I declare the Right to Love,
whereby love is both the expression and reception of affection
for another life being,
human, animal, or plant.
This right encompasses all forms of affection,
of which romantic love is only one kind
of many forms of love.
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Photo by art photographer Tim Walker |
Love creates a relationship, an interaction with another being.
It is an emotional attitude towards the other,
a strong feeling, more than a simple "like."
a strong feeling, more than a simple "like."
It involves respect with affection, a sense of caring.
Like the other "Rights for a Right-full Life",
grace, joy, happiness, pride, play, friendship, gratitude, etc.,
this is not a right that can be enforced by law.
Similarly, the Right to Love is a choice.
And, it is always a choice,
even if the subject of affection rejects or destroys love,
even if the subject of affection is of a hideous, repulsive nature
(lesson of the fable Beauty and the Beast).
As in all inter-relational rights which can be applied to all life beings,
this right extends from human-human love
to human-animal love and human-plant love.
Thus, love is always a possibility.
Because love is a choice based on emotion and survival,
we do not, unfortunately, choose to love all other beings.
For example, as a predator species,
how can we love the animals/plants we consume?
Still, the Right to Love has powerful potential
that has yet to be fully realized,
if we forge past our emotions and even our survival needs.
Like the other "Rights for a Right-full Life",
grace, joy, happiness, pride, play, friendship, gratitude, etc.,
this is not a right that can be enforced by law.
Similarly, the Right to Love is a choice.
And, it is always a choice,
even if the subject of affection rejects or destroys love,
even if the subject of affection is of a hideous, repulsive nature
(lesson of the fable Beauty and the Beast).
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Beauty and the Beast, 1874 edition, illustration by Walter Crane Text: "'Beast, drawing the curtains aside, would walk in, and talk so pleasantly that she soon lost much of her fear of him." |
As in all inter-relational rights which can be applied to all life beings,
this right extends from human-human love
to human-animal love and human-plant love.
Thus, love is always a possibility.
Because love is a choice based on emotion and survival,
we do not, unfortunately, choose to love all other beings.
For example, as a predator species,
how can we love the animals/plants we consume?
Still, the Right to Love has powerful potential
that has yet to be fully realized,
if we forge past our emotions and even our survival needs.
This declaration of the Right to Love, of course,
bears an oversimplication of the complex idea of love.
Not included in this right
is also self-love (Right to Pride)
and spiritual love (Right to Freedom of Religious Choice, Right to Pray)
since these are covered by these other declared rights.
Revision: thanks to commenters GLT, T., JE, RR, R.A.T.jr.
Love is not a right it is privilege. It is not something we deserve as human beings. I cannot force someone to love me because it is my right to be loved. Money cannot buy love nor can a government stipulate it. By claiming it as a right, a logistical nightmare is created in which the government must enforce it. I do not believe any government is ready to regulate “love”. Love is relationship between the two people/objects and should be left as their prerogative. I feel that by stipulating love as a responsibility of society, a breach of the freedom of expression is breached. Everyone has the right to choose whether to love or not, no one should stipulate that love should exist in their lives. People should be free to choose their own emotions.GLT
There is a right to love? Well, maybe then I can sue the gouvernment because I don't have a boyfriend! ;)
Nice picture!
When people think of love, they usually think of romantic love. I agree with this post that says that romantic love is only one form of a multitude of loves. Love is so important. The act of love has so much power in it of itself. Hanalv
I do not think of love as a right. It is learned, like loving a friend or a boyfriend; or it is unconditional, like the love between mother and child. It is not a right but a feeling that exist in all beings. It is inherited for our survival. This allows every being to be taken care of, and later in life to reproduce. GIM
I meant earned not learned in the above comment.GIM
Loves are a privilege that we should all respect. I believe there are different types of loves. The world that we live in has created this persona that love has to be all about Romantic love. Love to me comes in many different shapes, forms and people. Remember they are a privilege, so cherish them.
Robert M. Pino
Love is a privilege but you have to also think that love is also a right because many people are not allowed to love each other or at lease show that they do. An example of this is homosexuals, many of them do not say they are attracted to the same gender because of their family ways or the way society will look and think of them. So love is a privilege but also people should have the right to show the love they feel with respect. Cd884
I agree with this post and the idea that Love is a universal emotion. Everyone can relate to such a feeling in many different ways. Many people have the misconception that love is only felt between two or more people. But what they don't realize is that love can be felt towards a religion, pet, or even a prized possession. "Thus, Love is always a possibility." -PCR.
I feel that the right to love is important, but I wish more people knew how to love with the right reasons. Love can be used to solve any problem imagined, and it the best way to overcome things. I believe that the right to love is special like any other right, but it must come from within in order to work its true magic. JE
I believe the right to love depends on our personality. I agree that we should have the right to love, but is it totally possible, or are we fooling ourselves? While we would like to love everyone, would they in turn love us? If not, would our right to love be hampered? What about the plants and animals that we eat every day? Should we not love them the same as our orchids and pets? People believe in freedom and this right may lead to another right, such as to the right to choose who you love. I would like to believe in the right to love but unfortunately I do not see this happening in the survival of mankind. RR
Often the Right to Love is a choice. You may choose to love life itself. But what about those instances where you can’t love? An abusive father, a backstabbing friend, an unfaithful wife. How can you love? At this point it’s no longer a choice. It is a choice when an individual you truly love can simply discard your love like a piece of vulgar garbage that was meant to be thrown out in last week’s trash. Though the choice is not yours…
R.A.T. Jr.
We all have a choice when it comes to love. We decide on the people or things that we like the most. Like how it said in the blog that love isn't just toward two human beings, we can love other things in life. Love is having a passion for something meaning you'll always fight for it. H.I.V
How about love that isn't for a "life being"? like say music. I've met people who live in their van just to go around and play music wherever they can. The love of music, I feel, is the most unique love of all, it cannot be stopped or paused, or brought down like a wall, but it can make you fall, or seem thirty feet tall, whether it be plucking strings or non-stop singing, I still think it can contend the love for another life being.
Love comes in all shapes, sizes, and complex forms. It is pretty much encoded in our DNA. To love is to live as to live is to love. Without it life will have a void and no purpose. Love is a chance that we take on something we feel strong about, a sacrifice we make to another person or thing that is either living or non-living. Love giving should not expect anything in return but if it pays then it just makes the experience a lot more enjoyable and full of life.
I think having love is a privilege, it’s something we are born with, and at times we can’t control it, I think having the right to love is great but I think in the year 2011 the word love is over rated. Do you really love someone when you say you do? I feel it’s not my place to tell anyone whom he or she should love,we can’t control it. We often use the word love and what we really mean is like. Love you can feel deep inside your heart weather it be a object a person or simply music a pet. I think we should be thankful we have the right to love and who cares what are government thinks. AFF
“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at it destination full of hope.” Maya Angelou.
I believe anything is possible as long as there is love. As long as there is love in relationships, love for what you do, love for life in general, anything can be achieved.
"Love is a wonderful thing. You never have to take it away from one person to give it to another. There's always more than enough to go around". I think having love is a privilege, it’s something we are born with, and at times we can’t control it.There are many different types of love.The way we love our parents is not the same way we going to love our partner or loving a pet is never going to be the same as loving your child.Love is a combination of emotions with thoughts.
I agree with the right to love. I think if everyone put this right into action, this world would be a much better place. Having love in one's life fills the heart with happiness when it is exercised maturely. Whether it's towards a person, plant, animal, or even just a hobby, it is important to keep love in our lives.
I do believe in the right to love, but I also think we misuse the expression a lot. We are not born knowing how to love, we develop it and perfect it as we grow up and on. Love should be patient and we should be slow to anger. It is a great privilege to be loved, therefore we need to take care of it and learn how to practice it as well. AO
When I think of The Right to Love I immediately think of the love I have for my husband and children. But it is true, as you mentioned in the post, that the Right to Love is for all beings including animals and plants. Humans do love their animals, sometimes more than any human could love another human. I agree with The Right to Love and hope that everyone has someone or something they can love. JENS
I believe love, like most core emotions, is a right. I have the conscientious right or option to love or not. As it's been quotes countless times, love can never be forced. I could never be forced to love you, if I didn't choose to love you in the first place. Love is the right to know another person, place, or thing, on another level. I don't necessarily agree with love being a privilege because love isn't an option to earn. Love is an establishment of feelings towards a subject. In other words, you can work hard to earn the love.
Chuck F.
I do believe in love, but I do not see it as a right.Love it is not a right,it is a privilege, a choice, a commitment.Love for me is the most beautiful experience that can happen to anyone,the tender affection that we can feel for a friend, a family, our dog or our favorite flower.Love is the overwelming feeling deep inside you when you hear your child heart beat for the first time.It is to care for others, it is to be there when a friend or a family is feeling down. love is the privilege to let others love you as well.
I do believe in love and see it as something very special and important, but I do not see it as a right. I see it more as something that just is and is just a part of being human. Love is what we feel for our friends and families and for those we care about. It is affection towards another person and at many times cannot be explained because it has a different meaning for everyone. I do like the idea of the right to love because everyone does have that right but I see it more as just something that exists within all of us.
In response to post made by AO, I cannot seem to understand this idea of perfecting the act of love. While I have lived and learned, I have improved my ability to strengthen relationships I find important, but it seems that even having stronger relationships doesn't guarantee a stronger, better love. JS
I am truly in love with this post. The right to love is important in so many ways. A human without love is a human without a heart. How can one live without love? In my opinion it’s impossible. People grow bitter and angry when love is lost. How can love be a privilege? Every human being and living organism in this world has the right to love or be loved. We need more love in society not wars and violence. We are all affectionate in some way shape or form. If all human beings were to express their love and affection this would be a better world.
The Right to Love is a choice. I agree with the statement there are many kinds of love. Children spit up on their mothers as babies yet love them still. Even as the child grows they can disappoint us in the decisions that they make. But that does not change a mother’s love, it is unconditional. That is why a murderous son can be loved. Love is patient, love is kind, it never fails, and it does not keep a record of wrong. We love them even though they do not love us back. It is a choice to love. DS
Love is a powerful emotion and I wish more people would love one another. Since we're all in human bodies being run by human minds, we're all more closely related than it seems. We don't seem to think like that because looking at the worst humanity has to offer and thinking "It could have been me if things had gone differently". However, we SHOULD think that since then it's only a small step from there to thinking "It could have been better for them if things had gone differently".
There is not much i can honestly talk about with love. Almost everyone can hit a good point on it, weather its for objects, living creatures, themselves, you name it. I feel the emotion 'love' (as well as it's opposite emotion 'hate') are one of the many reason why we as humans evolved into what we have become today.
We all experience love on many different levels during our lifetime. Love for another due to common interests or family ties. We love our pets because they make us feel special. They will never outgrow us. The love for plants, books, sports, or a particular food is more of a like or dislike, a preference. Romantic love on the other hand is complex and more difficult to define. I don’t believe that there is any other emotion that is stronger and more misunderstood than romantic love. It transcends social standing, religious beliefs, and ethnicity. But in my opinion, love in itself is not a right. It is an emotion, a choice. Our right is our “right to choose”; our right to feel emotion, our right to expression freely and without intervention. VMR
The right to love is a promise, not just a right. It is a reciprocal agreement. There can be no selfishness. It is unconditional, ageless , all accepting, and never ending. Love is fragile. We just do the best we can against all odds.
Everyone and everything in this world deserves the right to be loved. Humans deserve the right to be loved and to love, all plants, animals and things deserve the same love. In my personal opinion love is earned. Like said in previous posts one cannot show the same kind of love every living second of our lives because sometimes we are in a bad mood or we are betrayed by a loved one. About the plants and animals we eat, there is a way to show love for them as well but unfortunately we do eat them and I guess that in some way that is our way of showing our love to them, my son loves broccoli. We also love our cars, clothes, cell phone and everything we have in life. Like mention on the blog, there are many different ways of love. Every human and living thing deserves the right to be loved.CMP
No one can force love, therefore, I do not think of it as a right. Anybody can choose to give love or to not feel love. Love is an emotion that each person begins to experience differently throughout life. Love can be anything and can be found everywhere. When there is love, everything is much easier and better. To feel love is a privilege, and to give it is a gift. ME
Love can be so many different things, and is not limited to romantic love. For instance, I have heard people say there is no stronger love than that of a mother and child. I have seen several soap operas, in which a child is taken away at birth from their mother, and by some strange attraction between the two they meet again. Also, many movies and books, usually have a similar message, that love conquers all.
Love is the most beautiful emotion in this world. It doesn’t matter what you love or who you love. The fact that you have loved or have been loved by something or someone, in it self is magnificent. Everyone should have the opportunity to love someone or something. Love is a right. Love is life. Existence without love is like breathing carbon monoxide. Once you breathe it in, it can kill, but if you don’t breathe it in, you will die eventually without it. Wait a minute, this sounds like an addiction? Can love be an addiction? YYD
Love is God's given right and/or privilege to humanity. Regardless of what we love or the kind of love we feel for either a person, an animal, an object or 'music' love will come to be when we feel deeply about that object or subject of affection. I believe although we choose what and who we love, we don't choose to love, love is already embedded in us since the moment we are born; it is our responsibility as humans to let that love grow so we can give and receive love. One factor people are dismissing is the fact that love indeed has powerful potential. The potential to bring people together, cultures, races, etc. The potential to end wars, the potential to keep our human race from disappearing. Love was the result to our existence and love will be the only thing that will keep us coexisting.
Love to me is a feeling that makes life worth living once you experience it you want it forever, and when its gone it tears you apart inside. Love can kill. But when your in love with that special person it makes all the past pain caused by love worth it. Love is a choice but to me its a choice that should be honored and respected by both parties, because theres nothing better than a loyal loving partner.-RBM
There are many different types of love. Either way one may feel it, its a beautiful emotion. Love shouldn't be complicated, shouldn't be difficult, but at times it can be both of these things. In the end, once a person is able to feel what love truly is, it can be life changing. NOBRA
I think this right is so important to me, that instead of declare the right to love, I would declare “the obligation to love”. As Erick Fromm said “love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence” love is so powerful that can turn this world in the perfect place to live. We have the responsibility as a human beings to turn hate in love.ML
Love is a beautiful thing and I do believe that everyone should be entitled to the right to love whomever or whatever they want. At the same time you cannot force someone to reciprocate those exact feelings to you. I believe that with the right to love the right to respect should be implemented because without respect there is not a healthy love. -KKP
I believe in the right to love as a "gift". Love can bring a person up in life in many ways. For example, security. Love also has many forms. You can love your family but the love you may have for a boyfriend or husband can be, and most likely will be, completely different. I am greatful that I have been allowed to feel this emotion because personally it is what keeps me going in life and is my drive. Loving other's help me want to do other's and do better in my life just so the people I love will be happy. -NR
*Loving others help me want to help others lives. (revision)-NR
I agree with the right to love! However, as much as love can make a person happy, it can also shatter a persons heart (figuratively). I know what it feels like to love and have the world in your hands, then watch it slip away and vanish right before your eyes. I consider "Love" to be a fragile emotion, because it can be acute, manipulative, and cause you so much pain, you wish you never knew what love was. But love is addicting, that's why we never stop loving or praying for love.
Love is an emotion. We can not legislate over people’s emotions. You may be in love with a person and this person may not love you back. Should you take this person to court? You may like your coworkers but they may dislike you. Should you take them to the Human Resources office? Of course not! Emotions are like butterflies. Let them fly free!
This right encompasses all types of love, not just the "romantic" type most people usually think of. Although I do think there should be such a right to love, I do not think beings choose love all the time. You may choose to be open and accepting to love, but are you really choosing who or what you fall in love with? After being with a person for a certain amount of time you cannot choose and make yourself fall in love with them, it come naturally. That's what's special about it! Everyone is entitled to open themselves to love, it is a self right pertaining to an each being differently.
Love is the best feeling in the world. Without love there will be a void in this world. To love someone is powerful and beautiful. When you are in a relationship you have respect, admiration, and trust; but love is all those things in one. In a realtionship, love will make you become a better person.
Love refers to a variety of differents feelings,states,and attitudes,i don't think it's a right.It's a choice to love and be loved.It's a devotion and commitment to something or someone.Love is a great feeling,especially when it is shared.cjj
A agree with the post above mine, there no such a thing as the right love but rather a choice to love. We as basically choose who we love, how intensely we love them. Many times this is not even dictated by us but by life. I clear example of this is having child as parents we begin to love that being growing inside womb but we do not know why. On the other hand it i a natural instinct to love your off-springs.
From my point of view love is not a choice or a right. Its the way of life. In order to continue the cycle of life we need to love. Now granted i do agree with this post on the fact that there are many different kinds of love but without love there would be no more life. Therefore how i see it, love is a way of life. VA
To be honest, I don’t think I would call it a right; I will rather call it a choice, an honor, a preference. There are so many people that don’t know how to love.
Love is the hardest words for an adequate definition. To some people love is; their partner, a friendship, a pet, a hobby, or simply luck.
For me, love is a choice that I apply to my life every day. It goes hand in hand with gratitude.
I love my life that’s why I am grateful every day for it.
I believe that with love and gratitude, the world would be a much better place.
There are so many different types of love. there is the love you have for your family , the love for your friends and the love you have for your significant other , but love is a choice and it cant be forced. You cant buy love it is a personnel choice and a right that everyones allreaddy has.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. I agree With the right to love. Love, the most valuable treasure human beings own.
There is a right to LOVE, but is love always a possibility? DH63
I agree with the right to Love.I do believe there are different type of love, The way you love your parets,Sibling,Friends,and your boyfriend/Husband are all love but different ones i suppose.Love cannot be forced only your heart can decided who and what you love,No law can decide what your heart desires.JP
Its a natural occurring feeling that cannot be forcefully created. It happens on it's own, and takes its own path. Love comes in many different way and touches each person's life in a different but similar manner. It can take ones life and rip it apart then put it back together. It makes people do all the things they say they'd never. Its an uncontrollable force that should be respected, appreciated, and cherished. The under-estimated power of love.
I believe in the right to love. There are many different ways to love. You must first start with the love for yourself before you can truly love someone else. I love my husband romantically, I love my daughter unconditionally, I love my grandson with all my heart; this is an unexplainable love, must be experienced. I love my family, all of them. I love my job and I love Jesus I love to sing in the church choir, I love to be recognized for my efforts. I love to be treated fairly. . This is not in any type of special order. RhW
Without love we cannot call ourselves human, very few species are capable of love in this planet and we are at the top of the love chart. The love for others, for yourself, for what you do and what you want to do, this is what makes a difference; the love you put in the things you do and the people that love you.
What is love? I believe it is just a bunch of bologna, something that may fade away with time. It is a feeling that I have not come to know and feel for very long. I may feel attraction to another person but love has nothing to do with it. Everyday I see relationships fall apart because so called people that are in love don't act like it. So what if you love someone unconditionally, they end up treating you like a piece of trash anyways. Love, while it lasts, is a beautiful thing worth waiting for. I have experienced it on some occasions, it is a powerful feeling like no other. I find it hard to describe in words,however I think it is like a shot of adrenaline that uplifts an individual. It has the power to make any situation whatever it may be, poverty, hardship, a failing grade, or even death seem like they are just fire that will eventually be put out. Love is not easy, it is a test of patience, for better of for worse, in poverty and in triumph, in sickness and in health. Life is short, I think if you plan to love someone and a fire starts you should do whatever it takes to put it out even if you might be burned alive. Hopefully those people you love in this short life will be there for eternities to come in the afterlife.
The right to love should be expressed to all. We have a problem in our society of choosing who can and cannot get married based on sexual orientation. You mentioned that "love is both the expression and reception of affection for another life being," so to not allow one being to express his love for another would be a attack on our freedom and right to love! Marriage is the strongest form of expressing our love for another, so how could one take that right away from another?
As said by one of my fellow classmates, "When people think of love, they usually think of romantic love." I don't agree- love can be from loving your partner, your best friend, your brother, your parents, your sister, your pet dog, the nature around you, etc. Love doesn't necessarily have to be a sexual or lustful relationship. It can be caring for something around you. I believe everyone, no matter how bad they are, should have the right to experience a love for something or someone. It makes people happy and generally improves their attitude as a whole.
M.A. (Muaath Alheji)
With the declaration of the right to love, there should be a declaration for the right to be loved back equally. There's nothing worse than loving something/someone and not having that feeling returned. Cbereng
Love is a privilege that if we don't treat it as were suppose to it could vanish. It comes in every shapes,color,size or breed. You have the right to love anything you want but you have to treat it right once you have it. It's so powerful that you can be going through the toughest time and it will keep you smiling and striving for the best .If we shared more of our love around the world we wouldn't have as much poverty as we have now.So spread the love and let everyone have the chance to love.
I believe love is not a right. Love is something you experience and
learn to do over time. When someone does not love their self, they
cannot love another human being. Love starts with you so why make it a
right. I personally can care less if someone does not love his or her
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