Something becomes sacred when humans
assign an out of the ordinary, special quality to it.
We like and need things that have this aura to them.
They give us hope and inspiration and life.
Usually, sacredness is attached to a place or thing.
assign an out of the ordinary, special quality to it.
We like and need things that have this aura to them.
They give us hope and inspiration and life.
Usually, sacredness is attached to a place or thing.
Usually, sacredness is related to religion.
An altar.
A sanctuary.
A relic.
A certain object.
A certain place.
There is the sacred tooth of Buddha in Sri Lanka.
![]() |
Temple of Tooth Relic, Kandy, Sri Lanka |
Some believe religious blessing makes something sacred.
Others believe anyone can make something sacred
if it is important enough to them and inspires them deeply.
Such as a sacred moment in time.
Writing can be sacred,
such as the original signed copies
of the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence
under protective glass and low light conditions at the National Archive, Wash. DC.
Can on-line writing ever be sacred?
Could the writing of Sky of Stars blog be sacred?
In different ways most people have sacred items. I agree that everyone is allowed the Right to Sacredness. I do not covet anything or anyone, therefore this right does not apply to me. I believe on-line writing can be sacred, and it may be to some.
I believe some things can be considered sacred to the population. But I also think that there are some things that are your personal property that can be considered sacred. Everyone has the right to consider anything they want sacred, even if other people don't share your belief.
The most important sacred name is GOD, therefore,
every time we mention the name of GOD we should
bow in our thoughts. Every individual should considered sacred what ever item he feels.
Ismael DelValle
I do not think that just because someone or something feels that something is sacred we should think it is sacred as well. I say this because I have a necklace that my grandfather gave me when he passed away and to me that is sacred and I take it everywhere I go. Now just because for me it is sacred does it mean you should too? I don’t expect you to. Everyone has the right to have their own sacred things no matter what it is but us as human beings should respect it and just because you believe its sacred others don’t have to believe its sacred.
As native americans state sacred can be the way of life of a person, because the sacred things you do depict how you might live. as far as i know, on line writing can even become sacred.
When we believe something is sacred we respect it the most. Being able to believe in sacredness allows us to have the ability to the right to religion and the right to respect. I believe that everything is this life has a purpose and certain things have an aura to it. It would be fascinating to visit the tooth of Buddha as it is something sacred to other people. Online writing and the Sky of Stars blog is sacred as it has our feelings and our thoughts on rights. Rights are something we need in order to live in this society. It does not necessarily have to be a church or an ornament that should be considered as sacred. What we believe and want to be sacred can be. Our parents are sacred, our friends, our professors, and even our lives. We need to put in context what we believe is considered sacred.
I believe you can make anything you want sacred. For me, my annual family reunion is sacred, my married is sacred, and my relationship with my siblings is sacred.
Sacredness to me is something that we truly love and will always love. It's wanting something and doing whatever they have to to get it. It is sometimes earned.I think a lot of people have a lot of things and people that are sacred to them. For instance, I believe friends and family should be sacred to one another. Also, I think a partnership or marriage should also be sacred.
Francisco A.
There are objects and things that are hundreds of years old that make them sacred because someone said it was or just because its old. people grow attach to items and call them sacred. I believe everyone has the right to sacredness, but lately I feel that people call every personal item sacred because they love it so much. So, what's not sacred?
I think writing on the internet can be sacred if its an important document.
The Right to Sacredness should not be denied to anyone. I believe we can consider sacred what we cherish the most in our lives.
Sacredness can be an a person, belief or object. I believe most people must hold something or someone sacred to them. Sacredness is a right everyone has. Yes I believe that online writing could be sacred
Marcia P
Something can be sacred as long as we care enough for it, I believe there are no limitations to what can or can’t be sacred. The Salon of Rights can be sacred to certain individuals who cherish what is being said here. Sacredness also connects to respect in many ways, because when something is sacred it has a higher since of worshiping than normal things.
-D. Diaz
In my opinion, sacred is equal to God, the creator, the infinite.
There are many things that "people" can call "sacred". But is the real meaning of the word that they are using, or is more of a personal emotion/feeling/attachment towards an specific religion, thought, object or Idol.
I also think that we cannot state that this blog is "sacred" or sacrosanct, otherwise outsiders will not be allowed to post their comments. :)
I believe that there things that are sacred us but to others it may not be sacred. I believe that it depends of the religion and other factors to consider something sacred. EA
If what we write represents ourselves and if it is really the reflection of our thoughts and beliefs, then no matter the place where it is written, it will always be sacred. GS
Calling something sacred holds a higher importance for some people. It might seem that anything can be called sacred, but just like a sacred moment it the energy that connotes for something special. The sacred tooth of Buddha might seem like a historical building for some, but others will have a different view. Whatever it may be, calling something sacred depends on the person and their beliefs. As for on-line writing if it has a deeper meaning for some, then it could be considered sacred.
Luisa Isla
Yes, as long as we assign value to something it can be sacred. In addition, something is also sacred if it gives meaning to a person’s life. So therefore, it would not be far stretch to imagine that on-line writing ever be sacred. Gary Norris
There are things in life that people hold sacred. Scared things give people that peace of mind in their life even when it seems it can be a little rough.
The way we look at and interpret things is what makes it sacred. If someone’s writing, including the writing found in the Sky of Stars blog, is sacred to us, then it is our sacred writing.
I think that if I ask a Priest, he is going to tell me that sacred refers to God, to the bible, to holy places, objects, times. However for me, my family, specially my kids are sacred, a diary could be sacred, so why not online writing or even this blog!
Laura R.
I think things can be kept sacred as long as the proper measures are taken to keep it that way. If one thinks that just by proclaiming it to be sacred will keep it sacred, then they may be in for a surprise.
Eddie M.
Anything can be a sacred object. Thats something I find so cool. It might be tacky and childish but I have a lucky pencil. Its not sacred for religion but its important and means something to me. A sacred object I also think is like prayer, you don't have to display it the way everyone else might think but as long as it does something for you, then its sacred.
Sacredness means many different things for different people. The right to sacredness is the right to hold on to something that is special and meaningful. Personally, I find my love to be sacred.
-Nicole Chaplin-
The right to deem something, someone or some place sacred lies within ones own beliefs and thoughts. Calling something sacred is a way to connect with a feeling, a point of reference.
Things and places can be sacred and yes they are different for all of us. To me places that allow me to have peace are sacred. We live in such a fast paced life so a place that allows me to slow my thoughts down, relax, think and just be are very sacred. Some example of those places would be my home, church, the beach, and my car.
Ann Marie
I practice Catholicism and there are images that are very sacred to me. We adore images of our lord Jesus Christ, our holy Virgin Mary and many other saints who represent our faith. But have had experienced discrimination from other Christian denomination followers by criticizing how we Catholics adore images of our lord which is unacceptable. I respect other peoples' religions, temples, images, tithing that they consider sacred so I expect for the m to do it as well. GIL RO
The right to sacredness is personal. What one person finds sacred, someone else may not. To each is own. Due to the fact that the majority of people find something sacred, we shall always have this right.
I believe that we should all have the right to sacredness. We each tend to have something that has a special value whether it is connected to religion or a piece of writing. Having this right allows people to connect with themselves and others. I do think online writing can one day be sacred. As long as it is meaningful then why not. -v.p.
Our beliefs/values and the people, things, places that personify them are held sacred. More sacred than the actual writings on this blog are the values they represent.
Sacredness isn't only tied to religion. It's also something dedicated to a person or object. I agree with Francisco. Anything you believe is sacred to you, its sacred. To me, my family, friends and gym are sacred. It's something that's important to me. It's what I value. My family and friends because they are my support system. I go to them when in need. And the gym is a place where I can release any stress and just relax and it will get me through my day.
Anything set apart or dedicated for the service of worship of a deity or entitled to reverence and respect is considered sacred.I cannot agree that on-line writing and the writing of sky of stars blog be sacred since it bears no relation in any way to the meaning of the word. Whatever we write means a lot to us because it is our valued opinion, but as far as being sacred I think that is exaggerated.
It is also sacredness that draws society to be part of an event. The Sky of Stars can be sacred if the comment or blog that is posted becomes meaningful to the recipient. P.L
It is important to recognize that an individual's sacredness is often verified through association with an established sacred place or object. How will we react if someone is trying to carry away something that is precious to us? These things might not seem significant to others, but are significant to us in every way. We should not devastate the belief of someone.
Anyone can call whatever they choose sacred, if it is in fact sacred to them. It can be a thing, a ritual, a routine, a belief or a way of life. Frankly, its no ones business but your own --KB
I totally agree with Epsy. I Couldn't have said it better.
In my opinion, everyone has something they believe it is important enough in order to make it sacred; it can be a relationship, a place some symbol and most commonly a religion related thing. Therefore, I agree with the right to sacredness, and I think this is essential for some people in order to express what they really care and believe.
I do not think that writing online could become sacred someday, because there are too many people writing from differents points of view. I think that in order to be sacred a thing should be more private and have a purpose in common.
Claudia B,
When someone says that something is sacred, to me it means either something of a religious value or something that was dedicated with a purpose. I don’t think that everything out there is considered sacred to everyone. Everyone has their own opinion of what is sacred and important to them. As I believe that on line writing can be sacred to anyone, if they chose to believe that is of an importance to them.
Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.
Anything can held as sacred. Water, mountains, stones, articles, animals, objects, perceived beings, or even words can all be sacred for one person or another. Sacred is that which is the object of adoration and awe. The term comes from the Latin sacer meaning restricted or set off. A person may be designated as sacred, and so can an object or a place which is regarded as extraordinary or unique. It is important to recognize that an individual's sacredness is often confirmed, or at least enhanced, through association with an established sacred place or object. Association is the process of forming mental connections between sensations, ideas, or memories.
Sacredness is an association to a person, place, or thing that is unique to the extent that it really holds value so much that it becomes priceless. It can said that it is extremely important and a necessity to life for that individual. Its value can be shared amongst others or it may just be individual.
Sacredness can be anything a person wants it to be. Yes, this blog could be sacred if a person wanted it to be.
Sacredness lies in the eyes of the beholder. I may think something or someone is sacred, but another person may not agree. It does not mean that something or someone is or isn't sacred. We each have our own opinions, but think and perceive differently. E.S.
Everybody has a different opinion to what they consider to be important. I believe that if someone classifies something as sacred, we should respect that decision.
Something being sacred or not depends on each person's individual consideration. What might be sacred to one it is not to another, but we all have to respect others points of view.
We consider things to be sacred when they do provide this ‘aura’ or a cultural aspect. It’s not just any thing, its things that hold a meaning or considered historical, something important to a person. – D.T
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