The concept of slavery has shifted.
Besides the well-known horrific crime of international sex trafficking,
there is another, more common, subversive form of slavery.
This is a life routine, a life style, where a person is forced to work
two minimum wage jobs just to make enough income to survive,
often while going to school to try to achieve more,
to move up, out of their hole, to a place closer to the mythical American dream,
an aspiration that has become more myth than reality.
One American college student writes a clear description of this lifestyle.
This was written as part of a longer essay, in April, 2014:
Everyday someone somewhere is headed
back to a dreadful job with no benefits and very little pay. Statistics shows
that it takes two incomes to maintain the average size household. Providing for
a family now requires a hustle just to maintain the minimum necessities that’s
needed to keep a home at bay. Within a matter of hours, a perfectly well
adjusted human being can be transform to a walking, talking, motorized
robot. This type of hustle requires
maneuvering thought and concentration, but most importantly patience...
underpaid and overworked souls are the millions of average Joe workers fighting
just to stay afloat, turning individuals into part-time students and full time
The daily set schedules of juggling several 9 to 5 jobs will carry a
burden to many individuals; houses will never become fully functional homes.
The hustle will get harder, and the chains that stop many from reaching certain
heights will get heavier. Juggling will
no longer be an option to many. Crime rate will indeed increase, after robotic
individuals have exhausted all possibilities.
This is slavery at its peak...
We must break this cycle and regroup. Houses should be
homes, and families need not to struggle and become mechanical robots. This is
our country—let’s take it back.
-----------------author: college student, written in April 2014
-----------------author: college student, written in April 2014
If indeed we have the Right to Liberty, to be truly free,
public debate could help counter the chains
many people live with every day.
Make a pact with yourself today to not be defined by your past. Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn't what you get for it, but what you become for it.
Not many know that the American dream is actually a nightmare. I myself am a current full-time student in college working two jobs to keep my home a home. I absolutely understand and agree with your post. AJ
I agree that this situation is present in a lot of families and it should be reversed. I feel like the right to freedom is not only necessary but natural for every human being and should be encouraged. Each of us has the power to make it right. CC
I believe that being successful is everyone's purpose in life. Most of these overworked people are just trying to reach that goal. And most of the time, they don’t even have time to worry about their rights.
This is an extremely substantial and real topic that affects all of us today. I think if more people took a stand against this modern slavery then we would have a solid chance of putting an end to it. We need to reclaim our rights.
I agree with you, the concept of slavery has truly shifted. Nowadays we have to try so hard to achieve a certain lifestyle that it can overwhelm ourselves, turning us into something we are not. It is very important for us to realize the path we are on, in order to not become slaves of our own lives.
I agree with your post. Many people take advantage of other people. I think that people should become aware of this situation and what is happening in the world. Slavery hasn’t been abolished. It is important that if you know someone going through this situation you encourage that person to reach one of these non-profits organizations.
How could someone enjoy what he has accomplished with all the overwork, if he has no time to do it? And the worst of all, is that the hard work has a very little pay. I believe that if we have to fight for our righs.
The American dream is transforming the life of many people, though, many persons think that the American Dream is to arrive in United States and sell all your time for the first bidder. So the ideas like the right couture of promoting the rights that everyone in this country has is awesome because it remembers to everybody that each one of us has rights, and can use it. TRPS
This is a real issue. Nowadays people become slaves to their debts, just because they want to have a good lifestyle and a good future. As a student I know that, just for wanting a good education, I'll have to deal with this for a very long time.
In everyday society in a world of nonstop hard working human beings. Society seems to morph us into robotic working minds in mental slavery that divides us from our motive in life. J.L.A.
The whole world is divided into rich and poor. The rich get richer and the poor keep circling in the poor Hula hoop. So caught up in providing the daily requires that we forgot to chase our dreams and goals.
Some people are slaves of their own mind. They work long shifts to acquire expensive things that most of the time they don’t need. In contrast, there are others forced to work long shifts because they want to eat at least three times a day.
I believe everyone has the power to live a better life. Don't let others make your choices, take a stand.
"Some people are slaves of their own mind." - VM
Some people are just focus on what they need to do in life to just survive and take care of their families. Instead of enjoying life, and having an job that they actual enjoy going to.
I’m well aware of the everyday
struggle people have to endure just to get by, but where do we start to make a change? Do we simply quit our jobs and do what makes us happy?
It’s almost unavoidable, to try not to become a “Working Zombie”.
- J.D.M.
We are in control of our lives. If we are going to work hard for anything it might as well be for our health and happiness.
In my humble opinion, it is not about money at all,
A person can be a slave, but with a lot money and I think that what most people these day will prefer.
on the other hand, there is people of a very limited income live like kings. No one can humiliate them and this is the true meaning of dignity and (not being sleeve)! What work is not important as long as you do not ask people for a help
That is a topic that affects the world today. People need to be aware of what is happening and take a stand. Many think that the slavery it's over but it's not. Just like it's in the article "This is our county- Let's take it back."
I totally agree with you. Slavery is not over; it just changes in a different way. If we don’t do anything about it, it will continue to get worse.
We all have the right to liberty but the state of our current system is a farce, an illusion. We are not free. Freedom is following your heart no matter what. In this system people go against what is natural for necessity or what we have been brainwashed to believe is necessary.
I believe the American Dream is a wishful thought, it is not a reality but a fraction of our imagination. Rather than sleeping and dreaming it's time that WE the PEOPLE wake up and take control over our lives.
I myself am a current full-time student in college and my mom works two jobs. To pay the bills of the house.
I think everyone can have a better life if they want to. Sometimes we become slaves of our debts, because we want to have a better lifestyle, and this can be possible without being a slave. We all have the power to get what we want.
As we know some countries right now are not giving the best opportunities so that is why some people start migrating to other countries looking for some opportunities that will make them achieve the american dream.
I think that being successful is very important for many of us.
Everyone's purpose in life is
to achieve the goal they
intend, for that they must work hard and in some cases take advantage of others. We have to fight for our rights on every occasion.
As we know some countries right now are not giving the best opportunities so that is why some people start migrating to other countries looking for some opportunities that will make them achieve the american dream. RCR
As we know, the American Dream is very hard to reach. But, if each family fights for their dream, I think they can achieve it. I always believe on one phrase that says: “you will see it when you believe it”. Nothing is impossible.
This isn’t slavery; slavery is where people are treated as property. What relates to slavery here is the limitation of freedom and life. Which is equally just as wrong.
I agree but I think that even with money, people are slaves anyway. Not only about their work, but also their own wills, whims and materialism (which is stronger than ever nowadays). People are never satisfied with what they have and always want more and more.
America has set up a system where if your not wealthy, and or benefiting this country financially. They do not care about you. We are not out in fields doing any kind of labor for free, but the way they pay us we might as well be.
I am not saying life is easy but I do think slavery is a state of mind; people have to try to love what they do so it doesn’t feel like they live to work but that the work to live.
America has set up a system where if your not wealthy, and or benefiting this country financially. They do not care about you. We are not out in fields doing any kind of labor for free, but the way they pay us we might as well be.
The american dream is a lie. We live in a world where you have to have two full time jobs just to keep your head above water. I myself am a full time student and have a two jobs.
It is true that nowadays its harder to be part of the middle class due to the price increases and lack of jobs, but whats also a reality is that we have became slaves ourselves since we are all part of the consumerism phenomenon that has led us to want a "dream lifestyle" imposed by globalization, drowning us in debts.
The daily grind of trying to fulfill illusions and disney dreams has left this nation in a constant state of anxiety and disdain. It has drained us of our will in the "pursuit of happiness"
From the slavery of many for the privilege of one "Commander In Chief" to the denigrating of young children, both physically and sexually.
We are drained of all our monies for needless toys because our television has managed to spirit away the bills from our wallets - Willie Wonka style...
People, turn off your indecent egos, add "reflection and ponderings" to your menu, then simplify, simplify... simplify...
Many people confuse the concept of working hard and hard working. A lot of people today are taken for granted when it comes to their talents. Yes a lot of people work hard to get what they want but its different when you are getting worked hard and you earn nothing you have busted your behind for or even get recognized for your hard work. I agree, something needs to be done about this.
the American people need to wake up and take back our country from corporate rule.
I believe that our society lost the meaning of joy. We are all the time searching for material things in life. However, that only make us unhappy and slaves of our own desires and aspirations.
In order to survive in today’s society it takes conforming to the system. The system is flawed and today's youth will have a much harder time than previous generations on sustaining their lives. However, to call it slavery, is a stretch and dismissive of real slavery that is still going on today. At least we still have the option to breathe, albeit a little suffocated...
If you do not conform to the system, the system will take you down.
There are two different types of freedom. The freedom to move from place to place, and the freedom to be yourself, which is to express your opinions, ideas, and to have self determination of doing what is right according to your concepts of life no matter what other people or society think.
Unfortunately, this is a reality for many American families, if you are experiencing this situation, please keep one thing in mind, and that is the stress level, don’t let the sometimes called silent enemy take control of your life. Look for a way out, you need to determine what steps you will take to allow you to be in a better financial situation. There is a saying that goes “Work to live and not live to Work”. AR.
Americans have twisted the definition of the American Dream and made it all about money. In today’s society, your income represents your level of success and you as a person. We should redefine what is truly important in life. The American Dream is all about happiness not about how much money you make. If you feel as a slave, you are the only person with the power to change it. We are whoever we want to be.
I personally do believe in the ‘American Dream’ of having a nice house with luxurious cars and a high-income job, but this dream is becoming harder and harder to obtain. Nevertheless, it is still possible to have this dream since there are still many high-paying jobs out there. The major roadblock is that the majority of these jobs require a professional degree, yet most individuals are not willing to make the necessary sacrifices to obtain them. – Gabriel V.
If we practiced what we preach, Americans wouldn't be in this hole we've dug our selfs in. I'd say a high percentage of us including myself buy foreign products to save that extra 0.01$ leaving corporate America to source out and exploit the World. Then again, does destiny choose us or do we make of it......MM
The "American Dream" is plainly and simply "a dream". It takes very hard work to make it into a reality. It is true that nowadays one has to work harder than 20 years ago to get there. But the "dream" is not dead. It may on life support, but people can still pull through and achieve a comfortable living by honest means. I became a nurse at Miami Dade College while working on a full-time, low-income job. Those were the hardest years of my life, but financial aid covered all my classes and two years after I was making enough money to even help my family with their needs. I am so thankful of this country for the opportunities I’ve been provided that I cannot even put it in words. Don’t let anyone tell you can’t do something. A few years of passionate hard work and attaining higher education will change your life forever! M.V.T.
This essay points out a very interesting point, in the thirteenth amendment it says the United States constitution abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude, but what about voluntary servitude? I was reading an article about voluntary servitude online called “Voluntary Servitude Reconsidered” and in the article it talks about Etienne de La Boetie exploring the subjective bond which ties us to the power that dominates us. So to me this poses the question why do we obey?
Slavery has shifted. Americans have settled for being underpaid and underappreciated. We are not being compensated appropriately based on our experience and our education. This has to stop. BH
I believe their is no "American Dream". You can want to do something with your life and strive for those dreams, but unless you are financially able to follow those dreams they will come crashing down. The world now only pushes those without money further down making it more difficult to succeed in life. E.M.
The "American Dream" was something way back when everyone wanted it not thinking about what it took to achieve it. Nowadays that dream is hard to achieve by any normal citizen trying to make a means an a purpose in their lives, due to all that has happen in last few years.
The right to liberty has been tag as the right to do whatever you want. I completely agree with some writer that said that it more a myth than a reality, because the right to liberty and the end is the power to buy. It’s true that you can buy a house, car, and travel, but the high price to get those gifts is the price to job slavery; where the people are forced to have two different job or in the best or the cases a job of sixty hours for week as the only way to get what they call the right to liberty. FG
I believe, in the U.S.A people have become more materialistic. they are forgetting the essence of having a quality of life together with family, friends, and God. People just want more and more materials thighs, and they are slaves of their job to pay bills. CR
Unfortunately in today's day and age, it is hard to achieve "The American Dream", yet at the same time I feel anything worth having can be a struggle to obtain. If a person wants something badly enough, they should not let the obstacles they may face keep them down. -IBR
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