As we cover our body with less fabric, more tattoos appear.
A U.S. Pew Research survey says 1 in 3 of the Millenium generation
(born late 1980s and 1990s) have a tattoo.
(born late 1980s and 1990s) have a tattoo.
Are tattoos just another covering, an apparel choice, to distract from naked skin?
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Here's an artistic treat:
the Fall/Winter 2011 runway video for Thierry Mugler menswear--
ADVICE: view it BIG
(click - 4 arrows bottom rt. to enlarge)
(click - 4 arrows bottom rt. to enlarge)
Video courtesy of Nicola Formichetti, creative director, Thierry Mugler menswear.
Music: Lady Gaga, from album "Born This Way"
Project title: "The anatomy of change".
I definitely think that tattoos are a sort of expression. However, I'm not sure if it's an "apparel choice" seeing as it can't be removed, unless you put wrecking bomb on it for a year.
Tattoos are forms of expressions. I do think it is a covering for the body.
We all express ourselves differently; tattoos are just another form of expression. In addition, we have the right to do whatever we want with our bodies. Tattoos does not distract from the naked skin, it enhances it. Gary Norris
I'm still on the fence. I don't really consider a tattoo a form of apparel.
I love tattoos. I have many. Thinking of getting more. Many use them as marking a specific event or passing. Others use them to express their beliefs. My only problem is when jobs discriminate against those who have tattoos.
This guy in the picture went a little over board though.
While I don't believe I could ever tattoo any part of my body, I think they are a creative and sometimes quite beautiful form of expression, when they are done tastefully and in moderation. D. B.
IMO, it's another form of artistic expression and also could be a form of apparel choice.
Eddie M.
To many, body alterations are a taboo, but many cultures use body alterations to identify themselves with their culture. Some stereotype others because of what they do to their body and some times it is shocking to see up to what extreme one can alter their body to fulfill their satisfaction. Tattoos are a form of art and I see it as is, for centuries men and women have tattooed their bodies, not because they belong to a specific cult or group, but because it reminds them of something related to their lives such as their background, culture, life experiences and such. I believe anyone can do what ever they want to their bodies. After all, it is their temple and no one should have the right to dictate what they do with it.
Tattos are an art to which some people are addict to it. I do not have anything against it, but I do not consider it an apparel choice.
Tattoos or any other body modifications are types of body art. The skin, for some, is another type of canvas. Tattoos are not covering up the skin, but expressing the person's individuality.
I find tattoos pretentious, though it depends on the person waring one. some have tattoos written in mandarin and have no idea what it means, others do. I suppose many forms of apparel are pretentious, and very politicized; i wouldn't qualify it as art.
I agree with Luisa Isla tattoo is a body art in which can have alot of meaning. I have 3 tattoos which arn't visible just by looking at me but all 3 have a very strong significance in my life. Tattoos do express that persons individuality.
I think our skin is beautiful enough as it is, and we should not ruin it with ink.
Tattoos are freedom expression. Many people have tattoos for different reasons whether if its cultural, in fashion or for what ever the case is. Tattoos can be meaningful for many people.EA
Tattos are a form of expression not apparel. I believe tattos are used to adorn the body or to engrave a memory.
Marcia P
Tattoos just like clothing is another way of expression and in some cases it represent a part of your life. -AN
Tattoos are lasting expressions that people "wear" for many reasons. While apparel can also make a fashion statement, it is temporary and easily changed. Tattoo art and fashion differ in that tattoos tell more about the wearer than apparel because tattoos symbolize something important that the wearer shares with whoever views it.
yes, tattoos are a way of expressing oneself and a way of covering the naked body. Though in the bible, it says " You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord" Leviticus 19:28
i LOVE tattoos. i think its a form of art. its a persons choice if they want to cover themselves in tattoos because its THEIR bodies, not yours.
" your body is your temple" is a load of poo. i believe if you want to put a tattoo on your face cause you believe it looks awesome, then i applaude you because you are telling the world that you are different.
-Michelle Morfa
Tattoos are beautiful plus is a amazing way to express our beliefs and individuality. It should be consider as an art expression.
Our bodies belong to us, therefore, we have the right to tattoo them if we'd like. Tattoos are simply a creative way of expressing ourselves through is a beautiful thing. I would never get a tattoo, but i can understand why people should definitely have the right to get them.
-Ukeme Akpan
Tattoos area form of expression, it looks like this guy in the pic has a lot to say. zulima alvarez
Tattoos are a way people found to express themselves just like they do with clothing, in general it can say a lot about a person.
This is strictly my opinion but I believe tatoos are trashy unless there is a reason why you got your tattoo. Some people just get them just to have one, then decide to laser them off a few years later and damage their skin. Tattoos are a form of expression I believe, a form I would never use.
Tattoos are a form of expression. There are stories behind the permanant works of art on the skin. Tattoos are slowly becoming a social norm. They are becoming accepted in society. Tattoos are a right of expression.
I realize that the new generation love tatoos. But I think it is ugly when you have too many. Is it your right to have too many? Yes, it is. I really looks bad on the young girls, i think it so unlady like to have tatoos all over your body. How do these young girls know if their future potential husband would like them with tatoos all over their bodies?
It seems to me that tattoos are a part of a person's apparel. On the Thiery Mugler video the model is creating an approximation with his tattoos and the menswear.P.L
I have to admit I am 1 in 3 of the millnium with tattoos. My tattos symbolize strength and powerful memories. I do not think it makes me unlady like nor do I think its in bad taste. My tattoos are not covering my naked skin they are empowering me. I believe this is goes hand in hand with the right to art.
-Nicole Chaplin-
Tattoos are another form of apparel that covers the skin; they show a person’s personality as well as culture.
Everyone has the right to do with their body what they please, if someone decides to get a tattoo, is their form to express themselves, me personally i have some tattoos and they all mean something special to me; society might not see it that way, a tattoo can affect your life in many ways, for example getting a good job, depending what part of your body you have tatted.
To tell you the truth, I do not like anything to do with touching my natural expression of my body.
Tattoos are a sense of apparel choice as they are putting permanent ink on their bodies. At first looking at the picture, I thought this man was crazy to cover in whole whole body in tattoos. But, looking at the video it shows his artistic side and his expression towards life. Not everyone has the guts to do what he did, but everyone should respect his choice of his body work. It is true, most of the people I know either have a tattoo or their planning on getting one. Maybe it is just a fashion faze. tattoos signify different things for different people. For some, their memories that they want to keep with them forever. And, others, just think its "super cool." No matter what the case maybe, people have the right to put whatever they want on their bodies, whether its a tattoo or more clothes.
We all have the right to tattoos as an apparel choice. It is up to the artist getting the tattoo to determine whether the tattoo is designed to cover the skin or have a significant meaning. I do think that more people are getting tattoos. My friend recently decided to get a tattoo that says "omnia causa fliunt" which translated means everything happens for a reason. Tattoos are a form of expression. The man in the video decided to mark his whole face and body. Since getting tattoos all over the body is personal taste, no one should judge him. Due to the fact that it is art done to our own personal bodies we all should have the right to tattoos as a form of apparel choice. -v.p.
I believe everyone has the right to have as many tattoos done on them, as they please. If people feel offended by them, they can simply turn their face the other direction. People tend to stereotype tattooed individuals as delinquents and people with no morals, but I feel this is just an art in which we can exhibit our emotions on our skin, forever.
-Natasha C.
I have learned from most people with tatoo's that their is a meaning behind the the symball that they permenantly inked their body with. Its a symball usually of happines or strength or a good memory. It's not viewed as a covering up of their bodies. I do not know if some view it as an appereal choice, I just hope they have no regrets years down the road for making such a permanent decision.
Ann Marie
Not a fan of tattos, one or two not so bad. To me it has to have a big significance to tolerate so much pain, to others it's art. Personally, the body is not a wall so as far as apparel goes, eh. To each it's own.--KB
I'm not fond of tattoos, but i believe its a form of expression. Some people believe it has meaning and some just like the look it gives their body. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I think tattoos are just a form of art. Whether you want to express yourself in paper or in your body, is all up to you.
Growning up i was told that tattoos are not exceptable. my household my not except it, but i've learned that the reason why they didn't approve of it was due to religious reasons, i understand people like to express themselves but there are other ways to do that instead of using tattoos, if you are really into your religion. Your body is your temple why cover it with black ink?
Tattoos are a form of expression and in some way it defines who you are. Many cultures, uses tattoo to identify who they are. In my opinion, your body is the temple of God, and one should not harm it, but I do believe if the person makes the choice to tattoo their body; it should be of something that is meaningful to their life.
Tattoos are great. A form of expression for most. Anyone should have the freedom to express themselves how ever they choose as long as its something non offensive. But the pro tattoo population needs to understand that they are subjecting themselves to discrimination because they are people that completely disagree with tattoos. GP
We have always had the outrageous and the exhibitionists with us. It is nothing new. I am not a tattoo fan but I believe that this is apparel(anything that covers or decorates),and people do have a right to it.I also believe it is art, but I would rather see it on a canvas or fabric.
Wow! I have never seen anyone covered with as many tats as the dude in the video. If I ran into this guy on the streets I would not know if I should run or be amazed by the art work.
Well, I think that they have the right to paint their body or do whatever they want with it. But there is a difference between apparel tattoo and an insane expression of the mind of someone who wants to look like an alien just to feel different.
Claudia B.
I dont think tattoos are apparel, but they are a form of expression and we do have a right to that. so, im all for it.
I think tattoos are the way a person wants to express their individuality. I personally have only one which is a Chinese logographic that means love. Love is what I want to demonstrate to others that I cherish.
I believe that tattoos are a permanent distraction of the natural appearance and are only placed upon the beholder in hope that he/she may somehow seem beautiful. I wouldnt say that tattoos are replacing clothing, but I would say these alterations are frowned upon by employers, God, and individuals of society.
I think Tattos are a form of expression, but not a form of apparel. Some tatoos are a beautiful form of art even though I have never considered getting one. When applying for a job, it would not be a good idea to have tatoos all over your hands. It is said that it makes you look unprofessional.
-Jeiner P.
I personally love tattoos. I think it is a beautiful art that you can carry around with you for the rest of your life and know that there was a story behind it.
Gaby R.
Personally, I don't think tattoos are just another apparel choice. I believe people who get tattoos aren't getting them because they feel the need to cover something up, but because they want to express something important about their character or some other aspect of their lives.
--Rosa F.
As mentioned by a few others, I do not believe tattoo's can be considered apparel. Apparel to me is anything that can be removed. I myself have multiple tattoo's that have a deep meaning to me, none of which can be seen wearing a t-shirt and shorts.
Tattoos can be a way to express yourselves or feeling. It is hard to discuss about fashion because art,clothing influence each other by their way.
Tattoos are definetly away of expressing yourself. I have 13 tattoos myself, and they make up who I am as a person.
I believe this is true. Besides seeing it in individuals, I for one fall into that category being born in 1990 with several tattoos. The idea of ‘tattooing’ the body can have several significances. It can be for fun, apparel, expression, art or meaningful purpose while hiding or showing them. – D.T
I do not consider tattoos as part of an apparel choice. I do, however, believe that it is a form to express yourself. A tattoo can represent someone or something that has had a tremendous impact in your life.
Apparel, according to, is anything that decorates or covers. Some might not feel that tatoos are simply apparel. They can represent memories, desires, or accomplishments. However, the meaning doesn't have to be deeper than pure aesthetics. Anyone can get a tatoo just because it looks good. I just think they ought to be meaningful.
My son is crazy about tattoos, he has already 3, and wants to get more. For him, they have a meaning, and just because he likes them. They are not an apparel choice. Is just a matter of like them or not. Laura R.
tattoos are a form of expression, unlike clothes they have a reason, most tattoos relate to the person, a feeling, a difficult moment or just something as simple as reveling.
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