All beings are created equal.
This means each is born with inherent basic rights,
including the basic survival rights and the Right to Respect.
But all life forms do not have equal status in the chain of power on Earth.
Regarding people-- all people may never be equal economically-speaking.
But still, all the rights of the Sky of Stars can be held by every person.
Money should not determine or control the ability to have any right.
The Right to Equality means that governments, organizations, institutions, groups, and individuals
will treat each other justly, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion,
economic status, beauty, age, apparel, personality, or any other factor.
This right is impossible to achieve without the Right to Respect
becoming a social norm first.
The Right to Equality can be and must be upheld by both social norms and various laws.
The problem arises when it goes against our very nature to survive--
thus this right must be supported by the Right to Compete with Integrity.
This is not any easy right to achieve, but why not try?
The Right to Equality is also supported by the Right to Coexistence.
The Right to Equality supports the Right to Have Rights,
as rights must be equal for all.
Revision: thanks to commenter Denis A., R.A.T.jr.
I agree with this right. Every human being regardless of their social economical- status, should be treated in the same way and with respect specially, when it comes to the laws. At the end we are all created equally, we live in the same world and try to follow the same social norms.
I agree with right to equality. I am no different than any person down the street, around the block, or even hundreds of miles away and nor is she/he any different from me. We are all born equaly and its up to us to keep it that way. There is no reason to treat somebody in a way you wouldn't treat yourself.
I agree with The Right to Equality.I believe everyone should be treated equally.In my opinion and belief no one should be treated differently only equally.No one should be treated better or worse everyone should be fair and equally. JP
I agree with The Right to Equality. Nothing is impossible once you have a dream. This being said, it means you can be anything you want to be once you work hard to get it. You should not be judged by your sex, age, size, ethnicity or anything else. Many students are going to college to get a better career and would hate it when applying for that job and are not treated equally. Also is it the right to equality to human beings only? Animals have a right to equality. They should be treated equal because they have a life and do not deserve to die just because mankind needs to eat. RR
I do not fully agree that Ms. Wintour's crossed arms signify any type of body language. It is difficult to tell by just a single picture. On topic, true equality being related to having the same basic rights across all people seems much more achieveable. I believe if we spent more time focusing on the rights and less on the "haves/have-not's" we would have a better respect for each other. It does seem like a strong concept, but not a path current society is on. js
I agree with the right to equality. It is unfair for a certain type of people to have superior rights over any others. And nowadays, not only is it about racial discrimination, it is about socioeconomical discrimination.The one with the top dollar gets better treatment, while the people with less have bigger needs. We should all be treated equally nevermind our race nor our economic status.
The idea of having the Right to Equality is great. But honestly, I just don’t see this world ever giving each other the respect and equality we all deserve. The photo completely explains how I feel. JENS
The right to equality is near, yet far. As time passes, we become more adaptive and comfortable with other people's looks, cultures, and beliefs. The problem is if we all become scattered, equality will never fully flourish, as in a sense of pride, the more we scatter the more indifferent or negative we feel towards people of different races, gender, and cultures. Scattering breeds ignorance and ignorance breeds fear.
(i disliked the previous comment, so i fixed it a bit.)
I believe in the right to equality. You should not be judged by your sex,color,ethnicity,age. We should
learn to respect each other. You should treat others the same way you want to be treated. It can be done if we work at it. God created us equal,we should try to respect one another and treat each other equally.Cjj
I believe in the Right to Equality. Everyone has the right to be equal. Some people have it in their minds not to treat individuals equally. It is a shame. Many times, I walk into stores and I hear the way people talk to one another, showing preferences to a particular person over another because an individual has more money than the other does. Everyone deserves the same respect. I hope that one day we all strive to treat each other with the right to equality. DS
Can’t you see the completely uptight look on Anna Wintour’s face? Is she Racist? Aloof? How do we know that Nicki Minaj didn’t do something outrageous to make her mad? She is pretty crazy. Maybe the model that Vogue is sponsoring is crapping out. Those kind, or type, of assumptions could be one of the key downfalls of your equality plan. As long as people make assumptions and allow presumptions to occur, we will never know equality or truth. I support an attempt at the right to equality, How would you want to be judged?
The right to equality is important for everyone to get along. The peoblem is that people judge other people before they get to know them. The majority of the time people form an opinion about someone they have just met based on appearance. They don't look at them as an equal. LV
I totally agree with the right to equality. We are all human beings created the same way. It’s unfair that because a certain individual has a better economic situation then other they get better treatment, but that’s the way it is. An example that I can thinking right now is when you go to see Cirque Du Soleil , they sell Premium, VIP and regular entrance, the premium has better service and extra options for example they seats on the front row, they can take pictures with the characters, free champagne, valet parking ects. Not everyone is able to pay for the premium tickets so they don’t get these options. In a way there are creating unfairness but they put in a way that we don’t realize the discrimination, however when you start thinking about it, it makes sense. We as Hispanic we also encounter discrimination because of our accent. We don’t see that type behavior here in Miami but you drive a little bit further north and it’s totally different. I support these right because we should all be treated equally never mind our race nor our economic status.
I do agree with the right to equality. Who are we to judge the person next to us and to discriminate them and never the less to make them feel any lesser of a human. Regardless of the skin color and or our backgrounds we are humans and we all deserve the right to be treated equally. CMP
In considering all the Rights, I consider an individual’s Right to Freedom of Choice as paramount. Singer Nicki Minaj and Vogue editor Anna Wintour were both treated equally by being seated in coveted front row seats, but it doesn’t mean that they are required to be comfortable with one another. I believe that it was only due to their economic, social status and/or popularity which made each eligible to premium seating. I’m sure there were others with the means to pay but denied this privilege. There are only so many seats to go around and, in my opinion, a particular hierarchy which serves as a guide for eligibility. VMR
The right to equality is a very tricky right because although it sounds nice and makes sense, it is almost impossible to achieve. People are so different in many ways that variety makes equality seem imaginary. The mind naturally tends to fear what is not understood; this causes a person to become defensive of their norms and feel uncomfortable around anything that is “alien” to them. I am all for trying to treat everyone equally but in order to get there we need to convince everyone to get on the same page.
The Right to Equality is one that I do not feel we have in our country. It's not the government's fault it's the citizens of this country that make it difficult to fully live this right. In restaurants, stores and many other places one is continuously judged by appearance. It is only our own fault for doing this. NOBRA
The right to equality is something that should be upheld by everyone. It should begin with every individual treating others equally. Therefore not treating people badly because they do not have money and not treating people better because they do. But in the end this cannot be controlled by anyone, it needs to be a conscious choice made individually. -GLT
The right to equality is severely lacking in our society. We all know that emphasis is placed on celebrity and wealth above all other things. The people with power (money and/or influence) commonly break laws and rarely face the consequences and experience things that most could only dream of. We live in a capitalist society, money talks, b.s. walks, and unfortunately life isn't always fair. Cbereng
We should definitely try and although as the post says it will be hard to keep all status equally. These will always be those who this that either race is superior to the other or that they way one dresses entitles them to the amount of respect one is entitled to. I just think we should all remember that we all are human whether we are African or Hispanic or white we all bleed red. Therefore we should be treated equally.
The right to equality will be incredible if it could ever be possible to achieved. It will never be achieved for the simple reason that we are in a very competitive world. Therefore, there will always be some individuals that will believe that they are better than anyone else. GIM
I believe in the right to equality but I think that the only way it will thrive is to make it a social norm. Unfortunately, in our society the norm is that those with money are usually treated differently than those without. We were all created equal, and we should treat each other that way regardless of how our money creates in our bank accounts.-KKP
This is one of the most important rights on the blog. Without it, any of the other rights could be thrown out for certain people or groups of people, which would mean it's no longer a right.
For any of these rights to work out they have to be applied equally to all humans.
Equality in society does not exist. Unfortunately, people judge one another all day and every day. This behavior causes a very dysfunctional society. The right to equality should be put in our constitutional amendments but the people with power and money control the government.
This passage is right in most of its statements. All beings are created equal in the respect that they all have the same opportunities. However, it is very true that that equality is easily and quickly broken by things such as economic standards. It is my belief that this right can’t be achieved purely voluntarily. It is in the human nature to put one before the others. Therefore, if this right must be upheld by both social norms and variously laws, this right will infringe on the right of every individual to be free to choose for themselves.
I agree with this blog. Every human being on this planet are not the same. No one gets the right to be valued more than others just because if they got money, or depending their race we should all be treated the same. Rich or poor, black or white, we are humans and should treat each others with respect. H.I.V
I do believe in the right to equality. But I do not think we will really ever achieve true equality. People might say that we are equal to one another but in reality that isn’t true. There will always be somebody that is better in some way or another be it money wise or status wise. It would be nice if we could all be equal and have equal opportunities but it really will never happen.
We were all born the same way and breathe the same air. We should learn to be a family. What separates us blood? We need to learn how to appreciate one anther. We define each other by color why? Everyone should be equal. Everyone loves to be treated nicely so why can humans be so cruel at times. Equality should be practiced everyday. As our children grow to the next generation we need to teach them to be fair. In my opinion if we start this racism and discrimination will no longer be an issue
I do not mean to get religious, it is very controversal,but God made everyone on this earth and if he is perfect then what makes us think that we should reject certain people. Are you saying God made a mistake?"Treat others as you would want to be treated" the golden rule.-NR
This right is essential for happiness, I completely agree with the right to equality. No one should be judge because of appearance, status, or color. We all have the right to be treated equally in every single way, because we are all the same. We should respect others the same way we want to be respected. ME
The right to equality is a beautiful dream. Unfortunately, it will be very hard to uphold this right in society. Government can pass all the laws it wants but if the person is full of prejudice this right will never work. The picture speaks for itself.
Self respect. In order to respect others and cherish the idea that we are all different as individuals but deserve to be treated equally depends on our ability to respect ourselves. Jealousy, envy, and appearance are all ingredients of prejudice. We must first learn to appreciate that every individual is different, then we can realize that we all began as children and slowly but surely we went through the process of growing older, and eventually we will all face the same fate of passing away. Just because I am different does not mean I deserve to be treated any less then a celebrity or a rich elder individual. Hopefully everyone can adopt the right to equality and start developing as a united society.
I fully agree with the right to equality. However, I believe the right to equality is ideal. It goes against our human nature of being competitive. Although some barriers that have prevented this right have been eradicated, new ones will constantly come up. Also, regarding a previous comment, ignorance is probably one of the biggest barriers to this right.
I believe I once spoke about this right. We all should have the right to be equal without enduring any consequence. I also believe we should not be categorized by color, origin or ethnicity. We all came the same way, we will all leave the same way!
Chuck F.
Of course everything wants to agree to the right of equality but this is 2011 people, a lot of us feel we are in competition with the next person and the next. Some of us feel that we are better then the other person, we all should have the right to equality but in reality that’s not that case. We all should be equal and be given the same equal right’s. After all this is America. Aff
I don't understand why a human being must be labeled by society in order to be "accepted" as if we weren't all equal. Sure, some people are born into wealthier families and some other are not, but does that mean that one of them gets to have a better life than the one who worked to achieve what they have? No. Society need to try to understand that regardless of our nationality, the color of our skin, or the money that we have in the bank, we are all the same like it or not.
I agree with this right, unfortunately when we speak about people, equality will never be possible. Every day we witness the inequality that lives around us. Homeless people, working people, and privileged people all function together in this thing we call earth. True equality will never be possible. Take a look at our correctional system, there are more poor people incarcerated than there are rich ones. Poor individuals lack the necessary means to defend themselves equally. Government should look into this right. YYD
Everyone should be treated equal. It sound so simple but unfortunately it is one of the hardest things to achieve. People will always judge based on so many different things, class, ethnicity, race age anything so although it is good to strive for it and I believe this is the way it should be it never will be. SG
Everyone should be treated equal. It sound so simple but unfortunately it is one of the hardest things to achieve. People will always judge based on so many different things, class, ethnicity, race age anything so although it is good to strive for it and I believe this is the way it should be it never will be. SG
Just focusing on the picture alone, Anna Wintour does own the fashion world (sort-of speak) in her hands so her reaction to Niki Minaj's choice of fashion is understandable. Now back to the right. I think this is something that starts at home with your parents, as soon as you come into this world, our parents should - before anything- instill respect in every aspect. From respecting animals, to respecting our neighbors, to respecting ourselves; once we have a firm concept of what respect is we will treat everyone as equals.
The right to equality is a right that we as society claim we have followed but seen through media and everyday life, we are far from achieving equality. Whether through stereotyping or by creating certain images society needs a big change of prospection. Individuality should not be confused into something strange. In the end we are all human and equally matched...mlv...
I agree with the right to equality. The fact that you have more money than others, does not make you a complete new species, therefore society should not have preferences for those with money. We should all be treated equally.
Whether it be culture, religion, politics, the music game, the sports industry, the career industry, or whatever it might be……women have always been labeled as the lesser being and till this day in some areas…..most areas are still labeled the lesser being , it’s sad but true. I totally disagree mainly because of the fact that my mother raised a MAN, so in this case my father is the lesser being, and I know I’m not the only one with this predicament. What would people say if a woman finally ran our country? Sarah Palin…….Hilary Clinton? What then ………#equality….MB
No one should be discriminated. No matter what gender, race, religion, social- economic status or other factors, people should be treated with equal respect. We, the people who are sharing this world, should care about others the same way we care about ourselves.
Since most women really do not understand themselves, or their real roles in this Creation, then it is difficult for them to speak in any convincing manner about any of the issues that concern them. Don’t be trapped by confusion, guilt, or self-blame. You deserve to live free of fear.G.P.2012
I support the idea that women must have the right to equally participate in political engagement. Women have the right to be educated, equally paid and grow into the leadership position that supports decision making in all different levels of society.
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