The concept of slavery has shifted.
Besides the well-known horrific crime of international sex trafficking,
there is another, more common, subversive form of slavery.
This is a life routine, a life style, where a person is forced to work
two minimum wage jobs just to make enough income to survive,
often while going to school to try to achieve more,
to move up, out of their hole, to a place closer to the mythical American dream,
an aspiration that has become more myth than reality.
One American college student writes a clear description of this lifestyle.
This was written as part of a longer essay, in April, 2014:
Everyday someone somewhere is headed
back to a dreadful job with no benefits and very little pay. Statistics shows
that it takes two incomes to maintain the average size household. Providing for
a family now requires a hustle just to maintain the minimum necessities that’s
needed to keep a home at bay. Within a matter of hours, a perfectly well
adjusted human being can be transform to a walking, talking, motorized
robot. This type of hustle requires
maneuvering thought and concentration, but most importantly patience...
underpaid and overworked souls are the millions of average Joe workers fighting
just to stay afloat, turning individuals into part-time students and full time
The daily set schedules of juggling several 9 to 5 jobs will carry a
burden to many individuals; houses will never become fully functional homes.
The hustle will get harder, and the chains that stop many from reaching certain
heights will get heavier. Juggling will
no longer be an option to many. Crime rate will indeed increase, after robotic
individuals have exhausted all possibilities.
This is slavery at its peak...
We must break this cycle and regroup. Houses should be
homes, and families need not to struggle and become mechanical robots. This is
our country—let’s take it back.
-----------------author: college student, written in April 2014
-----------------author: college student, written in April 2014
If indeed we have the Right to Liberty, to be truly free,
public debate could help counter the chains
many people live with every day.