Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Right to Rights for Children

This right is inspired by the newest country, South Sudan's constitution.
Developed nations take for granted that adults provide for children.

But South Sudan doesn't.
South Sudan's new constititution of 2011 makes some fine points,
ideas that come from difficulty and strife.

Children need a name, an identity, and a nationality.
Children need adequate nourishment, shelter, health care, education, and recreation.
Children need protection against exploitation.

I declare the Right to Rights for Children.
May this right be cited in written documents more often.


Anonymous said...

I think that south sudans new constitution is very good because no children should be out on the streets. Every new born should be given a chance to grow up healthy and live with a good family. Also getting a good education is very important in order to achieve great things in life. H.I.V

Anonymous said...

I, as a parent, view this as my mission in life. When I gave birth to my son, I made a commitment to always provide all the needs and nourishment that my son needed. Also, I felt the need to educate him on real life situations, not only provide basic needs. It has been an amazing journey for me as a parent. I think that every child truly deserves to be taken care of. Not only to be provided with needs but to be educated as well. Sudan is on the right track by placing importance on their children. By providing an emphasis on their children, they are protecting the future of their county. The future lies in the hands of our children.

Anonymous said...

I think that the right to children is extremely important. South Sudan is on the right track with their new constitution. I agree with what the comment above me said: "The future lies in the hands of our children." The children of today will be the adults in the future and if they have a good upbringing, they will most likely become good citizens. Hanalv

Anonymous said...

I think that the right to rights of children is important and necessary. Children need a good upbringing because they later go on to become parents, and without a good upbringing how are they going to provide for their own children. Therefore ,I find that South Sudan is going on the right track since it is not taken any right for granted. GIM

Anonymous said...

I really support the right of children and believe that South Sudan's are moving in the right direction. Every child deserves protection from abuse, neglect and any type of discrimination.Children have the right to be cared of, to have a safe place to live as well as being provided with the basics human needs. Children, no matters where they come from, deserve a possitive jump start in their life, for they are the future of our world.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, it’s about time I personally see a constitution that gives rights specifically to children in a place such as Sudan. It’s a good step forward and a good sign that the third world countries are starting to move to a new level of being. This gives some hope that other countries will start to do the same.

Anonymous said...

In many countries around the world the rights of the children do not exist. In United States for example, there are millions of children suffering different kinds of abuse. Abandon is one of the most commonly.Parents are abandoning their children these days more than never before because their full times jobs do not cover the basic necessities of their daily lives. In my opinion, I accuse "principally" to the government and their system more than the children closes relatives. I go a hundred percent with the right to rights of children.J.V

Anonymous said...

I am very happy for South Sudan in demanding the right to children in their country. I can only imagine how tragic it must of been for the children of South Sudan prior to the words: The right to a name, an identity, and no exploitation, in their new declarion. Children are a blessing. I am very excited for South Sudan's efforts in this situation. I hope their children can grow to have health, play, and become someone special in the future of their country.

Anonymous said...

Children are a wave that carries the world to the future. Proper education and nourishment is a necessity for children, no child should be left without a home, health care, food, and support. But another thing just as important is the right support, given the proper principals and morals to help shape them into fine adults.

Anonymous said...

Its True in developed countries people take for granted that adults provide for children, while in some countries the moment your old enough to walk and off your mothers breast you need to fend for yourself and fight to survive. I’m glad South Sudan is making it a point to include the rights of children in their constitution.

Anonymous said...

South Sudan has done what all countries should do. They have explicitly called out the rights of children in their constitution; therefore, guarantying these rights to all children. In the United States, 1 in 4 kids go without health care. Reference for additional information on this study. Sexual exploitation is another growing concern worldwide. Even in the United States, girls and boys are forced into prostitution. Reference to read about an organization that helps these victims. The country of South Sudan has taken a great step towards ensuring the rights of their children, kudos to South Sudan.

Anonymous said...

We have the privilege of witnessing the birth of a new country allowing us the opportunity to look at what we take for granted from a fresh perspective. I applaud the South Sudanese people for their courage and determination, for being all inclusive in drafting their constitution and recognizing that children’s rights need to be specifically addressed. VMR

Anonymous said...

Rights of the Children is a very valuable right. I agree, this right should be in written documents more often. Children are the future and with so much violence, corruption and anger, often the little ones are left behind. This is the reason why so many teenagers now a days are so lost in their youth. Children around the world are being manipulated, abused, harassed by those who want to cause harm and even killed. This right should be an example for all the countries around the world. ME

Anonymous said...

All children should have rights. All humans should have rights, Whether young or old. It is a shame that we still have countries who do not value the rights of children or women. Even in our own borders we have people who violate the rights of children, So whether written or not, it should be valued and respected.

Chuck F.

Anonymous said...

I truly agree with South Sudan new constitution.My opinion is that all children deserve to be treated this way.The rights to rights of children will allow and give all these children an opportunity to survive get well nutrition and shelter this will protect them from violence,abuse and neglect.The children will also be granted education so they can become well educated and gain knowledge.Children from every country deserve these rights!JP

Anonymous said...

This right hits close to home for me because I teach young children and I see all sorts of things. It's expected that parents look after the children but sometimes they don't. Years ago children were thought of as property and not really as people and they didn't have many rights at all. They rarely went to school and would work long work hours as if they were small adults. I recently learned how much people didn't value children in one of my education classes and I thought it was absolutely absurd. Luckily many different people that were interested in the well being of children began opening small schools and doing their part to cut work hours until now that we realize children are different and are looked at for what they are. Children are not property, they are human beings and they need rights to protect them. Not all parents take care of their children correctly. Sudan has my upmost respect for applying this right to their constitution.


Anonymous said...

South Sudan has enlightened and opened other countries eyes with this written constitution. This right should be cited more often in written documents. Every child on this earth deserves all of this. Our children are the future and we need to take good care of them so that they can make the right decisions. NOBRA

Anonymous said...

As a loving sister of a young child I am very proud of what South Sudan has wrote in their constitution towards the children. I do believe that all children need a safe home, nourishment, and care, and yes all children need an identity and a name. Imagine yourself going into the world all alone not knowing who you are, where you are from, not knowing what your name is. That to me is very frightful and I wish that upon no human being no matter where they are from! Yes to the right to rights for the children! Cd884

Anonymous said...

This is a great movement! Therefore not only do I think this should be done in South Sudan but all around the world. All children should be properly cared for as well as have a healthy home environment to live in. Food and clothing are also another essential needs for children. I believe the whole nation should consider this right.VA

Anonymous said...

I think it's an incredible thing that children in South Sudan are being taken care of this way. It is not uncommon for children around the world, especially in the African Regions. Children see themselves with an obligation to work at a very early age to be able to provide for their families and give them a better future and most of the time, they are forced to quit any education they are being provided. Children shouldn’t have to choose between their families’ well-being and their own education. A child deserves the right to a childhood, “nourishment, shelter, health care, education, and recreation” should all be part of a childhood. I hope other countries will take South Sudan’s constitution as an example and take it into account for the better of their people and children.

Anonymous said...

South Sudan is a country that has been through a lot. They are now on the right path. The right to the rights of the children is a huge step in by protecting the children of their country. The children of South Sudan are the future of the country. If you protect them from a early age, you have a better chance of having a more successful country.

Anonymous said...

South Sudan is a country that has been through a lot. They are now on the right path. The right to the rights of the children is a huge step in by protecting the children of their country. The children of South Sudan are the future of the country. If you protect them from a early age, you have a better chance of having a more successful country.
Robert M. Pino

Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea. The children are those who cannot help themselves so we must help them. The state should pay for education, health care and in cases where they have no parents or guardians, shelter, housing and food. Let us fight for our children. Let us fight for our future.

R.A.T. Jr

Anonymous said...

Might have to be excused for my ignorance but from what i know children are pretty well overall protected here in the U.S. under our law. I cant say otherwise about our Earth's other 3rd World countries. but yes i agree that children should have the resources and fundamentals which consist of nutrition and education to name a few in order for a brighter future.

Anonymous said...

As a person who believes in fairness and opportunity, I believe this childrens' law is great. In such counties where modern and civil laws and rights are just being established it is a huge step in the right direction to get rid of barbaric laws and replace them with positive and uplifting laws that give a future full of success for our upcoming generations. Deeply supporting this... mlv.

Anonymous said...

Many other countries could advance quite well if they begin to implement similar organizational strategies. All children world wide should have the rights which were described in South Sudan's constitution. Imagine how many children don't have one piece of paper documenting who they are or where they came from. Child labor needs to be put to rest along with child trafficking. all children deserve the right to live in peace and have a first class education. Those who are in the business of profiting of children should be prosecuted..

Anonymous said...

Prior post by AAA

Anonymous said...

The rights of children are not provided in many countries around the world.Countries in which their parents do not have the important resources to provide their children with.Famine in many countries reduce the ability for many parents to provide the children with the basic needs.Here in the U.S. parents that have the resources yet fail to provide their children with those basic needs. I declare the rights to the rights of children essential to each child's life.

Anonymous said...

This right should be an example to all countries. I think that once a human being decides to have a child, it is its responsibility to take care of, and provide them with the resources needed to survive. As a mother, I know my responsibilities towards my son, I know that I have to take care of him, and provided him with the better possible future. I don't see this as an option, but rather as my duty.


Anonymous said...

The Right to Rights of the Children….as a mother I support laws like this. A child is a gift from god. Never asking to be born. South Sudan is moving in the right direction because the kids of today are our future tomorrow. A child needs a safe environment, education, love and support. So, many kids are growing up so fast and causes so much conflict in the world today. Two thumbs up to south Sudan their citizens should be proud.-J.D.

Anonymous said...

Children should have a right to rights. It deeply saddens me to see the way our children's rights are being violated these days, and so often. They have a right to parents that will protect them from all evil and harm. People that have children should be responsible for all of their needs until they are of reasonable age to take care of themselves.

Anonymous said...

I think children should have the right, and what South Sudan is doing is right, other countries should follow along in the path and see how important it is for the children of today to have the right to a better education and a right to have there own name and identity. It’s important for teachers of today to teach these children morals and discipline. This children of today will be the future. AFF

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with the right to the rights of children. I had seen in the South Sudan’s cons tuition the rights of children and thought that this was pretty odd but also good at the same time. I feel that the rights of children are mostly overlooked by governments since the responsibility of the children is left with the parents. But what happens if that child has no parents or neglectful ones? That child needs to have rights to protect themselves no matter how old they are. I feel that every government should instate the rights of the children in their constitutions.

Anonymous said...

The right to rights of the children which is inspired by the newest country, South Sudan's constitution should be upheld. I say this because the children of today are the future of tomorrow. We should remember that we are the children of the past. In the United States we are made up of diversity and us such if we do not give that right to the children, we may even be hampering our future. It is sad to know that in this modern time we have to debate on whether to give rights to children in other countries when for us it is taken for granted. RR

Anonymous said...

Children are our future.They need a safe environment,education,love and our protection.As a parent,i consider that is my duty to provide for my child.I hope that everyone do the same ,if you can't please get some help.cjj

Anonymous said...

Every Child brought to life is another chance of good and greatness brought to the world we live in. A child is the most precious jewel a father/mother can have. I have a 4 year old daughter and a 2 year old son and I love them to death and would do anything in my power to provide and protect them against all evil. I believe that our children are nothing but a reflection of us as parents. They deserve all the loving and caring they can receive, they should be thought what's good and wrong. They are the future of our lives, we depend on them weather we accept it or not so why not care and provide for them while we can. Teach them to care for others and help the need it, teach them to give without expecting to receive anything in return. Our kids deserve the love that was given to us and much more. CMP

Anonymous said...

Children are our legacy, it is natural to perpetuate our species by having children. We as parents all understand the rights of children and pretty much protect them, or at least our own children. But what about the social and psychosocial issues that lead to those rights being neglected by some (including parents). It is the responsibility of the adult community to guarantee those protections through enforcement. The innocence of children is pure and trusting, as it should be.Greed and the trappings that come with such a complicated society are the reason the rights of children need to be protected. The S. Sudanese have built in the rights to their constitution, but it is the proper enforcement within their system of checks and balances to protect those rights that will ultimately protect them.
In all other species, “children” are the lifeblood of existence and the whole culture nurtures and respects those rights up to adulthood, then the cycle continues. We need to be stronger in our advocacy of the right to rights that children are entitled to. Someday those children will be making decisions regarding the “right to rights of the elderly”.

Anonymous said...

We take for granted that developed nations care do for their children. It is wonderful to witness the Southern Sudan people taking the initiatives to develop a better country. Children are the future, when you safeguard your children you also safeguard the nation. DS

Anonymous said...

South Sudan is headed in the right direction to protect their children. Children around the world deserve to be protected against exploitation and abuse. The children of the world are our future and need to be feed, clothed, and taken care of at the very least. All adults have a responsibility to invest in their future whether you are a parent or not. I commend South Sudan for respecting their children and their future. DH63

Anonymous said...

Children are our future so we must protect them and care for them as much as we can. A nation that does not protect their future is not much of a nation at all. We are all innocent and with good intentions when we come into this world. As we grow old we become corrupt but that does not mean that we can ignore our responsibilities that we have for our children. I agree with South Sudan and I believe they are setting a good example for others that need to step up and become more responsible for the children and their future.

Anonymous said...

I love LZ's comment. I'm in total agreement. Also, it's unfortunate that this even needs to be discussed. When I look at my niece, nephew, cousins, their little friends, I can't help but to want everything to be perfect for them. I can't understand how others don't feel the same? We were all little kids at some point. Cbereng

Anonymous said...

I really support the rights of children and the efforts South Sudan's efforts to reinforce the rights of the children. This should be a right demanded by every country. We can’t just ignore the needs of young children. After all they are our future.

Anonymous said...

Childhood should be universally protected. Nearly every personal issue of an adult can be linked to an event or recurring abuse from their early years. We can spend the time and money on making the quality of life throughout better, or we can spend it on counseling. JSS

Anonymous said...

Children are only ours for a short time. Our responsibility as parents is to teach them to become independent, self-respecting adults who will lead our world into the future. We do this by loving them enough to allow them to form their own ideas and foster their individualism. Yes, we provide the bare necessities of food, shelter, and clothing but we also provide love, compassion, and courage on a daily basis. I respect that Sudan has observed this in their constitution. There are still many countries that due to their culture and lack of education readily hold back their children from becoming individuals. Rather they are mistreated, observed as property, and many times used as servants. All children have a right to be children and Sudan has elected to enlist this as a law of the land. YYD

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with South Sudans constitution. It is sad to see so many news reports on another child abuse and negligence. Children have no say in what family they are born into, and it is heartbreaking when parents take out their pain or blame their kids for their unhappiness. Go Right for children.

Anonymous said...

South Sudan has really impressed me with including the Right to the Rights of the Children in their constitution. Children should have a right to be able to be children without neglect, abuse or expolitation. I believe this right should be univeral and that every child should have a chance at a healthy childhood that will shape the way they grow into adults. With this right South Sedan is protecting the future of their country and it gives me hope that one day our own country and others will do the same.- KKP

Anonymous said...

I agree with the right to rights of children because these children can grow into outstanding adults. They could bring froth new and better ideas and make them a reality. All it takes to change the world is one idea put into action, so why not a kids?

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the South Sudan. Every time I see those commercial on TV with kids suffering from hunger. They don't have clothes and leaving within garbage. There face all dirty and barefoot my heart break and think to myself why in the world would you bring a innocent child to this world to make him suffer like that. That the reason I believe in abortion if you cant take care,support or have time for a child dont have it. That's a great thing what the South Sudan are doing and we should help by sending a denotation to orphan organization.

Anonymous said...

We all have felt the helplessness of being a child before becoming adults. Children are the gift we are given to take part in future events. To exploit something so helpless is cowardly of a society. A society that deems itself such should make sure that children are always protected and allowed to develop freely. GLT

Anonymous said...

It is so sad to see all of the children around the world who are not protected by any rights. The fact that South Sudan has demanded the Right to Children is refreshing. But as we all know, having these rights does not always protect our children as we have seen in recent news and media. We as parents, as humans, are responsible for protecting and providing for the children of the world. Having the Right to Children is simply not enough. I believe we are responsible to help any children we can, even if not our own. JENS

TrustMeImADoctor said...

Childhood is a difficult and important stage of development for individuals. I think every child should have the opportunity to grow up among individuals that love and care for them. They should be neglected, in fact they should be cherished. Children are the future, they will eventually have to suffer the consequences of today's society. They should all have the chance to be free, to receive an education, to play outside without the fear of being kidnapped or abused.

Anonymous said...

It is absolutly wonderful that the country of Sudan is taking action to protect the rights of children. Every country should take in consideration the lives of the young and defenseless. Children need to be molded like clay because they are born not fully developed. This molding of course, should be done only by the truly compassionate and caring people of this world. The problem is that if children are left to live a feral life, then those allowing that to happen are to me considered to have a heart the color cold black. With the act of the rights of children becoming popular now those children that are left orhpaned have hope. JE

Anonymous said...

As we have seen throughout our society, we notice how strongly someones childhood impacts them. A well brought up child that was given shelter, nourishment, and not to mention attention grows up to be a doctor or teacher. A child who was neglected usually ends up in the streets, or in an orphanage. The right to rights for children should be in every nations constitution. The children of today are the politicians, doctors, counselors, etc. of tomorrow. Let us make sure that no child is left behind. -PCR.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the rights to children. Unfortunately, I believe that many people are not aware of this and honestly just don't care. If people were more aware of rights to children then I honestly believe that there probably be less abuse and rape. many children are abused, and neglected and if there was right to children at least the child could make their own decisions. They are human and just because they are young does not mean they don't always necessarily know whats going on. -NR

Anonymous said...

Many children are abused.... ( revision, capital letter in sentence). -NR

Anonymous said...

I agree with the rights to children. This is a touchy subject for me since I have a daughter. Most children abuse goes unnoticed, children trafficking most of all. The problem of prostitution and poverty involving children is far larger than anyone can imagine.


Anonymous said...

Our future lies in the hands of our children. They are little people that need the right guidance. No child should be left behind; they all deserve the basics in life and more! There most definitely should be more documented rights for kids and if their parents cant provide them then someone should. Every child is different, they think different and see things differently they should have rights to express this.

LXC said...

It is our duty to stand up for our children as they are young and sometimes are not able to stand up for themselves. Children get abused too often because they might be viewed as weak and helpless; therefore, we must protect them. These rights must be documented so people can stop turning a blind eye when children are taken advantage of. Documenting these rights will ensure that law enforcement will provide our children with the necessary protection.

Anonymous said...

South Sudan's new constitution is great. We need our children to be raised in a good home,loved and most of all with care. We don't want them to be raised in the streets and be brought up with a bad mind set and not care about anything in the world. A child that is brought up in a good home is more likely to care,understand easier why things happen and able to love future generations.

Anonymous said...

A country like South Sudan in Africa, which is considered a third world country, is progressively improving their country as a whole. This includes stopping the fact that their younger generations are dying and not getting educated to improve the country as a whole in the future. They are providing their children with new health care systems that nourish them so they can get a normal education. The government is looking to improve their country for the future. The children of today are the money makers of tomorrow.
M.A. (Muaath Alheji)

GT said...

We are the ones responsible to set the tone for the future of children. They will never have any dreams to accomplish if they are never told to dream. We need to fight for rights for children so they can have a clear mind and be able to dream and nourish their creativity. If they are presented with too many conflicts and walls from an early age they might never be able to develop and flourish to reach their highest potential. They need education, love, caring and basic necessities so they can be a change to this world.

LV said...

I believe children should have basic rights. In developed countries we take this for granted because we automatically provide those rights to our children. We clothe, feed and provide shelter for them from the day they are born. Children should be in safe environments because they they are not strong enough to take care of themselves. As parents we must also provide a stable upbringing and teach them the difference between wrong and right. Granted, not all children in developed countries get these rights when they are born, but it is up to everyone to help provide them with these rights. LV