The Right to Purpose means one has a desire, usually a very strong desire, so strong that it becomes a daily focus. So, in more common terms,
the Right to Purpose could also be called simply
the Right to Want.
Wanting gives
each of us a mission in life.
What do you want?
Do you even know?
The original post for the declaration of the Right to Purpose is here.
The Right to Purpose is one of the Rights for a Right-full life.
The Right to Purpose is one of the Rights for a Right-full life.
Some may never find their purpose in life, even when all hope is lost do good deeds, stay humble and do your best. When you've done everything you can do at trying to to find your purpose in life, that is when God will step in and do what you can't do. -CC
I want to create a new world. A creative world, so exciting and free. A place where you can jump into, unlocking the door into the heart and connecting you to your inner art. The inner art of who you were born to be.
I just want to be happy. As simple as it may sound, a lot of people may end up rich and/or famous, but still unhappy. My desire is to find that place were success and happiness meet. RJB
All I want is to try harded, to give more , make a difference. And at the end of the day to be able to say:"Please forgive me, if more was not done it was becaouse more could not be done. I tried everything."EVC
Everyone wants to be successful and full fill their lifelong dreams or goals. To teach and awaken creativity in the minds of young children is my true dream. I want to be able to encourage their spirits and make a difference in their future. Helping and guiding others to do the right thing, is what I want. -SFJ
My dream is to be successful but my desire is to always stay humble no matter where success takes me. I do not know specifically what I want but I just want to be better than what I am today. -KSA
I want to be successful. I know how it is to be born into poverty, and I do not want my kids going through that. I want to be able to look into my parents’ eyes and tell them I made it. That is why I work two jobs, that is why I go to school, and that is why I push myself so hard. I owe it not just to them, but to myself.
Desire to be the best me; one that those yet impressionable will look and say, she did so I know I can! Even if only one leaps with NO boundaries then I must say that my destiny have been fulfilled. CSP
I believe that our purpose in this life is to find happiness. Those strong desires to fight for something we think is meaningful and valuable come from the feelings to be satisfied with our person. The desire we have to find a purpose and achieve it becomes a daily focus because we know that this is the way to find the feeling most people want in life, happiness.
I strongly believe that one of our overall purposes as human beings is to learn. I personally want to plant my seed in as many individuals as I can by means of artistic expression. This seed represents the knowledge and wisdom I've obtained through the years. Sharing what I've learned brings immense pleasure to my soul. -N.N.M
Many people say that their purpose of their life is to be happy or to be successful; however, the majority of them only pretend to be something that they are not or act like they are somebody to feel that they are better. I believe that the purpose of this life is to be good with our soul. After make the first step your purpose of this life can make more clear and steady and be happy before life end.
I am strongly believed that to fine the purpose in my life is to know my self first,and after know my self first I can help others. I agree with some philosophes that said that we come to this world to help each other.
There is no stronger feeling of want and/or desire in my mind than to create a better life for my daughter and myself. I will face many struggles, but at the end of the day, there is something empowering of overcoming all of the obstacles thrown my way with just the strength of my daughter's smile and my goal's.
When you realize what the purpose of your life is, you just have to follow the path to your ultimate goal. Do not stop until your dreams come true.YML
We all want and search for a purpose since we do not know our true purpose in life. Therefore, we aim to find a purpose by obtaining material objects such as cars, jewelry, or clothes. The purpose in my life is to make a change in the life of others and my own. My purpose in life is to become a neurosurgeon. -O.H
We all have desires, dreams, wishes and goals but are we ever fully complete or genuinely happy with what we have? After considering what I have in my life I realized that my kids are the ones who impact me the most, the ones who my desires go to, the ones who my dreams are for, and the ones who are fulfilling my dreams. LAN
Each morning when I wake, I ask myself what is it I want to accomplish. What is my goal? What is my purpose? I ponder on these question for a good 5 minutes before I realize it’s whatever I WANT…. G.G.J
Losing purpose is never acceptable. To lose purpose is to lose sight of your own value, no matter how minute it may be perceived to be. Losing Purpose is losing your Right to Dream, Create, and Desire. Just as I do not take for granted my triumphant Right to vote, I will not stop having purpose – the main one of course, is to be whoever I Want to be.
I want to be a successful in life. I would like to give a better life to my mother,brother and myself. As for my purpose in life it would be to help others who are in need.-LS
Butterflies can't see their own wings and don't know how beautiful they are. People are like butterflies because they don't know their capabilities until they try. I believe everyone has a certain purpose in life and it's unique in their own way. -A.M
Purpose is what drives our every day life, we remind ourselves frequently that everything we do has a reason to be, we go to bed at night with a purpose,whether is for the next day or for a lifetime, and that same purpose gives us strength and motivation to continue our journey in life. DV
In life it is hard to find a purpose, which a lot of people strive for everyday. it is easy for one to let the purpose of life get the best of us, but living in this world we will never know our purpose. -NR
The right to purpose,is the determination to one's drive to attain all goals.It is the mission,the desire, and the scope to one's life.My right to purpose is to provide a life for my daughter, that I never had .
We all carry "The Right To Purpose" and the right to dislike. If we concentrate on our purpose/desire/ambition, we will advance. Living in dislike/apathy/idleness will pull us back. Which ever one we concentrate on breeds what is to be of us. Both "The Right To Purpose" and the right to dislike are trying to take advantage of us. Your will alone decides the issue. I strive to one day fully clutch the mastery of Concentration and Memory to be able to carry my true/whole proposition through.
I want to leave this world with a sense of accomplishment. Imagine a long "to-do" list, it'll probably leave you with a sense of obligation; that dreaded feeling of knowing you don't want to do something, but you have to do it regardless of how you feel about said obligation.
Now, imagine a "to-do" list that has been marked off completely. That sense of accomplishment that leaves you fulfilled, that justifies your existence. That is my purpose in life, I long to continue feeling accomplished.
We may never get that perfect world we are waiting for where we have a lot of money and our house is paid. All we need to find is what make us happy. Happiness for me is making people happy and helping them to find their own happiness. A smiling face of a satisfied friend after receiving an advice is all I need to be proud of my special gift. I will never try to make our world perfect, but I am responsible for making it a better place to live.
Most people do aspire do be better than what they are at that moment, but then again other people are fine exactly where they are. I am like the first half of the people always wanting to push one more rep at the gym or the next A.
It is my desire to be able to help my family and the people around me financially and emotionally through my gift: Dancing.
The right to want is so precious and I finally found it. Having the right to want was once denied to me, but not anymore. I have worked hard and sacrificed a lot to pursue my dream, and I made it. The run never stops and every day is a good day to have a new dream, new goals, something to fight for. YOL
My want is one of success. The ability to do what I want (Vacation to Disney Wold) when I want (NOW), because I am able to do so (I have the Money). RC
I believe that the Right to purpose is just that we all want from life is to be happy. From the moment of birth, every human being wants happiness and does not want suffering. Neither social conditioning nor education nor ideology affect this. From the very core of our being, we simply desire contentment. I don't know whether the universe, with its countless galaxies, stars and planets, has a deeper meaning or not, but at the very least, it is clear that we humans who live in earth face the task of making a happy life for ourselves and others. If you want something, you have the right to take it.
I want to be successful, I believe that's everyone's purpose in life. I want to be able to do anything for myself, and by myself. LSS
I honestly don't think I know exactly what I want. Maybe I want more than one thing. I think that I have a purpose, but I'm still not sure what it is. I know we all have a purpose.
The purpose in life IS to find purpose in life. Going through the motions is not enough for some, for me I WILL be remembered for something great, not sure yet, but I will have been purposeful. c5r
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