surgical procedures. I am all for it.
Ann Marie
It's the mother's choice, period. She carries the baby 9 months, she gains the weight, she bares the pain, she chooses how to deliver.--KB
the right to natural birth is actually the best thing to do, any "artificial interruption" dealing with birthing comes with serious risks.
giving birth is one of women's most precious moment in life, and for someone to decide for them how is going to be done is unfair. I think the mother and father should decide together on the matter if there are no medical risk involved.
When it comes to birth, it's definitely up to the mother who is carrying the baby for X amount of time. If it came down to a dangerous situation, then a suggest from a doctor for a safer route is a good idea. But bottomline, its what ever the mother says. -GP
I believe it will eventually become an option, but I feel as if the mother should always have the right to natural birth. Not having natural birth takes away the beauty of the process of being pregnant.
-Natasha c.
Science needs to leave the perfect plan of God alone. Why would scientist, doctors, or anyone want to try and recreate the process of birth.
Well,I hope not! I do not think natural born will be denied unless there is an stress personal o environmental situation.
Claudia B.
Natural childbirth has always been the main method of delivery. Now that we are so advanced it is easy to see benefits and challenges that come with other forms but I dont see how a woman couldnt have a right to natural birth. Even if the baby is in danger, it is still ultimately the mothers choice. No one can force anything upon her.
Having the privilege of developing naturally in the womb is the beauty of creation. Although we might have the technology in the future, to provide an egg the environment it needs to develop into a child, we should stick to natural process. This goes for every aspect of childbirth all the way up to the delivery.
I've known women who have had internal arguments about this, whether they should have a natural child birth, take the drugs to make it easier, or a c-section if necessary. However, when it comes to test-tube babies... I don't feel that's right. However, in several decades there just may be a paradigm shift that causes this to be the norm.
As a mother the choice is always up to you. Doctors may advise you different for the safety and health of your child but in the end the decision is yours.
Gaby R.
The mother should always have to right to choose barring major complications. No mother of sound mind is going to make a decision to deliberately put her child in harms way. Natural child berth is a beautiful act of nature and should be kept as such.
This will become a choice in the future as we continue to progresss, but should have the option of natural childbirth kept. Besides being traditional it’s of logic and something’s shouldn’t be diminished because of futuristic improvements. – D.T
I think a woman should be able to give birth anyway she wants, as long as she doesn't abort the baby.
As we move on to the future,our decisions on child birth is becoming less traditional. Woman want more medication and many rather have a c-section instead of giving natural birth to their child. I think it should be done the traditional way,but i also believe that woman should have the right to choose.
There is a large support measures that can be working for natural birth. A natural birth doesn't mean deciding hurt Women who want natural childbirth recognize that any non-natural interruption in birthing has a menace. Every time we come with the normal process of birthing, we enhance the risks to both the mother and her child. Having the right to natural birth it is a nice choice from a mom to her baby.
Childbirth is supposed to be a miracle. Sometimes, however, the process can be life-threatening. Technological advances can now save both lives, and even recreate birth in vitro. Though some may argue that science is cheapening the miracle of childbirth, I can't deny that its helping us prevent some of the dangers that can come along with it.
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