"Justice is what love looks like in public,"
states American philosopher Cornel West.
This is the Love Train.
This is the Love Supreme.
This is what the worldwide public protests are about:
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Dr. Cornel West at Occupy L.A. in October 2011. |
Protest and activism is driven by anger.
But, the anger comes from Love of Life, Love of Humanity.
To protest is an expression of Love.
(Note: "Love train" and "love supreme" are song lyrics
But, the anger comes from Love of Life, Love of Humanity.
To protest is an expression of Love.
(Note: "Love train" and "love supreme" are song lyrics
from the O'Jays and John Coltrane, respectively.)
Gear up for the springtime protests to come!
Blog commenter Miguel Pauli writes there are 10 definitions of love,
divided into, "Love the noun and love the verb," and he adds,
"I plan to delve into all of them...
because if one sees it the way I do...
it all has to do with love."
Revision: thanks to commenters J.J., Miguel Pauli
Gear up for the springtime protests to come!
Blog commenter Miguel Pauli writes there are 10 definitions of love,
divided into, "Love the noun and love the verb," and he adds,
"I plan to delve into all of them...
because if one sees it the way I do...
it all has to do with love."
Revision: thanks to commenters J.J., Miguel Pauli
Protests are driven by passion. Passion is very strong love or devotion of an activity, object or notion. Protests take time, will, and strength and this is impossible to undertake unless love is a motivating cause. Some people protest against animal cruelty for their love of animals, and others protest against a governing regime for the love of their country and its people. Public love is the most selfless and the strongest altogether. It is easy to love your sister, to fight for her, and be there for her in times of peril, is it as easy to feel the same love, or as strong for someone you don't even know exists but know they can be affected by something? Public love drives us to care for those we don't know. ALB
The right to protest is the basic right manifested under the freedom of speech. But Freedom cannot survive when those in power make exceptions to the First Amendment for speech they dislike or criticism they would rather not hear. We must continue to express ourselves and stand for what we believe in!
There should be more protests to support love for our fellow man, our environment and our animals. Any breathing being on our planet should be loved and respected.
When you rise, do you see?
Love is the protest.
How you fight, let it be.
Love is the protest.
By Jars of Clay, lyrics from Love is the Protest
The right to say what I feel, to mean what I say, and to say it with feeling and love. I fight, love, for children that are typically not heard. For equality, inclusion. I say, “People First!” I say, “Abolish the R word!” I’m headed to protest, to protest against segregating our children again. My nephew HAS Autism, but he is just like every other kid, love him, include him, don’t segregate him. I have the right to love and embrace differences. T.L.
Love is the freedom of expression,of seeking,of aching and healing.Where ever we stand as the individual we are, I say "whatever, who cares".Lets fight for our very own kind of love because it is the caretaker of our hope. If I am without love, I will be nothing more but a vacant mind with a dragging soul.Thus,I will not have the ability to uncover my dreams! Society shouldnt prohibit me from loving the way I desire to love, for it will clash with my need to breath. LINA.A
When you protest,it is because you believe in a cause that is not being fair and needs to be corrected. When you care for the oppressed side, love motivates you to participate publicly protesting for a righteous cause. While protesting, the genius and philosopher, Cornel West was arrested because he refused to leave the premises of the Supreme Court in Boston, October 5, 2011. The crowd was shouting, "We love poor people." "We love working people." Fidela
When you love a person, animal or thing. You become passionate for the cause of that being, some people say that the higher expression of love; is to die so the other can live. I link that expression to protest ,because when you protest you invest your time and energy for the cause, and time equals life.
I think that protesting is a good thing because it shows that a person is passionate about a certain thing. They will let their actions speak louder than their words rather than just sit back while nothing is being done.Protesting also shows that that person really cares about that particular matter. IC
Love, justice and passion and protesting go hand in hand. People publicize their beliefs and feelings about particular things through protesting. If you love something you will "fight" to justify it. Protesting is free speech a right every being has. JAY
When one loves something or someone and that thing or person is being hurt or mistreated, one wants to fight for what they love. Protesting simply means fighting for what you love and believe in. DP
everybody has a right to love and to fight for their love. if they want to show public that their owns right. YML.
Everyone has their own right to protest. Protesting is a way that you show others how you feel about a certain matter. It is your right to protest so long as it doesn’t affect the rights of others. A.H
The evidence to publicly love can be protesting, which means one discovered human right arising out of a number of recognized human rights. Love means unconditional; Furthermore, you will do everything to prove your point across no matter what can be in the way. To love and to be loved is a part in life that everyone needs to receive and pass on. I choose love to forget hate.
There are different types of love, shown in many distinctive ways. Although, protesting may be “an expression of Love,” to these individuals, it is only the denotation to me. For others, protesting perhaps is a stronger level of expressing love. There is no wrong or right expression of love, only the right to love.
I believe protests reach far beyond love. Protesting is not always an expression of love. People who love animals protest against animal cruelty. However, all protest do not stem from love. Why do people protest? They definitely don’t love what’s happening. From the suffrage movement to the civil rights movement, people protested so they can be heard. They were tired of unfair treatment and decided to do something about it. People protest out of frustration and anger. If everything was fine throughout history, people would never have a reason to protest. I would agree with DP who said protesting simply means fighting for what you love and believe in. The key word is “fight” because it will always be a fight when you want to make a change. JJ
To love is to care and to care means you will be willing to do something and anything about what it is that you love. Even if it means going publicly about it and having to take the chance of undergoing the risks of protesting even though it is our legal right to do so. Knowingly going into something like that in it self is an act of love. JLF
The definition of love in the eyes of the public is fair treatment and equality. This treatment may be a punishment or a reward. There are many kinds of love but one true way to express it. In most societies people may express their emotions for justice through protest. I believe freedom of speech is extremely crucial to society because it can cause change in a positive way. - S.S.
Love is a powerful thing, It can drive us in many directions some positive some negative. Some people will do anything for something they love, some people learn to let things go because of love. You ever just stop and think about why sometimes you boyfriend or girlfriend, wife or husband, parents or child can strike up heated arguments or the most touching moments? its simply because of love it can heal the deepest wounds and cause the deepest wounds a simple thing and a fragile thing something that can motivate and drive us.
What is love? Is it what one feels for another or oneself? Is it even something felt or something done? The dictionary has ten definitions of love in it. Moreover, there isn't one set of definitions, but it is divided into two. Love the noun and love the verb. I plan to delve into all of them even if they have nothing to do with the type of love aimed to discuss because if one sees it the way I do... it all has to do with love.
By Miguel Pauli
My personal definition of love is to have what your heart desires most. I believe that protests in the name of this are most noble. Such protests are especially noble when they are for public love. Sharing something as beautiful as love with the public is a wonderful idea. I encourage people to continue to protest for this amazing emotion as much as possible.
WHAT a wealth of meaning, what truth in the one word love and passion, “Love builds up”! Love builds up mentally and physically; it builds up also morally and spiritually. Logically, it must therefore follow that when we give expression to wholesome, constructive emotions, chief of which is unselfish love, we build up not only others but primarily ourselves. If the protestor can protest with the elements of love then they set the stage for everyone else.-YEM
People are driven with passion to rise above the crowd and stand for what they believe in. Protesting isn't only about love, it is the fight you have in you to make the difference. J.S
Love is a just word that justifies our human emotion. What is the purpose of love? Love of family and friends is one thing. But, can everybody love each other? People are afraid to love because they don't like to show any weakness. Thus, making it hard for other people, too love them back. But, then again. You can't love everybody, only the people that you except in your life. Public loves is different then love itself. For example, community service brings everybody together in a whole to make a difference; passing out turkey dinners to the public and giving them new clothes to wear is an act love. Love can be defined in many ways, but it's according to your definition of it.
Love is a word that justifies our human emotions. What is the purpose of love? Love of family and friends is one thing. But, can everybody love each other? People are afraid to love because they don't like to show weakness. Thus, making it uneasy to love one another. Only the people that you accept in your life! Public loves shows concern for everybody needs. For example, community service brings everybody together in a whole to make a difference in other people lives; passing out turkey dinners to the public and giving them new clothes to wear is an act love. Love can be defined in many ways; according to your definition and action.
The act of protesting is similar to a romantic courtship. The people who choose to protest have an emotionally charged opinion on the world. The fact that they love what they are fighting for turns their argument into a battle. Protesting is protecting what you care about. Most people would say they would fight for their significant other, and a protest demonstrates this romantic battle.
It is our responsibility as civilized beings to stand up for the basic freedoms we are afforded as members of the planet, and hold those who intend to jeopardize, diminish, or constrict those freedoms accountable for their injustices. Protesting through civil disobedience shows those who would silence us that freedom and the power of love can not be contained. SAS
The right to protest is a wonderful thing. It gives us the ability to stand up for things we feel are unjust. Without this African Americans and women would not be voting in the upcoming elections. Homosexuals would just dream about the day they could have the right to be married to their true love. If us human beings didn’t protest we would always have these bottled up emotions about actions and things that are holding us back. leiva
We fight for love, but is angrily protesting really going to solve anything. Yes it is for a good cause, but at what expense; another human's life? Humans do have the right to love, but we also have the right to hate (Believe me i am not the type of person to hate). I say this because without hate there is no love. There will always be an opposition this is a matter of fact, but it is our job as lovers to distribute equality amongst both love and hate.
The right to protest is a beautiful thing. Having enough people support a righteous cause can make for a better tomorrow.
The drive and passion to fight for something you LOVE is one of the strongest connections someone can have. Simply fighting for what you care about or agree with is inspiring to numerous people. It can cause a chain reaction by showing people that it is okay to stand up for what you believe in wholeheartedly.
It's good to protest on things you love because it shows your passion for the cause. Certain people just talk about making a difference but many actually get out there and do it. So if you feel the need to speak your mind for a reason then do it but do it because you love the cause.
Nothing in the world can just be loved, with love comes hate and with hate comes a tighter love bond. If you manage to look pass what it is creating the hate, this is when love shows its true colors. E.P.C
How could something driven by anger be love? My love is driven by passion. I am very passionate about a lot of things that I love, so I FIGHT for the things I love. BRM
I agree with the right to love... public love. I believe that there should be a time in everyone's lives that people should come together through love or something they feel passionately about and give their voice for a similar cause. Love can motivate a person to do great things, but that motivation becomes even greater when there are willing people fighting passionately about the same cause.
Protesting about what you love or who you love shows your passionate about that. You have the right to protest. People protest on a daily basis, whether it is for love or simply for laws they feel are unfair. Both examples are important enough for people to speak out and fight for.
- F.B.
Protestants are driven by passion and passion is strong love for an object. The right to protest is under the freedom of speech. Those who protest do it because they believe something isn’t fair and needs correction. Love motivates an individual to fight for a righteous case.
The right to protest is a good idea. But now that it has been limited and make you get permits and those kind of things I dont think it is as much free speech as it used to be. Much like the occupy wall street protests.
Public love is in all of us. We all love and we all protest for love. The passion the public has for something is exhibited through protest.
Protesting is a way to get your opinion out there and letting the entity your against see you in their face. I think it is great that people do that but organized and not let it get out of control.
Ovid, a roman poet said: "Fortune and love favor the brave." those brave people who protest out of love are the most fortunate, because the can speak their mind without boundaries, or restrictions. I admire those who protest for their rights. those are brave people.
With all the benefits that love brings, why don't we love each other more? Protesting for love should be a wake up call to how hate has destroyed our way of "love thy neighbor". Like my husband tells me, "you can catch a fly better with honey than with vinegar". Love is the cure for the lonely, sick and abandoned...see who you can love today.
Everybody should love everyone . There is no reason for anyone to hate anyone or anything -SKT
When you love a person, animal or thing; you become passionate for the cause of that being. Some people say that the higher expression of love; is to die so other's can live. I like that expression to protest, because when you protest you invest your time and energy for the cause, and time equals life. In other words when you invest time which equals live your are putting your live for others.
"If there is love, there is hope of having real families, real brotherhood, real equanimity, and real peace. If the love within your mind is lost, if you continue to see other beings as enemies… (Dalai Lama). A human being is not an entity separated from others or from other living creatures. One is interconnected with everything and the engine of this dynamic connection is love. It may not be common knowledge, but the Eskimos have over 100 words to describe snow. The words cover types of snow, consistency, and so forth. It is no wonder that people who live in the climate they do have found so many ways to signify a substance so central and essential to their lives. A philosopher once suggested that there should be as many words for love. Public love is yet another aspect of what is at once the most complex and simple of life’s essential elements. Where some people may be disgusted by public displays of affection, others are inspired. Isn’t that the case with everything in life? People discover every conceivable facet of love, yet it is still the most powerful and mysterious of all experiences. Love has the power to change anything, whether it is public or not. Who is to say that one has or has not the right to love in their way?
Love is a complex emotion that may be manifested in many different ways. Loving a cause may be more powerful than 1000 armies, all it's needed is an ideal and a reason strong enough to fight with your life for the wealthfare of others, hope for a better future may well be an unconditional love for humanity.
-Without love or human race is doomed. PDA is just a way of saying i dont care who knows. The bible states " We should love thou brother and sister." Everyone has a heart and without one you cant survive.
Passion can be extremely motivational and a very driving force when it comes to the human race. Everyone has the right to be happy. We need to help each other and not be selfish to think that everyone can help themselves. SC
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