Everyone may disagree.
Philosopher David Wong has argued that,
"since some serious moral disagreements are inevitable...
a commitment to peaceful and non-coercive relationships
with persons with whom we disagree" is needed.
Wong uses the term accomodation for this action.
He says "we should also try to learn from others,
compromise with them, preserve relationships with them."
Read more in his book Natural Moralities.
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Sculpture by Emil Alzamora |
"since some serious moral disagreements are inevitable...
a commitment to peaceful and non-coercive relationships
with persons with whom we disagree" is needed.
Wong uses the term accomodation for this action.
He says "we should also try to learn from others,
compromise with them, preserve relationships with them."
Read more in his book Natural Moralities.
Accommodation ...? Understanding people around us, learning from them and persevere in relationships in general. Perhaps, there are some individuals that as much as we tried to understand it will always be almost impossible to agree.
Patricia Delgado- B47603040
Compromise is always good; both parties give a little and gain a little. With respect to the right to disagree, as long as you are exercising you right to disagree there is almost no room for compromise. When a person agrees to a compromise, he or she gives up their right to disagree.Gary Norris
There might be people in which we cannot stand but they always need respect. People have different personalities and sometimes some personalities crash. The perfect example is my stepdad and I. He and I are very strong and like to have the last words. Arguments between my stepdad and I are almost endless unless my mom interfears. But even though we argue I respect him for who he is.
I agree with this blog. Everyone should have the right to disagree. Disagreements are often taken the wrong way. People should realize that everyone thinks differently and therefore we will not always agree about everything. We all come from different cultures and backgrounds, so there are bound to be disagreements. We should respect each others opinions and beliefs even when we disagree.
People look at disagreements as controversial, but in my experience I've learned that it is another way of looking at a person's perspective on things.
Compromise is the base to a good relationship, whether it is friendship or with a significant other. It is what shows the other person that you care about what they believe in, and in the end shows them respect.
Everyone has a different way to see things, not everyone thinks the same way, that’s why we have the right to disagree, we come from many different cultures and we all have been raised different as well. What not most of the people do is respect others’ opinions; here respect plays a major role because without respect there is no communication.
That is the beauty of democracy, where every person have its own right to free thinking and
the right to be different and disagreed with any
everyone has their own opinion and many people disagree, but thats how we form good arguments.
Definitely! One should have an opinion of their own. Its completely normal and right to disagree on something you don't believe in. We all have different thoughts and disagreeing is a way to show our differences.
Everyone should have a right to their own opinion. If someone feels that they don't agree with the idea, answer, or what ever is going on at the present moment, then they should have the right to disagree. Nothing should be forced upon anyone else.
You should be allowed to express your opinion although it may not always be the same as someone else's. I think we all have the right to question and the right to disagree. From doing both we can learn from each other and share our knowledge. -v.p.
It is in our nature to disagree with something we do not believe is right. In a relationship with a partner or even a friend, there should be disagreements in certain things because we do not all think the same. Imagine a relationship where there is no disagreement and there is always an agreement with everything that surrounds them; that sounds very robotic to me. Disagreement helps build a relationship in the sense that a couple can teach each other their opinions and their thoughts towards any discussion. Compromising is always good to a certain extent. But if your compromising to not fight because there is always a disagreement, then that is not a relationship. Your thoughts become hidden and your voice is just left to be forgotten.
David Wong is right, disagreements should lose its stigma of having no empathy.Disagreements towards the treatment of others or certain beliefs are inevitable. Everyone's opinions of a certain matter should be taken into consideration even if it does not coincide with your beliefs. Without disagreements our society would be a one shade hue that might retrain others while empowering the rest.
One definition of accomodation is adapting between people to decrease hostility. I like it and I dont think you give up ones right to still disagree. We are all different people and think differently and thats a great thing. I think different opinions help a person to grow and learn from others. Accomodation helps preserve peace. We need more accomodation right now in the world.
It is so hard to agree with some people out there but again each mind is a world of its own and that makes the world an interesting place to live. Zulima alvarez
We all have different core values, and different views from others in all aspects of life. By having the right to disagree, we can learn, and just agree to disagree.
D. B.
Disagreements are a natural and healthy process to be worked through in a respectful way that encourages really listening to what the other side is saying, and not responding in haste. Disagreements are also an opportunity to ask why the other person is taking a particular position and opening your mind to understand other viewpoints - and maybe even learn something new.
Agree with Wong. It is to our gain to overlook an offense or as simple as a disagreement, that way we preserve friendships and our own peace. Anyway, no one will ever change unless they WANT to change and somewhere someone has to tolerate us too (I know I'm not easy). You give and you take. --KB
Compramising and disagreements go hand in hand. Not every person will see things from your prospective. To disagree with someone shows that you have a mind of your own with your own views. No one likes a follower we like leaders. Most people look at disagreements as a bad thing but I think it is a way to test your knowledge.
-Nicole Chaplin-
I agree with Mr. Wong completely. We will be of different views but we must be of one mind, and that is a mind towards peace even with those with whom we disagree. I heard it once said that every man is mine equal that I may learn from him.
Since the United States is not under a communist government, the right to disagree is a green light. We disagree and agree to different situations, not everything we agree to makes sense, when we disagree we are allowing our opinions to be voiced and considered.
Disagreements are always necessary so people can state different points of view.
If everyone agreed on the same things then the world would be a very boring place. I agree that we should have the right to disagree.
Yes, we are all different. Different customs, different foods, different mannerisms, different languages, but not so different that we cannot get along with one another.
We have the right to disagree. Different views and opinions on things has led humanity to solving problems and create great things.
Most people disagree on issues that present themselves everyday. I agree with the philosopher in this blog because he knows a resolution when this happens.P.L
I agree with Wong, we all can learn from others but unfortunately we all don't have the intelligence to listen and admit we are wrong.
I believe that no matter how much we try to listen and understand people, no one really will understand or agree all the time. EA
Everyone has a right to disagree because people have their own opinions. If we would all agree on the same thing all the time, we would get bored. That’s why opposites attract. But in relationships, we need to compromise; if we don’t then the relationship will not make it.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Not everyone is going to feel the same about everything, and thats quite alright. Opinions just have to be heard, understand, and respected. "Treating people like you want to be treated,' always made a lot of sense. Even works if you disagree. GP
Through disagreements we make progress. Agreeing with the right to disagree.
Taking the time to listen and understand the view of others is important. It helps to recognize why there is a disagreement in the first place. The right to disagree should never be challenged or compromised. It is really our right to express ourselves.
I agree. Disagree with others is a way to respect their ideas and just stay with ours.
I do think this is a legitimate right. Disagreement is just another way to teach others and grow and learn.
Disagreement is the path to the progress. Every society had show an internal disagreement before a great change took place.
Aimara Ors
The right to disagree is the right that I already feel I own. I will never agree just to please others. I will always give my honest opinion when asked. I feel since I have owned this right and demonstrate it in my personality, those who know me will trust and value my opinion more.
Well first off I would like to clarify that disagreement is when two or more individuals have conflicting ideas, positions, or beliefs. Therefore I would say I have the right to disagree, I will not "accommodate" others to please them, but I will listen to what they have to say as long as they back it up with evidence. Accommodation should be a last resort only for when those who disagree cannot use proper etiquette. People in disagreement should not continue pointless debates, and should not accuse the other of deviation or corruption.
I am exercise my right to disagree, whether it's agreeing to disagree with someone, or starting a full out discussion with them. If there's an idea I do not agree with, I may not always express my disagreement, but I will, and have every right to disagree.
The right to disagree allows people to express their thoughts and opinions in a unique manner. In addition it gives the opportunity to people to accept others in the way they are.
Everyone is different. We as humans have to try to understand other peoples views in order to learn and grow as a person.
Gaby R.
Anybodys idea about something could be correct, but if everybody agrees with an idea, that person's idea will not improve. What trully makes us better at everything that we do is our critics. Critics disagree most of the time with us when we tell them we gave it our best.But as you can see, we learn from disagreements.Most of us wouldn't have succeeded and be the same to date if it wasnt for disagreements.
-Jeiner P.
Disagreement is a way of elaborating on someones idea to make it better, improve it. -AN
Diversity is the spice of life. If we all agreed on everything, life would be boring. Everyone should have the right to disagree, even with those who are in authority.
--Rosa F.
Everybody has the right to disagree as long as we respect the other person's point of view, that is why we live in democracy. Laura R.
I have my own way of thinking, and if I don't like what you say or do I will disagree. I'm a leader, not a follower.
I believe that everyone has the right to disagree since every single one of us has an individual opinion. It gives us the right to express what we believe is right or wrong and defend our point of view.
The right to disagree is a very important right because it allows us as individuals to appreciate the "differences" that make us up. This world is FULL of dynamic and unique characters that add color and life to an otherwise dull society. We must learn to appreciate and respect, not necessarily agree with but nonetheless, take into account the thoughts and words of others.
Disagreeing is based on two people’s opinions. We can't live without disagreeing since not one person is the same. We just need to learn to ‘agree to disagree.’ – D.T
Just because two people disagree, doesn't necessarily mean that the objective is not the same. Sometimes people take two different paths to get to the same place. Without disagreement, we would not be able to progress.
Eddie M.
Disagreements are important in facilitating progress in the world. Disagreements lead to change which lead to improvements. If everyone agreed on everything, some of the most important policies and advancements may never have been reached.
Disagree with something or somebody does not mean that there is a lack of respect .This an opinion on an explicit matter. I realize that it is abnormal not to disagree because the question remains if this effect will be helpful or unhelpful. Right to disagree is important in society as everything needs a balance.
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