Everyone shall have shelter.
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Homeless man with dog, Oregon, 2010 |
Up to 2 million people are homeless in America.
California has more homeless than any other state in the U.S.
followed by Texas, New York, Florida, Nevada.
The city of Los Angeles has the largest
number of homeless persons ---
estimates up to 50,000 people or more.
In January, 2011,
the National Alliance to End Homelessness published a report:
State of Homelessness in America 2011,
with current data about people living without shelter.
California has more homeless than any other state in the U.S.
followed by Texas, New York, Florida, Nevada.
The city of Los Angeles has the largest
number of homeless persons ---
estimates up to 50,000 people or more.
In January, 2011,
the National Alliance to End Homelessness published a report:
State of Homelessness in America 2011,
with current data about people living without shelter.
everyone deserves the right to shelter. everyone needs a home and i think no one really thinks about homeless people.. maybe they feel bad for them but i think its time for people to help them out.. everyone needs a home to feel safe in.
I always hear negative comments about homeless people like why dont they get a job instead of drinking and using illegal drugs. But yet those people who often critisize dont stop and help those in need of a hand. This reminds me a lot of the movie "The Blind Side" which is about a homeless boy who is picked up by a woman (Sandra Bullock) and her family. The family helped him better himself and I think that is what more people should do.
We all have the right to shelter. Shelter does not entirely mean a roof under your head. It means protection and love. Shelter is something that should be treasured because not everyone posses a means of shelter. It really is sad to see how there can be so many homeless people. Shelter is something that can also be taken away by certain tragedies. That is why we should appreciate what we have everyday. We do not only have this right. But every being has the right to shelter.
Every person has a right to shelter. Some people may not have the resources and that is why the become homeless. But we should all try to help and get them to shelters and even when you have that extra plate of food instead of throwing it out you can always take it to that homeless person. They will be very grateful.
Through my years of practice I have come across a few homeless people and I learned never to underestimate their intelligence. I have found they come from a variety of backgrounds and educated from Ivy League colleges to people who were never offered a chance in life. In my experience many of theses people have psychological problems that out society ignores. Either way everyone should have the opportunity to shelter. A lot of the homeless migrate to the south where it’s warmer (notice the states Nevada, California, Florida). I have found upon reading that it depends on what city or state you live and if it supports social assistance programs if your taxes will contribute to this cause. I am all for assistance programs for the homeless because they offer housing, job training, and family assistance. Think if you have to sit out in the rain, could not bathe, didn’t know where your next meal was coming from and were sick and could not receive any medical care. It is time for all of us to pay forward and try to do good deeds you might learn something. Remember it is not all about you!
Ann Marie
Everyone should have the right to shelter; we all share the right to a decent standard of living. Although I think many people have the misconception that a decent standard of living is Bentleys and Mansions. The truth is that, the right to shelter may mean that a homeless shelter is there decent living. We can all give a helping hand, and try to help but at the end of the day there is so much that we can do. But regardless of what you and I do, everyone deserves to sleep with a roof over there head and a pillow under their head. The right to shelter is in many ways the right to safety.
-Nicole Chaplin-
People end up as homeless for diverse reasons which sometimes may not even be their own fault. Those people are constantly judged without having the right to protect themselves, when that happens they also loose their dignity. To conclude the right to shelter is fundamental to life even for reasons that goes beyond survival.
No one should be denied the right to shelter. Unfortunately, the world we live in today is very judgmental. We only see the exterior; we do not worry about the reason why people are homeless. I know of many cases, that the person was successful, had a family and a home but lost it all due to alcohol and drugs. These people are alone and need a helping hand. For every one person that is taken off the streets, a more beautiful world this would be. We need to pay it forward. We all have been blessed but neglect to see our blessing. No one should be denied the right to shelter; it should be a right to help those people less fortunate than us.
Everyone has the right to shelter and the sense of security that comes along with it. Something as simple as a roof over your head means a lot to any individual. The weather can cause a great amount of danger to anyone and even more if they are unsheltered.
-D. Diaz
Everyone should have the right to shelter. Being homeless is not easy, they put their lives at risk in the streets everyday.Majority of these homeless people have health issues that are not treated. Therefore, I believe that we all should have the right to shelter. EA
It is really concerning that there are around 50,000 thousand people without a home or a shelter in USA. In my opinion we all deserve a home, a place to live, to feel secure and safe. This is very sad topic because I always think about the millions of people around the globe that are now in the streets, struggling for food and care. Specially children who are deliberately abandoned.
There are many reasons for homelessness, but one thing is clear - the homeless need a hand up, not just a hand out. Beyond economic factors there can be mental and physical obstacles that require more in depth assistance than just shelter, but shelter is a first step in providing necessary assistance. Shelter allows the homeless to focus on improving their situation so they can thrive, rather than putting all their energy into physical survival. The right to shelter is imperative.
I think we all have the right to shelter although it seems almost impossible to find a shelter for every homeless person. The post mentions a few states that have an abundant amount of people without shelter. However, I do think we live in a country of opportunities where we all are exposed to shelter but it is up to our determination to fulfill this need. There are homeless shelters across the country. –v.p.
Everyone has the right to shelter, but how do you let it get to the point that you are homeless. Is it that some people just don’t care how they live? Is it just that people are afraid or embarrassed to ask for help? E.S.
What this left homeless, there are so many cases I think never to judge another, everyone can manage to live on the street, the road is long, very often before he does not drink, but to keep the Suddenly, Alcohol can affect how you think and how you feel. In small quantities, alcohol may make you happy, relaxed and confident. But in too large quantities it can lead to feelings of sadness, grief and anger. not to think he drinks too much. Nevertheless people are out of this hell "The trick is not to drink alcohol. Alcohol, t'endort it. Do not sleep at night when it's cold, you should walk" By period of extreme cold, people pay more attention to those who sleep outside, then there are lots of traps in the street
Human being cannot live without proper shelter. Having a nice night all the time means you are warm and comfortable. I believe that unreasonable housing has an essential part in altering the way people live, and limiting their choices. We must have a place to rest our body and minds, and also defend us from the sun, rain, wind, cold, heat, and storms ect... At this point, you can see how homeless people become more anxious for shelter.
Everyone has the right to shelter. My father always told me, "Son, no matter WHAT you are going through never be without food on the table and a roof over your head." It is so important to have a little piece of something to call your home, your nook, your heaven. I have often times seen many homeless people while I drive around the streets and think, "I wonder what their story is like?" Yes, you have those who choose to be vagabonds but there are others that weren't given a fighting chance. As a society we must establish programs that can help these people get back on their feet. Whether it's teaching them a trade or re-certifying their educational certificates. Everyone has the right to produce for themselves no matter their condition. Their is always something that person can do that can bring food to their table and maintain a roof over their head. All I know is that times ARE very hard. People left and right are losing their jobs, and you never know if the next panhandler is going to be YOU. Be compassionate, be humane, and be sensitive to others. We are all in this together one way or another.
Everyone has the right to shelter, but recent times have skewed the way we look at "shelter" and what that means for "homeless" people. What we really need to be focusing on is what is wrong in the current system that there are so many homeless people wondering the streets?
This is not just a problem shared in America, but a problem that spans the globe. I believe that everyone has the right to shelter but also believe that people should not expect anything and need ot work for something instead of looking for handouts.
200 years ago man was able to live off the land by forresting, growing crops, and building cottages. Why coulndt land be sanctioned in each state where homeless could go to simply "live off tha land" like in the past. Tents, cabins, fresh fruits and vegetable gardens and chickens. This could solve a plethora of issues and would seperate those looking simply for handouts and those trying to make a living.
First, we all are responsible for our fellow Americans being homeless. Second, the problem with homelessness is the lack of effort from us who are not homeless. We have to remember that we vote for specific politicians. Then these specific politicians raise taxes, cut jobs, and help add to the destruction of our communities. In short, we must research our potential leaders and continue to encourage our neighbors.
Everyone deserves the right to shelter. Even if they don't want to ask for help, because they feel embarrased. There should be enough decent housings for the homeless, supported by the government.
Sometimes, it isn't a person's fault that he or she is homeless. They might have suffered hardships or lost their jobs. For this reason, it's really easy to put the blame on someone, but rather than blame others, we should all help however we can. Shelters should be made that not only aid the homeless, but put some responsibility on them to maintain it. This just might be the motivation and opportunity they need to turn their life around.
Everyone should have the right to live somewhere except the streets. We are all children of God and we should be treated equally. Just because someone lost their way around, doesn't mean they should be punished by living in dire situations. I agree with the previous comment. This is motivation for them.
first off, i agree that everyone should have a roof over their head instead of a cardbord box. the way these homeless people live on the street sends out a message to our children as well as teens that this could happen to them if they do not pay attention in school and play their cards right with the decisions they make.
Shelter is a right that everyone is deserving of having. I am not familiar if there are any government programs to help the homeless, but if there isn't, I'd be willing to donate or have it taken from our taxes to create more shelters and help the homeless get back on their feet. Some of the homeless are people who are "screw ups" in life but there are a lot that just ran into some bad luck and didn't have any family to help them out. In conclusion, everyone deserves a second chance, so let's give the homeless a place to stay.
The right to shelter should be a principle of our
live, provided that the homeless people are not
drugs users. This is a major problem in America
drugs finished homes and family life.
Ismael DelValle
It is devastating to see someone without shelter or food in our nation. Some people are more concerned with purchasing the latest car than offering cash to the homeless. There are many reasons why people are homeless whether for economical or psychological reasons.In addition, it was reported that 1 in 4 homeless are veterans. So how can we neglect some one that fought for our nation?
I believe that everybody has the right to shelter. I have visited many different countries where I had everything and people didn't have a roof over their head. To me that is a very sad. I think that everybody deserves to have a roof over their head.
We all most definately have a right to shelter. I think mainly because as human instict our paternal insticts overpower us when we see homeless people around us. Many of us don't know their situation or their story, that person could be carrying a treasure deep inside them. I think it is our responsibility as a community and a people "One Nation Under God" to exercise the right to shelter to others. -- KB
It is so sad to see people homeless in a land of opportunity. Everyone should have some type of shelter. We need to help stop the epicdemic of homelessness not just in the United States but in the world.
Everyone should have the Right to Shelter because there is no worst punishment than being without food or a roof to protect you and eventually living in the streets could cause danger to other people. Giving them shelter, support can help them get back in the right track. I think Politicians should destinate more funds to help homeless people instead of cutting them. Laura R.
I have to disagree with Laura R. Most homeless citizens have chosen that life. Giving them more funding will do nothing but perpetuate an already bleak situation.
According to the well known psychologist Abraham Maslow, in order to become a secure and productive person, one has to satisfy the first human needs which are the basic physiological ones and the need for safety and security. Knowing that you have a place to keep you safe gives you a sense of stability and protection. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen to everybody. The lack of shelter for countless children in many countries, have led them into terrible lifestyles, full of drug problems and vandalism among other dreadful things. I agree that we have to pay it forward and help the ones who can not make use of their right to shelter. Communities will become better. GS
I would rather not comment. I have too many opinions of which I would rather not share. lp
The increasing rate of homelessness is staggering in the United States of America. Citizens need to take a firm stand against these conditions. Only through our understanding in god, institutions, and the government will there be a reduction to this shortage of shelter.P.L
I remember the first time I drove downtown and saw the side streets lined with homeless people here in Miami. I thought to myself how crazy it was that in MY city so close to where I live, there were countless people sleeping on the side of the road. I have never been one to give money to the homeless because I strongly believe in working for money but there should be some support for everyone to have shelter. Some cases are different of course. Some people lose everything out of tragedy and others just didn't have the will power to work hard in life. I only support giving shelter to one, so I guess I'm against the right if the obligated shelter is coming from my tax money. People should work hard to care and preserve their life.
It is sad to see a person homeless, I believe that everyone should have shelter. The choices we make today determine how we live tomorrow, some people made bad choices or encountered a series of misfortune and end up being homeless. It is our duty as productive members of society to help those who are misfortunate. Gary Norris
I think that you get what you earn. Don't get me wrong, I totally think everyone should have the right to shelter, but there is no reason why someone should be homeless. Unless you are physically or mentally handicap and unable to provide for yourself, you should be able to work towards what you want to achieve in life. The situation you're in reflects on the actions you have done to change that situation. --Rosa F.
I work in downtown and the number of homeless people that I see wandering the streets is crazy. Most are battling some form of addiction to drugs. Sometimes you hear the craziest stories of why they are asking for money. Granted there are probably a few that have really fallen on hard times and can really use the help, but I feel that the majority are out to mainly freeload off of the working class. To me, if you have all day to stand around and ask for money, then you should put the same amount of effort/time into trying to get yourself clean and trying to find a job.
While there are times that I wish I could have the means to pick up a bus full of homeless people and give them a new chance at life, here is a quick story to make you wonder if some of these people really want help...
Some co-workers and I are going to lunch at the McDonalds right next to MDC Wolfson campus. We always see the same homeless people working their corners. We had with us a new secretary for our firm and since it was Christmas time she wanted to help out one of the homeless people seeing as she's never seen anything like this. As we walk into the McD's, the homeless guy approaches and asks for a dollar. The secretary pulls out a 20.00 bill and jokingly tells the guy to not spend it on anything bad. this guy snatches the 20.00 bill and says "Don't tell me what the f*** to do with my money b****" and walks off. (True story)
The majority of homeless people do have an addiction to drugs, alcohol or even both. However this is also a mental illness. These people are sick and we should not judge them. This can happen to anyone of us or someone we love. There are also the people who have other mental illness not only addictions. But lets keep in mind they are people and do desire shelter.
Marcia P
Everyone should have the right to shelter, but sometimes people choose to refuse it and that also increases the homeless population.
It is very sad how many people do not have a place to stay. I believe choices they made led them to it but I also believe we can help.
Gaby R.
With all the richness in this country there should be no one without shelter to call home. It is known that many of these individuals have lost everything because they have drug or alcohol related issues. However, there are many who have served our country and due to this have not had mentally capable lives. There families have possibly abandoned them due to frustration that came from a lack of education and support. Additionally, there are those who have no known living family members. Perhaps they moved from a different country and are now stranded here with no means of communication. Before we all assume that they are all in this situation because they want to be there and that they do have choices, we need to open our minds and especially our hearts to them.
It seems the most logical thing in the world to believe that the natural resources of the Earth, upon which the race depends for food, clothing and shelter, should be owned collectively by the race instead of being the private property of a few social parasites.
It is really shameful, the number of homeless people in America. The US can get involved in solving problems in other countries, but they can not solve the problem for homeless people in our own country. What about their rights? They should have the right to shelter.
I believe that everyone should have to right to shelter. We all need a place to protect ourselves from the cold, rain, heat and storms. I agree with the previous comment, the US is so involved with trying to help other countries and their problems, but have completely ignored our own.
I believe that everyone should have the right to shelter. We all need a place to protect ourselves from the cold, rain, heat and storms. I agree with the previous comment, the US is so involved with trying to help other countries and their problems, but have completely ignored our own.
Respect for our fellow man should never deny the right to shelter for anyone. Everybody, in my opinion, should have a place to lay their head in peace Social status should never be a question.
I agree with the right to shelter because nobody knows when is going to need one. There are many circumstances in which people loose their home or family.
Claudia B.
i've known a lot of bums in my day, some deserve to be helped , and some don't, but how can you tell which one. it is a problem with no solution, at least for the present bums, the best thing we can do is to try to stop future bums from spawning- thats how the government thinks , i think. but seriously there is no solution, it is really one of those things we have to become accustomed to, like pollution.
Due to circumstances there are many without shelter. Take for instance the movie ‘The Pursuit of Happiness' or 'Homeless to Harvard.' I believe we as humans take things for granted like a roof over our head and judge when we see someone without shelter not knowing the circumstance they're in. It may be the easiest thing to do but not the right thing. - D.T
Shelter being one necessity that all individuals require in order to stay safe and free from harsh natural occurrences is obviously important. Although not all individuals have the privilege of having a roof over their heads, they should not feel miserable. Shelter can be obtained through simple effort, our ancient ancestors had to live in tents and caves I believe we still have that ability to live in nature.
Nobody wants to or deserves to be without shelter. We all have need of it. As children we depended on our parents to provide a shelter for us, but when we become of age we have the responsibility to provide for ourselves and our children. Unfortunately some of us find our selves in a homeless situation. Whatever brings us to this state should not be judged by anyone unless we know the circumstances. Whenever those of us who are fortunate to have a shelter cross the paths of someone who does not have one, just being able to help should be a privilege because who knows what our fate could have been.
I believe that we as Americans have become so comfortable with seeing homeless people on the streets, we don't take the time out to ask ourselves....what if that was me? And what can I do to help?
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