Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Right to Air... free air

Air shall be free,
as a necessary substance for life.

This is a right for the future,
as prevention against the act of air privatization and profiteering by corporations.

The Right to Air was a previous post
which focused on clean air and pollution.

As with all the basic survival rights,
the Right to Air is more than a right--
it is a responsibility.


Anonymous said...

Air is free. I believe the most important focus is that we need clean air to breathe. How can we make the air clean? The answer is by decreasing pollution. Although air is already a given to us free of charge we should realize that we really need to protect Earth and be as eco friendly as possible so that we never have to pay in the future in order to breathe. NOBRA

Anonymous said...

Yes, air should stay free. The best solution that I can see would be comparable to bottled water. Air should always be free and have legal protections to maintain a base level of purity and safety, but if someone wants to bottle and sell a bottle of air to a willing buyer, then so be it.

I would like to point out that in such a scenario, laws would be in place for consumer protection, environmental issues with respect to the bottler, etc. Such things should be in place in any industry for the protection of consumers and society as a whole.


Anonymous said...

Air is and should continue to be free, without oxygen there cannot be life and it is absurd to expect that everyone in the planet could have the means to "pay" for air. It is like asking someone to pay a quantity of money for their existence. I don't believe air is something that is in danger of ending, however as a resource that we have for free it should be our job to keep it as clean as we can. Everyone has the right to air, to free air, and it should be something that should continue to be free for everyone.


Anonymous said...

Air contains oxygen which is an important element that all living things need in order to survive. without it we would not be able to breathe, our body would not be able to function, we would die. Air has always been free and it should stay like that. Air pollution has been a problem from generations to generations and still a global problem. The reason of it is that pollution can lead to serious problem to human beings as well as to the ecosystem. What we need to do is to try our best to keep it clean, to make it greener.

Anonymous said...

Breathable, clean air is already turning into a commodity. There are several devices that can be purchased to clean and freshen the air of your house or office. If it ever comes to a time on this planet where the air becomes not breathable, if we are still around to make consumers of each other, I'm sure someone will find a way to make a profit. We support this action because it is "modern" and "entrepreneurial" thing to do. It's not the right thing to do, and I agree with the other posts, but with the spirit of today in a land of tomorrow it almost seems inevitable. js

Anonymous said...

Not all living things need oxygen to survive.

justuff said...

Air is free, but read this blog, scary huh?
Someone could sell pressurized cylinders of air, with a mask to breathe, from unique places (like the beach, the mountains, or jungle) as a novelty. Ridiculous, maybe. But with the right marketing anything is possible. I don’t agree with air privatization, however just as we have a right to free air, so do others have the right to develop a resource and charge for it. If people buy it, whose fault is it then? You can still get “free water”, but how many of us do that.
The scenario in the linked blog is borderline criminal and violates a host of rights. Free Air is our right, like it or not. But we also have an obligation then to not destroy that right by abuse and pollution. DenisA hit it on the head. But regulation breeds a market in air sales. It may keep people honest and standards high but it won’t keep air free.
Air is free. Plant a tree, make some air.

Anonymous said...

Air is and should always be free. It would be outrageous to charge for air, it is a gas that is all around us. The only way that air could be charged if someone invents a way to clean the air of all pollutants. However, this will cause people to suffer from more allergies. GIM

Anonymous said...

possible scenario: The earth is heavily polluted to the point that any living being must breath through tanks of oxygen.
Do you think that the government, or the people for that matter, will allow the privatisation of Air?

My Answer: HELL NO!


Anonymous said...

Air is essential to live. Serious consequences will occur without it. It can be difficult to breathe due to the amount of pollution in the air therefore, it is in our best interest to care for the resources we have. The need for good quality air comes at a price and there are individuals that have purifying equipment in their homes in order to enhance their lives. However, air is free now and the quality of air should maintain a level of safety with the purpose of staying free for everyone in the future.DS

Anonymous said...

The air we breathe needs to continue being free. I dont know how people would actually charge for air, since we need it to live. Nonetheless, I think that the issue is how we can make the air that we breathe, healthy and clean and how much it is going to cost us to do so.

Anonymous said...

Air: is mainly composed of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon, which together constitute the major gases of the atmosphere. Air it why we exist without air we can’t breathe and we will die. I believe is one thing in life it will always be free and we take it for granted. Air pollution has been a problem from generations to generations and still a global problem. It should be our job to keep it as clean as we can. So instead of cutting down the trees let’s plant some to contribute. Instead of polluting our air with bomb let’s make world peace.

Anonymous said...

Air... the way humans and animals stay alive. The right to air is necessary and should not be taken away! It should stay pollution free because without air there would be no room for life as we know it. VA

Anonymous said...

There is one thing on earth that is free of charge, and they say the best things in life are free. The air we consume every half a second should stay free, this is what keep’s us alive. But we should take of it, reduce pollution, and reduce smoking to eliminate inhaling bad air. Taking care of what’s around us is important to keep the air clean to breath. I declare the right to free air. AFF

Anonymous said...

I believe in the The Right to air to be free.Air should always remain free and we should not be charged for our air without air us humans will not be able to survive.All we can do is keep the air as clean as possible as difficult and impossible as it may seem with our earth having so much pollution.

Anonymous said...

I believe in the The Right to air to be free.Air should always remain free and we should not be charged for our air without air us humans will not be able to survive.All we can do is keep the air as clean as possible as difficult and impossible as it may seem with our earth having so much pollution.JP

Anonymous said...

Something tells me in the far future that we will slowly evolve again to take in chemicals that arent oxygen. Thats if our world does become extremely polluted. So we won't have to contain air.

justuff said...

I decree that air IS and always will be free. A mandate of this right for free (no cost) air will be;

Humanity will not allow the exploitation of air supply through privatization or profiteering where it restricts the right of any air breathing organism to breath and survive freely (at no cost).

1st ammendment;
in protection of the right to free air, humanity is also mandated to keep air clean and promote the earth in a manner that will maintain an ecological balance of air to breathe.

Anonymous said...

Air needs to continue to be free. We need to realize that air is precious and valuable. Pollution plays a big part of our air being dirty. Instead of us looking for ways to sale our clean air. We should look for ways to decrease pollution. Our future everyday is threatened by different situations. Air is essential to our everyday life and it should be eliminated before anything else. I absolutely believe on the right to free air.


Anonymous said...

The clean, fresh air will be a commodity in the future. Major cities will be encapsulated in bubble like domes. The government, in alliance with corporations, will clean the air inside these domes. Perhaps they will look something like this:

In the meantime, I’ll continue fueling my V8. Better get started on those domes humanity!

R.A.T. Jr

Anonymous said...

How can air be privatized? How can corporations profit from what we breathe in every second of the day? If they start charging us for breathing, many of us would surely be dead. There is no price that could be put on air. It is what satisfies our brain. It is what fulfills our soul. Without it we would be lifeless. Those that pollute and contaminate what we breathe in should be sanctioned severely. I am for the Right to Air…free air but better yet, free clean air. YYD

Anonymous said...

Air should always remain free. The important part is to enforce regulations that lower contamination and maintain our air clean and available to future generations. GLT

Anonymous said...

Well I do believe in the right to free air. I do think that we have caused a lot of air population that has degraded the quality of air especially in large cities. Air is obviously a something we cannot live without. But I don’t see how it could really ever be privatized to make a profit from it. Maybe if there were only certain areas that had air maybe would be an air business but at the current time there is enough air to go around so I don’t see an air business sector popping up anytime soon.


Anonymous said...

Air is free and that’s why it is sometimes overlooked in life. We all have bills and expenses to pay that we focus on in life but we overlook the essentials and sometimes take them for granted. We need to make sure we all take responsibility to minimize pollution and take care of our air because without it we cannot exist. So forget the right to air, we have an obligation to air. -LZ

Anonymous said...

It is funny how our concept of air has changed over the years. Aristotle first proposed some magical force in the air will make your food turn bad or the reasons why people will get sick were due to evil spirits in the air. Centuries after Louis Pasteur proved that it was not some magical force in the air, indeed it were microbes that reproduced and made us ill. Ironically, even if one theory disproved the other, they both had the same underlying concept of clean air. I believe in the right of clean air. I feel we should work our hardest in trying to reduce pollution to improve the quality of air. If we the “pollutes” pay better attention and reduce the harmful gases in the air we breathe, we will reduce harm to the ozone layer, in which we can gain more protection from carcinogenic ultra violet radiation and other damages we are creating.

Anonymous said...

I think it's Genius that a individual can sell air and claim that it is from the mountains. Believe me in this World we have tons of "not so bright" people who will stock up on this item. Yes, air should be free and we should work hard to keep it clean, but we won't because we as humans need to have polluting products to look good, get us places and flaunt.

Chuck F.

Anonymous said...

Air is everywhere. Air is the most important element to any living being. When one begins to privatize and restrict the one thing that is ESSENTIAL to everyone and everything's well being, chaos will arise. Air is free, and no one can tell you otherwise. It would be close to impossible to try and profit off of air.


Anonymous said...

I think the right to Air, specially free air is important. The problem is that we are polluting our planet at a fast rate and it is begining to affect our health and the enviornment. Deforastation also contributes to lack of clean air as do most companies that pollute not only air but other essential resources.


Anonymous said...

I believe in the right to free air. All living creatures need air to survive (plants, animals, trees, etc.). We should value the air we all have to breathe by not polluting the air in the many ways that we do. RhW

Anonymous said...

Air is what we used to breathe,it should continue to be free. It's necessary for all plants and animals to survive. Pollution can lead to serious problems to our environment and human beings. We need to keep our air free of pollutants, to improve our quality of life and help our future generation.Cjj

Anonymous said...

In cities like, mexico city,the air is not free of pollution, is not safe to breathe.I think air should be free. Your air is my air, please have some respect for it. as of now, the air is free and it should stay free. I support the right to free air.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely believe air is a right we all have as living beings. Those who believe that air will be free forever are greatly mistaken. I think people take advantage of the air they breathe and forget that if they continue to pollute, the air they breathe freely today, will become poisonous tomorrow. JENS

Anonymous said...

What a crazy world we live in. I mean, I feel that the sale of bottled water is justifiable simply because drinkable water is not all around us; not in the way that air is. Air is everywhere. You don't need a bottle for it or anything; it's just there. I think the government really needs to step its game up and do more in order to keep our air clean, but then again, we live in a 'capitalist' society so just about anything is fair game for profits. Cbereng

Anonymous said...

Air has always been free and should be free forever. Even though is there for everybody, somehow humans try to own it, as if it were some kind of business. As we respect animals, plants, the ocean and geography, we should also have respect for air. I believe it is a privilege for us to have air to breath, and we should definitely take care of it. It is a serious issue that the air is being destroyed. Regulations should be enforced!! ME

Anonymous said...

Without a doubt air is neccesary for life. Thus we should take care of it a little more by preventing pollution and contaminants. Since it is free people misuse and take advantage of it. Maybe in the future when it is scarse people will regret damaging it today when it is abbundant...mlv...

Anonymous said...

Free air is something we all need in life to feel like we have liberty. When I walk outside to cool clean air I feel like nothing in the world can control me I feel so liberated and free. Free air is something the whole world should have and to have that free air we have to keep it clean and nice. Cd884

Anonymous said...

We all have the right to free air. We as a planet need to do a better job in cleaning our Air. If we keep on the track we are on, we are never going to move forward and clean our air. By decreasing pollution and making smarter decisions on how we dispose of materials, it will help ensure our cleaner air.
Robert M. Pino

Anonymous said...

I believe in the right to air. For generations companies and other types of factorial companies have tarnished the air supply. Even we have caused a form of pollution that has damaged the ozone layer. We burn fossil fuel without a care as to how may toxins we release into the air we breathe. We destroy forest after forest, even though many of those trees are where we get our air supliers. Being humans, our natural instinct is to survive. However, we won’t be able to go on if we continue mistreating our main source of life.

Anonymous said...

Air is free now and should remain that way. But I think it should be clean air that people are entitled to, not just any air. In many places there is so much pollution in the air that the people are paying for it by getting sick and breathing in contaminated air. Corporation should never be allowed to profit from air, but they should also try and make sure their factories are polluting the air as least as they possibly can.


Anonymous said...

The right to free air, it is one of the very few things we have that are free. Sometimes I come to think that not even our right to life is free, but so far air is still free and available. There might come a time in mankind’s distant future when not even air will be free, or it would be paid by the government, because if air would be taken away, then that would be considered a crime against humanity.

Anonymous said...

I believe that air should still be free.Humans need air to survive.
We have to you have a bit more awareness and care for our planet.If we do not begin to take care of it, at the end we will pay the consequences.

Anonymous said...

I believe that air should still be free.Humans need air to survive.
We have to have a bit more awareness and care for our planet.If we do not begin to take care of it, at the end we will pay the consequences.

Anonymous said...

There are many things in this world that we can place a monetary value on but I believe that air is priceless. I feel that we should always have the right to free and clean air and that it should never be taken away from us. We need to realize that we should be taking something so precious for granted. -KKP

Anonymous said...

Air is free,should stay free, and needs to be protected. But protecting air from pollution I think is the important factor here.
As this is the first i hear of air privatization, I cannot fathom that any government would allow such a ridiculous law. How can we be denied an element which is vital to our existence?

Anonymous said...

Today's society doesn't appreciate the beauty of the natural source called air. We are being affected by business enthusiasts who only care about money and neglect taking care of the polluted air caused by their factories. The side effects of a polluted air can be dangerous to all living species. Nowadays, the ozone layer is getting thinner and thinner each day by this polluted air. We should listen to our planet and appreciate god's blessings and gifts. Air is a gift and a blessing so take care of it. M.A. ( Muaath Alheji )

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea. You never know what the government is going to want to tax to make money. We should protect our right to free air before people try to profit from it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with "The Right to air." The United States is the land of the free, but I bet if there is a tremendous lack of clean air, they'll tax their citizens to breathe it. Everything is about a profit with our gonvernment....They abide by the slogan "Nothing in Life is FREE" not even Air. Our planet generates air for us to survive but somewhere alone the line i see everyone paying taxes for it. -J.D.

Anonymous said...

Air is free and it has to stay that way because air is a major part of the circle of life, no clean air means that humans, animals and plants (all living things) will die and there would be no one left alive in what we know as the planet earth. We talk about companies polluting the air we breathe but we don’t take into consideration that we are also playing a big role on this because we also pollute the air we breathe every second of our lives by driving our broken down cars spilling oil on the streets and the black smoke from the broken exhausts on our cars, by burning trash in our farms and also by causing wildfires by leaving cigarettes or fires on the forest. Therefore, the right to free air is very important and it needs to be supported by everyone. CMP

Anonymous said...

The rights to AIR…FREE AIR. The government has most, if not all of our elements for survival under the politicians’ control. The politicians and law makers seem to use our natural resources to gain political control. We the people deserve free air, water and other natural elements to survive but the large corporations have the money to cover up the messes they seem to make. Unfortunately, the government, politicians, and law makers get paid off by these corporations at our expense. I take a stand for free air and a clean environment. DH63

Anonymous said...

Air like any other natural element is free and will be free forever. It is true that we have a big problem with air pollution and that entrepreneurs will find a way to make profit by creating new and more sophisticated devices to purify air. But, the idea of commercializing air is absurd. Torpedo179

Anonymous said...

How the economy is right now, I am still shocked that they have not charged us for air. People should start worrying about how to keep the air clean. It is, by the way, the reason we live.-NR

Anonymous said...

Food for thought: Could our natural resources someday be under the control of a conglomerate; a chosen few profiting by restricting access to water, air, and sunlight thereby exerting their will and control over the rest of the population? Hollywood has certainly explored this possibility in several movies. Two that come to mind are Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Judge Dredd with Sylvester Stallone. Just science fiction or a glimpse of what the future holds in store for us? VMR

Anonymous said...

The more we pollute the air, the more likely this is to happen. While air in busy cities might be thick with the smell of car exhaust, the air over the Swiss Alps wouldn’t be, thus being more desirable to breath. I believe in the right to free air and that it shouldn’t be packaged or sold like water bottles as a status symbol.


Anonymous said...

I believe air should remain free, what's the point of bottling and trying to sell it ,if there is so much around us. Maybe it is not as pure as a "bottled" air but it's breathable. I do believe we as humans pollute the air, but do not believe we would pollute to the point it is not breathable.

LXC said...

I definitely agree that the right to air is a responsibility. It is our responsibility to ensure that we all maintain this right. Over the years, we have seen the effects of pollution and we should all take measures to protect our Earth. With that being said, it will probably be more effective if large corporations also take on that responsibility.

GT said...

Just like water, we as humans should have the right to free air. Air free of pollution, air free of poisonous gases, air free of dangerous disease producing chemicals. For years now this has been a problem, but little has been done to get enough carried out in order for us to live in an air free environment. Maybe is our time to come together, and get people to revise their laws and think of our futures. Air should be a priority not a case for next year or the future.