Illogical expression
is that expression which makes no logical sense.
It is irrational.
And yet, this type of expression can lead to invention and discovery.
The early 20th century art movements of Cubism and Surrealism
are examples of illogical expression.
Thus, I declare the Right to Illogical Expression.
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Illogical body pose? Illogical line? Illogical blog? |
Not only illogical expression but also illogical thinking can lead to great inventions and movements. Just because something is irrational does not mean it is unacceptable. All great inventions were first thought of as irrational, but with time, it has been seen as being extraordinary. Something may also be classified as an illogical expression because it is futuristic. It is a revolutionary thought. GIM
I believe in the right to illogical expression, be it verbal or expression of any kind. A lot of the commercials I see on TV are illogical to me, but they make sense to others. RhW
Illogical expression pushes the boundaries of "normalcy", In making no sense it causes sense to evolve. Picasso, Niedecker, Dali, and Bartok as examples, pushed a generation to think outside the box. Frank Lloyd Wright created some of his greatest designs using illogical interpretations of logical convention. Illogical thinking allows individualist views to develop. New genres can develop. Beatnicks, Rock and Roll, Hippies, Punks, funkadelic, Disco, Glam, and rap were all illogical expression at some point. I support the right to illogical expression, which essentially supports the right of/ to interpretive appreciation.
Here is a link of my daughter playing violin in a musical group that pushes the envelope of illogical expression.
CTK, wow! That is illogical without a doubt and amazing all in a blender with a cup of woo-hoo. After seeing that YouTube video not only do I agree with the right to illogical expression, but encourage it! Speechless!!!!
Chuck F.
We all need illogical thoughts, expressions and ideas, if this didn't exsist buliding planes cars and many other things would of not been thought of. Illogical expression makes poeple come up with ideas and theories and much more facinating things. I agree completely with the right to illogical expressions. We all must be free to think and feel and express ourselves even if there is no logic to it. Cd884
I agree with the right of illogical expressions. Almost all inventions from as simple as the telephone, lightbulb, even x-ray machine were all illogical ideas. Where would we be today it it weren't for these thinkers?
Illogical expressions come from unreasonable thoughts. Being humans, you should follow reason about all things in the world because you
are reasonable creature; you shouldn't follow your instincts. If you do you will be an animal, not a human being. I don't agree with the right to illogical expression because I see that people get confused and lost time. It allows people to abuse the freedom to express themselves, people should be allowed to make mistakes but to a certain extent.
I believe illogical expression help us create many things we have today. It's the gateway to our future. It help us express our self, and dream of things that seems impossible to others. cjj
I definably agree with the illogical expression. In some point of this world, all of our inventions were illogical, and now are part of our present, and will be part of our future. Don’t being able to understand a person or thought means that what the person is trying to communicate is illogical. People judge others without being able to ask their reasons. I believe that everyone is free to express themselves, of course without hurting anybody.
Illogical expression should be supported. Freedom of expression supports illogical expression. I think that a human being should express however they feel they should express. I declare the right to illogical expression as equal as the right to expression.
Illogical expression is thinking outside the box. Something that may have not been intended to be great, turns out extraordinary. This type of thinking pushes the limits and can result in wonderful outcomes. As long as the intention is not to harm, I support illogical expression.
Honestly, she should have nicer feet if she wants to make a pose like that, with all those bones sticking out on the sides, I doubt that is the pose she should be making. Although it is a very nice art form and involves great creativity and flexibility, she should be posing something else. It is always nice to see someone come up with something, even if it’s small and miniscule, it still makes a difference and shows a lot of emotion towards what you love.
Everyone should believe in illogical expression, without it their would be no imagination and no difference in the way the world worked. The first person to say the world wasn’t flat was felt to have illogical expression, without people like that the world wouldn’t be what it is today.
Illogical expression brings out the real entertainment to the world. If it wasn't for this everything would be a very predictable black and white. It wouldn't allow the imagination to roam free to any place and discover our most creative abilities. I stand for the right to illogical expression more than any other right for it's freedom in its most puriest forms. Illogical expression is of course not for everyone because there are a type of people that exist which are closed minded. May the force be with them. Many Blessings. Je
I believe all expressions are all valuable and no expression. There is no dumb expression and every expression counts. Illogical expressions allow us to have the imagination. Imagination is what makes the world evolve and become a more created world.
Robert M. Pino
Illogical expression is capable only through those who are creative enough to want to stand out and be different or discover something new. It isn't a right everybody will be able to use, but one that every person should be entitled to. Through creativity it can be accomplished. For a person who lacks this characteristic it may be a difficult right to take hold of. But, everyone should be able to show the world what he/she feels and what kind of person they are no matter how absurd. I can see how this right can be taken advantage of. I feel some people try to be so different only to attract attention from the ones they are surrounded by. So they are not genuinely expressing themselves, but instead standing out so much only to be noticed enough. As long as it's genuine illogical expression, I agree with it.
I support the right to illogical expression. Who determines what is logical and illogical? It is us human beings, so if we lack the knowledge of that expression we say it is illogical. However if we are knowledgeable about that expression it is said to be logical. I can remember many years ago I told my friend that we should be able to see the other person at the same time we are speaking to on the phone. She thought it was illogical then, but now it is logical because we have video conference. So I support this right because it can lead to some improvements in technology and cause us to think out of the box as to exactly what that person is trying to tell us. RR
For most people logic is everything. When we act illogical we seem to get the “what are you doing” faces or get questioned for our illogic actions and sometimes ridiculed. However, we seem to be most free when we are illogical. Thus most people won’t experience freedom. Let us be free.
R.A.T. Jr
Illogical expression is an act that comes from our imagination. Our minds think or dream of a new idea and sometimes we act on this thought. The act that is expressed is an illogical expression. I declare The Right to Imagination and Illogical Expression because I believe they co-exist. DH63
I think that illogical expression is in some way connected to the right to imagination because in order to express yourself you need a thought process and you tend to use imagination. So I do agree with this post but I think it’s much more than just illogical expression. VA
Illogical expression can be defined as thinking outside the box, but for most people logic is everything if they do not use logic they think they are making a mistake and later or sooner it will catch up to them. I think all opinions count because we are all different and had different experiences. I agree with other posts the greatest invention at some point were illogical and now they play an essential role in our daily life. I support this right to a certain point where we don’t base our life thinking illogical because logic is also important otherwise this world will be disaster.
This is an important right to have. Those who have created and invented have all let their illogical expression shine to the world. If only everyone would show their illogical expressions, who knows how many inventions, discoveries and interesting things we would see. But I think, like myself, many are afraid of what people would think of them when they showed their illogical expressions. And so they just stay hidden. JENS
I agree to the right of logical expressions, things that we have and use in our day to day life, were invited from someone who used logical ideas. I think with out we would probably not be where we are today, and hopefully the inventions only get better. We need people to come up with better ideas and use more of it. AFF
This is an interesting blog. Since the beginning of time, people's new ideas and inventions were thought to be illogical at first, and then later they can even progress to be very essential parts of life. Who says everything has to make sense?
One of the many wonderful characteristics of the human race is our form of expression. By using our imagination, we open our minds to unlimited possibilities. Think of the dancers who allow the music to guide their movements, intertwining their bodies in graceful and beautiful forms. The artist who associates color with emotions or the photographer who can bring life to an image that would otherwise go unnoticed. Who can say what is logical or illogical? It is a matter of interpretation. Emotions, expressions of human thought, will never fall into any established category. Imagination, with our minds we can break all boundaries. VMR
The illogical expression has always lead to great inventions. It always stands out no matter what and makes us think beyond what is normal. I agree with the right to illogical expressions, because even the most logical thing can be illogical to some. Illogical expressions can be found or created by anyone, it is the art of it that catches our attention. ME
An illogical expression should be upheld and defended, even when not understood. We shouldn't deny another's imagination and the spark that may ignite the next trend of rational thought. JS
I agree with the blog post down to the letter, but the way nearly everyone in the comments is treating the word "illogical" is downright brutal. Logic is starting at some idea and making provable steps until you reach a conclusion! Everyone else seems to think that logic means sitting with your fingers in your ears so you never hear anything new. Some of the examples are just plain wild too. The light bulb? The earth as a sphere? Both of these examples were worked out with the most straight forward, logical thinking possible. In fact, the circumference of the Earth was measured in 240 BC using nothing more than shadows and logic.
Illogical does NOT mean thinking outside the box.
Logical does NOT mean swallowing only what you are told.
I support the right to illogical expression. What is “illogical” to one may be perfectly “logical” to another. The greatest artists, scientists, inventors, and dancers have produced their best works by allowing their minds to express themselves in ways that others may not have understood at that moment in time. To be creative is to be illogical and to allow your mind to reach its full potential even if others do not understand it. -KKP
In my opinion we use illogical expression almost everyday. In my life I always try new way to do certain things differently. For example, at work am always trying to find ways to restrain animals without pain. Illogical expression has an influence in my life and it should be in everyone’s life. Our inventions and technology has evolved from this concept. I think it’s beautiful when a person can express himself or herself. The right to imagination is my favorite right. A person without imagination is just blank and boring in my opinion.
I believe that some people will find logic in anything they want to depending on their experience and background. So this post is tricky because it deals with an individual’s perception thus it is hard to define and be completely clear.
I agree with the right to illogical expression. It allows a person the power over imagination. Without it human beings would not be as evolved as we are today. We need illogical expression in order to entertain ourselves and others.
I do believe in the right to illogical expression. I think that everyone should express who and what they are in any way, shape or form they see fit. Illogical expression is a great way to just let yourself be free and for your mind to be free. I feel you are right about how it can lead to invention and discovery.
I strongly support the right to illogical expression. It co-exists with the right to freedom of speech. People should be able to speak freely without worrying if their ideas are logical or not. This will promote creativity. Who thought that Albert Einstein was a rational thinker?
Illogical expression is a form of expression that truly indicates the feeling it is associated with. Sometimes an individual's actions may seem illogical or uncommon but it is simply a response to a certain stimulus. For instance a beautiful girl may enter a room and a certain male may simply freeze, his speech becomes slurred, he actions lead everyone to believe that he is drunk. This expression is unique to this individual and it indicated he finds someone attractive. It may seem illogical but it certainly makes sense when analyzed in some instances.
I support the Right to Illogical Expression in any way it is presented since this gives the people the opportunity to think unconventionally different from others point of view, to come up with ideas that has not sense but that later on will become part of our future.
I believe illogical expression is just like any other form of expression. In fact, I am not sure if illogical expression does exist. What may seem illogical to one person, seems logical to another. The right to illogical expression is the right to freedom of expression. We should all have the right to freely express our thoughts, opinions, emotions, and beliefs-as radical as they may seem to others. Distinguishing the right to "illogical expression" from the basic right to freedom of expression is a fine line. Who gets to define what is logical or illogical?
I believe in the Right to Illogical Expression. The times when you are alone can be used to think and feel and allow yourself to explore different possibilities. It is this expression that can be shared with others and blossom into something creative. That is a beautiful thing providing you have the courage to do it. DS
I believe in the right to illogical expression. If everything was always logical, life would be predictable and always the same, boring. With illogical expressions, we can bring our wildest ideas from our imagination to life. We can make the impossible possible and this is exactly how we have developed as human beings. AO
I agree with the right to illogical expression. To me it is thinking outside the box, letting your imagination take over. Many inventions started as an irrational idea, and look how far technology has gone today. Who would if imagined instant messages. Illogical expression is the birth of new ideas.
Illogical expression to me means the right to free thought the right to bring our wildest imaginations to life, that means being unpredictable and special. Everyone should be allowed to express their imaginations no matter how crazy or stupid other people might think they are.-RBM
The Right to Illogical Expression is what makes people unique. I agree with GIM with his comment that, "just because something is irrational does not mean it is unacceptable". In history many artists and people have done extraordinary things that in those times was not acceptable but today we appreciate and acknowledge their actions and form of expression. NOBRA
An Illogical Expression can be found in all living things as well as in the buildings that surround us. What is illogical to someone it doesn't necessarily has to be illogical to me or anyone else, not everyone has the same perspective on things. Technology used to be something that a lot of people thought of being illogical a long time ago and with time now we have cell phones, satellite TV, and internet; not so illogical anymore right. Something illogical can very well become very popular and famous in the near future. CMP
Everyone is a expressionist of their own world and what might seem illogical to some, makes perfect sense to others. I also declare the right to illogical expression because the birth of an 'illogical idea' can lead to the introduction and exploration of many others. We all identify with similar and/or different ideologies represented or illustrated in a way many might not understand but if we are open to the idea of free expression a whole new world opens before our eyes.
Is there such a thing as "Illogical Expression? If one does it, then there must be some sort of logic behind it, even if it is to just one person. How do we know what crosses the line from "logical" to "illogical"? Is it illogical for me to go out for a walk at the park and stand in front of a lake and maybe scream, just randomly scream "ahhhh!" because I had a rough day? No. I mean, maybe to you but to me it seems perfectly logical that I should express my self in a way where I can let all the feeling I've kept inside through out the day, out.
Illogical expression expands the mind. It lets us venture outside the walls of normalcy to discover new and wonderful things. I won't deny that logical thinking or expression has lead to the discovery of many things and the advancement of human life, but illogical thought and expression has done so as well. Sometimes you have to "think outside the box" and I'm sure at some point a lot of things that we consider "logical" was actually illogical at the time of discovery. Cbereng
“Logic is in the eye of the logician.”
-Gloria Steinem
Logic: the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference.
We should all think outside the box every once in a while and walk on the wild side. Some of the best ideas people have had happen when human beings are being illogic. For example: Albert Einstein was completely illogical in all of his discoveries, therefore I think it’s safe to say that the right to illogical expression is fine within the norm. Know your boundaries and I believe that you can express yourself as freely as you like. Another good example of illogical expression is the artist Romero Britto his paintings seem to have very little logic to them but someway somehow they work. Nature is never logic, there are so many things Mother Nature does that makes us ask why? But again, it all happens for a reason.
“Logic is in the eye of the logician.”
-Gloria Steinem
Logic: the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference.
We should all think outside the box every once in a while and walk on the wild side. Some of the best ideas people have had happen when human beings are being illogic. For example: Albert Einstein was completely illogical in all of his discoveries, therefore I think it’s safe to say that the right to illogical expression is fine within the norm. Know your boundaries and I believe that you can express yourself as freely as you like. Another good example of illogical expression is the artist Romero Britto his paintings seem to have very little logic to them but someway somehow they work. Nature is never logic, there are so many things Mother Nature does that makes us ask why? But again, it all happens for a reason.
I agree with the right to illogical expression. We all have ideas that makes perfect sense to us but to others its clueless. Without being irrational some of the greatest things we have today in our life wouldn't have exist.
Just because something may seem illogical to one person doesn't mean it isn't logical to another. No two minds in the world are the same; a fact still believed by scientists. If everyone thought the same then entertainment, technology, beliefs and more would not develop. It may he rejected at Tue beginning, as many things when first introduced, but eventually it may be accepted by several people. -NR
The not Tue. Revision
Illogical expressions are those that make you think. That makes your mind explore other avenues. What about illogical is irrational? Illogical to me means unscientific, unfounded; while irrational means foolish, crazy, absurd. These words are not the same. Something illogical and irrational could very well turn out to be rational and logical in many ways. It all lies in the perspective of the person. Math to me is illogical and irrational; to a math wiz it's the opposite. It is human nature to be irrational. Being irrational is what has brought us to the 21st century. As humans, we find doubt in everything we do, we judge too harsh and then call it rational thinking. Being irrational is rational thinking! YYD
Nothing makes sense. for example, my stubbornness towards someone telling me that there's things that make no logical sense.
I agree with the Right to Illogical Expression. It is extremely amazing and unique to express something in such a different yet original way.Without illogical expression all the great inventions would not exist.JP
I agree with “The Right to Illogical Expressions”. Not everything in life makes sense.
9 times out of 10 things you experience on a daily basis is irrational, illogical, and
unexplainable but that necessary make it unacceptable. Imagination is what gives or
gray and white lives color.
I agree with “The Right to Illogical Expressions”. Not everything in life makes sense.
9 times out of 10 things you experience on a daily basis is irrational, illogical, and
unexplainable but that necessary make it unacceptable. Imagination is what gives or
gray and white lives color.
The right to illogical expression is a right open to any individual with creative thinking. Many forms of irrational expressions are seen through music, dance, and art. The idea that one can express through something that makes no sense is genius. Mental handicaps do it everyday. Be creative. Think different...mlv...
Even if what we say does not make sense, it is what motivates us and it comes from within our imagination. It could also drive us into accomplishing great things, and that is why we should not be denied such a right.
M.A. ( Muaath Alheji )
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