All plants,
for whom I speak as these life forms cannot speak for themselves,
have the right to life.
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Jasmine flower and sky |
Indiscriminate cutting, pruning, or harm to plants is unethical and immoral.
May all plants have the right to life.
Unfortunately, in the hierarchy of beings,
plants are the underdog,
after humans and after animals, forgotten and ignored by most.
Without eyes, legs, brain, heart,
they are such a different species than us.
Furthermore, they are defenseless.
We need to change our perspective on how we view them:
manifest destiny and conquest of the wild are 19th century ideas.
Plants are life
and we are co-dependent with them.
We must coexist.
More on the Right to Life for Plants is here.
Unfortunately, in the hierarchy of beings,
plants are the underdog,
after humans and after animals, forgotten and ignored by most.
Without eyes, legs, brain, heart,
they are such a different species than us.
Furthermore, they are defenseless.
We need to change our perspective on how we view them:
manifest destiny and conquest of the wild are 19th century ideas.
Plants are life
and we are co-dependent with them.
We must coexist.
More on the Right to Life for Plants is here.
I agree with this comment. Plants have the same right to life as animals and humans. I think that killing plants should be only for survival reazons.
Claudia B.
Plants have had and will always have a key role in the history of life on earth. They are responsible for the presence of oxygen, which is needed for most organism. Besides, life on earth depends on plants. Humans, like other animals, cannot feed themselves. Directly or indirectly, what we all eat comes from plants.
Patricia Delgado.
plants need to exist so we can exist. plants give us oxygen for us to breathe, its our main life source, and plants make the world beautiful, how can we cut something beutiful?
Plants and trees are the reason why we breathe. They transform carbon dioxide into oxygen. As we cut them down we are cutting off out oxygen supply. We are also causing many problems in the world like global warming. Canopy trees give us shade in the forests which day by day are being cut down. These plants might not seem so important but they are the most important thing in this world. The supply homes for many animals from small species to big species. These plants and trees have the right to live and to evolve into something better.
Plants have a right to exist as any living thing. We all need plants and trees as they give off oxygen which we use to breathe. We have to plant more trees and make sure that for every tree cut down we plant two more. Plus flowers are very beautiful and will bring a smile to any person that gets a beautiful flower or plant.
As our population grows, these areas that house some of the most beautiful sites of nature become more endangered. Although unfortunate, these habitats do provide various commodities such as lumber, food, fuel and medicines.
Eddie M.
To start, plants are very important to all living beings. They provide nutrients and minerals, which are vital for survival. Plants help decorate the Earth. Plants have the right to live, but they also have the right to be used accordingly.
It is unfortunate that plant life seems to be the underdog. Because, every creature on Earth that cannot create its own food must ultimately consume something that can. In other words plant life. It is important that plant life is not overlooked. It holds a much greater meaning to our global life then any one really realizes.
-Nicole Chaplin-
Plants do have the right to life the problem is they are so beautiful us humans use them as gifts and decoration.
Gaby R.
The right to life for plants is a vital one. We have seen the devastation that occurs when plant life is not treated with due respect - soil erosion resulting in mud slides, deforestation resulting in global warming, and the list goes on. People are slowly catching on and those who can afford to are purchasing land to preserve it, but more needs to be done so that short-sighted money goals and corporate profits do not outweigh the value and integral role plants have on this planet.
I think we should coexist with all forms of life. People are quick to forget that we couldn't live without plants. If we get rid of them all, we wont have oxygen to breathe and not even water, since water IS part oxygen after all...
Plants are vital for our existence, if we keep deforesting we are going to become extinct. Plants give us oxygen and carbon dioxide, they provide medicines, make our houses beautiful, we depend 100% on them. Laura R
Every living creature deserves to live, doesn’t matter what size their brain is or if they have arms and legs. Plants are creatures that are very intelligent though, they move towards the direction of the sun, and some people say that they have the ability, like animals, to sense when something bad is going to happen. Just because plants are at the bottom of the food chain doesn’t mean that we have any right over their life, they should be respected like any other living creature.
-D. Diaz
Plants produce almost all of the oxygen in the air that humans and other animals breathe. Plants are a source of food that make life possible for us humans and animals. Without them some nutrients in our body will not be acquired. Plants should definitely have the right to exist in our lives.
Plants are the only reason the earth is inhabitable. Without these necessary organisms life as we know would cease to be. They are our food, medicine, air, and shelter.
I agree with this blog. I believe that plants are extremely important to our planet because the majority of our food comes directly or indirectly from plants. It plays an extensive role in our water cycle on earth and about 25% of chemicals found in prescription drugs are from plants.
humans have always regarded plants as important,we've know for many years that they are essential for animal life, but since the industrial revolution we've turned a blind eye and thought industry more essential for life( and maybe it was) and now that we've bit her breasts until they bled a hole in the ozone(allegedly) we start caring about nature again.
This is our planet and we only get one. I believe that finding ways to preserve our forestry and green life would benefit our future as humans. Trees provide oxegyn and cutting them all down would probably not be a good idea.
It is true, plants are constantly being ignored. Plants provide us with so many benefits and yet many of us misuse them. We should take care of our plants and educate others on them. We need plants and they need us.
I would have to agree with most of these comments. Plants, trees and animals are our main supply for survival. If we wouldn't pay any attention to these things than might as well go on not living. These are the basic things in life that keeps alive. I mean think about it. Plants give us the oxygen we need to survive. Anmials provide us with the food we eat.
I agree that all plants have the right to live. Plants provide us with a lot of resources for our daily lives, they clean or environment and many medicines, vitamins and food come from plants, now as much as we need them we should do more to preserve them and to make sure they don’t disappear, us and big corporations should do more to protect them as much as we use them.
Plants are a very important part of the food chain. Without plants there would be no animals, and without animals there would be no humans.
Aimara Ors
I also agree with this blog. All plants should be protected and well taken care of. I’m totally against deforestation. If for any reason we have to cut a tree, then to compensate, we should plant two more in another place. Plants are needed for our survival, let not sabotage our own well being. GS
Plant and animal species are the foundation of healthy ecosystems. Humans depend on ecosystems such as grasslands, and ancient forests to purify their air, clean their water, and supply them with food.The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that losing one plant species can trigger the loss of up to 30 other insect, plant and higher animal species. Plants should have a right.
Plant life is suffering mostly because of the affects of human activity. We chop down acres of trees to make room for more building construction. We have all lost a sense of our connection to nature. How every species in this world coexists in the same globe, but some humans have distanced themselves from this notion. Overall trees do give us oxygen, an amenity we cannot life without.
Luisa Isla
I think plants get so neglected because it seems that we have so many of them in our planet, which we do. However, one shouldn't think about plants as one species. There are many plant species that are becoming extinct because of our carelessness. We should take care of our environment, or suffer for our decisions later on.
--Rosa F.
Plant plays a fundamental role in our ecosystem, without plants humans would die. With respect to Indiscriminate cutting, pruning, or harm to plants being unethical and immoral am not too certain about that. I do believe that plant have the right to survival but I think when we start saying that Indiscriminate cutting is immoral is a bit extreme. Gary Norris
Did you know that in the small alpine nation of Zurich it is mandated that “Geneticists conduct their research without trampling on their plant dignity”? It seems Swiss scientists without care has created modified rice, corn and apples. The question that arose was this; Did scietists ever stop to consider just how humiliating such experiments might be to plants? Apparently a 22-page treatise on the “Moral Consideration of Plants” was published.
Decapitation of wildflowers at the roadside without rational reasoning is immoral!
Ann Marie
I totally agree with this right. We need to protect our environment. Plants should have the right to life just like humans. Just because plants are a different species, does not mean that their life is less important than any other species. Plants are vital in this world.EA
Without plants, we cannot exist. Plants are one of sources of oxygen. People are constantly tearing down plants to continue constructing without realizing, how important plants are to our habitat. Unfortunately, plants are not very cared for but should be. People need to realize the importance of having plants in our community.
Plants are important and do have a right, but as long as humans exist, and continue to exist, let's face it plants will have to make way for humans. It is as simple as that.
People harm plants day after day without realizing thanks to them we exists. Plants make up the beauty on earth. Although they are ignored for they do not have a voice to defend themselves, plants should be respected as we respect other human beings. Plants protect us from harm. Plants allow us to live. Without trees, we would not survive from the suns rays. Without certain plants we could not have remedies that cure. Without grass, animals could not live. Plants are important for our survival and of animals. Plants have the right for life. We need to protect their lives, in order to protect ours.
Plants are an important factor for the survival of human beings. We cannot cut down or remove plants without effecting the environment. Humans need plants for their properties in oxygen, medicine, the ecosystem, and also as a mechanism for human consumption. P.L
Many humans sometimes forget that plants could live without humans, but humans need plants to survive. We often cut down and destroy plant life such as forests. By doing this we are not only killing plant life but additionally many animal and insect habitats are ruined. On the other hand, I believe in natural means for medicine which in this case, may kill plant life but in a smaller quantity. -v.p.
Plants are an important part of our ecosystem and should only be harm when is really necessary.
Since plants are defenseless, it is the duty of humans to make sure that plants live on. If they don't, we are basically digging our own graves.
If people continue to harm plants on the planet, the food supply for many humans and animals will begin to reduce from the damage done to plants. Some people do cut down trees to have the substances they want all the time; however they do not think how many population in the world will die because of the absence of oxygen. They must stop them to save a lot of human lives and as well as those beautiful plants.
Plants are the most important part of the cycle of nature and without them there would be no life on earth. They are the primary producers that sustain all other life forms and they are the only living organisms that can produce their own food. Animals depend on plants for their supplies of food and without plants animals would not exist; hence, humanity would not exist. Another importance of their value is the process of photosynthesis, which is accomplished through plants and is what keeps the earths balance with oxygen supply, carbon dioxide and water. One last factor of importance is the medicine that is created through plants needed for the control and cures of diseases and conditions. We must coexist and use plant life as a human resource of necessity only. Humanity has proven to take advantage of plant life by believing that it is unlimited and treating it this way by its unnecessary destruction. An important lesson in life that should demonstrate to humanity of the future possibilities that can occur in our entire planet soon is with the country of Haiti and their negligence. If one looks at a picture of the country of Haiti and Dominican Republics’ borders, you see the plush green on Dominican Republics side and brown empty land with no plant life in Haiti. Isn’t this enough evidence to scare us of the possibility of human extinction?
without plants we are doomed. plants is what provides us with oxygen, food, clothing, medicine, housing, and decorations.
Plans should have a right to life and because of plants we have life. Plants produce almost all of the oxygen in the air that humans and other animals breathe. Plants are also an amportant source of food, building material and other resolurces that make life possible for Earth's animals.
Every living thing should have its cycle in life.
Ismael DelValle
Plants are the most important part in the cycle of nature. Without plants, there could be no life on Earth. E.S.
I have to admit that I really dislike plants. However, I understand that plants are extremely necessary for several reasons such as: oxygen, healthy life style, or even the pleasure to look at them and enjoy the view.
Plants were created for our benefit and purpose. If there were no taco bell/mcdonalds/burger king etc. we would all be eating plants. They have the right to life but like everything else in the food chain, it's life must come to an end at some point. -- KB
Plants are probably the sole reason we still exsist on this planet. They provide oxygen, food, energy, creation of soil, and shade from the intense sun. They have the right to life because their destruction would mean the end of all life on land.
Plants are very important and we need them for medicine,food, oxyen,and to make each other feel better when we are down. We must take care of the plants, so they can continue to take care of us.
We humans do harm plants for purposes of wood, medical remedies or food but we do live in a ‘Circle of Life’ and need to coexist with several aspects of life to survive. Without plants we destroy animal habitats like the rainforest and we humans cannot live since we do depend on them for oxygen through the photosynthesis cycle. – D.T
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