When a poem can stand for Hope,
when a statue can stand for Liberty,
the Right to Expression becomes symbolic of the need to alleviate human suffering.
Liberty Enlightening the World, now called the Statue of Liberty,
by the sculptor Bartholdi,
was unveiled in New York in October, 1886.
by the sculptor Bartholdi,
was unveiled in New York in October, 1886.
Sixteen years later, a bronze plaque with the poem "New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus was hung on the statue's pedestal and is still there today, because this poem of 1883 helped raise funds to build the statue's pedestal. (Compare this with today's world, when instead, a corporation would have donated to benefit from the pr of sponsorship and to get their name on the pedestal.)
In Lazarus's poem, the statue speaks, cries out:
"...Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore..."
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Emma Lazarus's sonnet, "The New Colossus" inscribed in a bronze plaque at the Statue of Liberty. |
Poet Emma Lazarus was a 4th generation Jewish immigrant who worked with charities to help new immigrant Eastern European refugees arriving in New York in the 1880s.
Twenty million immigrants arrived in America between 1880 and 1924,
when immigration policies were changed to reduce immigration.
In fact, this statue is America's biggest symbol of
new possibility of a better life for migrating people.
This statue is an American symbol, but what is its real social impact?
This blog post is not really about this statue, however.
This post is about the Right to Expression, when expression is used
to perform social compassion.
The Stature of Liberty is just one example of this.
There are many more.
This blog post is not really about this statue, however.
This post is about the Right to Expression, when expression is used
to perform social compassion.
The Stature of Liberty is just one example of this.
There are many more.
In my opinion, The Statue of Liberty shows the world that through any darkness, there will be a light. When I think of The Statue of Liberty, I think of what it's name actually represents. Statue, a three-dimensional work of art, as a representational or abstract form. Liberty, freedom from captivity, confinement, or physical restraint. So in plain text, The Statue of Liberty is a work of art that represents freedom. Freedom is the one word that the United States stands for more than anything else.
The Statue of Liberty is a universal symbol of freedom.Originally conceived as an emblem of the friendship between the people of France and U.S.,and a sign of their mutual desire of liberty. Over the years the Statue has become much more. The Statue of liberty, it represents the United States itself. In that we know that the United States is the only country in which we have total,complete freedom of expression. It doesn't matter what our feelings,thoughts,opinions nor beliefs are we all have the right to express them without being persecuted nor condemned. That is my right of expression and should be everyone elses. A M V
To escape religious, racial, and political persecution, or seek relief from a lack of economic opportunity or famine, many Europeans left home, making way for the United States In the late 1800’s and, early 1900’s. To see the Statue of Liberty upon approaching New York Harbor must have been a magnificent and inspiring sight. As time passed, new legislations have been introduced to make it more difficult for those looking to become American Citizens to do so. The Statue of Liberty seems to me, a symbol representing a right you may have had, once upon a time. If I were approaching The harbor today, I would prefer a warning instead of this symbol of false hope. Perhaps we can petition to change Ms. Liberty to a large brick wall, with a barbed wire coil placed atop for good measure.
Art has been the most powerful method of expression throughout history. Sometimes words or songs don't achieve this alone. A strong symbol of social compassion that breaks barriers deserves its own right to expression. LO
Social compassion is something everyone needs to remind themselves to practice. A great reminder is when we associate different songs and symbols to expressions in social compassion. Two examples are the United States flag and National Anthem.
I believe that the statue of liberty represents independence and freedom, and anyone who believes that those rights can take them to reality inspiration in these symbolic figures.It has great social impact because it makes the citizens of the world can have hope of rights.DAM
Just Like the Statue of Liberty, music is also a clear example of art & social compassion. Music is very powerful and it speaks to all of us.
Our cities are full of advertisements that promote some brand or commercial center. Marketing is important, but we must also use art to express our intention to change our city, to promote good deeds. The Governor of the City should include in his agenda an art project that ''paint'' values and rights. Our city must be full of art that shows people how to be kind, educated, and enlightened. HA
Coming from a country where the “right to expression” is like taking the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden; this great symbol truly represents social opportunity, justice and prosperity; in a land where it can truly call itself a “Republic”. By the people, for the people, all from different nations leaving them behind to grow and prosper in this great land. From the first pilgrims to today’s immigrants, this symbol of great social compassion.
The Right to Expression through Art, is in my opinion, one of most beautiful ways of expressions. Art can be as a strong communicator as a good speech. We are able to tell how a person feels when a poem is written, a painting, a song, a sculpture. Take DaVinci for example, the little things we know about his personal life, are express on his paintings, such as Mona Lisa, among other portraits. DaVinci left behind a lot for us to learn. Its is thanks to him that we understand the human body, thanks to him we created a artificial heart implant. Expression can happen through many things and art is one of them.
comment about .
SL sorry i posted without my initials
Art is a way for the artists to send a message and to be heard by others. Art tells a story, creates a bonds, and empowers people.
Art is a way for the artists to send a message and to be heard by others. Art tells a story, creates a bonds, and empowers people. J.A.
The Pink Ribbon is recognized as a symbol of support for breast cancer issues, treatment and especially for finding a cure. I feel this pink ribbon is a great example of expression of unity for those women and their families that are suffering from breast cancer. ANC
Express yourself with words and reach a handful of people. Express yourself through visual art or sound and reach the hearts of many. RKS
The cross is the most ancient human symbol. It has so much power, on so many people. Before Christianity adopted the cross as its emblem, it was a symbol for the Sun- God and signified perfect union of male and female energy. Now people worship the cross, as a symbol of their faith. I think symbols bring people hope. HL
The American flag is another great example of the right to expression. The American flag has been used time and time again to express great accomplishments and to symbolize Americanism. For example, the American flag was planted on the moon on the “Apollo 11 mission,” representing our achievement of going to the moon.
The Statue of Liberty is the symbol of possibility; therefore, giving society hope. Alleviating human suffering is the real social impact. This gives people hope to continue to move forward and never back down, no matter the challenges we may face. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of promise to people that there is freedom. -SA
Over the years, the Statue of the Liberty is a national symbol of the freedom, and the famous poem “The Colossus” is an example of the freedom and exile today. Together are expression of the big power of the immigrants who come from poor families and are able to improve their lives and their families. MCC
There are many ways of expressing or bringing to life social issues. It can be done in poems, articles, or even statues. Just as everyone has a different way of expressing themselves, everyone has something that they can relate to or that impacts them. For example, not everyone that looks at the statue of liberty will think of the meaning behind it, but when they read the poem attached to it, it might give them a greater understanding. BG
“ You scratch my back I'll scratch yours.” This expression which embraces social compassion, which we should all learn from it. People always think about themselves when it should be about unity cause “United we stand divided we fall.”
Sometimes in order to express ourselves, we may find it easier to do so through art or poetry, rather than just saying it. Expressing yourself is one of the key ways of letting people know how you feel or who you are. In some cases, art and poetry can one of the strongest forms of expression. ECZ
When you think Statue of Liberty you think freedom. The Statue of Liberty is a piece of art that has a very strong meaning behind it. I think the Statue of Liberty was a great example for the Right to Expression. AVJ
The Statue of Liberty, being a gift from France is more than just a sight to welcome immigrants to America. It's a representation of our independence and freedom as a country. Our liberty. Honestly, I don't know what the social impact of the statue is. Currently, there isn't much. It's an icon, for sure. But I don't know of any time that I saw it as having an impact on myself or many others. However, 140 years ago, I'm sure that was very different.
We still have plenty of expression in art to encourage social compassion. Even if it is being funded by companies, it always has to be funded by someone. The statue *could* be considered just a PR stunt for France. Or you could choose view it as an symbol of freedom, as any other modern piece of expression can be viewed many ways.
Art is the remedy to the human soul. It cures sadness; it brightens up our spirit and gives us something to believe in. It gives us hope and strength. Anything that enriches the spirit should always be allowed and welcomed positively. COCO
Liberty is one of the most important rights here in the United States. I believe that this is the reason why many people have the so known American Dream. An example of this are Cubans, who desperately seek for a way of getting out of their own country. They see in the U.S. the freedom and opportunity they don't have in Cuba. The Statue of Liberty is just a reminder that liberty is to be respected for everyone who lives here. CPO.
The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom and hope. This masterpiece of art embodies expression to the fullest and unites many minds and hearts. JPA
Often I have seen where the right to Express one's self is often limited if the expression offends a person or group of people. I believe you should be allowed to express with out being persecuted however the theory of this and the practical application of it always seem to clash sooner or later.
We take for granted the great influence that expression has in us. A song is written about the “luxury” lifestyle of drug kingpins, and the desire to become like them raises. An explicit image of a rape is viewed, and the awareness for such crime increases also. If we just utilize our forms of expression to leave a positive legacy, tomorrow’s world would be constructively impacted.
Expressing feelings or thoughts through any form of art makes people reflect on why and how art came to be. In my opinion, this forms of art; writing, composing, building statues or the likes, are used to let feelings be expressed in a solid but abstract manner. SVV
Someone’s ability to use art as a tool to get his or her point across is magnificent. A sculpture, a panting, a poem are instruments that are eternal, channels that will be here after we are all long gone. EL
There are many symbols of all shapes, sizes, and forms that represent many different things. Some are recognized more than others and others have a stronger meaning. As for the Status of Liberty, even today it is still considered a symbol for hope and new beginning. People today seeing this giant symbol of hope for the first time are just as amazed and inspired as immigrants were arriving in the 1880’s.
Art is a powerful way to express many things. It’s language, feelings, friendship, hate, crime just to name a few. It’s a powerful language that pretends hidden meanings. SM
I have to agree with A252. To me, music is a great way to expression many things. With Art, sometime the message isn't very clear to some people. With Music, everyone can understand the lyrics and what the artist is trying to express.
The right to express compassion is extraordinary. We all have in it us, but I think at times we are afraid to express it. You might be judged as having a weak character. A great example for social compassion would be Mother Theresa. She offered sympathy and care, for self-fulfillment. I have provided a link you might find in lighting.
Everyone is free to express themselves whether it makes a social impact or not is determined by several factors. The Statue of Liberty is an example of what doesn't have a social impact simply because it's no longer relevant. In the world we live in today it is difficult to make a social impact through any form of expression because everyone is always expressing their ideas or feelings through status updates, blog posts, and tweets. - ID
The right to expression can come in many forms besides social compassion such as art. I think art can express so much, it can describe a moment in time. It can also bring people together and likewise, tear them apart.
Art is the most creative way for communication. I think the most valuable form of art is that type of art that fully allows you to express yourself. It could involve either a painting drawn with your feelings on a canvas, or pouring your heart out in a song. MR
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