The Right to Migration is a partner to the Right to Biodiversity.
Migration creates biodiversity.
And what's more beautiful than biodiversity?
Migration creates biodiversity.
And what's more beautiful than biodiversity?
Plants and animals migrated over centuries,
evolving into a variety of species through long-distance dispersal.
As they were carried by oceans or as seed on bird feathers,
some arrived on islands and evolved diverse traits to match their new habitats.
For example, it is estimated that some Galapagos Island animals
once migrated 600 miles over water from South America.
A similar isolated geographical location is the Hawaiian Islands.
Botanists note that the Hawaiian Violet (Viola langsdorfii) DNA
is so close to the Alaskan species.
They believe there is a connection to the 50+ bird species that migrate
to Hawaii every year to escape the Artic winter.
But the specialized traits developed for the habitats of these isolated species
make their ability to compete for survival weak,
and today, invasive species threaten many of these species with extinction.
In fact, there are more endangered species in Hawaii than any other location on Earth:
There are 289 endangered plants in Hawaii.
The endangered crested honeycreeper is found only in the rainforest of East Maui.
It is dependent on the `ohia blossom nectar for food.
It is one of the birds studied and protected by The Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project.
An endangered Hawaiian plant:
The stem has a crown rosette of leaves.
Projects worldwide work hard to protect so many, many species.
Volunteer yourself and become a guardian.
Or maybe, take photos of the endangered species in your area
and donate them to ARKive.
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Photo by Larry Etkin |
Endangered Japanese cranes in a snow storm
portray the beauty of biodiversity.
The endangered Miami Blue butterfly.
Or maybe, get outside and do a butterfly count
for the North American Butterfly Association.
The Right to Migrate is supported
by the Right to Life for Humans and the Right to Food;
it is modified by the Right to Respect, the Right to Security,
and the Right to Cultural Heritage.
Biodiversity is supported by the Right to Life for all Species and the Right to Beauty.
Revision: thanks to commenter Liz R.
Thanks to migration the Native American Indians lost there land and there people. The Africans were sold for slavery and Jews were slaughtered. Thanks to Migration we all have become diverse. Any questions?
Chuck F.
Migration creates biodiversity. This is very interesting, because I never realized, how the two were directly connected for animals and human beings. When it comes to, people migartion, I think of one city in particualr, Miami. Miami, is one of the biggest melting pots, for different cultures.I believe in in the "The Right to Migrate and The Right to Biodiversity". Robert M. Pino
I believe in the right to migration and the right to biodiversity. There should be diversity with people, plants and animals. All animals are not alike, all people are not alike. This is what people seem to have a problem understanding. I should not have to look, act or speak like you to be accepted in society, the same with animals.
As it relates to migration, this is a good thing. However, I feel that people that migrate to the United States, should respect and become accustomed to the U.S. language, holidays, etc. It does not mean that they abandon their customs. But respect the country you chose to be a part of.
People migrate to the United States from everywhere. This is the most diverse country in the world. The problem is that every one thinks that their country's way of doing things is the right way. If that is the case, then why are they here in the United States?
Why do people migrate? Among the many reasons for the migration of people is the discovery of new wealth, educational opportunities, freedom from oppression, and weather. The results of migration are areas becoming more biodiverse and implications of stress on resources. Should humans be able to migrate freely or should the governing authority of the territory be the deciding factor. Sometimes life is not fair and simple and humans are placed in a situation where their fate is condemned to death. I think this is unfair, we did not create these territories, and at one point we didn’t even own them, we just so happen to colonize them in this day and age. I believe plant, humans, and animals should have the right to migrate freely and create a more biodiverse biosphere.
Multiculturalism is biodiversity of cultures, religions, and flavors. I agree with the right to migrate. Life would be very boring with just one flavor to choose from. Multiculturalism and biodiversity brings to our country flavor and color. Biodiversity teaches our children not only about our customs, but also other different cultures. In my opinion the right to migrate is a very positive thing. People should have the right to migrate to a better place of opportunity and a place for a better life.
I support the right to migrate and biodiversity, I follow the website; "Journey North, Whooping crane" ( . The website follows whooping cranes from their northern summer grounds around Green Lake, Wisconsin to their southern winter area in Citrus Florida a total of 1,273 miles. Then in the spring they follow them back. The website allows people along the route to sight and report sightings to the website to keep track through “operation migration”. I have a cousin in Illinois that participates and reports as they pass through every year. There is even a group of folks that lead young Whooping cranes by ultralight airplanes on their journey to show them what they didn’t pick up by being raised in nature. After the first time they do it on their own instinctively. It is very interactive and educational.
Most of South Florida’s native plants and animals have migrated here on the tradewinds or from the north and developed their own characteristics to fit the area. Dade County Pine, Atala butterflies, the Coontie on which they feed, several species of orchid, the Key deer, silver mouse, wood rat, and the panther just to name a few. We have an obligation to perpetuate and protect the native populations and their migrations, that is how things evolve, through change. We as humanity evolved the same way. CTK
I support the Right to Migrate and the Right to Biodiversity. America was built on migration from all parts of the world which has made us diversified. When we came to America we brought our cultures, plants and animals. We also practice the customs of our homeland, where we migrated from, whether it is Europe or South America. RR
We've all heard of birds and fish such as whales migrating for higher chances of survival, so do humans. Just as birds may flee a place that is undergoing storms and/or fires, humans migrate from countries that may be suffering poor financial conditions. It is our job as occupants of this earth to welcome the different species who might take refuge around us, weather it is a butterfly, lizard, fish, bird or human being.
The Right to Migrate makes the world a diverse place. Especially in countries such as the United States, that are full of different nationalities of people who migrated from their native countries. I think people should have the right to migrate wherever and whenever they chose. We all share this place called Earth.
I agree with the right to migrate and the right to biodiversity. I think it is beautiful how animals and humans can connect, adapt, and live with each other even though they come from completely different places. We should all be given the opportunity to choose where we want to live in order to become a better person and live a happy life. ME
The right to migration should be extended to people as well. Humans and animals should be allowed to move around as they find necessary. Humans create cultural diversity that allows people to learn from each other. Instead of trying to vilify the migration of people and trying to hurt those immigrants, countries should do their best to welcome them and treat them with dignity. -GLT
I believe animals,humans and plants should have the right to migrate freely and create a more diverse planet. I migrate to the US for a better place of opportunity and for a better life. I wish everyone was able to do that. It was the best decision of my life.cjj
I support The Right to Migrate and The right to Biodiversity.All animals should have the right to migrate and find a safe secure home where they can continue to breed.Plants as well as Humans we all should have this right.We should all help protect animals and plants and eachother and accept all the diversity in our world.JP
Could be a fallacy, but all humans must support this right, the right to migrate for its importance to biodiversity. Around 10,000 animals migrate, they travel incredible distances to survive. They do not recognize borders; they migrate from the Arctic to the Antarctic, from North to South to find out the perfect place to reproduction, or to cover their food needs. Sometimes, they jeopardize the local species, but most of the time they provide food, they contribute with the equilibrium of the ecosystems. Probably, humans should learn from them. ML
I believe everyone should have the right to migrate specialty, if we are in search of a better quality of life due to governmental issues and that it should be done from any place at any needed time. In this country we have people coming from different parts of the world, all of them with a great variety of traditions and beliefs and it is that what creates biodiversity among us.
Migration and adaptation are naturally occurring elements. So is extinction. It is sad when an animal is no longer able to keep its place in the world, but this happens often. Natural selection, survival of the fittest, call it what you want. Chuck F.,the Native Americans migrated to North America first. People have always been interested in conquest. We use civilization as a means to do it. Migration didn't cause the Holocaust or slavery. I have no questions. JS
Simply because animals and plants are not rational does not mean that they are not worthy of rights. Animals just like humans have the right to migrate. There aren't many reasons why animals migrate unlike human beings. Most of the time they migrate due to a change in the environment and wether we like to admit it or not the change in the environment is caused by humans. Unlike humans who migrate for other reasons, like freedom, better opportunities, money/financial, jobs, or maybe they are running from the law, animals migrate for climate and food. Animals are scared to migrate to other places but they have to because their natural instinct is survival. NOBRA
Let's not forget that not all migration is good. There are plenty of plants and animals (along with humans at some point or other) that migrated into a region and then ruined the indigenous species of that area. Though it has destroyed some precious varieties, it also has added to it. Cbereng
I believe in the Right to Migrate. However, every decision can affect your future. There are risks when trying something new but it does not mean you stop trying. Animals need to migrate sometimes in order to find food and for survival. We can be involved in helping species have better success in thriving in their new environment. We do this as a society now and will continue to do it. We should help whenever the opportunity presents itself to us. DS
Although it may be sad and unfortunate that these creatures and plants are dying off, this article states that they are having problems competing for survival because of their specialized traits. Conserving an animal that isn’t fit to live in its environment because of their own weakness doesn’t make it the responsibility of humanity to need to protect these creatures. If humans weren’t the direct reason for the endangerment of the species, then we shouldn’t tamper with the nature of the law of nature of “only the fittest survive.” All creatures have the right to migrate.
R.A.T. Jr.
I support the right to migrate because we all deserve the right to a better life and for most humans and animals this means having to move from their place of origen to a better place. Thanks to the greatness, culture and the to the harsh laws everyone complaints about, the Unites States is the right place to migrate for both the humans and the animals as well as plants. Americans have thought of nearly every law possible to protect its country and hose whonlive there. As humans we chose to migrate and we need to comply with the regulations and accuostume to the laws and regulations of this country. CMP
I think all animals and beings have the right to migration. Many animals must and do migrate to survive just like they did hundreds of years ago. Without migration they would not be able to survive the various types of weather they encounter and they wouldn’t be able to find the food they need. But I also think the right of migration should extend to humans, because just like our ancestors we do migrate because of weather conditions.
Sometimes migration is needed for life to continue. Without it we cannot mix and match to create new and improved species/generations that are better equipped to survive for longer. Migration can be caused by scarce resources and/or harsh living conditions. Whether it is animals or humans we all migrate for a beneficial change.
I strongly agree with biodiversity. Every living animal should have the right to migrate. Migration should be a choice made by any living creature. It always seems that others make biodiversity and migration a privilege. Any species on this earth should be able to migrate this is how they grow and learn. Humans should not take that right from them, as we also should have the right and choice.
Migrating and evolving have many similarities with species evolving. When one migrates, it is usually done as a method to survive, if one can no longer live in a certain location, one leaves to another place to live. The same applies to evolving, a species evolves to adapt to its surrounds and survive, the key link to all of these is the instinct to survive, to take that right away, is to take away our survival.
I agree with "The Right to Migrate...Right to Biodiversity" I also enjoyed Chuck F. comment and totally agree. Migration in my opinion is a key to survival. Birds migrate south when it becomes cold up North. Many humans migrate to the United States "land of the free". To better themselves and their families. One thing I want to point out about Chuck F. comment is that, those events occurred when laws weren't really set and people did whatever they wanted. Yes Christopher Columbus claimed he discovered the new world than the Indians were killed and their land was taken, but now the Indians pay no taxes. Africans were promised 40 acres and a mule for their hardship....they never received their Reparations. Japanese and Jews were also paid.
Biodiversity is everywhere, one place that is already protected but often ignored are coral reefs. Coral reefs all over the world are destroyed by people with boats and even people catching exotic fish keep to in an aquarium. Although laws about this already exist they need to be enforced with consequences so that the right to migrate and biodiversity can exist.
I agree with this right, and yes it applies to animals and humans. Migration to me is necessary for survival, and also a voluntary choice. If you have power to move somewhere where you are more likely to survive, than migrate. As a result you will have biodiversity, and what's more beautiful than that.
I do not agree to the right to migrate... right to biodiversity. The nature to every living thing is evolve to adapt. And there is no better example of this than sampled variety of creatures that survive in the harshest of conditions. The most successful is human kind. And by being so we have claimed our way to the top of the food chain. However, at the same time, we lost our connection with nature and the creatures that taught us to be so strong and to live as one united species. So why should we have the right to migrate when we hesitate to put the right to coexist into action?
This right is supported by so many other rights. The right to biodiversity is probably the one that works closest with the right to migrate. By migrating, species create biodiversity. It also woks closely with the right to respect because it's important to respect nature and to try and help it as much as possible. It gives back so much beauty, it's only fair we try and help. There are many organizations set to aid endangered species, this right motivates people to do something.
I support the Right to Migrate since I am an immigrate myself.I also support the Right to Biodiversity. Humans and animals should be allowed to move around as they find necessary, because we all deserve the right to a better life.Migration can be caused by scarce resources and/or harsh living conditions, and sometime for freedom. Migrate contribute to cultural exchange. Especially here in miami, that is a melting pot we encounter people from all around the world.
Biodiversity is defined as the variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem. Migration is to change location periodically, especially by moving seasonally from one region to another. Migration is the driving force that makes biodiversity possible. Plants, animals, and men have been migrating since ancient times, and in doing this, they have been evolving to better fit their new surroundings. Even though they sometime jeopardize the native species, most of the time they bring food, equilibrium, and diversity to a given ecosystem.
I am a supporter of the Right to Migrate and the Right to Biodiversity. I believe that migration and biodiversity come hand in hand for not only plants and animals but humans as well. Without migration there would not be biodiversity. Although migration of animals, plants, and humans is done for all different types of reasons;it allows for the area of which the migration occurs to become more diverse. Without migration the world we are living in right now would not be anything like it is today. -KKP
It should be a right for us to migrate and bio-diverse, and that should not be subject to our race, gender or ethnicity. As long as we are all humans, we are equal, and being of a different entity of the above should not make any person disowned from their natural rights. M.A. ( Muaath Alheji )
It is a well deserved right to migrate. “The Right of Migration” is a way to improve people’s lives with better opportunities. Migration whether voluntary or necessary is choice for every living creature and has a logical approach to evolution, development and sense of belonging.
When I think of the right to migrate and biodiversity, I immediately relate this right to humans. Referring to a previous comment, yes migration has led to negative consequences. Due to migration the natives did lose their land (in both the US and Canada), but also due to migration tormented people were able to seek refuge in other countries. The Jewish community was able to migrate to the US from Europe, and to this day thousands of people migrate from Africa, the Middle East, etc. to seek a safe haven where they can grow to their full potential and live a better life.
All communities are the product of migration.
The Right to Migration is exactly what creates biodiversity in this world. It is truly amazing how one animal or plant can migrate across the world in many ways and adapt to its new surroundings as if it had always lived there. I am finishing an Oceanography class where I learned how the oceans helped in migrating animals and plants all over the world. It is fascinating to me. JENS
The Right to Migrate...I have the same opinion as Chuck F. People have migrated and put their lives and families at risk for migration. This migration lead to diversity of humans. The animals and humans do this by natures instinct.
AGREED. Migration creates biodiversity. Biodiversity is beautiful. The world was built upon this.
Natural occurring dispersal of plant and animal life always seems to work. But no matter how well intentioned man is, we tend to affect the balance of nature in a negative way. It seems we can’t leave well enough alone. Some may argue that extinction is a natural part of evolution but, I wonder, how is it we have been able to retain the distinction of top predator throughout the ages regardless of famine or the diseases we continuously spread? VMR
Whether we are speaking in reference to plants, animals or humans I also declare the right to migrate. It is beautiful to be able to see different animals and plants and even people where ever you may travel. It makes this world more interesting. TO be honest I know I wouldn’t like to always have to see the same things over and over again. Change is good; learn to embrace it.
I don't think we have a right to biodiversity! To take on this right sets us up as saviors and caretakers of other animals. What sort of right is that? At best this should be the animals' right to live free of debilitating human interaction.
This right is equal to both humans and animals. It is important because without migration there would be no species, knowledge of other beliefs, ways of life, and even evolution. You need migration for the world to grow and learn. Most importantly, survive.
This right is important to humans just as it is to animals. It is very sad that some people like Cubans are not allowed to migrate because of political reasons. Everyone should have the right to be where they want when they want. SG
The right to migrate/biodiversity is a right which life could not do without. With no migration both human and animal the world wouldn't evolve or progress. In reality the world would come to an end without biodiversity species are more prone to disease and shorter lifespan. As species mix we mutate and overcome virus and defects in our DNA. Therefore without migration and biodiversity the world would be a dying planet...mlv...
Migrating is good for diversification of the species. Although migration enriches us humans, sometimes plants and birds are threatened by this normal cycle of life. Migration and biodiversity are interconnected and should never be apart. Biodiversity is what makes the world a better place. YYD
While this right touches on several other rights, I feel the threat to endangered species is a natural process and that nature will take care of itself. This earth has been around for thousands of years, who is keeping track of all the animal and plant lives that have existed and the ones that have gotten extinct? Of course we can participate in trying to keep certain species from going extinct but we cannot put all of our energies in trying to save all of them, I feel there are more important things we could be focusing on. Nonetheless, we should always practice respect for any human and animal/plant life.
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