When available through technological progress,
everyone shall have the right to genetic modification (GM) of future offspring,
limited to the prevention of life-threatening diseases,
such as Down's syndrome, Tay-Sachs syndrome, cystic fibrosis, and Gaucher's disease.
However, at this moment of writing,
I do not have a position on genetic engineering to prevent aging,
because it conflicts with my position on the Right to Age.
Balding, wrinkles, arthritis, pain, dementia --- elements of normal aging---
may be found to have specific and easily-modified DNA locations.
But adding 50+ years to the life cycle would re-position life's phases
(childhood, puberty, retirement, etc.) and increase world population,
thus requiring monumental changes to both society's institutions and attitudes.
On the other hand (no pun intended for a GM 3-handed human),
these technologies
"will allow us to escape our human limitations and evolve beyond our dreams."
"will allow us to escape our human limitations and evolve beyond our dreams."
Something about João Pedro's words move me.
Still, ordering offspring
like a burger-to-go-have-it-your-way
like a burger-to-go-have-it-your-way
wrong, odd, destructive, and false.
Is this our evolutionary choice?
wrong, odd, destructive, and false.
Is this our evolutionary choice?
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future offspring |
I'm on the fence, partly, on this one
regarding GM for age prevention or offspring qualities.
regarding GM for age prevention or offspring qualities.
Which side of the fence are you on?
I do not know if I can agree with Genetic Modification. It is part of our lives, and I do not think that we should change that. How can we interfere with what God created? It was mentioned that we can prevent our offspring’s from having down syndrome and other horrible diseases but isn’t that related to being able to pick the sex of our baby or the color of their eyes? I am not too sure how I feel about this topic. If I had the option I would want to prevent my child from a disease before they come to this world but there are too many issues to review first.
Im all for it. I think that Genetic Modification can help those with disease and other problems to have a chance (even a second one) at a normal, pain free life. Population increase would present a problem but the pros out way the cons in this regard.
I'm on the fence as well. I think it can benefit a lot of people, but on the other hand I agree with the first post. We should all have the life God gave us and live it the way it should be lived with no modification whatsoever. It kind of seems unrealistic if you think about it. People being altered isn't really something I think I can agree with 100 percent.
If genetic modification can prevent diseases and any other health conditions I would be on the side of its use. It is horrible to witness or hear of the many individuals who suffer daily due to sickness. This could end many problems such as our issues with medical care advancements and availability. This would then open the right to access to a full healthy life for every human being on the earth.
if genetic modification prevents diseases then i am all for it. who wants to be sick or ave a horrible disease like Cancer? i do not. life is all about trying things out. why not try this out? live a little people!
-Michelle :D
Genetic modification of our offspring is a very interesting topic. Preventing life-treating diseases is very appealing to me seeing that I have taken care of many people either fight disease there entire life or die at a young age because of it. Now being able to pick the sex, eye color of your unborn child is a bit extreme for me. Population increase might cause a bigger problem then we can handle in our society.
Ann Marie
Like with most things it would be a choice, and judging by how most people feel about it now when the choice is ultimately given many won't choose to do it- even when it's for health reasons.
If weed is legalized it doesn't mean everybody is going to roll a joint.
I think Genetic Modification is a very complex and kind of creepy issue. There has to be a lot more research on the effects on DNA alteration. I think we should accept nature the way it is now and have a healthy lifestyle to prevent any future sickness. GS
Genetic modification should only be used to help prevent life threatening illnesses. It is not natural for someone to be genetically modifying their offspring's DNA. As a society we need to make sure that these types of things are controlled and not misused. This can benefit us in many ways but it can also harm us.
GM in my opinion should only be used if there can be a life threatning disease in the offspring. Other than this reason i do not agree on GM.
Genetic Modification works for me if it's limited to life-threatening diseases, but not too sure when it comes to aging. I am afraid that if we start interfering with genetic alterations we may then add problems to what we already have, seeing that we played no part in creation.
I think the human body is already the way it is supposed to be and a genetic modification will only mess with the balance of it and the balance of our position as part of nature.
Genetically modifying offspring to be less inclined for having a life-threatening disease is the only ethical route. Parents want what is best for their children, but modifying them for any other reason seems selfish. Having a healthy children is more important then external factors, like choosing the type of hair or eye color. Same for age prevention; there are just some factors that would go against human nature. But more research on genetic modification should be performed before any procedure is done to secure that it is safe.
I am on the fence also, if this could cure certain genetic deceases, I am all for it. In contrast, if this will be used to satisfy the material needs of people then I am against it. We have a tendency to think that nature always gets it correct, but that is not always true. Whenever mother nature gets it wrong, as in the case of birth defects, it is our duty as humans to correct these flaws as best as we can. To be honest, I just do not know enough about the subject matter to have a concrete conclusion. Gary Norris
If Genetic Modification could really limit life threatening diseases then I am 100% on the supporting side of the fence. It is hard to watch someone you love be trapped inside of a body full of pain and suffering. As far as preventing aging I do not agree. We need to experience all stages in life to fully understand our life. Yes, that means we need to have grey hairs and wrinkles. It is all part of life. So if genetic modification can eliminate diseases then let’s embrace our grey hairs =)
-Nicole Chaplin-
I don’t completely agree with Genetic Modification, I mean, if it’s used to prevent kids being born with diseases, or any deformities, I agree with it, I support it 100%.
The part I don’t agree is age prevention. We don’t have the right to choose who lives longer or who doesn’t, or to stay young forever, we humans have a cycle of life that it should not be altered in any way.
God created human, earth and earthly things to function in a certain manner. God gives life, who are we to change the life cycle that God has planned for us. An individual has the right to do as they please even if it means to alter their life cycle. I do not think this is right thing to do.
This right is pretty hard, because if GM is to find a cure before an offspring is born, that is great and I am all for it. But if this is for vanity reason like to prevent aging then I strongly disagree with this right.
These technolgies, "will allow us to escape our human limitations and evolve beyond our dreams."
This is a very interesting quote because it brings up 2 very good points subtly; 1- we are limited by the way the religiou world has traditionly viewed the science world and 2- we can live to learn and understand the forces and energy around u and the knowledge that is beyond our capabilities at this time. It is time to move forward with our ears tucked back.
No one is perfect, so why try to make the "perfect" child. Stopping diseases is one thing, but stopping the aging process is another. Watching people suffer and having access to stop it is great, I would never stop anyone from trying to help others. But age is natural, everything occurs in cycles. Life and death, day and night, high tide and low tide, dry and wet, without a rhythm to life is it worth living?
To start, I am for change that helps the environment, society, or any other progressive attribute. I agree that a person has the right to do anything that they are capable of doing. I am not sure that the human race weighs all options before making some decisions. I am completely against altering the perfect cycle of life that we are given. I embrace progress that is natural.
I think society should take an appropriate control about genetic modification in order to exploit its benefits and diminish its harms. This is a serious debate of the morality for me.
I agree 100 percent with GM when is used for medical reasons. In the other hand, I do not think we have the right to use GM as our evolutionary choice, because it might represent a big threat for humanity.
Claudia B.
João Pedro's comment is interesting, but we will have human limitations as long as we are human...or does he want to be superhuman? If people design their children then the differences that can only be created through a natural process will be lost. Consider pure breeds vs. mutts - pure breeds often suffer from ailments and issues that mutts do not. The search for genetic perfection resulted in genetic defects. GM requires far greater understanding than we know, and untold complexities would have to be thought through for the sake of the planet and all living things on it.
18 years ago when I was 4 months pregnant my Doctor told me my son was going to born with Down Syndrome and I don't know how many more diseases, thank God he was born normal, but if it would have been the other way around and I would have had the opportunity to prevent it, I would have chosen Genetic Modification.
Also in reference to the Right to Age, I think is a personal choice, as long as they don't have to suffer from major illnesses I agree with grays and wrinkles. Of course in both cases we have to analyze the pros and cons of the decision.
-Laura R
Genetically modifying the DNA of an individual for medical purposes in my opinion is something good; but I believe that we should be able to draw the line when it comes to modifying to create the “perfect” baby.
-D. Diaz
If future offspring can benefit from genetic modifications then I do think we should have this right. However, there are natural remedies which might do the same as the genetically modified foods without chemicals. –v.p.
I believe that every person should eat properly and, you will not have any type of illness.
Starting with breast feeding and no junk food at
all, I do not see, why you have to be modified
Let's forget about it, Mr. Albert Einstein said,
God do not play dices with Nature.
Ismael DelValle
For millions of years people have been born and thru aging have died. This is what we are us to if we start altering this by using Genetic Modification who knows what will happen?
Gaby R.
I am not sure if the pros or the cons outweigh each other, but I am a firm believer that everyone has the right to live a healthy life. Consequently, overpopulation may be the initial problem but I am sure we will also come up with a resolution for it.
i am on the fence with this right as well, there are pros and cons about this topic. but i can't seem to a side where ithink its appropriate or not. i just know that we genetically modify way too many things already should we continue with this?
I'm undecided with this right. In one hand, everyone should have the right to live free from disease. On the other, we would be violating what God originally intended for us. We would be interrupting the natural order of life. D. B.
I do not agree with it, it's completely wrong. We are not and cannot be God and because we are not perfect something will always go wrong, there will always be a glitch and thats a great risk to take. Why cant everyone just let life be in it's natural God-purposed order? --KB
It is simply part of the nature of mankind to want to be better, stronger, healthier, happier, and capable of achieving more. On the other hand, some things are better left unaltered. Change is not always good.
Yes, I agree with "KB" we should just leave life the way god created it. If we alter it we could create something worse than what we already think is bad.
Technological advances help doctors and researchers find what is in our DNA already. Offspring is monitored through sonograms and the idea of genetic modification is a decision that is in the process. Altering DNA for genetic change will take sometime for an actual procedure or agreement.P.L
This topic is a little complicated. Medical technology is advancing every year but it doesn't mean that everything will work as expected. Having this new genetic modification seems a little skeptical to me. I'm not sure if this procedure will prosper in the future. Therefore, i don't agree with genetic modification at this time. EA
I think that this takes away from the natural process of life. What makes a person is what they have in the mind and heart. If that's no good, then the person will be no good regargless of what they look like.
Eddie M.
I guess I'm going to have to fall under my 'old school' mind set...We were not placed on earth to play GOD. Life is a gift that is given in a specific manner. You aren't meant to "special order" how your child should turn up. It is not healthy for us to cross the line between scientific improvements for health versus wiping out specific genes all together. If they were there from the start they are not to be meddled with. Everything in life has a purpose and WE are not meant to decide which ones stay or which ones vanish.
The right to genetic modification of offspring can be a very controversial topic for the fact it has many pros and cons. In my opinion, it is okay to modify an offspring to help people or animals save their lives from terrible diseases, for instance no one wants to suffer because of a disease or loose a loved one because of such horrible thing.
Genetic modification of our offspring is a very tough topic. If you prevent life-threatening diseases you raise population and the average human lifespan increases. This then causes our cost of living to go up. Unfortunately in my opinion it is a part of life for people to live long healthy lives. It is also a part of life for some of us to die from diseases and other natural causes. In regards to being able to pick the sex and look of your baby, it would hurt our race. I feel we would have a very common look. Their will be little uniqueness to our appearance. Just imagine how upset you were when you showed up to a party and someone was wearing your same dress or shirt. Now imagine walking the mall and everyone had light blue eyes and wore a size 0 pant. In my opinion this would not be healthy to our society. ES.
I think everyone should have the right to GM due to prevention of life threatening disease but not ageing. If we’re formed to last a specific amount of time with stages in areas of our lives it’s for a purpose and humans shouldn't have a right to intervene. – D.T
Genetically modifying your children is like playing god, but in order to evolve our species further we must eliminate life threating diseases. -ND-
If we could genetically modify our offspring without any chance of failure or negative result then why not? I would rather change a couple of genes than live a life of pain with a child who is ill. As a species we have been modifying ourselves for centuries already. We were never happy with ourselves or each other "as is." We dye our hair, shape our eyebrows, change the color of our nails, skin and everything. Tanning changes what happens within our body but on a much smaller level, however, we are familiar with the effects. If genetic modification was the same way and proved effective in a more positive world and future, then why not?
There are good things and bad things for everything. Note the risks and benefits, make a choice and move on. lp
I am on the side of the fence that respect those who participate in creating new things for our benefits. The humanity has been altering their everyday lives in many aspects, like; food we get on the groceries, by modifying their sex, and more. In my opinion, there is nothing we can do to stop the society for adopting these ideas. As long as the science and specifically the genetic engineering step up for the advantages of human's life. I give thumbs up for GM.
Much like the people who have previously commented, I'm all for genetic modification of offspring when it comes to fixing genetic mutations that lead to diseases. I'm even for it when it comes to aging. We all have the right to be disease-free and live a little bit longer if we want to. However, the drastic "designer baby" processes, I'm completely against. One doesn't have the right to choose how their children are going to look. --Rosa F.
I am completely against Genetic Modification of Offspring due to the fact that I do believe reproduction should take place by it's natural process.
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