Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Right to Compassion

The Right to Compassion is about relieving pain.
Compassion happens when a person understands the suffering
of another being, human or other,
and seeks to alleviate that suffering in any way they can.

When and how do you exhibit compassion?


Anonymous said...

Love prevails in times of need. This right shows true human instinct to share and love when others could be going through a tough time. Compassion conquers hate and evil in this world. LO

Anonymous said...

I think that everyone needs compassion,at a point in their lives. We all go through hard times in this world,some experience a health condition,while others their parents may die when they're just kids etc. Is very important not to be cold hearted,sometimes we personally need to go through what the other person went through to be able to understand their feelings. In most cases we all express compassion towards some else because we already went through the same situation as that person did.I personally believe we all are born with the virtue of sympathy for the suffering of others.Is awesome to express compassion towards another human being or even an animal. A M V

Anonymous said...

When you show compassion to someone in need,you open your heart by showing who you really are as a person, and why life can be so beautiful. LC

Anonymous said...

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you" Ephesians 4:32. As humans, an extraordinary trait we have is the ability to understand the pain of others as our own. When we show compassion, we remove the brain from the equation and only use our hearts.


Anonymous said...

Compassions brings out the humanism and alleviates another's suffering. All human should manifest this feeling for a greater interconnection with the outside world. Maybe the help you are providing today, correspond to you tomorrow when you needed the most...

AGoddess said...

Compassion is very hard to find, now a days. I think over time we forget to be nice or show love. We should bring back this right. Teach the world how to be compassion again.

“All I ever wanted was to reach out and touch another human being not just with my hands but with my heart.”
― Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me

Here is an act of compassion:

Anonymous said...

Compassion, in my opinion, is when somebody opens heart to feels mercy or sorrow for another who is suffering; in other word, compassion is strong understanding and support to alleviate the pain.MCC

Anonymous said...

Do we know the problems of our friends or relatives? Do we understand the necessity of the others? It is important to have an open mind, without prejudice in order to be able to help people. Our ‘'old me’’, the one that is fill with regret and fears must be replaced by the ‘onew me’’, the one that is able to spread compassion unselfishly.

Anonymous said...

Compassion is such a beautiful thing and we all should give it to one another when needed. I often show my compassion to others by offering a shoulder to lean on when times are rough. My son gets most of my compassion because when he isn't feeling well I try to take all of his pain away.


Anonymous said...

The word Compassion to me means: Being able to give "passion" to a living thing without expecting anything in return. Relieving the pain they are experiencing at that precise moment.


Anonymous said...

Compassionate is often a word used to describe me. I always look out for the wellness of others, and I’m always trying to help someone out. BG

Anonymous said...

A person showing compassion really says something about his/her character. Whenever I have an opportunity to show someone compassion I take it. I am always quick to show compassion because I know if I was in their position I would want the same treatment. Your actions whether big or little really can change someone's life. AVJ

Anonymous said...

Compassion shows a caring softer side of a person. There are many low points in life some worse than others, nevertheless it's always good when others show compassion towards us at those times. Compassion helps us with whatever hardship we might be dealing with usually taking an extra load off our back. To show compassion we need to put ourselves in others shoes and sympathize with them and just treat them how we would want to be treated if in the same situation. - ID

Anonymous said...

Compassion is the mother of love because you Pasqua yourself to give to another person or animals, but sometimes have to pity those who have power and do not apply with justice.DAM

Anonymous said...

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." A quote by Dalai Lama. I consider it to be so true, there is no way to describe how it feels to see others happy because you gave them a shoulder to lean on. It is like nourishing your own heart. CPO.

Anonymous said...

We should show compassion when others or any living things are suffering. Do to others what you would want others to do to you. SM

Anonymous said...

Unification of the human race can only achieve through compassion.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Compassion is a emotion that MUST stay with us, right after we sense it. When we see an ambulance, we all feel concerned about the person’s fate, however as soon as the sirens vanish on the distance, along goes our distress with it. Compassion MUST be a restating sensation not a one-time feeling.


Anonymous said...

Everyday I try to exhibit compassion. Whether it be feeding a cat who comes to my door step looking for a meal to eat or a safe place to just rest for a while. In my work place I exhibit compassion even to those who may not be the friendly type, I think to myself do not take it personal, maybe there is something going on in there personal life and this is there way of coping. I try to look past the surface and focus on the now and what I am able to do for the moment. -SA

Anonymous said...

I agree that compassion is about relieving another’s pain but I don’t think it’s just limited to that. When someone shows compassion to another person it can be just to open up. It can be to show that you are truly a nice person and that you care about the person even though he or she may not be suffering.
Practicing compassion is important because not many people do it today. Showing compassion means you care and that you understand what others are going through. Showing compassion is the only way to bring people together for greater purposes.


Anonymous said...

Compassion is something that you can not fake. It has to come natural. My sister has cancer, and the compassion I feel for her is limitless. I have the ability to take her mind off of the massive amount of pain she is in. There is nothing I can do to take away the physical pain. However, just being there for her, means so much more. HL

Anonymous said...

The Right for Compassion is quiet interesting. It allows one to step into other ones shoes, and see things through their eyes. Having the ability to provide a positive change or experience without expecting anything in return is self rewarding. It places a smile in my heart. JPA

Anonymous said...

The best way to offer your compassion is to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. This way, you can better understand the person’s feelings and comfort them in the ways they need. ANC

Anonymous said...

Compassion allows two hearts to come together to crush, destroy, and conquer pain and suffering. You are carrying an umbrella in the rain and you see a stranger without one, you then walk over to share your umbrella .That is compassion.


Anonymous said...

The right to compassion is something that does exist in some people, but is mostly clouded by acts of violence and hatred in the world. Compassion has to be something that comes natural to a person, it can't be forced. I usually if the case presents itself, attempt to make an act of compassion. For example, the other day I saw a elderly gentlemen having difficulties taking a large computer to a store, so I decided to help him out with it. The satisfaction you eat out of it is really nice. He thanked me greatly, and that's all I needed.


Anonymous said...

Compassion is giving, even after you have nothing more to give. CMH

Anonymous said...

At what point or another everybody needs compassion. You need someone who is going to be there for you when you need it the most. Everyone needs to feel love and even though sometimes those feelings are not given in return, just remember that whatever you do, do it from the heart without expecting anything in return.

Anonymous said...

Without compassion, the world would be a very cold place. We as humans need to exercise our right to be compassionate, a right that has been abandoned some where down the road. Compassion needs to come from the heart, compassion should be a generous act in which you do not expect something in return.


Anonymous said...

Through imagination, one may acquire compassion. Without imagination how could someone really put themselves in someone else's shoes and acquire compassion? Ignorance is the road block to compassion but with an open mind, compassion may help fill the empty voids in our hearts.

Anonymous said...

Compassion is the virtue of empathy for others' suffering. I believe it's the fundamental part of human love. Putting yourself in someone else's shoes is how you can relate to someone else. We need love and compassion to survive.

Anonymous said...

I could not imagine a person lacking sympathy towards others’ pain, human or animal. What’s in their heart? Compassion is the search to feel good within, especially when you have aid others in distress. It is almost a natural reaction to help one another without pursuing retribution. Compassion is not an obligation, is the simplest form of giving and showing love there could be. COCO

Anonymous said...

Compassion is a daily act. Showing courtesy, being polite, treating all living things with respect. If only people showed more compassion on the street while driving..Now that would be something special.

Anonymous said...

Compassion is the heart-felt expression we show of love, care and understanding, all put together in a beautiful image called the heart.
It gives us hope, and a sense of good-will, that can only make us better, as people in together-ness, it is a smile, a hug. It is Compassion~~~ FP

Anonymous said...

Having compassion is not only relating to what you have been through but knowing when someone is going through a tough time and you can help some way or some how, i believe we are here to help others and not just ourselves.compassion is giving without expecting nothing in return.

Anonymous said...

Compassion is the smile of a baby, the hug of a child, the gratitude of a mother; each task, every step, and each contribution. There will always be different ways for us to understand this truth.

Anonymous said...

The Word says in Zechariah 7-9 to show mercy and compassion to one another. We have to follow Gods Image since hes is our best role model and show compassion everyday to each other, since his compassion for us are new every morning.

Anonymous said...

I believe Compassion is the strongest most elevated word when it comes to describe the feeling or connection with someone. I believe compassion has to do with love all around. It's dedicating your time, your intelligence, money in many cases for the well of others. When I hear the word compassion, the word compromise comes to mind because it becomes part of you to try to improve the life of the suffering or at least more dignifying.


Anonymous said...

Everybody that I know goes through issues. regardless if there rich, they can even suffer more because they are poor in showing compassion. in the end everybody needs a little bit of love. and everybody should be treated equal. meaning treat people how you would like to be treated.


Anonymous said...

Compassion is the smile of a baby, the hug of a child, the gratitude of a mother; each task, every step, and each contribution, there will always be different ways for us to understand this truth.


Anonymous said...

Everyone has the right to compassion because that is a choice we make to show others our unconditional help and love to alleviate their pain or suffering. Compassion is an act that involves sympathy, love, compromise and humanity.

Anay R

Anonymous said...

Showing compassion could be tricky at times. I don't show just anyone compassion but those who truly need a helping hand or the people who show me compassion. But yes, I feel great and happy when I help someone who is down and out and slowly but surely help them get back up. Showing this trait shows a lot about how someone's character. J. J

Anonymous said...

Showing compassion could be tricky at times. I don't show just anyone compassion but those who truly need a helping hand or the people who show me compassion. But yes, I feel great and happy when I help someone who is down and out and slowly but surely help them get back up. Showing this trait shows a lot about how someone carries themselves. ( J. J)

Anonymous said...

I believe that compassion is something that must come from the heart. We all have it and show it in different ways, some people just don't know how to express it, or don't like to show feelings, but when you try to help some one in a time of need you are exercising this right and feeling. AJR

Anonymous said...

The essence of compassion can be found in the need to support others when struggling, having the desire to really help someone without expecting to receive anything back. The practice of compassion with people around you makes you a better and admirable person.


Anonymous said...

Compassion is hard to come by when one doesn't have a family. That's why having a strong community helps those who crave the love and attention every human being deserves. -LL

Anonymous said...

As a nurse, I get a chance to feel compassion for the dying elderly with no family to care for them, young adults facing fatal illnesses, and families of sick children, among others. Sometimes, you just have to hold somebody's hand, and that is enough. You can also listen to what they need to say to let go of their frustration. Unfortunately, other times, even though I feel compassion, there is nothing I can say or do to alleviate their pain. ATM

Anonymous said...

Compassion it is something that I am not so use to showing because, I have never been in a situation where I was in need of compassion from others. The few times I showed compassion to someone who was ill I felt like I made the person feel like I was feeling sorry for them. He never told me that I made him feel that way but I felt I did. What I am trying to say is that compassion is good but maybe not at all times. (D.R)

Anonymous said...

It seems to me, that most people are so worried with their personal issues that compassion is left behind. To be compassionate is to demonstrate love, empathy, and humanity. Been compassionate is to be willing to sacrifice your personal time, sacrifice yourself in benefit of others.


Anonymous said...

I heard somebody tell me once that compassion is one of those rare things that give you immediate as well as long-term happiness throughout our lives. I think it's a pretty common goal for most people to strive to be happy, and compassion is a very effective tool for achieving that happiness. - CW

Anonymous said...

I like to think that we all still have a little compassion in us. Such a beautiful and sad feeling we all have to relate at some point. Compassion is love, and these are both vital feelings in life. Sdeya

Anonymous said...

Compassion cannot be taught, but it can be introduced by the person you least expect, a child, an elder, or even an animal. It’s something that comes naturally from the heart. I exhibit compassion when I see a patient suffering from Alzheimer’s feeling confused and, worthless I alleviate that pain by being their personal guide and, taking them to a familiar place. JAP

Anonymous said...

In this world, where violence is increasing, it is important to teach our children to connect with others, to be compassionated of the ones who suffer and offer our unconditional help. If we start now,we could create a better world for our kids. AR

JCR said...

I feel when a person feels compassionate towards another person's struggle or heartaches, it is not a right but an option. It is not a person’s obligation to be compassionate to others although it is expected, but not demanded. Another strong opinion of mine is you don’t necessarily have to go through the exact struggles of others to understand them. For example when you see a sad movie it makes you cry. It is not related to what that particular person experienced. It is because you are compassionate towards their situation. I think everyone deserves compassion whether you are a human being or an animal.

Anonymous said...

Having compassion is a part of being human and when someone is in a situation that is terrible we can feel sorry for them and maybe try to help out if we so desire. However, compassion is only expected not really demanded. It is something that must be experienced not taught.
It helps alleviate the suffering of others in some cases and do nothing at all in others; It truly is an interesting emotion. Though my point is, everyone has felt it at one point or another and if everyone were to act upon it more, this planet would be better for it.
- Dav. P

Anonymous said...

Everyone needs love. whether it's a human being or a simple little creature. Being a compassionate persons lets people and animals knows that not everything in the world is filled with evil.

Anonymous said...

Love comes with all types of emotions even emotions you have not felt before. Compassion happens to be one of them it's what makes two person become as one. Compassion is to love together or suffer together.

Anonymous said...

Compassion is something more people should have. I believe that compassion is very rare in our generation; most people tend to be selfish. I think when conveying compassion you need to fully understand exactly what a person is experiencing because otherwise it can be misconstrued as pity. -KV

Anonymous said...

Compassion is something that lacks a lot among the society of today. Compassion should be something that feels and acts upon on a daily basis, sympathy is something we should feel and seek to help that individual in any way possible. ADYS

Anonymous said...

Worldwide compassion may lack within our societies. Within thousands we may have a few hundred with compassion enough to care for other human and living things, without it our world would be a little darker. Compassion may vary in degree, whether it is towards a friend going thru heartbreak, or cleaning animals harmed by oil spills. Humans may be more compassionate with their family and friends, however true compassion may be seen by those who constantly help alleviate others suffering and misery, to make this world a better place for our future generations we should stretch our compassion, if we all care a little bit more about other this world is only bound to improve.

Anonymous said...

Compassion is a trait which not everybody exhibits. Compassion is the ability to put yourself in somebody else's situation and understand what they are going through. In everyday life people come across situations which affect them greatly. I exhibit compassion by not judging anybody and by understanding that although I might not see it directly, everyone fights their own demons and deserves tre right to be understood. -SG

Anonymous said...

Compassion is emotion that comes within our soul; it should be demonstrated to all living things. Compassion is when we STOP being selfish and we ease someone or something inability to help themselves. This link is an excellent example of compassion.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Compassion is the ability to see another's situation and have the desire to help. It's an emotion lacking in todays society. Compassion is something that cannot be taught it must be felt in your heart.


VH said...

The best time to show compassion is,when you see someone or something in such a bad condition that you know in your heart something must be done.You get that feeling in your heart of pain as if it were you, that is when you know that there is compassion in your heart for that situation.

Michel Souza said...

Compassion is an essential quality of human nature that I wish to say everyone obtains. Unfortunately not every is capable of demonstrating compassion towards others. I consider myself to being a very compassionate person. I am not able to see someone who is in dire need and not offer them some kind of help. I exhibit compassion by donating money to charitable causes as often as I can.

-Michel Souza

Anonymous said...

Should compassion even be considered a right? I'm not sure if there's anyone out there that is denying anyone their "right" to show compassion to others, so much so that we have to make it a point. Compassion is a basic human emotion (to most all of us, thankfully) that keeps us interconnected on an emotional level, and I certainly don't want to live in a world that persecutes the compassionate.

Jo L Lo

Anas said...

for some people I think if they only stop hurting that will be a compassion.