I declare the Right to MEES (Most Ecological Energy Source),
whereby all humans have the right to the most ecological energy
available and known.
We attempt to reduce pollutants, toxins, and greenhouse gases.
We search for renewable energy that is capable of sustaining us
without harming us or the Earth.
Everyone has the Right to MEES.
Potential alternative, renewable energies include:
wind power,
solar power,
geothermal energy,
tidal power.
However, it is difficult to implement ANY energy project.
In the United States, there is much opposition to new energy projects.
The website Project No Project lists these, by state.
![]() |
U.S. map of proposed energy projects |
They deplete the Earth of non-renewable fossil fuels.
They infringe on the Right to Shelter/Habitat
and the Right to Life for Animals and Plants.
For example, coal factories pollute
and dam building affects the life habitats of many species in huge ways.
The Sierra Club actively opposes any project of that nature.
But surprisingly, renewable energy proposals also find opposition.
Wind farms have local opposition when they obstruct the open land scenery,
and larger organization opposition, such as the Audubon Society,
when they are adjacent wilderness area.
The Right to MEES is a right for the near future, the 21st century future.
We need to work this out, and we need to implement it.
This involves a lot of collective action and financing.
Both are huge obstacles not only in industrialized nations
but even more so in developing countries.
Governments must provide infrastructure organization and legal support.
Architect building codes and landscape standards
could require ecological features such as
solar panels with photovoltaics (PVs),
and creative solutions like
movable walls that let breezes pass through homes,
and shade from trees or plants that cool homes.
and dam building affects the life habitats of many species in huge ways.
The Sierra Club actively opposes any project of that nature.
But surprisingly, renewable energy proposals also find opposition.
Wind farms have local opposition when they obstruct the open land scenery,
and larger organization opposition, such as the Audubon Society,
when they are adjacent wilderness area.
![]() |
wind farm |
The Right to MEES is a right for the near future, the 21st century future.
We need to work this out, and we need to implement it.
This involves a lot of collective action and financing.
Both are huge obstacles not only in industrialized nations
but even more so in developing countries.
Governments must provide infrastructure organization and legal support.
Architect building codes and landscape standards
could require ecological features such as
solar panels with photovoltaics (PVs),
and creative solutions like
movable walls that let breezes pass through homes,
and shade from trees or plants that cool homes.
This right is supported by the Right to Air,
the Right to Shelter/Habitat,
the Right to Biodiversity,
and the Right to Life for Humans, Animals, and Plants.
Note: This post is not about global warming or its alleged causes.
Better energy is declared here,
because today's sources are finite and damage life and life's habitat.
I cannot say I do not agree with the right to MEES because I do agree, but on the contrary many of these projects do cost a lot of money and we are already in an economical recession. I would be very open-minded to the idea you posted about the movable walls that let fresh air through the house because I love fresh air. Having a tree hover over your home to cool it though it a little iffy for me since than can be somewhat dangerous. If our country right now was not in such a recession right now I think we should be planning a way to get different energy resources from water, air, and light.
Although, I do agree with the right to MEES, I do not think our planet as a whole is ready for it. In our civilization we have the resources and education to implement change. However, in other countries where resources are very scarce, it is impossible to do any of this. In order for this work, it would have to be a collective effort. Even though, it does not hurt by setting the example.
I agree with the right to MEES. I think it is going to take some time for this to really grab the attention of everyone in the world. I think that the only way we are going to move forward in a positive direction for planet is to really start working towards a more realible energy resource. The MEES is defintely on the right track and I hope the powers that be, helps us in moving it forward.
Robert M. Pino
I am extremely agreed with the right to MEES; but I also know we have to be a little realistic and see that the world is not ready for this type of change.
All human beings have to start caring for our planet, even in the simplest thing, we have to understand that this place is where we live, and if we continue abusing the planet, very soon we will be living the consequences.
A change is definitely needed, but it will take time. Once again, as a citizen, we have to take care of the planet, and hoped that the Government comes to their senses and put in practice these changes.
Not enough is being done about renewable energies, the fact that it is overlooked is sad. In other countries like Brazil ethanol made out of sugar cane is a replacement for gasoline. This is something beneficial to our economy and should be put into action in the next few years. The United Sates is not doing enough and should be more worried about the ozone layer and not the obstruction of open land scenery.
We've been warned, we've been told, they've made movies about what would happen to our mother Earth if we don't take care of it. Over the past few years we've seen changes, we've experienced difficult times and outrageous natural disasters that all imply and are signs from the Earth to us saying stop! We need the right to MEES or else the future generations will suffer. If we have the education, resources and freedom to do this then why aren't we pulling ourselves together to do it? We cannot depend on the rest of the world in order to begin a revolution. If we prove to the rest of the world on how we can benefit from MEES it will become known worldwide. We are the role models of other countries, they look up to us, therefore, we need to set the example and be the first to try. NOBRA
I always hear the same comment when it come to the environment "We are killing the earth.". We are not killing the earth. The earth is an amazing planet that will take care of itself. The man made global warming rhetoric is just not true. This planet goes through natural environmental changes on a constant basis. Every year you hear the same comments "It is so hot. I don't remember it ever being this hot.". If it were true, we would set temperature records on a daily basis and we don't. i remember in the 80's the big scare was global cooling. The next ice age was on its way. Every so many years things will change and peopl will find a new scare tactic to find a way to control you.
I believe if we have the education and resources to implement environmentally-conscious changes (be it state laws, federal laws, etc.) then there is no reason not to have the right to MEES. Yes we are going through a recession, however, MEES can create thousands of jobs that many people desperately need. Moreover, it is crucial to think in terms of long run benefits. We need to be innovative and come up with newer and energy-efficient resources.
The Right to MEES is one concept that our planet does not understand yet. for its understanding many years have yet to come and many brave people have to stand for it. MEES does not currently apply to vehicles, we already have fully electrical vehicles but can not use them because is not convenient for the oil companies. I support the right to MEES, now we need our planet to support too.
I believe in the right to MEES. I work in an environmentally enhanced (green building) office every day. It is very pleasing to sit in an office with open space. The lights preserve energy because they only come on when there is movement in the area. This world is becoming environmentally friendly in many ways. Most construction projects that are being built in recent years are LEED certified. In the long run building Green is cost effective. RhW
Tough subject. Until we arrive and agree at what is an acceptable loss of each technology we will not realize MEES. Which is more damaging? Some birds being affected, a sunset blocked, OR pollution of our ground water because fracking can draw an additional 20 years worth of oil out of the ground? Ethanol fuel is an alternative, however it still is a blend of PETROLEUM and sugarcane, AND we burn the cane fields to clear them, contributing to global warming. What about removal of hydrogen from sea water, that technology exists. Because of cost it is not practical. One of the posts mention third world, or developing nations. They have no incentive because they are keeping up with the joneses (US). It is still cheaper to produce gasoline and diesel, or use coal. Do we as individuals REALLY participate properly? Can we? The solutions are out there, but until they are affordable solutions they cannot be applied on a global scale. Do we just agree with the solutions or are we committed to make the changes that the solutions require. Are we all willing to ride the bus, bike or walk where we need to go? “I would, but I can’t because it’s too far away for my bike and the bus doesn’t go there”. Don’t look for the big businesses out there to make a change if they don’t have a reason to. They make too much money. BP spilled oil in the gulf. Oh well, how soon we forget.
To start off, I do believe that scientist should find a way to help the earth and its ozone by finding a way to have renewable energy sources; on the other hand I do also think it need not hurt other species here on earth. Seems like a challenge but I’m sure it’s possible. VA
Agree to disagree. I agree that going green or "The right to MEES" is the way to go for humans, animals and our planet. But I think it's too late to start thinking about other ecological options. Another question is who will fund this? There is a dent in our economy and there is no actual proof that implementing ecological energy will boost our economy, it's just speculation. A good topic to comment on but it can also go grey like our current ecological values.
Chuck F.
I agree with "The Right to MEES." However, I do agree with the above comments that say that we cannot afford it at the moment. I believe that although we are in a recession, we should all make a conscious effort to do whatever we can to "go green." For example, we should try not to leave the lights on in the room if no one is in it, etc. Hanalv
On NPR today they were talking about algae based fuel that is a viable alternative for petroleum. Among algal fuels' attractive characteristics: they do not affect fresh water resources, it can be produced using ocean and wastewater, and is biodegradable and relatively harmless to the environment if spilled. Cost? $33 a gallon. As discussed before. Cost keeps the products non-viable as a MEES. Once cost is not an issue, how will the petroleum companies compete? Lets see. The days of buying out the competition without public outcry are over because of increased public awareness through the right to free media. Lets see what happens in 2014 when cheaper algal fuel starts to hit the market. Then petroleum can be used to produce only the other products we depend on, like plastics, makeup, synthetic materials....trying to find a green alternative for plastics will be a whole other challenge. http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/02/cost-competitive-algae-jet-fuel.php
I totally agree with the right to MEES , and with this government and it’s power’s it can totally change, but to be honest, this country is to spoiled to even make a change. We have to many good luxuries to make a change, even if it’s for our own good. I think saving energy and global warming and hybrid cars is a great start, but we are too comfortable with they life style we live in. AFF
I agree with the right to MEES but I am certain that there will always be opposition with active groups. Even though it is a great way to conserve the planet, it is also very costly and not many have enough to make these changes. Until now, only the people at the top of society will be able to have this. GIM
I am in support of the Right to MEES. There comes a time in a person’s life when you seek after the interest of others than just yourself. It is clear we are responsible for taking care of the assets that are given to us. If that means exploring other means of fuel and power and implementing them, then that is what our focus ought to be. It will cost us one way or another. We must be a people who give life instead of taking it away. This is a slow process however; it can be achieved one person at a time. We must find different avenues for resourceful ways of living in the future. DS
The only reason why this right seems like a dream then it is an idea is because of money and selfishness of the human kind. If there is enough money, humans will still oppose it because many have the common nature to be selfish. If there is no money, then the idea won’t go forward. It is only when a so called “tragedy” (not that they aren’t) happen that human kind will, momentarily, come together to make that problem better or go away. So until the earth does “come to an end” and portray a “Day after tomorrow” scene that effect a MASS amount of humans and their well being, so such movement will take place.
I am with the right to MEES. I am a mother and I am very worry about the future of my children, grandchildren, and the humanity in general. I know for sure it is important to find a quick solution but I am afraid that out there are many greedy people that will not permit such a change.The sad part is that this people have the money and the absolute power to give an immediate solution. Also,I am not so sure about if we could implement new building codes such as putting movables walls in our homes but the idea is good. J.V
I cannot disagree with the right to MEES. We need to protect our Earth. However, research in the fields of Bioenergies are very costly. We are currently in a serious recession, we need to cut expenses and try to better our economic standing before we even look into bioenergy, wind power,solar power, geothermal energy, and solar power. Thus, they are great energy resources, can they promise us they would not be causing harm? Also, will society commit to make that change ?
In my opinion the great majority of Americans want ecological friendly energy sources. Unfortunately, many activist groups like "Not In My Back Yard" (NIMBY) are successfully blocking the development of these renewable energy projects. They manipulate and organize local opposition, change zoning laws, oppose permits, and filing lawsuits eventually delays the projects until the companies go financially broke. Companies, governments, and activists should put all their difference to one side and do what is right for the environment. The world has the right to MEES.
Undoing a wrong requires careful planning and research lest we provoke more damage in our haste to “go green.” Mankind is the only species that forces change on this planet with careless disregard for nature. Careful study is required to lessen the impact renewable energy installations may have on plant and wildlife. To prevent further harm to Mother Earth, we must also focus on managing our waste more efficiently. There are already methods by which garbage and biosolids are converted into alternative fuel sources, including electricity and a substitute for coal. VMR
I definitely agree with this Right to MEES, but i also think that in the places where all this ecological plans can be planted, either there is no money to fund it, or the money is being used incorrectly. The United States and other countries around the world are too worried with other issues that they concentrate their money on their own ambitions, and they do not include saving the Earth. Only a few countries actually worry and try to make a difference, so it will definitely take a long time to actually implement plans that can help the environment we live in. It seems like everybody is too "comfortable" to make a change. ME
I agree with this right but I also think it is a difficult thing to achieve. We have lived a certain way all our lives, and then suddenly we are told the way we've been doing things has affected and is affecting our planet. To change the way of life and the way we build things altogether takes A LOT of cooperation and collaboration between people. Unfortunately I do not think we have that. Maybe I am being too harsh on the human race, but when people have their minds set on one thing it's difficult to change it. I absolutely agree that things should be done to prevent more harm, but like you said projects that are better for the planet are being rejected and the ones that are bad are still being proposed and done. This is something that has to stop, but the question is will it actually stop?
To achieve the Right to MEES current energy technologies need to be perfected for example electric cars (hybrids). Often times the batteries on the vehicles are so massive and heavy they ruin the car (in the case of the Telsa) or the batteries themselves die permanently and cost thousands of dollars. In other cases, such as the Prius, we achieve only 40 miles to the gallon. What a joke! A normal diesel engine could get double that. I hope the world turns its eyes once again to nuclear energy. With stricter implementations and preventions, I truly believe this will be the fuel of the future.
R.A.T. Jr
I think that information should be more available to people about a cleaner environment in the sense of different power sources. Although it is available it is just up to the person to dig in deeper on the topic and initiative to actually convert to a much cleaner power source. LC
I do believe in this movement of becoming more dependent on our environment rather than on all our man made technologies. Of course it is easier said than done. Many of these eco-friendly evolutions are very expensive making it difficult for the average Joe to become eco-aware. Also the fact that our big cities filled with little space and crammed surrounding make it even harder to go along with anything other than electricity and other pollutants. I hope an overall resolution is possible in the upcoming years, for our own sake... mlv.
The right to MEES it’s a great opportunity to start treating our planet better. It is true, going green do costs a lot of money. Remember “To make money, you need to spend money”. In this case to help save our planet we have to invest a lot of money, yes, it is true that we are living some really bad times right now but our tax payers money is still getting invested in highways and government buildings, some investments not need it like the Marlin’s Stadium (all they do is lose) or the new tunnel to the Port of Miami. Instead of using the taxpayer’s money on these constructions, why not use it on ecosystem equipment. In some parts of our state we are already developing techniques and using other sources other than oil, for example: the FPL’s first solar plant in the world located in Indiantown, FL. If a business as big as the FPL is doing everything possible to go green, and Wal-Mart as well, why can’t other big enterprises do the same thing and help the cause. CMP
Mess has the right ideas in mind. It's hard to get a concept like that in scaled size because we have the same companies who are charging us for electricity supporting our politicians (at the same time) if you know what I mean. Florida is actually about to be shaken up a bit! Deregulation of electricity is being spoken of and is in the works. Once this happens, companies are going to try to find new ways to acquire clients. There are already ways to create clean energy that does not harm the environment, it just has been held ransom by those who are capitalising of the current system. Change is in place, solar has made great progress along with wind and fuel cells. Google and other large corporations have already invested in different ways to create new clean energy, some even cutting their energy expenses by 40-60 percent. AAA
I agree with The Right To MEES" but, i have my reserves. Is this program going to cost the country more money. Hybird cars cost 33% more than just a standard car of the same make and model. It seems it takes more money to save the earth. With the recession in this prime i believe programs such as MEES will sunstain many americans budgets.-J.D.
The Right to MEES should be implemented and controlled by our government. In today’s world, with the economy in the situation that it is, this project can create jobs and improve our way of life. DH63
I do have to agree with the right to MEES because of the ecological crisis our planet is going through and I need to add the destruction of our natural resources. But eventhough, ecological energy is good for our planet, since it does not produce any pollution or any toxic waste dangerous for us, we have a bigger problem which is the price we have to pay for it; yes ecological energy is a great idea but is not really accessible for everyone.
I am in support of the Right to MEES. Although we would like to have this most ecological energy source, we often suffer at the hands of politicians who are influenced by lobbyists. Let us look at the rate oil prices have fluctuated over the years, we know definitely that solar power is more ecological because it comes from sunlight and it can be stored at night. However the cost of the photovoltaic cells are expensive and rules out solar power as cheaper, but if we can produce PV cells cheaper then solar power will become almost free because we will be harvesting it from sunlight. Unfortunately a lot of powerful businessmen will lose money and they will not allow this to happen until they have absorbed every penny they can from us. RR
I support the right to MEES because i believe we should appreciate and love our planet earth.There is a way we can coexist without polluting and killing our environment.I know it cost a lot,but it can be done.It's our future we need to invest in it.we need to protect it before it's too late.cjj
I am behind The Right to MEES one hundred percent. The economic depression we are facing now does not allow us to move forward as fast as some of us would like. But I do believe that little by little, we will start changing the structures and energy producing items in our homes and businesses. And eventually people around the world will learn thee ways to conserve energy safely too. JENS
I do believe in the right to MEES. But I think we need to find more effective ways to produce Ecological energy. Sure we can put wind towers and solar panels, but how effective are these sources of energy going to be. Also you must consider that weather is not always constant and many of these energy sources rely on the weather for energy. I think right now that we need to refine and make the ecological energy sources we have more efficient so the world can start to accept them.
Today in society many people do not consider what we are doing to the earth by using up resources because it’s hard to see the big picture and understand how we are affecting this planet. I agree with the right to MEES and I also believe that we need to acquire awareness for the future of our planet. We need to learn how and in what ways we can work with our planet to live instead of using it up to survive. Then we need to accept sacrifices and come to agreements that will reduce as much damage as possible to earth. The only way we can achieve this is if we all think and live as global citizens. This planet is a house for all of us and you have to maintain your house as best you can.
Although I strongly agree with the Right to MESS, I feel like this is a difficult right for our race in general to achieve. We have the right ideas yet we seem to lack the motivation and dedication to helping our own race and planet. I do feel that educating society will help in getting people to participate and make daily changes to "go green" but in order for this right to succeed it has to be a collective effort from the people at the top, middle and the bottom of society. Big businesses reap too many profits to ever decide to make the leap to helping the Earth. This change can happen but it will undoubtedly take a long time to get the ball rolling. We need to be committed to making changes and there needs to be affordable solutions presented to us in order for big changes to ever happen.-KKP
I agree with LV's comment. Although, I'm not opposed to a "cleaner" and more efficient way to produce energy, I do believe that this has all been extremely hyped up. This is all still beyond what modern science can figure and to make such assumptions is ludicrous. I’ll leave my comment as it is since this topic gets me all riled up. Cbereng
I undoubtedly agree with the right to MEES. But in this case, I believe we have to be realistic. Although there are alot of efforts being made to help our environment, there are even more people who simply just don't care. These efforts involve major costs and I believe the people in charge just don't want to risk such a change. To them, money is the most important issue, never mind people's efforts to try to reduce pollutants or to promote any ecological project.
Sadly but truly, it will be long before for a positive change in the environment can take effect.
With all of the progress we have made in technology, we still have a dependency on coal and petrol. The elitists of this world are the ones who stand to profit when industry takes a turning point. When Tesla found a way to make electricity free for all, they squelched his “mischief” and ruined him. In this day of instant information, the elitists can’t do it as easily. So instead, they find ways of limiting our thought on the matter. Fossil fuels are owned by the most powerful people in the world. Those are the same people who stand to lose if as a global civilization we make the change to a newer, ecologically friendly technology. Until we find a way to make clean energy that cannot be fought on some “ideological” political agenda, we will continue to be at the mercy of “big money”. JS
I think the Right to MESS is a wonderful idea, but difficult to accomplish. Of course finding alternative energy would be beneficial,but there alot of money to be put in. ALso, i think the planet has to work as a whole with these projects, because theres no point in having only a select few with alternative energy and third world coutries without.
I agree with the Right to MEES and anything that will help our earth.We should all try helping and doing what is best for our environment.This idea sound beyond wonderful and hopefully one day these projects will come through even though they seem impossible to achieve.JP
I believe that it is important for the world as a whole to do what is in its hands to help The Earth. As it is very understandable, some of this projects are of an extreme high cost, therefore maybe not every project in the list has to be done, but it is important for everyone to help stop the destruction of the earth and the ending of our sources. Looking for better and cheaper ways could be a way to help the place we live in little by little.
I thinks the MEES project is not a question of if its going to happen but when, it could most likely take more than the 21st century, because of all the less fortunate and corrupt countries, but as soon as those countries are able to adapt and change for the better, this MEES project has potential to be very beneficiary for the Earth.-RBM
I agree with the right to MEES. This country is capable on if all. We have the technology, the scientists, and the people who want to put this project into motion. Although we are in a rection, there are still thing that we as people can do to help. For example, turning off the light is no ones in a room; turn off the fosit, if you’re not using the water at the moment. Little things like that could be the start of something much bigger.
I agree with the right to MEES,but honestly I don't think our society is ready for it neither the Country has the capital needed to make it happen, but I believe In the future is going to be essential to survive because every year global warming is increasing and the ozone layer is getting more debilitate.
Nowadays, renewable energy that have been discovered and implemented in developing countries has found many barriers. In these cities, codes and conditions are not designed to sustain renewable energy. To implement this type of energy, it would be necessary to restructure entire cities from the ground up. Additionally, changing energy sources also implies a change in society and perspective. This can take generations to accomplish, therefore the change is gradual culminating in the future. GLT
I think for the most part everyone thinks is a great idea but are we willing to take any action towards it? Currently, people are mainly preoccupied about the economy and holding on to their jobs, making ecological energy sources one of the last things to worry about. It will take a healthier economical situation to start actively contributing to MEES. There is a big possibility that this movement could take place but not for another couple of years. We are surely capable of making the government hear our voices but we need to get more people excited about this idea.
I think that we are ready to change our energy consumption habits. Our global usage of non-renewable resources will one day deplete our means of production and endanger the environment we live in.
I don't fully agree with the right to MEES, because its expensive to try to protect this planet and keeping it clean. Also trying to save energy by turning your AC down or using less water: I feel like its a way to slow you down. I like to do everything good and as quick as possible. If we have all these things that waste energy its because we got money to spend and could afford to pay the bill. H.I.V
We must have the right to use energy only if we use without destroying. Learning how to correctly energize our world around us involes actual care of what happens to things, such as all the humans,plants,and animals. Our benefit will come with the knowlegde of the many ways we can provide sustainable energy for the houses, cars, and computers that we love to have. Never should it be much to ask to do things in a better way for the environment.JE
i believe in the right to MESS but as another commentor posted before, " we are not ready for it". Today most people do not care about what will happen in the future and how to care for the planet. People live in the "NOW" times and will not really put MESS into work until the world is collapsing. NR
The right to MEES should be enforced now. No one wants a bad future for their kids.They should be able live in a beautiful world with clean air,clean water and wonderful views of different species and biodiversity.Do we really want to wait till we get old and see them struggle and not be able to help because we're incapable of helping? We need to stop with our selfishness,the "we are not ready" and just act on the right of MEES for the sake of everything.
Finding unlimited energy is there at our grasp, but money seems to always get in the way. All we can ever need is provided by nature and the sun, all without having to waste most natural resources. Although we have all that for us, we still set it aside for another time and keep wasting what we shouldn’t waste, all for the sake of money.
the post above this one is mine.
I definitely agree to the right to MEES for our country. I think that society should have the option of using ecological energy sources such as: wind mills, solar powered lights, hybrid cars, etc. Our Earth is slowly dying and we don't realize that when that happens, where will we end up? We need to take care of mother Earth as we take care of ourselves.
M.A. (Muaath Alheji)
The right to MEES is something that should have been implemented yesterday! We're a nation where people look at and follow. I agree with many of the blogs where they say it would take time, but we must start somewhere. Why not be the first ones to make the change? It'll be alot harder to implement this form of thinking and living to the current generation, but schools and parents should be educating their children for the future. Children should be educated in a way where energy saving is just another daily routine, a habit. [Ang.]
Even if we did find an amazing renewable energy source, I'm sure it wouldn't be shared so easily, I can only imagine the complications it would take to share it with the world and I don't think it would be that cheap either.
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