If you can't define art, can you make a right for it?
Philosophers throughout history have defined art differently:
Philosophers throughout history have defined art differently:
Plato says in the Republic that the arts are representational, or mimetic copies,
Gadamer defines art as the "experience of meaning",
Gadamer defines art as the "experience of meaning",
Croce as "expression,"
and Adorno as "social" representation.
Some have said art cannot be defined:
Wittgenstein didn't believe in a definition of art,
saying that the definition itself would stifle artistic creativity.
Artist Andy Warhol thought art was life itself.

Without coming up with an definitive answer to What is Art?,
I declare The Right to Art.
How do you define Art?
Art to me is the right to express yourself through the paintings. Sometimes by just painting people show their emotions.
I think it is an individual's subjective representation of everything external and internal.It is not "life itself" except for the artist, who lives off art. Art is always subjective,even if it is trying to be objective by not preaching or sneaking opinions in, it is still being written by an individual,a self, so that means the definition of art is also subjective.
Art is creative communication in varied forms between the artist and whoever experiences the art. Art's mediums are as endless as imagination. It is communication between consciousness and subconsciousness, internal and external, real and imaginary. Art is everything and anything.
I agree with Andy Warol. Art is life itself because art is all around us. its in the clothes we wear, the furniture we pick, even putting on make up is an art. i believe that everyone should have the right to art because art is a way to express ourselves, a way to free our minds and as Andy Warhol once said: Art is what you can get away with.
-Michelle Morfa
I agree with Michelle. Art is anything you make it. You can have different opinions on what art is. Some people find blots of pain art. Its an opinion. You can express art in various ways so there really isn't a right definition to what it really is.
I believe art is more than paintings, sculptures, and music. We are all artist in our own way. Art is defined by what we do best.
Marcia P
Art receives inspiration from nature which then displays itself in our life, and it cannot be constrained into one medium. Wittgenstein is right, there should not be a designated definition for art. Art is a complex structure; collapsing if rules or notions are added to define it.
I never gave much thought to this, but after reading some of the posts, I believe art can come in as many forms that can be imagined. In Art, the possibilities are endless. Now my questions is, what is your way of expressing your "art"?
Art is a way to express anything you want to express.
I would have to agree with Croce and that it is an "expression." We all view art and what it is in different ways to express our own individuality. For me art is the beauty within all things whether living or material. I see beauty in paintings, sculptures, philosophy, musical instruments voices, people overall, animals and all of the environment.
I think art is a way to express feelings, thoughts or mood, through music, poetry, paintings, scuptures or any other way...zulima alvarez
Art is a form of expressing ones emotions. Art can be many different things like music, painting, poetry and more. Art speaks the message that the artist is trying to unleash.
Art can take place through so many different mediums, not just what is conventionally thought of as art, like painting, poetry, or dance. Some people can turn teaching or even stock broking into an art, through their passion and technique. Perhaps, art is just passion channeled through a medium.
Art to me is the creative expression one depicts according to our feelings at any given moment. It can be in many forms. Art is in the clothes we wear, the make-up we use, paintings, music, even in our form of writing. It's anything we consider to be appealing to us in any level. D. B.
Art is a means of communicating our ideas and feelings about everything. The 12 point font found in a textbook is art used to inform the reader about a certain subject, while a exotic feather shows are ways male birds communicate to a females and let them know they want to mate.
Art is hard to define because all artist are different. I describe art as a medium that is set aside to reveal ideas through sculpture, painting, music, etc. P.L
Art is our inner creativity expressed in different ways. I think with each piece of art we all take a different meaning from it. I do believe that art is the experience of meaning. If 100 people looked at the same piece of art we would all walk away from it with a different meaning becuase it relates to everyone differently.
-Nicole Chaplin-
It is hard to define what art is. I picture art like a tattoo,it can be meaninful. Art can be expressed through culture, they way people dress. Art can be drawn to show character. This is how i define art.EA
Art can be what people can make with their hands. Art can be when you look at the earth and realize the magnificent things God created. Art is looking at people and discovering what is within them. Art is exploring. Art is education and philosophy. Without Art there is no life.
Art seems almost impossible to define. Art can be considered a painting on a wall, the architecture of the Sagrada Familia in Spain, the graffiti on the brick wall on the side of the road, or a song by your favorite artist. Art can be anything that has meaning to someone since it is a form of expression. -v.p.
Art to me is a method to express yourself and the way you feel about something. Art gives the possibility to be who you are or what you want to be. Overall,it is something special and meaningful.
I belive art is expressions from individuals in the sense that expressing their creativity from the mind allows others to be inspired themselves "to be", create, or imagine the life around them.
art is whatever you want it to be. its just a form of expression and that we have a right too.
Art has been the best expression that we human have. Although we need to of free spirit to be like Pablo Picasso or Salvador Dali to really say
the beauty that is inside in us.
Ismael DelValle
Art is everything, art is painting, is a sculpture, is music; art is present in every aspect of our lives; art is the way an artist expresses his view of the man's nature, is the way he expresses his emotions. Laura R.
Art is in our every day lives. Many people consider art as a way of expressing themselves. I define art as a way of being.
Gaby R.
Art is so wide, it is an expression that can be placed on a canvas and yet can be taken to the bedroom.
I'd say art is all of those things. We don't need to define art because it happens in so many ways and sometimes we cant keep it from occuring. For example, an incredible sunset. It was painted in the sky beautifully on its own, and then maybe from that someone made it into another work of art...because they could. :)
Art is somebodys perception of life or comment on it.
Art is everything that we see and do.
-D. Diaz
When one hears the word "art", one may immediately think about paintings or sculptures. However, art is all around us. It can be in a song, in a book, and architecture. Art can be anything that catches our eye and holds our attention, even if just for a moment.
--Rosa F.
I define art as a personnel expression. lp
Art comes in many forms: It can be painted, spoken, listened to or even just imagined. For me art is the expression of the soul, the way we can change the things we don’t like and make them better. Art is love. Art is peace. Art is my son’s smile. GS
Art is whatever we do or use to express who we are. Gary Norris
I think there is no better way to express what you feel than threw a painting. This is of course, if you know how to draw. Threw one's paintings, sometimes you can clearly see one's emotions and this is why famous painters always sticked to a form of painting. Different styles represent different moods.
-Jeiner P.
I agree with Andy Warol, art is life itself. Art is a form of communication an expression of ones feelings and thoughts. When I look into a painting, I feel what the artist was trying to relate. The message at times, is very clear.
I think art is anything we create as a mean of expression.
I think art is the expression of some feeling.
Claudia B.
"Art is a science and science is an art"
I can define art as a natural creation, composition of colors, Illumination, sculptures etc.
I define art as a way of life. Art is life in its purest form. It has no boundaries or limits to categorize it in. It is free to personal expression, belief, and interpretation. In this case, I find myself viewing everything as art.
Art is a free, self-expression of your personality, imagination, and creativity. It cannot be defined, it cannot be explained.--KB
I believe that art can be defined as the, expressions, train of thought and creativity of an individual.
I like the definition of art from Gadamer because I don’t think I am artistic. I have to say when I was in Paris I enjoyed the fascination everyone shared with me over the painting of the Mona Lisa. Anyhow, I know I do enjoy art and I feel art can be expressed in many ways. I always felt it was an uplifting experience that is why I define it as being enjoyable. Art is a timeless, impossible to define expression of one’s self.
Ann Marie
Art is someones creativity. Art, is a way of life and without art, we wouldn't have all the beautiful things that man have created.
Art is when we use our skills to create something that have an effect on others.
Aimara Ors
Whether it's a song, a piece of art, a song, a book or poem (this goes on) it's an expression or feeling that comes from the artist. We are all artists and the world is our canvas.
Eddie M.
By describing art as a way to express, communicate our emotions and ideas, from one person to another we see the world frames in art. And those expressions, ideas can get different forms and provide for different intentions.
Art is an abstract concept that cannot be defined in a set of words or prescribed sentences. It varies in form, nature, and shape. It also changes depending on who is creating, participating or observing it.
There's no 'one' set definition. It would be like defining love. There's no one exact form. Art is a type of representation of life, sometimes based through experiences like Gadamer states. – D.T
Art is self expression.
Art is an expression of whatever is on your mind, could be a song, can be a painting, a poem. Feelings are a beautiful inspiration.
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