Color is a perception.
It is the registering of various light wavelengths
received by the light-sensitive cones of the eyes.
Then the brain analyzes this information
and distinguishes the color.
received by the light-sensitive cones of the eyes.
Then the brain analyzes this information
and distinguishes the color.
![]() |
Your eyes perceive various wavelengths of light as you view this. |
if light wavelengths or the brain's analytical ability could be altered,
if light wavelengths or the brain's analytical ability could be altered,
colors could be wrongly perceived.
Imagine the bleakness of a colorless world.
Color gives life.
I declare the Right to Color.
Imagine the bleakness of a colorless world.
Color gives life.
Note: I stretch the above definition for the visually-impaired
to include color perceived in other ways than through light,
such as through vibration or mood.
to include color perceived in other ways than through light,
such as through vibration or mood.
I declare the Right to Color.
I completely agree with the right of Color. Colors were made to be able to identify and vary objects, and to give a purpose in Life. A so called "colorless" world, would be a sight that I personally would not want to be part of.
I cannot imagine a life without color. It doesn't make sense at all. Colors were made so we can enjoy them, colors gives life to things. Colors are also a way to express ourselves, because if we think about it, the color that we are wearing is the way that we are feeling. I agree with the Right to Color.
I agree grandly with this staement, and I delight myself in the fact that God has given us so many delightful colors that bring joy and peace to my soul. It is trully a wonderful world.
I don't know if I can agree to the right to color. There are many color blind, and totally blind people for that matter, that have just as much life as those who can enjoy the beauty of color. I think it is an added touch that gives a little more "pop" to certain things but i don’t think it is necessary for life. Unfortunately, we all can not benefit to this right.
-Ma Mo
I'd feel as though the world around me would appear more dull and monotonous without the presence of color.
Stefan H.
I never gave as much importance to color as I have today. Color is all over us and it gives life to everything around us, the blue sky, threes, birds, the rainbow, fruits, flowers, cloths, walls in a house, make up, the eyes of a person, cars, love (red) and even envy has its color (green). it is interesting how our moods, feelings and behaviors are affected by a color. Wow! I definitely think that colors are a gift from God. (LCL)
Each color is individual and unique, you can completely alter a piece of art by changing one color. Colors have meanings and feelings attached to them. People change the colors inside their houses to try to change the mood in the house. Studies have been done on the way certain colors affect people---Lauren Franco
Pablo Picasso once said, “Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions”. I believe that color is a language that is so powerful it can express your feelings and emotions. It is capable of changing people’s emotional state because it speaks to who you are, how you think and feel and where you are headed.
I don’t agree that everyone has the right to color, because people who are blind unfortunately don’t have this right. It’s a great blessing for the ones who are able to enjoy this right. Although people who are incapable of seeing colors can’t enjoy this right, it doesn’t mean that they don’t have life.
To refute M. Quintanilla's point, i think blind people do have the right to color. Look at Stevie Wonder or Andrea Bocelli. Sure, they can't literally see colors, but think of the way they feel their music. Their craft in music gives them their own sense of color. To them color is something we can’t understand.
Javier H.
I agree with Javier. It seems that color isn't just about what is yellow, purple, or blue. Color is a form of expression and creativity. Color is what keeps this world from being something bland and boring. Color is self expression. Color is inspiration. Color gives us life. I agree with the right to color.
Color is such a beautiful and amazing thing. It has so much connection with the human eye and brain that most people do not know. It can say so much about a persons mood and even change it very fast. It pretty much gives life to life. How would you feel living in a black and white world?
-Krystal Garcia
Colors have always been around us but the fact that we gave'em names makes them more important and noticeable. Georgia O'keffee painted big canvas of flowers so that people would stop and look and admire the colors and shapes of something otherwise overlooked and apreciated by very few. Colors give the meaning to the phrase life is not just black and white.
Carlos G.
A life without color is like a canvas without paint. Dull, empty, and it has no horizon. The way i view the world is through various shades of color. Through people, animals, architecture, entertainment, food, and yes, even relationships. Even though many people believe that like law, life is black and white, well its not. There are gray areas, and also very colorful areas as well. Color is all around us, even when we dream, close our eyes, even to our expectations.
Alexis Herrero
I agree that color can be an important tool for self expression. For many, it can carry deep meaning and invoke profound emotion. I'd only like to add this: "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye" (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry).
Dan M.
Color is one of the most important distinguishing tools that have as it relates to our senses. Color has helped humans define how much we enjoy life. Over time movies, photos, food, and various products have been enhanced to make them look more appetizing.
I can't bring myself to agree with the right to color. By declaring the right to color, we are declaring that seeing in color is better than seeing things in black and white, better than being blind. We are implying that we should pity those who are not able to see or see in color, as if they had been denied a right. I think that this is a very close minded stance to take.
Color and light is to life as darkness is to death. Can you imagine what life would be like if everything would be in black and white? Everything would be depressing! It's amazing how we associate colors and how it automatically brings joy to our life. Colors impact us in many ways besides just bringing joy to our lives, it even has the ability to change our moods and influence us. Below I have included a link that I found interesting. The site gives explanations on what each color means and how it can impact us.
Yes color gives life,otherwise how would we know what life looks like? I can't imagine life without color...
A. Lazo
Without color, how would a flower appear? Would it still be as beautiful? I believe in the right to color because without it, we would be missing out on so much such as the aurora and the sunset. Etel
Color is what makes things come alive and with color we can immediately distinguish an apple from an orange or a red rose from lily flower. On a more personal level the color of our eyes, hair and skin profiles us to a certain ethnic group, culture or a way of life. Color is a right that our nation has declared and defended, for example in our flag which identifies our nation by its stripes and colors. Henceforth, the term, “show me your colors.” By: LBJR
Having the privilege to see colors beautifies the world around us. We associate colors with emotions and certain objects. While I do believe in the right to color I feel that its something we value because we know it exist. For example someone who is born colorblind does not know of its existence and there for will not be affected by its absence.
I have been the personal trainer of a blind man accompanied by his wife. He used to be an officer but was shot in the back of his head during his mid 20's. My clients life completely made a 360 degree turn. He is currently a professor at Miami Dade. We take advantage of color each day. Being able to see color is a privilege. We dont ask to be able to see in color when we are born...why should it just be handed to us? If that advantage was from us, we would have to learn to adapt to the change it brings in our lives. A colorless world is a world with no feeling. But for others, I see it as a bittersweet gift given to bring them closer to their other senses. Such as my client. In a different light we can even say this occurs to answer our questions of "what would a colorless world be like or even pitch dark?"
My boyfriend is Jamaican and dark-skinned and I am Portuguese and light-skinned. When I think of color I think of us and of all the trials we've had to overcome during our relationship because of people who associate this difference of color with hatred. My point being, color can be quite powerful. -K.A.S
Color is interesting. It is amazing to me that when we look at an object, the color we are actually seeing is not absorbed by that object. It is actually bouncing off. That is what we see.
Sheeda M.
Color is all around us from the time we were born and it is affecting our everyday life in many ways. By becoming aware of the power of color and its effects on our emotions, we can learn how to make positive changes in our lives. The color of your clothes reflects your personality and influences your mood, it also affects your home and workplace."Color is my day long obsession, joy and torment" -Claude Monet.
-Ana DM
Colors are present in life all the time not matter if they are just black or white still they are colors. We normal sighted persons are blessed for having the opportunity of appreciating many colors beauty. For those individuals who don’t have that choice other senses are enhanced that we can’t enjoy.
Each person perceives color in a different way and then those perceptions are reflected to the world in their personal choices. In a colorless world people would lose the ability to express themselves fully. It is definitely very interesting how color plays a roll on the definition of who we are. D.C.R.
The right to color is indeed something most of us can not live without, it bring happiness and warmth to many people. It achieves the right to imagination, the right to happiness, the right to magical and many more rights. Color is simply something that is incredibly tough to do without, although some really misfortune people are forced to live without this right they are simply blocked from many of the wonderful things that can be achieved through color in this life. -J.J.V.
Colors do bring something different for us because I cannot imagine a world with no colors it will be so simple and boring. Because of colors is that we can enjoy beautiful panorama of nature, a photograph, clothes, a portrait, etc… colors are what make everything so beautiful. O.V.
I believe that colors is what makes the earth look so alive. It would be devastating to me to not be able to enjoy the color of a rainbow or the colors in the wild. I have a colorblind friend who cannot enjoy the colors of life and can only see black and white. G.A.
I love the right to color. Without color there would be no Sunsets or Sunrises. Flowers would only be appreciated by smell. Life would be very bland!
Sarah M
What would a life without color be like? Black and white are colors, are they not? Color defines, differentiates, and brings life to objects we see and feel. Without it life would be a very boring one. C.M.A.
The world is not black and white. Black is t he absence of color and white is the mixture of all the colors. The different colors are the different perception we have of life. Colors make life beautiful even the dangerous stuff. For instance, a fire can be destructive but it is beautiful with the vibrant shades of red, yellow and orange. The right of color is basically the right to live in a beautiful natural world.
Angel M.
Life without color would be dull. Our brain activity would seem to have plateaued, thus, there would be no right to creativity sharing. I deeply agree with the right to color in all aspects. When I mean that I agree with the right to color in all aspects I mean with the right to see it visually, hear it, and feel it. Imagine life without color. I recommend watching the film "Pleasantville". A movie based on a life without color. -D.E.C.
"Pleasantville". Dir. Gary Ross. Perf. Tobey Maguire, Jeff Daniels, Joan Allen, Reese Witherspoon. New Line Cinema, Warner Bros, 1998. Film.
I agree to the right to color. The right to color has many values, we use it in everyday life to make us feel comfortable, hungry, calm, angry, shy, love and all kinds of other emotions that we have. Color exists everywhere it can make a kitchen a place where you want to be active such as the color orange or yellow and a living room a place where just want to hang out or relax such as the color green or blue.
Chelsea M.
Colors are what make us see the mood of life. Color is what helps brighten up our days and make us see a different perspective of things. For the visually impaired, yes they do not have the privilege to see color, but the have the opportunity to decipher the color they want to put on their emotion and things they feel. - ABL
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